July- Fitness Independence for Hakuna Matata!

Good evening,

Well, it has been raining for the last 7 days: I really know when to pick my vacation time. Oh well...

I haven't done any cycling or running since Tuesday. On Monday afternoon, I was cutting the grass and there was a nest of wasps in the ground and you can guess what happen. They don't like to be disturb and their revenge was to attack my ankle and my hand. I was bitten at least 5 times and my ankle is all swollen. So on monday evening it was RAID time.

Vicky, I always run with my pepper spray (which is in fact dog spray) because I live in a rural area and there is a lot of dogs. I've bought mine at Running Room in Montréal.

Well it's time for a walk with the dog.
Bonne soirée
Catching up on the tour,

We decided not to goto Denver tomorrow and get a long run in and wrk on hte basement, then drive to DEN early tomorrow,

Good and bad news, our cherry tree has very few cherries , and there is a pie in the oven, so now we have to do a long run tomorrow, LOL

Pics to follow tomorrow.

Also there is a Bufffett concert on Sirius and Radio Margaritta Ville tonight KEWL!!!
Please excuse the interruption!

Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, Judy & myself are trying to entice as many WISHers as possible to voluntEAR as Sports Enthusiasts for Marathon Weekend.

It will be lots of fun, and what a great way to support others WISHers (and all the athletes) if you are not participating! :thumbsup2

Nevermind, you receive a one-day park ticket, jacket and a snack for your troubles! :banana:

I know that we had a blast doing this last year and we hope to have much more particpation this year. :woohoo:

Here's a link to the thread:

Come on guys, you know you wanna.... :cheer2:

Back to normal team posting activities...
Today was my typically pre-race warmup. There is a 5k that is run for the private school in my neighborhood and they leave the markers out all year, so I ran that route. Today, I personal bested for this course at 27:41. It has 2 big hills and quite a few little ones.
Tomorrow's race is the Outback Survivor 5k Challenge. Yes, it starts/finishes at and has one of its main sponsors as the Outback Steakhouse. It's a fundraiser for Junior Miss and started in 2001 when the TV show Survivor took place in Australia. It is my first race with a hill but the hill is no worse than any of the ones in my training; however, I'm more worried about a hill based traffic jam. It's at the half way point and you run up the hill around a parking lot and back down the hill. Here in lies the problem it's a one way (one lane) street on the hill so it's narrower than the rest of the course and with people both going and coming I'm thinking there's a good potential for traffic jams. My goal for tomorrow is to beat 28 again (I'd be pleased with myself if I beat 30 and my new longish term goal is to see something in the 26s).
I also ran for the first time in a running skirt. OMG it is the greatest thing ever. I'm now an official member of the skirt cult/culture. The pedicure yesterday was also an amazing thing. I highly reccomend them to anyone who runs. The foot rub alone is worth it.

Denise, I love the quilt with the monkeys.

Kristi, Hmmm I don't have any plans for marathon weekend and I'm home in Alabama for January. I may have to look into this volunteering thing.

Good Morning team!

Mark and I – he with a migrane- went out for our 4 miles today. That’s 4 days in a row for me so I will use tomorrow as a rest day. I can’t imagine walking with a migrane, I’d have to take to my bed but he’s used to it.

All in all – despite the rain and tornados(yes we had one yesterday about ½ hour from me) it’s been a good week to walk and I”ve gotten a lot accomplished so I welcome the rest day tomorrow. I say rest but I’m sure we’ll be busy with something.

I’ll be checking in and see how the rest of you are doing.

Happy Friday everyone! I stopped by Starbucks this morning and they were letting people who had a registered card have a free full sized smoothie! I got the chocolate banana one and it's yummy!

Well, it's casual Friday at work and I always seem to have a tougher time picking out an outfit to wear than I do on a regular day. I couldn't find my jeans but noticed an older (smaller) pair sitting out. I decided to try them on for the heck of it thinking I'd just have to throw them back but they actually fit! :scared1: I know it's kind of silly but it made me smile. I can't wait to shrink out of my other clothes. :goodvibes

Sue - I'm the same way! I'd rather run in the rain - unless it's pouring! Find anything interesting shopping? I noticed a lot of stores are starting to get their fall stuff in.

Jen - You are rocking those races!! WTG! I think I should start looking for some small ones next month as a warm up for my half in September. I love pedicures too but my feet are so ... yucky. I still have a black toenail that I'm waiting to fall or grow out - whatever it's suppose to do.

Diane - Thanks for the tip! I'm going to the Running Room because they're having a sidewalk sale so I'll check it out then.

Denise - I forgot to say yesterday that the bag and quilt are gorgeous!

Eva - I didn't get out for the hill repeats yesterday :sad2: I'm definitely going to on the weekend! I have to increase the time I'm spending (or not spending) on my cardio. My PT had a talk with me this week about my eating and I don't think he's been very impressed.

Connie - How's your shoulder doing?

Everyone else - :wave2:

Have a great weekend and keep up the awesome work :)
We got up at 0500 and the fog was thick, about 100 ft vis, I decided it would not be safe to hit the road. So we got a couple of cabinets hauled to the basement. Fog started to burn off and we were out for our respective run/walk. I got is a 7.7 miler so I worked off some of the Cherry Pie, it was rather humid and I leaked a bunch. I bet my shirt weighed a couple of pounds, I hung it off the mirror on my work car and noticed a big puddle develop.

I did sign up for the nike 10K, same day as the DL ½ , so I guess I might do a few K more, LOL.

You all are doing so good, too many to mention, It is neat to see all of our progress, WOW is that KEWL or what.

Lynn is making breakfast, I have gulped down a G2 drink and then some more water, now coffee. Watching to TOUR

Good luck to all and have a great work out, I’ll be Mr. Cabinet installer dude today.

Will try and post some pics later tonight.

Pups go to puppy camp today.

Tour will be very interesting tomorrow, tiem trial, and this on may decide the GC winner.
all packed and Lynn is taking the pups to puppy camp while I down load basement pics.






We are making progress, we need a vacation,

Good morning HK!

Lovely pie! Great basement.

Super times and workouts!

Great training and running tips.

Sorry about the rain.

Starbuck's smoothies! :cheer2:

There I am caught up, I think! :rotfl: The shoulder is still kind of painful. I am still taking some OTC painkillers from time-to-time. I am icing and and doing the PT.

I have a race in October, a couple of 5K's in September and that's about all, until spring. But I still want to decorate my gym! I have already started purchasing stuff for it. I found a clock, the other day, that looks like a Splat against the wall. LOL I couldn't resist it.

Planning on 6 miles,today. I want to get outside.
Connie, good luck with the shoulder.

We are about otta here enroute to DEN

Later, will be doing laps next week.
Well, I am noticing that we are all getting busier and busier as the days go and our training runs lengthen. Please forgive me if I am somewhat absent in the coming weeks. I'll try to pop in when I can!!

Went to go look at shoes last night and I think I'm going to get a pair of Mizuno's for speedwork. I've really been trying to get back to my 9 minute mile! I ran a 9:23 mile today during my 4 mile run this morning. I'm hoping this hill work pays off!

Vicky - Good luck on the hills!! Could you try WW again to try to curb your eating? I don't plan on losing any weight seeing as how I'm in full force training now. I need the extra calories to fuel my running!!

Scott ad Lynn - Hope you're having fun in DEN!!!

Denise - I hate migranes with a passion! Hope he is feeling better!

Jennifer - You are a racing fool!! Congrats and good luck! :woohoo:

Pics of Baby Phoenix quite possibly may be ready to post TONIGHT!

Also...we are in final count down "phase 1". 36 days to go before I enter WDW!!! :cool1:
Yep in DEN to LAX via SLC, Bummed they closed the Crown Room here in DEN.

Seems busy here

EVA WDW will soon come.

Dave hang in there on those long days.
Scott - Call it a dumb blonde moment (although I have black hair), but where exactly are you guys going and why? I can't keep all of this travel straight (seeing as how I have a one track mind to Orlando) :mickeyjum .
Eva, we are off to LAX to get on the Disney Magic for a 7 day Mex cruise, currently in SLC, so I wil be doing laps on the ship, will be warm and humid, I wil be leaking so the bilge pumps better be working.
SLC to LAX oversold, we will get outta here a little later but the free ticket , meals , I take these deals when I can, :banana: :banana: :banana:

Off to the Crown Room,:drinking1
Kewl Pics, thanks for sharing,

They did not need our seats, so we are in San Pedro, a very nice older Holiday Inn, very classy, our room has a seperate sitting room with fireplace, victorian touches abound, nice high cielings, a varanda, Pretty KEWL.
Hi guys and pretty princesses and babies.

Eva thank you for sharing the pictures.

Scott you and Lynn are off to a good start and scoring a free air ticket, kewl.

Another rest day since I had a 12 hour shift today, glad I'm back on a regular schedule next week.

Tired Panda:hippie:
Good Morning, TEAM :cheer2: :cheer2:

Eva, thank you...little Phoenix is a very handsome little guy! Any lingering medical concerns? And young lady you look great without make up! :angel:

Scott & Lynn, ENJOY ... you have earn it after all the hours spent working on the basement! Nice pictures - is that one showing us the redo-on the paint that Lynn salvaged from the drive? Thanks for sharing. :cool1:

Connie, glad to hear your shoulder is feeling a little better...clock sounds cute and we will be expecting a picture of the workout room. :thumbsup2

Everyone Have a Great Day - Keep Hydrated!


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