July- Fitness Independence for Hakuna Matata!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hey Team Hakuna Matata!!

We are celebrating Fitness Independence this month! Congratulations to everyone who just keeps hanging in there! Afterall, we are in our 5th month!

Over the course of the past few months we have lost some team members and we have gained team members. AND we are doing just great! I hope that everyone is gaining fitness and developing new personal goals and above all challenging themselves to be the best they can be!

Report in dates for this month are Tuesday through Monday:

July 1 - 7
July 8 - 14
July 15 - 21
July 22 -31

Make some miles, continue the cross-training, but above all be safe!

Captain Connie pirate:
First of all, EVA!!!!!!:dance3: Your gonna join us for the marathon. That is wonderfull news, don't be scared, we are all going to do it together and there are also a huge bunch of WISHers to cheer for you.

Have you gone to DisneyRunning.com to check out the pics from the Disney races? They start to FireWorks, and we have WISH groups in each corral.

Connie, yes I'm in better shape, literally and figureatively. My pants I was wearing at The marathon weekend in Jan are 3" to large in the waist now. I'm walking comfortably at a 12 min pace, can't wait to see what my race pace is down to.

Looks like everyone is doing well. All our princesses are chugging right along. Look at how good they are doing at the races and training walks/runs.

Scott, Mike, the gals are gonna leave us in the dust if we don't keep training hard ourselves.

Denise, I was just being cute talking about Erica getting her hair done while I mowed. She is the center of my world.

Since Erica is ready for the ToT now do you think Disney will move it up a bit for us?

Have a wonderfull evening y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Yep, David we better start kicking it in gear, or we will be in the rear.

Eva , Kewl you will be at the WDW Marathon, Nice present from your folks, 30 let's see I kinda remember that, well it was a long time ago LOL.

We kicked but on the basement today, I made carnitas for dinner, yummy,

kicking back watching Jimmy Buffett DVD, having a bourbon, surfing the net,

will do another run tomorrow morn, then more drywall, will post pics when I move to the other computer, on laptop in the kitchen at the counter.

Jimmy just does good stuff that I can relate to, been there and done a good portion of his stuff and then some of my own adventures. Yes I am a pirate and I have been to that one Particular Harbor, and have had a Cheeseburger in Paradise.

New Month new thread.

Later Kiddies,
July all ready!

Did get in another short easy walk tonight.
Connie, I did PM our Miles & Time.

Not thinking I can even remember 30 it was so long-long ago :rolleyes1




Action shot LOL...


Don't Stop the Carnival....
First of all, EVA!!!!!!:dance3: Y

Denise, I was just being cute talking about Erica getting her hair done while I mowed. She is the center of my world.

Walking Panda:hippie:

Dave, I wanted to write something for Erica's defense but it all sounded bad once I read it so I kept it clean....:sad2: You guys have it easy, shave, shower, etc and your done, we have a lot of maintenance to do. I think men are naturally more attractive than women, we have to put all that grease paint on to look alive. Marks says the older he gets, the more facial hair he grows to hide the wrinkles, we don't have that option.......

Off to bed, 5am walk is looming........

Wrinkles just go where the smiles have been...
Margie - Thanks for the pampering tips. I did stretch for an extra long time yesterday and it seems to be fine today. I don't know what "the stick" is, but it sounds scary! LOL..I'm assuming it's a massage tool used to rollover the affected area?

Scott - Driver side is always as if the body is the car. Like when I am talking about my dog Chop...I'd say, "He is getting another ear infection in his passenger side". That means that his right side is infected and as you were looking at him it would be your left. I think. See but that's where I get confused...my left...your right. Anyhow....yeah...I'm a goof. :crazy:

Erica - WOW...8 miles?! You are moving right along!!! Good for you!

Lynn/Scott - The basement looks great!!! 60 some sheets of drywall later and it looks like a nice living area!!

Dave - I have been a lurker at DisneyRunning for awhile now. I have actually been to one Disney race before...Race For The Taste last year. Not nearly as big of a deal or as many participants though. I'm more scared of the whole 26.2 itself. Excited, but scared. I'm sure that the more I train...I'll feel more prepared and less scared. But YAY :yay: I'm really registered!!!

Not much new from yesterday. Just getting ready for a boring day on the office. I'll do 30 minutes cross tonight...maybe stop at the library (now that I'm a member) and see if they have a pilates dvd worth checking out.

Happy trails to you...untill we meet again....

Good morning everyone.

I disagree Denise I think you princesses have us beat in the looks department. I'm sure Scott and Mark will agree with me. (We are all also glad that we don't find hairy guys attractive!):eek:

Around here we look at getting hair and nails done as just another necessary expense like the electric bill.

We are off shortly for a 6 miler in the park. Then we have lunch and a movie, Wall-E.

We like to see the movies at the theater, sharing popcorn and having a princess cuddled into my shoulder is a little slice of heaven.

Margie good luck getting your steps in today.

Have a wonderfull morning everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hey Everybody!

Lynn and Scott - The basement is amazing! Can hardly wait for the party!

Eva - Wow what a great present! I remember 30...oh wait, my daughter remembers 30. I just don't know how she can be over 30 when I'm not. :confused3

Dave and Erica - Movies and popcorn. That's my favorite food group!

Scott - If wrinkles go where you smile, then they aren't wrinkles....they are smiley crinckles!

Off to do some inteval work. I don't know why I do that to myself, but I do.
Eva, I understand , I do milk and sanwich, milk on right hand and sandwich in left, LOL

The stick is great, you can pick up one at the Disney Expo, or mail order, I have seen them at a few running sites.

WOW a week away from the start of the Tour de France. Soemday I will get to see it.

Lynn and I got our run and walk in this morn, nice sunrise, looks like a hot one today.

Dave we are looking forward to a review of Wall-E.

Yes Dave I totally agree about the Princes.

Back to the basement,

I must say, I didn’t walk yesterday because I can’t be presentable and sitting in my chair at 7am if I do my 5am 4miles and boy did I feel it. My neck hurt, I was tired-- just all in all not my best day at work. It is now 11:29 and I’ve been on the 5 am walk, best pace yet and went to the dentist (clean and less mother of pearl-love that commercial) and feel GREAT. No neck pain, a big plus.

Facial hair, I’m a teen of the 70’s I love hairy men, long hair, facial hair etc. or maybe it’s just me……..it’s one of many things Mark keeps for me.

It’ll be a hot one here in NH but my walking is done, may do my PT workout tonight and that’s it. Working on a sock monkey baby quilt for my massage therapist, she’s expecting and I want to keep in her good graces. She’ll be cutting her hours when she returns so I need to have “an in”.

Have a good one all.

Erica and I did a 6 mile LSD so she has 14 miles for the week so far. I told her she cold sleep in, in the morning if she promises to get her last 4 in tomorrow.

I made a weight loss deal with her also. If she can lose 23 lbs, she will get a new Garmin 405.

We are off to the movie to see Wall-E.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Wow! I can't believe it's already July! It feels like it was barely June and then poof! I did manage to lose a little bit of weight last month, not as much as I would have liked but it was still something :goodvibes For this month, I'm going to try for a mileage goal of 120 miles. Everyone here has been really dedicated in getting their miles in. I think I need to step it up as well!

DF and I saw WALL-E this weekend. I thought it was really cute but I still liked Ratatouille better. The short before the movie was really funny too. I'd love to use the bunny Alec as my avatar!

Scott and Lynne - Awesome job on the race and congrats on the PBs! That basement is really coming along :)

Eva - Yay for the early birthday present!! Glad you'll be coming to the Disney marathon! I'm only doing the 1/2 this time, maybe I'll try for the full in 2010!

Connie - Yikes on the wine incident! Were you able to save any of the bottles?

Sue - Hope you're having a great weekend at your cottage!

That's all for now! I have to go have lunch and get ready for my PT appointment! Have a great day everyone!!
:cheer2: Erica, You Go Girl...you can earn that 405 Garmin! :cheer2:

Eva, what Scott said about the 'Stick'. I picked mine up at an Expo. :goodvibes

Denise, what is a sock monkey baby quilt? Can I look up an explanation OnLine? :upsidedow

Scott, thanks for the pictures - it's nice to get a visual of the progress. :thumbsup2

Did my gym workout, crunches, bike, stretches, and then Hagen an I went for the shady short route of 3.3 miles. Decided at the gym that my goal for July will be to put more focus on stretching, toning, and weigh loss. Yes, I will still keep my miles up but not going for a certain mileage goal like I did in June.
:cheer2: Erica, You Go Girl...you can earn that 405 Garmin! :cheer2:

Eva, what Scott said about the 'Stick'. I picked mine up at an Expo. :goodvibes

Denise, what is a sock monkey baby quilt? Can I look up an explanation OnLine? :upsidedow

No, it's a simple quilt but I had purchased some Sock Monkey Fabric in 2 colorways since at the time I didn't know if it was a boy or girl and Sock monkey is pretty generic. Mark took one of the Monkey's in the fabric and drew one bigger for me and I appliqued it onto the quilt. Will post a picture when done.

Yes, Scott the pictures are very helpful we see that your getting quite a workout, glad its you and not me. I"ve had enough!


I hope it was a good Canada day for all my Canadian friends. It was a very nice day and I was lucky enough to do my bike ride with a lot of clouds because ,wow, it was hot when the sun appeared.

Please to find another fan of The Tour de France on the team, Scott. It begins the 5th and for the next three weeks I will watch it on tv from 9 am to noon and my vcr is ready. The two annoncers are so good, neutral and so knowledgeable (is that a word??); and they have a drawing where you can win items from Louis Garneau every day and at the end a chance to win a bike.

The more I read this thread the more I want to be there in January and I'm thinking 2010 for the fith Goofy. As long as I'm going there I must be looking for three medals. That is my goal for now on : 18 months. I can do it.

I hope it was a good Canada day for all my Canadian friends. It was a very nice day and I was lucky enough to do my bike ride with a lot of clouds because ,wow, it was hot when the sun appeared.

Please to find another fan of The Tour de France on the team, Scott. It begins the 5th and for the next three weeks I will watch it on tv from 9 am to noon and my vcr is ready. The two annoncers are so good, neutral and so knowledgeable (is that a word??); and they have a drawing where you can win items from Louis Garneau every day and at the end a chance to win a bike.

The more I read this thread the more I want to be there in January and I'm thinking 2010 for the fith Goofy. As long as I'm going there I must be looking for three medals. That is my goal for now on : 18 months. I can do it.

Yes a tour fan followed it since the days of Eddy Merks, those guys back then were tough for sure.

I also will have a recorder set and a links on the computers.

I will get the TV coverage from the VS channel on the Sat Dish.

Yes the commentary is very good,

I am not much a sports watcher but the Tour is so different,
Morning Kids, Time to get after it,

House chores, Grits adn Back Bacon for breakfast

Later , be good and enjoy.
Yes Good Morning All

I"m not a Tour de France fan but I do enjoy the highlights on TV. My favorite is coming up the Olympics. Now that's for me! Here in New Hampshire we get all the major NBC channels but we also get the Canadian channel so for two weeks my french does get up to speed because they carry a lot of the unusual stuff that the USA doesn't. LOVE IT.

Mark and I did 4 this morning in 50 min. He was kicking my butt listening to Grand Funk Railroad. Man he was smoking! We need to coordinate IPOD music. Generally when we go that fast one of us has to go to the bathroom mid way but today it was just his music moving him along.

Work today and tomorrow and then the long weekend! Mark and I plan on doing 5 or 6 miles over the weekend. 4 is our max in the morning before work but we need to add so it'll be a weekend jaunt.

Well mail will be here shortly so I'll sign off.

Have a good one all.



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