Joe and Jennifer's DCL Vow Renewal PJ/TR~ CEREMONY FINALLY!!!

Saturday Dec 5 - part 2, EPCOT

So without our stroller, we hop in the car and head over to Epcot.

we were suprised at how close we got to the was no more than a 5 minute walk from teh car to the gate....but Melissa didn't want to walk it. UGH!! :confused3 Why wait for the damn tram to fill up when you can walk and be there before the tram even leaves?!?!?! Whatever, so we wait for the trap.







We're in!! And the 1st thing we do is RUN to Sunshine seasons for food! It's not Joe's favourite place, in fact, he kinda hates it. But Electric Umbrella is just burgers and i didn't want to head all the way into World Showcase to eat. Joey was already throwing a fit.

Before we get to food, let me tell you about my BFF Melissa. Melissa and I met in 7th grade when we were in band, then on the yearbook staff. We've been best friends since. Our high school marching band went to Disney Music Days our Freshman and Senior years.....that's the only time she's ever been. We were seniors in 1994.....all we saw was MK and Epcot. I thought she was paying attenition to what i was saying the past 18 months about the trip, but i guess she wasn't. either that or you just really have to KNOW what's going on to be able to understand. Joe has always said that he's just along for the ride when we go to Disney, he hardly knows where we stay. Amyway, i think i explained the DDP to her at every meal. And Sunshine Seasons was NOT the best place to start. UGH! We walk from the bakery section and head all the way down, checking out the choices. Jackie got the kids chicken and mashed potatoes meal. I knew i was getting the roasted chicked and potatoes. Very filling and i could share with the kids if I needed to. Joe had the Mongolian beef, and Melissa had the Cashew Chicken. I only got 1 kids meal, knowing neither of them would eat a full one, and i wanted to try and save a few credits. i was right, as Joey started his MAJOR hissy fit! OMG he was screaming and kicking and he came really damn close tothrowing a tray of food on the floor. It was totally our fault, we should have just stopped at a McDonalds on the freeway before we got to WDW. He was tired and hungry and was now surrounded by 35000 other tired hungry people. I was a bad mom......i allowed him to be calmed down by eating a chocolate chip brownie. :rolleyes1 I know....super bad......but it calmed him down and i was totally OK with buying him a hotdog or pretzel or whatever as soon as we walked out of Sunshine Seasons, just if he would shut up and stop crying. 4 meals at Sunshine seasons for lunch came to $49.76! YIKES I love the DDP!

Even thought he had stopped crying, Joey was still not cooperating with anything. He didn't want to go on the boat ride at Living With the Land. So we left the Land and headed over to Living Seas to do Nemo that i knew he would enjoy. He was fine until had to wait....and it really wasn't even waiting! All we did was slowly walk thru the queue. But he just wanted to be carried. He was fine as soon as we got on the ride and actually relaxed and enjoyed himself! YAY It's gonna be a good day!!

Head off Nemo and go to walk around the Seas and look in the aquariums. Then we went in to Turtle Talk w Crush. i LOVE this attraction! I can't figure out how it's done! and the kids LOVE crush....DUDE he's totally awesome!





Knowing that we were going to be back in a few days for Dinner at Coral Reef, we didnt' linger. And we have an early ADR at Akershus too, so we'll be doing FW later in the week too, so we headed out to World Showcase. But 1st, we had to get a stroller......Joey was demanding to be carried. I couldn't blame him...he'd been awake about 12hrs and was in no mood for walking. So i had to run back to the front of the park and spend $31 friggin dollars to rent a double stroller! I was so pissed off!!

We decided to start at Canada and begin our Drink Around the World foray!! Pull out my list and see what we can find in Canada....ummm......a beer cart. yeah, no one wasnt't any canadian beer, so we continued on to UK. On the way, this guy just totally slams into Joe! :eek: He looks at him and says "We have to stop meeting like this!" I'm like OH **** some drunk *** fool is going to ruin my 1st day of Vacation!! then Joe starts laughing! I finally look up and about DIED!! Standing in front of us is a guy the Joe used to work with when we 1st got married!! HOW WEIRD!! Now the freaky part.......When we were here in December 2005 before Joey was born....we ran into this exact same guy!! At Festival of the Lion King!! It was kinda funny...we chatted for a few minutes then hurried on. The weather great but not horrible. It definately wasn't sunny, but we weren't getting rained on either. But it was rather chilly, we all had our sweatshirts still on. So no drinks in Canada....I knew we'd find something in UK! 1st we came to the beer cart, but i can't stand beer. it's gross. I knew that i wanted to try the Welsh Dragon i'd read about and would have to go into the Rose and Crown pub to get it. So off i go........looking at the menu i decided against the welsh dragon and instead got the Magical Star that comes with the glow cube. :dance3: Oh it was YUMMY!! Melissa got an English Rose, and we got Joe the Stella Aromis....a semi-dark english beer. We were all good to go now!!

After drinks we see Mary Poppins, our 1st character of the trip. Jackie pops out of the stroller so fast she almost tipped it over. :rotfl: She grabs her autograph book and runs to wait in line. (i've discovered why we can never get as much done in parks as other people....we spend 1/2 the damn day waiting for autogrpahs!)


As we head over the bridge from UK to France....i discover my drink is already gone. Dang it was good...i could use one now! In France we see the Beast! YAY I've never seen any of the "guys" out except Aladdin! And there was a Photopass guy there too! :yay:


The only sad part was that Beast doesn't'll only get his autograph if Belle is with him and she'll sign for him. Oh well....we walk on.

We're slowly making our way around World Showcase, not really looking at anything, just walking and observing. Joe got a Sam Adams in American Adventure, and we got the kids a pretzel. Heading towards Italy i decided to try a Bellini...oh that was yummy!! But it was much colder now and i spilled half of it on my coat sleeve and i was now cold and wet.... :lmao: it only took me 1 drink....I so could never make it all the way around! :lmao:

In the Outpost Jackie found a face painting kiosk and went bonkers.....she had her face painted in AK on our trip in 2005 and then again in MK on our trip last year. it was all she talked about during the planning process...she had to get her face painted. So here is Princess Kitty.






We continue around and finally hit Norway and Maelstrom. Yay the kids are happy that it's time for rides again! And Joey was happy to see Polar Bears and the troll. Then it's off to Mexico and Donald's Gran Fiesta Tour.....again....a happy little boy. We've now made it all the way around World Showcase and we didnt' get to look in any of the stores or stop at any kidcot stops, we didn't see the chinese acrobats or the Japanese Candy maker, we didn't see the tin toys or the model railroad. We saw Mary Poppins and the Beast, and we had alcohol. In the short amount of time it took us to walk around world showcase, i've decided that what I wanted to do in Epcot, did not necissarly mesh with what the kids would enjoy doing....or my husband for that matter. So my basic touring plan flew out the window and it was now a whatever you want to do kind of trip. One of these years i'll get what i want.

It's now about 5pm and we're trying to decide if we want to stay longer or head back to the resort. I'm all for heading back,'s been a long day and it a bit chillier than we expected, the kids are gonna get cold as soon as the sun sets. But the consesnus was to stay a bit longer, the kids were happy. Joey wanted to ride the golf ball. :rotfl: So now we have to figure out dinner. I pull out my planning kit and flip to the chart that lists all the counter service restaurants in Epcot. It was a choice between China and Mexico...but Melissa and Joe both had kind of chineese for lunch, so we head to Mexico, La Cantina.

We all got the same thing, the combination platter and churro's for dessert. Jackie got chicken nuggets and Joey shared off her.....dinner came to $65.79!

After dinner it was time for Joey to ride the golf ball. so we headed back up to the front.



I can't ever remember going on this ride so it was pretty exciting for me. I took lots of pictures inside.....:scared: moving on.

Melissa got a few


it was really fun and the kids liked's now a favourite!

I'd been texting back and forth with Cam and she was on her way to Epcot so we could do a quick to wait for her we headed over to Character Connection.


I love to see Pluto write on his nose!




after Donald Joey was totally done and didn't want to see Goofy...

Cam was waiting for us when we got outside. it was so great to finally meet her!! She and Howard had just gotten off the Magic and were telling us all about Nessa's wedding!! We had a quick little talk, then she snapped a pic and off we went. Headed back to the resort, and got 2 tired kids into was about 830pm. We had an ADR at 1900 Park Fare at 8am the next morning, then a full day at Magic the parade concert taping. YIKES! How would our day turn out???
Your Epcot pictures are gorgeous; I really think that Epcot offers the best backdrops for photos although I am partial. The photos of the two of you together at the end are so romantic and the ones in Italy are very beautiful. I think the ones of you by yourself in Morocco are really gorgeous!

I'm glad you were able to get some photos from other people. We have stayed in the cabins before and really liked it. There is a lot cool things to do at the resort too; we've done the horseback riding and the hay rides there too. The face painting was super cute!
Thanks Vanessa, yes we loved the cabins! They were perfect and I think we'll be there again!!

i LOVED our Epcot Shoot! I think our Morrocco pics are awesome! I was kinda bummed, i'm not impressed with teh Japan shots and i really wanted those to be good, but it's ok as i wasn't expecting Morocco at all! But i did want UK and forgot about those too! I had so much stuff running thru my mind that i just forgot it all!
Your Epcot pics came out stunning!

I totally hear you on the autograph thing -- ever since DD got interested in getting character autographs we seem to spend an inordinate amount of time waiting in line for them!
First let me say I feel sad about your camera of all the trips ( don't get me wrong any trip is a trip you don't want to loose / or get stolen camera ) really on your vows renewal trip ...
reading your TR is tempting me with tryaing cabins also ..
Iknow what you means by exlaining ahead of times ( in your case your best friend ) about how disney or DDP works :confused3...I did the same last year with my grand gathering trip and what do you know ounce in wdw nobody knew how it work...grrr....
I'm in :surfweb:for the whole TR .
My first trip to WDW, we stayed at Ft. Wilderness (in our camper) in 1978 for my 3rd birthday! Then we stayed at the cabins (like you had) in 1987. I was 11 and my best friend and I LOVED the bunk beds.

It was so cool to see your pics and walk down memory lane. I :love: FW!
Hi Jennifer,
I know I told you on FB but I just love your Epcot wedding pics. they are just gorgeous! Sorry about your rental car problem and your cabin at FW looks nice and spacious. I think we are at HS the evening you were in Epcot. We got rained out that morning and also Friday night. So we had to see Osborne lights. Anyway we were in MK all day on Sunday. Duhhh I should have exchange numbers with you :sad2: and we could have had a quick meet at least. Anyway sorry you were not thrilled with DCL or your VR. Your hair does look pretty but not much like the photo you posted. Looking forward to more popcorn::

I feel like we were on totally different cruise lines. We had excellent service the entire trip. Our dining servers knew what we like to drink and even had it waiting for us at times. Our kids loved the kids club, and the only time we got paged was when we were in Palo's - but they were tired and it had been a super long day. We watched the counselors playing with them on several occasions.

We loved our cruise and can't wait to go on another one. I'm sorry you guys had a crummy time. We have had several trips to the World like that. I guess it depends on who is working and their attitudes.

I love the pics with the characters. Your kids are too stinkin' cute.:cutie:
I know, it's crazy....and I think it bothers me so much more because i know that Disney should be like that!! DCL should have been WONDERFUL!!

Nichole - ugh i didn't realize you were in MK on Sunday!! We so should have met up!

I should be able to get another portion up this weekend hopefully, i'm back to teaching 2x a week plus my regular "spare" time is severely limited!
Tanya, That is how I felt...Like Jennifer got on the wrong ship or something. DCL has always beaten out any other cruise line I have ever been on!

We can't wait to hear more though Jennifer!!!
Hey Jen,

WOW your Epcot pics are stunning, I wish we had done an Epcot shoot. I am sorry too that things didn’t work out better on the cruise, with all the problems we had pre cruise I had imagined our trip to be as you have described (if that makes sense). I have a theory could be completely off base but though I would share it with you.

We actually had an incredible time on the cruise week 1 and decided to stay on board for an extra week. But we noticed a marked difference & drop in service levels (from just our drinks & table server not the head server) on the 2nd week. Difference was week 1 we had a big group of 10 adults and second week it was just us, and as cynical as it sounds we put this down to TIP. How many people did you have in your party?

In the first week both guys were fantastic, they had our drinks waiting for us at the table, wine list ready to go, etc. They also loved all the attention they got from the other servers & staff as most of the crew knew of the big Aussie wedding family onboard and you could tell they got a real buzz out of the whole thing. Second week was quite different; you could tell they were focused on their other tables, especially the drink server. We waited a long time for second drinks or I would finally get a cup of tea & then wait for another 15 minutes to get milk:headache:

It was very interesting to see & experience such vast differences in service levels and it did make me wonder though if all the servers adjusted their service according to the size of the group (and the TIP they could expect!)
There were 18 of us.....and i can't be sure, but i think we were his only tables....we had the whole section to ourselves. I'm sorry you had a bad time too, but atleast i know now that it's not just me.
I have always had great service on DCL..the first cruise we were joined was with both Cat 1's so I thought that might make a difference in the great service..but our second cruise it was just my mom, DD and I..we had a table with just the 3 of us for a week and our head waiter, waiter and drink server were so awesome..made DD napkin mice, hats ect ..

this last cruise we sailed with both Cat 1's again and while I didn't have a problem, the 2 guys did ask the head server to try to keep us all on the same schedule (one table would get food while the other sat and waited)
I got my proofs from my Epcot shoot!! Now i can look at them all and figure out which ones i want for my album! :banana:

I promise to keep going on my TR soon....i'm home with a sick boy today so hopefully i can get somethign written today...
Sunday December 6th

It took a bit of work to drag my tired butt out of bed this morning, even knowing we were at WDW and heading off to MK for the day...yesterday was just soooo long and tiring. I was worried that the kids were going to be super grumpy all day!

The alarm went off at 6am and i hit snooze...bad i know. But i only hit it once and was up and getting ready at 615am. Got Joe up and in the shower then went into the kitchen to wake up Melissa and get the coffee started. The tiny little pot in the cabin was good enought for 1 cup for each of us. I straighted out the cabin a bit and waited until the last possible moment before waking up the kids. Our ADR was for 8am at 1900 Park Fare and since we had never driven to a resort and parked, i wanted to make sure we had plenty of time. So i got them up at 7am, dressed them while they were still half asleep, and we all piled back into our lovely rental car and were on the road to the Grand Floridian by 730am. :banana:


YAY got a perfect Monorail shot!

It was a bit chilly this morning, Jackie had her Alice in Wonderland dress on, and I was wearing my new Cheshire Cat skirt, so we were a bit chilly! Luckily we had our bigger stroller now, and we still had the blanket we bought the night before from Epcot to snuggle under. Joe dropped us off at the front door and went to park the car.

Normally Joey is not one to sit and pose for pictures for me, so i was pretty happy we got these few cute ones!



Jackie on the other hand....LOVES to pose for pictures!



We go inside and it's still about 15 minutes before the restaurant opens, so we hang around the lobby for a bit and look at the giant gingerbread house. It was really cool! The last time we were at WDW for Christmas we didn't get to go around and see any of the trees, so i was happy to see this one!





they even had a counter to sell gingerbread cookies out of the house!

then of course we had to get a christmas tree pic....

Finally Joe caught up with us and it was time to go in for breakfast! We had eaten here for dinner last may and really liked the feel of the restuarnat, and the food was good too! I was hoping for breakfast we would be just as impressed!


First we got our picture taken outside.....


then we were taken in and seated. Joe went up to get some food for Jackie while i waited for the chef to come talk about what Joey could eat. Normally I wouldn't worry about it, and I think this was the only time I asked to speak to the chef, but he was really grumpy/hungry this morning and i wanted them to make him a pancake so he ate more than just fruit. The chef came out quickly and said it would be no problem at all to get him a dairy free pancake and even had some butter for him too! By then the waitress had returned with his soy milk and OJ for everyone else. Joe was back with food for Jackie, and strawberries for Joey, and everyone was eating and enjoying breakfast. then the characters came out!!

First up was Pooh Bear, followed very quickly by Tigger!




By now Joey had his pancake, a MICKEY pancake, and he was happily eating away. Next come Mary Poppins!

Jackie and Mary Poppins had a lovely conversation about what Jackie did after they saw each other in Epcot yesterday.

Then MP turns to Joey....and stares at him. She puts her hands on her hips and sternly says to him "Is that a proper utensil?" I look at what she's talking about....and he is using one of his cars to scoop his pancake into his mouth. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Yup...that's my boy...hey, whatever it takes to get the food in his mouth. He never answered her so she says "well i guess it is!"

MP leaves and Joey contineus to "drive" the food in his mouth. next up is Alice! YAY Alice had a lovely time with Jackie in her dress (have to say that about 90% of the girls in the restaurant were all dressed like Alice! :clap: ) Then of course Alice LOVES the autograph book with her picture on it and she flips thru it. I know it takes a LOT of work to make those autograph books for the kids, but it really is worth it.

Joey, of course, was not impressed with Alice...

Next up was the Mad Hatter! YES! I was so excited to meet him!




We had a lovely conversation about how he didn't like Tinkerbell....he called her Stinkerbell. And he was LOUD! Neither Jackie nor Joey would go anywhere near him. :lmao:

All in all breakfast at 1900 Park Fare was great....the fruit was AMAZING, Jackie and Joey must have eaten about 20 strawberries each! The eggs were good and there was a lot of variety. YUMMY on the chocolate crossiant! And the Character Interaction was great! A new favorite for us! Plus....i love the GF!

We left shortly before 9am and hopped on the Monorail to head over to MK!

Jackie showing off the new hole in her mouth!




As we walk down the ramp from the monorail......I figure it's about time to Joe about the slight....umm...disruption...that we may find in the MK that day. The christmas parade concert taping was supposed to happen on friday, but it was cancelled due to rain, and rescheduled...for that morning. :scared1: All I knew was that the Jonas Bros were supposed to be there, and of course, about a million extra screaming girls and cheerleaders! So i casually say to him, "Hey, you wanna see the Jonas Bros?" :blush: Yeah, he wasn't impressed. :rotfl: I figured if we could make it past main street and the castle, we would be safe in the back of the park, atleast until 230pm when we had an ADR at Tony's. The biggest problem we could see, was what would happen if Jackie found out what was going on. So far she was pretty oblivious to the PA announcements telling everyone where to stand and when to yell and scream...but if we heard any music i had a feeling our day would be up!

We quickly walked down main street (it wasn't as packed as I had expected it to be.) and wound our way up the left side ramp of the castle towards Fantasyland.





We get to the Castle and OMG it's the Fairy Godmother!! :pixiedust: DANG! No autograph page for her! :confused:




I was able to snap 1 tiny picture at the fountain before everyone decided it was time to move on.

First we wanted to ride Dumbo, but man it was packed already! I couldn't believe how busy Fantasyland was already! So we parked the stroller and decided to do Snow White first. Joey freaked waiting in line. :mad:



Then we walked over to Peter Pan for him....he freaked in line. :mad: So we thought maybe Winnie the Pooh....yup...freaked in line. DUDE what is your deal!!?!?!? He had to be held in all of the lines. He was fine once we actually got on the ride, but he hated being in line with all those people! And despite the sheer amount of people in the actual park, we didn't wait more than 5 minutes for any of these rides. Jackie saw the queue lining up to see Ariel and started whining about wanting to see her, but thankfully i was able to redirect her attention by saying we were going to head over to Toontown to see the Fairies! I did NOT want to spend an hour waiting in line for Ariel! Her line moves slower than Dumbo!

So we head towards ToonTown, and pass the Teacups. UGH! Aunt Melissa had told Jackie that she would take her on the teacups all summer long. Joe and I absolutely WILL NOT get on that ride! We told her she didnt' have to, but she wanted to do it, so off they went. :sick:




We took Joey off to the bathroom and grabbed a banana while they were on the teacups. Once they were off we headed over towards ToonTown and straight for the fairies!
There were 2 lines, one for Princesses that said 15 minutes, and the other for the Fairies that said 30 minutes. Not too bad....except that the wait was more like 60 mintues!! Oh man i was PO'd! I would not have waited if the time was correctly posted! 60 minutes out of my day isn't worth it!

But we waited.....and the queue was acutally pretty cool. I liked all the pixie dust flying around the room and the walls were beautiful!






Finally it was our time to go in!

Inside was Rosetta, Tink, and Silvermist. Joe has added Silvermist to his "cheating list" :naughty:

Once again, all the fairies were impressed with the autograph book! Rosetta used her own PINK marker to sign with.




And then we moved over to Tink.

Jackie had to tell her about the Mad Hatter of course. :lmao:




Melissa and I got a pic with Tink too, but it's on the photopass pics. Tink commented on my Tinkerbell Necklace that I was wearing..... She said she liked my "lost things" of her. :clap:

Then we go over to Silvermist, she liked that Jackie's dress was blue, and Joey's coat was blue!




I asked Joe if he wanted a picture with Silvermist too, but he was able to restrain himself. :lol2:

We managed to walk out of the Country Fair store without buying anything, and headed over to Goofy's Barnstormer! Jackie and Joey both rode this last year, and neither enjoyed it. :lmao: So to ensure future rollercoasted adoration in our family, we made them ride it again. :mwahaha: Jackie loved it, as i figured she would. Joey still wasn't impressed.
Oh - great update! And LOL about the cheating list! :rotfl: Belle made it on DH's at the cruise. We haven't made it to see the fairies yet, so he may add a few more. The wait has always been really long to see them, and now I know why. Hehe.


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