Jennifer and Luke's PJ/TR NY/WDW HM 6/6/2010,Wedding photos up! 12/08

What is the green lady's name??? I can't remember...And from the looks of your pics...we missed a ton the last time we were there!!!

I am so behind on answering people....ugh

I was going to ask DH what her name was and forgot!!! so....i'll ask and get back to you...i'm really not sure. I think its funny how much stuff you can miss! We already have a list of stuff we missed for next time!
Happy Friday all!

Hope all of you are well....I'm going to finish up the 9th day....but one thing first....We haven't received our previews yet...:headache: i'm a little annoyed by this....probably more so because i'm so nervous there could be problems. This is probably silly because he is a professional and i've seen his photos...but our first photographer really ruined it for us! sigh....I want my photos! I feel weird emailing him being like where are they?!!? I donno maybe I should...just nicer. :rotfl:


Day 9 Part 2!

so after Rafiki's it was finally time for our Safari! We were both excited for this because we loved it last time. I heard they are changing it a bit and i'm excited to see whats new!



I really love hippos! I hate that people say they are ugly. I think they are cute! :laughing:



If you can't tell....he is pretty close to us!

so just so you know....this is with no zoom. he is that close and scary




DSC_0290-1.jpg apologies because there is a giant gap from here to dinner.....i'm not really sure what happened!

I do however now it included a Mickey ice cream for me!

and listening to these guys.

Which is good because I heard they don't play at AK anymore. Not sure why.

We also were on the hung for white mickey sandals we had seen at the beginning of the trip......and I decided these would be perfect to get my mom and then of course couldn't find them!! We ended up finding them in the main store here....we also talked to a really nice CM who had worked there for like 30+ years. She was so nice. She also had this Waldorf pin I have been searching for

now I need to search for the matching Statler pin next trip

So after the adventures i'm sure we had (haha) we went back to the hotel to freshen up (I might have cat napped)
As we were walking out all dressed up we caught a photopass photographer just setting up. so we waited and got some photos. I am sooooo happy we did because they are my favorite from the whole trip!


Then headed over to AKL for our dinner at Jiko. We got the AK bus and were going to transfer. Well when we got on the bus driver asked where we were going...It might have been because were dressed up....or because AK was closing really soon. So we told him our plans to switch to AKL bus because we had an ADR at Jiko. Well he told us to hold on one second. he called on the radio and canceled his pick up! He dropped off 2 people at AK but then took us all the way to AKL! :eek: We didn't even have our buttons on...he was just an extremely nice CM.

We went early because it was the first time we had ever been there and we wanted to walk around. I was also hoping to find a photopass photographer (no such luck) This really is such a beautiful resort. We were so overwhelmed when we came in. I of course went crazy snapping pictures.



Then we went outside to see some of the animals. It was raining a bit so we were trying to see them without getting wet! haha


Doesn't DH look smart?:lovestruc


DH took the camera while I ran for cover.


I ended up talking to this CM for a long time. She told me all about her family and how she came here a few months ago for a new experience. She was very excited that we had just got married and started telling me all about her sister's marriage and how she hoped to find someone in Florida that she might want to marry someday. She was so nice. We spent so long talking to her we had to run to get to our ADR :laughing:but not before grabbing some more pictures!!!






Dinner at Jiko was amazing. I know everyone says that but it really was! We had one of the best servers of the trip. she kept telling us to relax and she would take care of everything and we just needed to enjoy our evening. she was so attentive and friendly. I donno if i've ever had a server like this before.

So after our awesome meal we walked around a bit more. Our Server told us we could see the animals with night vision goggles? but we never did find them...not sure what we were doing wrong. But it was still so nice to walk around the resort.



Okay so after our nice evening we had to get back to our resort.....easier said then done. (a lot different then how we got there..)So....we had to take the downtown Disney bus to get get our resort bus back from there. So we waited for a really long time when finally a bus came. by this time it was very late. Well....ya know all those stories about Disney bus drivers? well....we had one of the ones they talk about. Our driver was probably 90. He drove extremely slow and had the ac so high that people were shaking. I was in a tiny dress (see pictures) and I was so cold I was curled up on the seat. Well it took about 40 mins to get to Downtown....How? I have no idea. It was awful. We got a normal bus back to our resort but the trip was painful and by the time we got back it was like 1:30am. it was still a really great day though.
I love all your AKL pics! That is one of my favourite places in the world! Jiko is sooooo amazing...I'm glad you had such a good time there!

I know what you mean about the A/C on the bus. We had that problem every time we were on it! I started bringing a sweater with me just so I could have it for the bus :rotfl:
All your pictures are wonderful! I am glad you enjoyed Jiko-I heard great things about it. OMG, I have learned to always try and carry a light sweater with me since the buses always have crazy cold AC. I do that here also since the subways have the AC on all year around even in the dead of winter. You poor thing :( at least you had a great day!
I heard you on the podcast today! :goodvibes
ha....didn't know if they were going to use it! I haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast so I didn't know it was up. thanks for telling me!

I love all your AKL pics! That is one of my favourite places in the world! Jiko is sooooo amazing...I'm glad you had such a good time there!

I know what you mean about the A/C on the bus. We had that problem every time we were on it! I started bringing a sweater with me just so I could have it for the bus :rotfl:
I think its at the top of our list as well. Did you go to Jiko on your honeymoon? I don't remember if you said you did.

Don't they realize that people can get cold? I know its hot...but its a but silly. I need to remember a sweater next time!!

All your pictures are wonderful! I am glad you enjoyed Jiko-I heard great things about it. OMG, I have learned to always try and carry a light sweater with me since the buses always have crazy cold AC. I do that here also since the subways have the AC on all year around even in the dead of winter. You poor thing :( at least you had a great day!

Thanks! I really need to remember to bring one....but when its like 95 degrees out....i'm not thinking about a sweater:rotfl:
So today was our last Hollywood Studio day. Its our second favorite park so we mad sure to get our fill. We had to do some packing so we got up early and started our sad packing. Then i went to the store to use some snack credits on breakfast.

We spent sometime out on our balcony, enjoying our breakfast and the beautiful day. We both were sad and didn't want to think about leaving. After we were mostly packed we headed down to the studios.


So I guess because it was towards the end of the Honeymoon we didn't take as many pictures so the rides we went on are harder to remember.

I do know we went on the Muppets first!


I really wanted a photo with the cars! I think they are awesome.

Because we were later in the day when we had gotten to the park most of the fast passes were for later in the day. We grabbed RNR FPs and then wandered around stores. Then we headed over for Star Tours. We wanted to get our fill of it before it changed.

We had an early afternoon ADR at Mama Melrose. So we headed back over to there. We had a really nice meal and then headed out. We went back on Star Tours and then went to use our FP. So after riding we were heading out and through the open doors we could see a sheet of rain. We decided because...we were already so far from the exit and there wasn't much we could do.....we just walked in the rain. We were drenched quickly...but no one was waiting for TOT. we went on it about 6X in a row before anyone else realized the genius of this and then we headed back to the lockers to grab our stuff and head back to the hotel.


Here is us...still kind of wet afterwards.

So after we got back to WL we cleaned up and got ready for our ADR at CG. We were both very excited for this. We got all fancy and I even wore my wedding necklace.



We walked around taking pictures of the whole resort, soaking up the beauty. It really had felt like home.










After having fun with photos we decided to head out for our ADR. We took the boat to the MK and decided to pop in to get castle photos in our fancy clothes.


After our little photoshoot we headed over to contemporary. We had such a nice dinner at CG. It was our first time there and our waiter was so nice. We had confetti on our table and he even brough us free champange. It was a magical dinner.





It was a perfect dinner for our last night...even though it was so sad!
Glad you loved Jiko, it's one of our favorite restaurants. I don't know why it always takes so long to get to DTD but I find that always happens. What I usually do now is avoid DTD at all costs and just take the next theme park bus and transfer that way. Usually MK is open pretty late so it generally works out.

DHS is our second favorite park too! DH was mad he didn't get to do TSM or RnR on our last trip. Looks like you had a great time at CG, we've only been once but really enjoyed it. Aww, the last day is always so sad. I find I get jealous of the people I see checking in because their trip is just starting and I'm getting ready to go home. Glad you enjoyed WL, I love that resort, it does have such a homey feel to it.
Glad you loved Jiko, it's one of our favorite restaurants. I don't know why it always takes so long to get to DTD but I find that always happens. What I usually do now is avoid DTD at all costs and just take the next theme park bus and transfer that way. Usually MK is open pretty late so it generally works out.

DHS is our second favorite park too! DH was mad he didn't get to do TSM or RnR on our last trip. Looks like you had a great time at CG, we've only been once but really enjoyed it. Aww, the last day is always so sad. I find I get jealous of the people I see checking in because their trip is just starting and I'm getting ready to go home. Glad you enjoyed WL, I love that resort, it does have such a homey feel to it.
I donno why we didn't take the MK might have been too later? :confused3 or we thought the DTD bus would be fine. i'm not sure.

Awww!!! Yeah...i'm pretty sure my DH would have been mad about not going on those. Yeah we enjoyed it, it was perfect for our last dinner. I def have that feeling. I don't want to leave and they are at the beginning! I would love to stay there really is so beautiful. It was perfect for our honeymoon. (though....i can't wait for Boardwalk!!!)
AUGH! It's over :sad2: No fair! These TR's are getting me through waiting for mine!

Have no fear....we drew out our honeymoon...I still have the departing day! we didn't leave WDW til like 3:30pm :rotfl:
Hey I haven't commented in a while!! I love looking through your honeymoon pictures - it gives me so many ideas for when we go back next month!

Did you guys ever get a sneak peak of your "new" wedding photos??
Hey I haven't commented in a while!! I love looking through your honeymoon pictures - it gives me so many ideas for when we go back next month!

Did you guys ever get a sneak peak of your "new" wedding photos??

Hey lady! Oh your going back next month? You guys excited?

nope.....still waiting....impatiently i might add.
I donno why we didn't take the MK might have been too later? :confused3 or we thought the DTD bus would be fine. i'm not sure.

Awww!!! Yeah...i'm pretty sure my DH would have been mad about not going on those. Yeah we enjoyed it, it was perfect for our last dinner. I def have that feeling. I don't want to leave and they are at the beginning! I would love to stay there really is so beautiful. It was perfect for our honeymoon. (though....i can't wait for Boardwalk!!!)

I think Disney suggests the DTD bus in the hopes that you'll stop there and buy stuff. ;)

DH is still mad about it :laughing:, and I was afraid that before the wedding we would be "disneyed out" since we had been there 3 times in 2 years. Now I know it's not possible. :)

I've always wanted to stay at Boardwalk, it looks so fun! Our next trip we're going to stay in that area, but that probably won't be for a while, so I'll have to live vicariously through your trip report!


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