Jean's return to healthy living plan ( friends welcome anytime )

Sorry your son didn't get into Yale. What other colleges is he looking at? What an exciting time for your family.

Your jogging seems to be coming along. Good for you. Have a nice day. :flower1:
hi jean--sorry about your son not getting into yale--its never fun waiting for hte letters! hope he hears more soon

sounds like you have a good jogging plan..its always good to take it easy --have a good day today!
With your very smart approach to jogging, you will absolutely be able to do a half - whenever you want!!

Let me finish this one, before I decide if I want to do it again though, okay? :) I might have to be a cheerleader next year instead. :cheer2:
Happy New Year Jean,

You are doing great with the Walking.jogging program. Slow and steady. Yada Yada. You are a smart woman to use this approach. You will definately be able to do the 1/2 when you are ready.

Sorry to hear that your son didn't get into Yale. I will pray that he gets his 1st choice. The waiting is torture though, isn't it.

Take care,
Hi guys!
I am so proud I finally got that scale to move downward this past week. I lost 4 pounds because I really was careful about my food choices and amounts. I'm going out to dinner with a good friend whom I haven't seen in a few years. My plan is to immediately split my entree in half to take home. I will also eat something before I go so that I won't be starving and wolf everything down. I will also get in at least 2 or 3 glasses of water during the meal. Maybe I'll get some soup as an appetizer if they have something I like.
See? I'm formulating a plan! I never would have done that before.

I'm a little tired today. My subdivision is all icy so I can't do my jogging today. But it supposed to warm up later in the week, so that will be good. I was in the ER with my son last night. He got the worst of a tackle in indoor soccer and ended up needing some stitches on his chin. He did fine, but by the time I stopped at the 24hr. pharmacy to pick up his antibiotic scrip, it was around 3:30am. So I'll just take it easy today.

Hope you all have a nice Sunday!
Well, dinner went pretty well even though I didn't eat beforehand. I ate about half the chicken, a little of the rice, some salad, a few chunks of bread (it was awesome), had one glass of wine and a big glass of water. No dessert! Best of all, I was able to do my run when I got home...24 minutes total! Now I'm off to the to you later! :flower1:
Sorry to hear about you Son. Hope he is doing OK. Sounds like you did good with Dinner.
Het there Jean,

I'm sorry to hear about your son. Hope he is not in too much pain.

CONGRATS ON THE 4 POUND LOSS! That is huge! you did a great job at dinner. Keep up the great work.

Have a great day,
WAY TO GO with that 4 pound loss! WOO HOO!! :cheer2: :cheer2: That is totally awesome! You should be so happy and proud of yourself! AND you are up to 24 minutes jog/walking! You are doing great!! :jumping4:

I hope your son's stitches heal quickly and with little scarring. Although, if he is like my son, a scar on his face is proudly really COOL! :cool:
Hi Jean,
Congratulations on losing 4 lbs!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your DS getting stitches. Hope you get to catch up on your

A quick hello to all,
I have no idea how many months it took me to finally do it, but I am now the proud owner of a 15 lb. clippie! The Whoosh Fairy visited me last night and took a couple of pounds off, so even if it's water weight, I will take it! ( And continue to drink my water!)
My son's stitches came out yesterday. He did fine even though it took two nurses to do it because they were in pretty tightly...I think they plucked a few of the hairs off his chin while they were at it...The incision looks good though. Being a guy, a scar is a desirable thing of course!
Hope everyone has a great day! :flower:
:cheer2: :cheer2: :rockband: :rockband: :cheer2: :cheer2: :rockband: :rockband:

Congratulations on that beautiful new clippie. All that running is really paying off. Keep up the great work.

I bet the girls are going to be falling all over your son. Good Luck with that.

Take care,
WOw :earseek: You are Soooooooo close to goal! Congrats on the new clippie. You are doing fantastic!

Hey Jean,

I'm just checking in. I hope you are well.

Have a great weekend,
I know I am a little late, but I wanted to send belated...

You are doing great and should be SO proud! :cheer2:


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