Jean's return to healthy living plan ( friends welcome anytime )

Jean--Congrats on the 4 lbs and your new clippie. You are really doing well. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with your running/walking program. I may have to try that, but if I stop running, I have a hard time starting again.

I'm glad your son is okay. My husband plays indoor soccer and is always getting banged up. He has had surgery on both knees.

Keep up the good work!
Hi Jean!

Stopping by to say hi :wave2: and to see how you are doing. I hope all is well with you! :hug:

Have a great Tuesday! :flower1:
Hi Jean,

I am just popping in sto say hi!

Take care,
Hi Jean! :wave:

I hope all is well in your part of the world! :sunny:

I'm thinking of adding a small amount of jogging to my walking program. I think I'll take a note from your page and start slowly. I tend to do too much too soon. :rolleyes:

Have a great Thursday!
CONGRATS!!!on the new clippie and losing that weight--you are doing great!!

hope your son is feeling better--my 18 year old brother has a scar on his face from when he was like 5...the girls baby him STILL--its pathetic hahahah
I've have a lot going on, but I haven't forgotten my WISH friends! :goodvibes
I am continuing with my walk/jog program (wogging, someone on the boards calls it...I like that!) I'm now up to 42 minutes total...I try to do it at least 3 times a week, depending on if the roads are clear...more snow tomorrow! I did about an hour's worth of free weights last night...I am really sore today, quads and glutes especially, but I know it's a good sore. I want to continue to firm up my abs and hips and get my legs stronger for will be a lot warmer down there than around here...
Today I went shopping for some new jeans...I have been wearing size 12; today I got into some 9/10's!!! I was psyched! A little snug, but not bad. I am going to a party Saturday evening and I am going to wear my black leather pants (size 12) for the first time in about 3 years!! I tried them on and they fit great; a couple of months ago they were still too tight. So I am pleased with my progress. I'm almost at 140, which will give me my 20 lb. clippie. I'm hovering around 141-143 now, so maybe the weights will give my metabolism the boost it needs to break into the 130's for goal.
I joined the March exercise challenge to motivate me to continue with my weight training as my cardio alone won't give me enough minutes and I really need the strength training for my middle-aged metabolism.

So onward and downward guys!! I will post some more later on my life in general...lots to talk about!

Hi Jean,

You are doing great! Congrats on the loss, and fitting in those leather pants. The 9/10's are awesome. Your committment to weight training is one of the best things you can do.
Keep us posted,
Hello to all my WISH friends!
Thought I'd send out a hello to everyone before my Disney trip this Saturday. I haven't been following your journeys for the past few months as alot of stuff is going on in my life.
I've decided to end my marriage after 20 years. This has been a gut-wrenching decision for me to make. My life has been miserable for at least 10 years with verbal and emotional abusive behavior on the part of DH. I kept thinking as our money situation improved, or the kids got older or whatever, that he would get better, but instead things just got worse. Three years ago I started reading about divorce, but stopped short at calling a lawyer because I was too overwhelmed by the whole process.
Last fall around the time I started back running, the craziness just got out of control. His angry outbursts just got worse and he was going through my stuff, accusing me of having an affair...I'm sure this sounds familiar to others.

When I told him I wanted a divorce, he initially was angry, then crying and begging me not to leave, and now I think he's resigned that I'm not changing my mind. We have a lawyer we both like, and we're working on a settlement together to keep it amicable as possible for the sake of the kids. I hate our house since he never let me spend any money to fix it, so I'm planning on moving out to a condo with my DD. I want to stay in town until she finishes up high school. My DH wants to keep the house if he can afford it...fine with me. I make more so that's not an issue. I've been looking around at furniture and will start checking out condos after the trip.

I told him if he tries to ruin DD or my time at Disney with any foolishness, that we'll leave him to his own devices for the day and just meet him at dinner.

So that's my bad news. One of the things that I was thinking was that alot of my emotional eating and stress eating was related to my bad marriage. I realize that now. I am looking foward to starting a new life with my DD.

On a more happy note, my DS got a full tuition scholarship to the University of Richmond so he will be going there for college next year!! I am so proud of him, he really deserves it for all his hard work...we both really liked that campus the most out of all the places we visited that summer. So that is my good news from last week!

Also, I have continued my jog/walk regime...2-4 times a week I try to get out there..I am now up to 52 minutes at a time! Yippee!! Call it my antidepressant therapy...It has been a lifesaver for me sometimes!

Several co-workers saw me in jeans at outside functions and told me how skinny I looked...hey, I'll take a compliment, even if a good portion of the weight loss is stress-induced lack of appetite!!!

So this week is my "clean the house, pack for Disney" week...I can't wait, even if DH has to be there. It is our first visit to Universal and my DD loves those coasters! I can't wait to experience Wednesday night at MK with EMH until 1am!!! We are also going to try some new restaurants: Ohana's, Cali Grill, and will try the Fantasmic Dinner Pkg as we missed Fantasmic last year. So far the weather looks good...last year it was perfect...the only thing we needed our ponchos for was Kali RR!

Well, enough wishes to all of you guys...LYMI!! See ya when we get back, and then I will definitely work on getting down to goal...just a few stubborn pounds away... :sunny:


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