Jackie & Jonathans Trip Report Completed 15/11

Right sorry I haven't updated Ive had a lot of uni work and have been ill the past few days.

Michelle I have always liked Universal before to me though it had changed from what it was before.

Day 5: Magic Kingdom ~ Part 3

After we had rode on the Tomorrow Land Transit Authority we headed back towards Liberty Square riding again on Haunted Mansion before we went to relax outside of the Liberty Tree for our Dinner reservation.
The cast members where very friendly especially when they saw it was my birthday about ten minutes after waiting our buzzer went off and as we got seated the lady sprinkled confetti on our table which I put in my bag after we had finished so that I could bring it home. :)

Straight after sitting down Pluto headed over.

Once he had disapeared and we was waiting for our food I took a picture of Jonathan and the Mickey Confetti.


When the meal had just been brought out Chip arrived. So we took some photos.


Right time to eat so I filled my plate with what was on offer and I can tell you it was a gorgeous meal one of the nicest ones we had it was nice to have a bit of roast dinner in America. It was really good as because it was my birthday and with my ears on I kept getting lots of attention from the characters. Goofy told Jonathan he had got a good catch and wrote his goowsh in my autograph book. I felt like a princess:









Once we had finished they brought out my birthday cake and sang the birthday song to me it was really nice as everyone not just cast members and characters where singing. Now Yummy cake pictures.








Once the cake was boxed up we decided to head back to the hotel it had been a long day and as we had the box we would watch the fireworks tomorrow because we was due back for Spectro Magic after our Grand Floridian photo shoot.
Oh I don't have black eyes thats just how Ive cut out red eye in them, because I have very very light blue eyes they always go red.
Day 6: Shopping, Grand Floridian Photo shoot & Magic Kingdom

Woke up bright and early as we planned to head for Kennedy Space Center went to Sizzler for breakfast buffet so that we could head out for the day on a full stomach. So we set off on the long drive down to Cape Canaveral going through all the tolls etc well when we get there the entrance is all closed off turns out they aren't open today the shuttle was due to launch that day as it had been put back because of Fay however we wasn't impressed as this wasn't shown anywhere until you got to the gates to enter. It was drizzling and we didn't have costumes so a day on the beach was out of question right lets head back to Orlando. By the time we got back it was after lunch so we headed to the Orlando Premium Outlets that where down the road from the hotel. I got a few things but Jonathan couldn't find anything. While we was there it really started to thunder I was thinking great we are booked in for our photo session and its really starting to get stormy.

Back at the hotel we got changed and headed out to Black Angus by the crossroads before we head over to the Grand Floridian. We both had steak and really enjoyed it. However I was really starting to get a tummy on me not good when we had the photo shoot a big dinner and the fact that I was due on the next day made me look pregnant. :sad2:

When we got to the Grand Floridian it had stopped raining we went over to the desk to tell them we had arrived and as we had time they told us to look around the resort. Me and Jonathan both absolutely loved it. We saw the lady that sits by the piano with all the teddies. The band was amazing and Jonathan was left saying that we will stay there one day. Hooray :cheer2:
We also saw a bride and bridesmaids come into the lobby hehe was this a sign did it know what I had on my mind in trying to get Jonathan into the idea.

We managed to get most the photo's in before the next shower headed to us, when it did he took us to take photo's by the cars at the front. We got a lot done ill show you some of the best.















Notice my eyes in these two I was taken in by the cinderellas carriage arriving for the bride we had seen.















During the last one the man was telling me to flash my rings then when we went back to the desk and he was getting our photo he put a were engaged banner up on it now I know he said it jokingly but when he said you can add this one on in future I kept thinking ok major signs here hehe. :goodvibes

Sadly we then had to leave Grand Floridian as we wanted to get to Magic Kingdom. As we had time before Spectro we went on Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean as well as having some photopass pictures done outside the castle.





Spectro Magic

There are lots of pictures so before I show them ill finish the story. After Spectro finished I was feeling hungry so we headed to Columbia Harbour House I got a chicken basket and we both got drinks. As we came out Wishes started as did the rain so we quickly put on our poncho's and headed for the castle. Thankfully the rain wasn't so hard yet. Once wishes had ended we went to leave and decided to get the ferry boat as we could get straight on that rather than wait for the monorail. Well as soon as we get off the monorail it starts to pour down. Probably the heaviest storm ive been in, it was mad I think it was the tail end of Hurricane Gustav. We quickly went for the tram and it was so bad that babies where screaming and all the adults that had brollies or coats where holding them up to shield all the babies and children. When we got to our stop the carpark was flooded I kept slipping as I was in my slip on shoes we was drenched when we got to the car and the weather was that bad we had to stay in the car with the heat on before the weather settled enough for it to be safe to drive. We was waiting about 30 minutes before it started to ease a little so that we could drive back safely.

















You're trip report just get's better+better :thumbsup2 .I have been waiting ages to see the cake+boy that is one BIG cake-was it as delicious as it looked?.Did the both of you manage to eat all of it?.
Loved the photo shoot pics :thumbsup2 .All the photo's are fantastic.x.
It was gorgeous, and all freshly done it wouldn't fit in the hotel fridge though and they was large so the buttercream ended up going off. I think we had to through about half of it away.
Day 7: Animal Kingdom

Well today we woke up early and had a quick breakfast at the hotel before we headed off to Animal Kingdom. Once we got to Animal Kingdom we went straight over to Expedition Everest to get fast passes and then went over to Africa to go on Kilimanjaro Safaris.

We saw a few animals out and about and got to see a baby giraffe and elephant quite up close but other than that not many animals where about. :sad1: Once we had finished on the Safari we still had about half an hour before our fast passes to everest so because the queue for the rapids was only 5 minutes we went and literally walked right on. I was quite surprised when we both came off only slightly damp.

We had a quick drink and looked at the Monkeys before heading off to Everest to use our fast pass. Jonathan was quite worried about this one like I had been the first time I rode it, but once the ride was going he absolutely loved it and I was screaming my head off all the way round. Another good thing was we had managed to dry off while riding Everest so we didn't have to walk around damp.

We walked from Everest over to Dinoland grabbing a fast pass for Dinosaur before getting lunch at Dinosaurus I had a hot dog meal and Jonathan had a burger meal. After lunch we headed over to Dinoland and it was the first time I managed to keep my eyes open the whole way round usually being a scardie cat they are kept shut for most of the way. After Dinosaur we went on Primeevil Whirl and absolutely loved it I hadn't been on this before so it was a first for both of us we kept thinking we was going to go over the edge.

We decided that next we would head over to the Lion King show I can never get enough of this one, Jonathan liked this one as well especially the Tumble monkeys my favorite is Can You Feel The Love Tonight.

After The Lion King it was time for Its Tough to be a Bug, then we would head over to Asia grab a fast pass for the Rapids before going to look around the Africa and Asia trails and going on the train to Rafiki's planet watch. We got absolutely soaked the second time on the Rapids and we both had to go and attempt to dry off a little at the hand dryers as it was nearly time for our reservations I actually thought about getting us both t shirts and the combat trouser things you see at the stalls.

Well what can I say about Rainforest Cafe we absolutely loved it the food was amazing as was Jonathan's Smoothie and my multi flavour Icee I think Jonathan had some tuna dish while I had steak, we both thought about getting a Volcano but decided against it as we was both full from our meal.

Back at the hotel we did think about going out to DTD afterwards however when we got in Jonathan litterally callapsed on the bed and fell asleep I was quite worried about him as he had quite a high temperature and was completly out of it, I kept waking up because I was worried so was checking he was awake and spent quite a bit of the night watching films and House on the tv.

Here are a few pictures we took. Sorry for the random order they are from different cameras and spread all over the photobucket album.
























Excellent day again Jackie,love the animal pics especially the Tiger+Gorilla :thumbsup2 .I love The Lion Show.x.
Excellent day again Jackie,love the animal pics especially the Tiger+Gorilla :thumbsup2 .I love The Lion Show.x.

Jonathan took those his camera is really good and lets you zoom right in. He loved Animal Kingdom he was born in South Africa so it was like a second home to him seeing them all. An he is letting me plan for our next trip although I had already started hehe.
Day 8: Blizzard Beach & Downtown Disney

We woke up at around 8 I hadn't set an alarm with Jonathan being ill all night I thought we should rest rather than do Sea World on this day like planned so we headed to Blizzard Beach and had breakfast at the hotel before we left.

After we got to Blizzard Beach we got our spot on the beach by the wave pool and headed straight over to Lazy River. Which was empty which was nice. We went round once and then headed up to the Teamboat Springs. I love the view from the top and I love this ride it really feels like your going to fly over the edge. We then headed back to the beds and filled up our refill mugs and had a lie down on the sunbeds for a while before going in the wave pool.

We headed off for lunch at around 11:30 I had the hot dog meal and Jonathan had a panini meal I think. We spent most of the afternoon lounging on the beds, in the wave pool and on the Lazy River and we left around 4.

Later on in the evening we had tea at Golden Corral I loved having this restraunt on property as it had always been a family favorite. We then headed off to Downtown Disney to look around the shops and go to Disney Quest. We really liked Disney Quest we did quite a few of the games and loved the Buzz Lightyear game and the virtual reality stuff although we was rubbish at the Jungle Cruise raft.






Day 9: Sea World & Islands of Adventure

Well today we went to Sea World and got there just after the park opened at 9. The first thing we did was look at the Dolphin Nursery before heading on over to the dolphin viewing area, the stingrays and the Manatee's. After this we went in to see the Clyde and Seymore show which we both liked I thought it was very fun. We then went and got drinks before heading over to Blue Horizons.


After Blue Horizons we went to see the sharks and the penguins before grabbing lunch and heading off to see Shamu.



After the show we went and looked around the stables and on our way to Wild Artic we stopped and watched the horses come round.



We had then done everything Sea World had to offer and thought as we had two hours left before Universal shut that we may as well head off over there.

When we got to Islands of Adventure it was very quiet and every ride was walk on. We went on Spiderman twice, and got absolutely drenched on Popeye, Ripsaw Falls and Jurassic Park.



We ended up having Mcdonalds that night because we had headed off to Magic Mining Co after getting changed and dried only to find out that it had now become a Cici's Pizza now I know people like those but i was devastated one I don't like Pizza and two that restraunt has been there every time the family visited and had always been a tradition for us we liked it because it was a nice family run restraunt that wasn't part of a chain. :sad2:
Great days again.We also love Golden Coral-always visited when i went with my Nan+Grandad and for some strange reason Grandad would always call it 'The Golden Nugget' :confused3 .He still calls it that now :laughing: when i speak about our upcoming holiday.

I like Seaworld and the amount of times i have been i have never seen the Horses,it is something i am determined to do next year so the girls can see them,as they love horses.x.
Thanks you two. In regards to Sea World we loved the shows but both of us thought that some of the enclosures where really small for the amount of animals in there its weird as I haven't really felt bad about those before it was mainly the Wild Artic one and for the first time the Polar Bear looked in very bad condition he was filthy and looked like he hadn't been kept well and they had hardly any real snow in there for him which I thought wasn't nice. We both thought that except for the shows we wouldn't go again until we have children.
that huge frog or toad what ever it is. is grosse yuck

that tiger is gorgoues

looks like you had a wonderful trip i have my 1st trip with DBF and its his 1st time 2 wdw
that huge frog or toad what ever it is. is grosse yuck

that tiger is gorgoues

looks like you had a wonderful trip i have my 1st trip with DBF and its his 1st time 2 wdw

I hope you have a great time and that you can manage to convert him into a disney lover. When we was at Typhoon Lagoon we was on the Lazy River and there was a little baby frog laying behind me on my ring Jonathan was like hold still you have something on your ring so im like panicking and then i see it and im screaming get it off me get it off lol and Jonathan is like just hold still and let me take a picture its cute I was like its not blooming cute he ended up holding it for ages ewww :eek:


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