Jackie & Jonathans Trip Report Completed 15/11


DIS Veteran
Jun 17, 2008
Hi everyone back from holiday today and between Jonathans Camera and my own as well as those from the photopass cd (before any edits) around 1500 pictures to share with you. So I thought id start my trip report.

Day 1 - The Journey

Me and Jonathan wake up at around 6am cases and hand luggage already packed and only needing to wash and dress before my mum would take us to the airport. We arrived at Manchester Airport at 7 am to find out that the flight had been delayed by 3 hours due to thunderstorms stopping the inbound flight from returning on time :sad2: . So having checked in online and with the new security system up in place we was through check in and security within 10 minutes and off to find somewhere to grab breakfast. Jonathan had a full english breakfast and I had sausage and bacon on toast. Then it was time to look around the shops and lose the 6 hours time that would now be spent in the airport. At around 11 I saw the plane come in and told Jonathan how it was our plane so we followed it to the gate, we took pictures and sat around the plane, Because the gate hadn't been put on screen for us yet Jonathan kept saying it may not be our plane but I told him that there wouldn't be more than the one Virgin jumbo departing that day from Manchester. Our plane was the Ladybird here is a picture I took.

At around 12 knowing that I do not like plane food and because we was working up an appetite we went to Burger King however I left most of it as my chicken strips were dry and I was nervous about the flight. At around 1 boarding was finally called, yipee we would finally be on our way to Orlando soon. We should of been nearly half way there by now.

The plane journey there was ok we had mild turbulence for a while but nothing extreme. Me and Jonathan both had beef stew, I thought it was ok for plane food but after the turbulence was feeling a little sick and couldn't stomach eating it all. I watched Prince Caspian and Iron Man the rest of the time I spent looking through our plans, compared to past trips with mum and dad the flight went pretty fast I think thats because I was with Jonathan.

On arrival in Orlando it was just after 6 there time and we had to land through a thunderstorm the pilot did a really good job infact it was the best landing I have experienced. We went over to the far side of immigration after my advice from the dis boards and walked straight through as we got called into the American residents isle we was also lucky as our bags where ready and one of the first off the carousel. We also got brushed past having to have our bags scanned so didnt have to wait in the que for that which was nice as we made it straight up to the monorail bags in hand as we didnt want to put them on a carousel. When we made it to the dollor desks we was in line for about 5 minutes before we got called to the express desk which was empty, the whole process was pretty quick and we was soon sat in our Dodge Caliber, The whole process of landing to leaving the airport took 30 minutes so Jonathan was already impressed with America and we hadnt left the airport. Phew! We decided not to take the interstate while he got used to driving in America and we missed the turning for the toll road luckily we managed to end up on a quiet road that took us the scenic route around all the villas and somehow ended up at Vineland Avenue and on route to the hotel. We was tired and starving by the time we had checked in, we set the bags in the room and Jonathan changed into his shorts before we headed to the food court for hot dogs and chips by the time we had finished our food it was around 8:30 so we unpacked the suitcases and jumped straight in bed to tired to do anything.

Next: Day 2 ~ Hollywood Studios aka MGM
Thanks, im going to start by doing part 1 to our first day at Disney.

Day 2Day 2: Disney's Hollywood Studios

We had set the alarm for half 6 so that we could shower and have breakfast before going to Hollywood Studios I wanted to get there for rope drop and we also had to exchange our vouchers. I woke a little earlier than half 6 probably due to still fitting in with the time difference. It was about 8 when we set off for Hollywood Studios it only took us about a 10 minute drive to the car park from where we was staying at the Fairfield Inn Lake Buena Vista. I was glad that we got here early as when we got to the vouchers stand there was a problem the lady told us how she had to wait to get someone to come and sort the problem out because virgin had used the same reference on the voucher again she says virgin do this quite a lot, It took about 15 minutes to sort out and the disney lady was apologetic even though it wasn't her fault she was very friendly and we had a good chat as we baked in the boiling sun that was already sweltering for that time in the day. We then went through and got in the long crowd of people waiting for the rope drop.

At 9 when the rope was dropped we headed through the shops to get through without being hurdled in the huge crowd. I had told Jonathan we was heading straight to Pixar Place to do Toy Story Mania, it was only 10 minutes from opening and the queues for fast passes where nearly as long as the ride itself we got to the ride entrance and it already was up at 65minutes long, we decided to get in the queue anyway as we had heard about how good it is and that the queue is worth doing in itself. It turns out we was probably only in there for about 30 minutes although we was lost in the theming of the queue and looking about so wasn't paying attention to the watch. Here are some pictures from the queue.


Not the best but everyone was taking pictures so it was hard to get while moving as well.

The ride itself is amazing and is now one of my favorites in Disney World its really fun and me and Jonathan had a great time battling away. Jonathan has some more pictures of the queue ill add these later when i have a copy of his photos.

After we got out the ride the fast pass queue was now clear and the times where already for 3:45 until 4:45 so we picked up another fast pass as we both wanted to ride again. Im glad I choose this park and ride first as it set things off on a great start for Jonathan who I am pleased was loving Disney hey I have to convert him I kept asking how do you find disney so far. :lmao:
After we had our fast pass we headed over to do Backlot tour which had no queue. We took some pictures before the next show started.


I loved how they had added Pirates of the Caribbean props to the queue line now. We got in the first staging area only to discover that the main pearl harbour attack was not working at the moment but we still got to see some of the smaller affects that are used we said we would come back later to see if the pearl harbour attack sequence was working. I took these pictures in the first set up.


After the first staging area we walked through to the trams I took these photos from the holding area.


We get in our tram and take a picture of the two of us as we wait for the tour to begin.
Lovely start, looking forward to more. :thumbsup2
Great start Jackie,can't wait for more.Great piccies :thumbsup2 .Shame about the delay.x.
Sounds like a good start, really looking forward to reading more of your trip report.

1999 - Quality Inn, Kissimmee.(21 Nights)
2003 - Howard Johnson, Kissimmee (14 Nights) (Married during our stay)
2005 - Quality Inn, Kissimmee. (14 Nights)
2006 - Quality Inn, Kissimmee. (21 Nights)
2007 - Howard Johnson, Kissimmee. (21 Nights)
2008 - Howard Johnson, Kissimmee. (21 Nights)
2009 - Howard Johnson, (7 Nights), Disney All Star Music Resort (21 Nights) (28 Nights total)
Day 2:Disneys Hollywood Studios ~ Part 2

We then headed off on our tour around the backlot of the studios snapping many pictures as we went around the lot.


We passed the Pearl Harbour Planes ridden by those gorgeous men Ben and Josh


And went through where the make the costumes.

Back outside the workshop we saw various movie props from Pirates of the Carribean, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and many more.


After Passing Walt Disneys Plane

We headed into a Canyon


it was very quiet and peaceful when we entered surely nothing bad would happen.

After the tram stopped we was taken into a museum and I had to snap a picture of Davy Jones Organ and the Narnia Chariot



After we left Backlot tour we went over to Indiana Jones love this show its a really good one to watch.




Once we had finished on Indiana Jones we went over to Star Tours and while in the queue a really cute baby bunny ran past my foot into the bushes if only I had my camera out. Jonathan loved this ride and loved the queue after we came off I took pictures of him outside the ride on his camera so I dont have a copy of these to share. By this time we was hungry and decided not to eat at my usual choice of backlot express because we had reservation at 50's Prime Time cafe that night, on this we walked over to fairfax fries for fries and water and sat down for a breather outside beauty and the beast.

Next: Day 2: Hollywood Studios Part 3
Great first day and enjoyed looking at all your photos, you took loads!!

I went a bit snap happy lol I had to limit myself from posting them all. I took about 200 in IASW. :rotfl2: I'm going to try and post more later. Its taking forever to load the pictures to photobucket.
I went a bit snap happy lol I had to limit myself from posting them all. I took about 200 in IASW. :rotfl2: I'm going to try and post more later. Its taking forever to load the pictures to photobucket.

Nooooooo 200 pics in IASW!!! Crazy! I'll be pestering you to post more pics, love looking at them especially now there's only 5 weeks to go.... {not the IASW ones though lol}
Day 2: Disney's Hollywood Studios ~ Part 3

After lunch it was nearly time for the first of the days showings of Lights Moters Action Extreme Stunt Show which was the one that Jonathan really wanted to watch and I am a lover of nice cars myself so didn't mind watching this one plus I like the view that you get from the bleachers. So off we headed there and got our place in the bleachers I was thankful that I had got a disney misting fan because it was sweltering I also took the time to take a few pictures of the view before the show.



I liked this show I thought they had some really good affects Jonathan absolutely loved it, and I think it was another winning factor in getting him to be a Disney convert. Jonathan took the pictures of the show on his camera so when I get a copy ill post a few of these.

After the show had finished we had another hour to wait before the start of our fastpass time for Toy Story Mania so we decided to go and see Muppets. Although it is old and nothing compared to the new 3d Shows it is still one of my favorites. We got in to the show just as the preshow was finishing so didn't have to wait around which was good.

Once Muppets had finished we still had time to spare so I thought we should head over to The Great Movie Ride we walked straight into the theatre and then only had to wait a few minutes before we got put on the ride because we was a party of two we seemed to keep getting put forward because there was spaces on the rides. This has always been a ride I have loved it reminds me of the first time I went to Disney and I still get jumpy when riding through Alien.


By the time The Great Movie Ride was over it was time to go on Toy Story Mania again this time using our fast pass this time Jonathan was determined to thrash me again and he did although I doubled my score so I'm happy I mean I don't spend my free time playing computer games. ;) To anyone who has not done this ride it is definitely worth doing and it is one of the only rides I would queue for.

We didn't have time to see both Beauty and the Beast or the Little Mermaid because of our dinner reservations and I knew Jonathan would want to do animation and One Man's Dream as he has a love of animation like me and I knew he wouldn't be to bothered about little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast so I decided I would rather see Little Mermaid. So thats where we headed when we got there one showing had just gone in so to save us waiting we went into Animation. Where we was able to play about and see which Disney Character we would be I was Cinderella and after Jonathan kept messing about he ended up as Jafar hehe he really is Prince Charming. :lovestruc
I love the Animation tour when I was little it made me want to go into it as a career and I got tons of Disney animation books from the shop there so that I could learn to draw the characters. When we come out we got into the next Little Mermaid Show and sat down enjoying the air conditioning and the show we was one of the last in and ended up on the front row it wasn't as good as sitting further back because we could see the people with the puppets slightly as they moved from further back I have never seen this before. Jonathan liked it though which I was quite shocked about. After The Little Mermaid we had time to do One Man's Dream me and Jonathan both found it interesting and being my emotional self I cried during the film.





Finally it was nearly time for dinner we took pictures with our photopass in front of the hat and at the front of the park because it was quieter than before and then took pictures of each other outside Indiana Jones while we waited for our times.


After checking in at 50's Prime Time Cafe we had a 5 minute wait before being seated at our table which was literally the same table as another family. We soon got sent away by Papa to wash our hands(even though we already had) and I was starting to get scared as I heard everyone who hadn't eaten there veg get shouted at as I am a really fussy eater. For this reason I choose the pot roast while Jonathan had the Casserole. I was not keen on the pot roast as I just thought it was a really small portion and I did not like the garlic mash or green beans. Jonathan loved his though and Jonathan didn't think it was fair how I got away with leaving my veg when he had been being picked on earlier I said it was because he talked back to him, the girl next to us was like that and after she left her green beans had been made to stand in the corner I was shaking underneath the table thinking I would not have to do the same. After leaving me and Jonathan said how we would not eat there again because it was just not our style being how loud it was and how it made you feel pressured.

Nooooooo 200 pics in IASW!!! Crazy! I'll be pestering you to post more pics, love looking at them especially now there's only 5 weeks to go.... {not the IASW ones though lol}

I wish I was back in five weeks especially as Jonathan is converted and currently going gaga over disney world on google earth and he says he is actually going to check the disney world site himself for next year for a free dining stay wahoo! :cheer2:
I wish I was back in five weeks especially as Jonathan is converted and currently going gaga over disney world on google earth and he says he is actually going to check the disney world site himself for next year for a free dining stay wahoo! :cheer2:

That's really good news... there's no turning back now ;)
That's really good news... there's no turning back now ;)

Are you doing MNSSHP? You should do it was probably my best time at Magic Kingdom. We both loved it I think its one thing that made Jonathan love disney so much we had the most fun just being like kids again. :cheer2:


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