It's offical: New rules for WDW - DTD Pin Trading - Long read


Loves all things POOH!
Feb 26, 2002
Here are the New Rules for trading at DTD Pin Traders: Per Steven Miller who I spoke with today:
1. "ONE" table per person/family.

2. You may only put out "ONE" Bag. And you may not have others on hand to switch. They can be in your car, and you can swap them out if you wish.

Please note if you have your family of say 4 with you, you still only get one table. You may put out 1 bag for each person.
However, if one of your family should leave, you must remove 1 bag, and it cannot be used at all until he/she returns. In other words, you cannot swap it out with another bag.

There are no exceptions to these rules, and they are being enforced.

"So how did I find this out you say?" Well this was my last weekday before I head back to my school cafeteria next monday. So it was pretty much my last day to play, since I have other responsibilities saturday and sunday. So I decided to go to DTD and have some fun pin trading. Well as I was walking on the sidewalk next to the bathrooms towards Pin Traders, a CM informs me of the rules as he saw me pulling along my carrier that I store my pin bags in.

As he went on and on, I felt my blood pressure rising. No I wasn't mad or upset with him, I was upset with pin traders like the one I had encountered at DTD Pin Traders a few weeks ago. And Steven confirmed what I felt and was thinking at that moment. It is pretty much because of actions such as this pin trader, that this has happened. And that pin trader was there today. Yes, he only had one pin bag, but I still wanted to choke him. Sorry..LOL!

I spoke with a CM manager after I walked away from the prior CM aggravated as I was. He calmly explained what had happened and gave me a bit of info as to why. Which was pretty much what I had already figured out. Although at that time, he told me I could swap my bags at the table to trade. I just couldn't have them all out at once. Well, about a half hour later, if that, he approached me and asked to speak with me. He let me finished some trades with some children off my kids board.

That's when he told me he was wrong in what he told me, and that I could absolutely only have one bag at DTD Pin traders at my one table. I was so bummed and upset all over again. No not mad, just upset. We talked for a while, and I began to get emotional about and cried a bit. I know, sounds stupid, but I just thinks it's such a shame that a few have ruined it for the majority of good, fair and nice pin traders. So I thanked him for his time. He felt horrible that I was so emotionally upset and said he understood why I felt as I did. That was nice. I told him I would be fine, but that I was gonna just go home, as the joy of trading for today was gone. I had arrived at a bit after noon, and was leaving at 1PM. Not even a full hour for all this to take place.

So I packed up, and was going to head for home, but instead decided to drive down to "Team Disney" and see if I could bend someone's ear about the matter. Well, the polite receptionist wasn't sure if I'd be able to speak with someone. I mentioned Steve Miller, Meg Croften and AL Weiss. She got on the phone, and it was kinda funny. I had no idea who she had gotten ahold of, but she quoted something I had said to her. I told her I felt, "someone was killing the golden goose that was laying the golden egg". I just thought , "Oh my goodness, what must they think?"

So she handed the phone to me, and I asked her who I would be speaking to, and she said Steven Miller. Okie dokie!! So the poor thing, he asked how I was doing, yes he remembers me. And I answered him honestly, "not so good". He asked why? Well he asked for it! Naw, I wasn't bad really. I just shared with him how I felt and about that "certain pin trader" That was even there today. He agreed his actions were an example of why this decision was made. He also told me that there have been near fights because of such situations. He shared with me the concerns of how it looked as as the image of WDW and what it had to offer. Referring to it all as the "Show". Which is what WDW is all about. Show and presentation. And sadly the show at DTD Pin Traders has not been very well represented by some guests.

I humbly made some personal suggestions. He said they would be considered, but not to expect changes anytime soon. And one last thing that I feel is very important for everyone to know, that this was not all Steven. That the decision came down from Meg Crofton herself. She had been hearing and yes, seeing things for herself, and was not pleased at all. Steven even mentioned that it was put this way. We should be happy with this as opposed to the other decision. Which was to take the tables away all together at DTD Pin Traders. Steven said this is not what he wants at all.
So he asks that we all be patient, learn to be kinder in our pin trading and how we present ourselves when on property. Or should I say, "Onstage".
Steven added that this rule had actually been in place for the last 6 years, but had not been enforced. He said they have the same rules for Disneyland. And they wanted the rules for both WDW and Disneyland to mirror each other.

So that's about it. I just wanted everyone to be aware of the changes, so you wouldn't be "surprised" as I was today.
Blessing everyone,
So I see future pin bags the size of suitcases
That's what I was thinking, Nat....

Thanks for posting this olbear - I'll have to go back & figure out what 'the certain pin trader' did that upset you so. I've run into some sharks myself at WDW, I always refuse to deal with them EVER again when I come back. What's funny is when they're snotty/mean to one of us & then other members of the family roll up with some Disney 'bling' on...the tune changes, but it is childishly satisfying to turn the sharks down.

I'd rather deal with the nice people anyway.

They do have that rule at DL but it's not really enforced much. If they decide to enforce it they usually let the traders have more bags just not on the tables. I've run into and dealt with many sharks myself but for the most park have made many good friends trading. I hope that WDW rules change and perhaps they punish the traders that put the sport in a negative light. I'm sorry you were upset but I'm glad you got to vent you frustrations to someone who listened. Sounds like a negative became a positive. And thank you for sharing your experience here, as a trader I'm glad to hear the news at all the resorts and not just at DL. :)
IMO when I see this at DTD I call it SCARY :scared1::scared1:

IMO when I see this at DTD I call it SCARY :scared1::scared1:


I can understand how you feel if you're not used to encountering such a big display of pins. But trust me what is more scarey is the actions of some pin traders.

Actually these aren't that many pins compared to many others. And these pins are displayed differently than most of mine. The majority of my pins are off the backers and simply put in bags. So this pile looks like more than it is actually. I only have 1 port folio like these for some of my pins that have special backer cards, that many times people like to have with the pin.

BUMMER!!! So, if I can talk DH into going with me, he can have one bag and I can have one bag, both at one table. Is that correct? Also, I have my pins in large notebooks, (4" I think). Does anyone know how to get something that would be legal and hold more pins? I have many of them on their original cards and don't want to take them off which rules out a pin book. Although, I do have the pins not on cards in a pin book.

BUMMER!!! So, if I can talk DH into going with me, he can have one bag and I can have one bag, both at one table. Is that correct? Also, I have my pins in large notebooks, (4" I think). Does anyone know how to get something that would be legal and hold more pins? I have many of them on their original cards and don't want to take them off which rules out a pin book. Although, I do have the pins not on cards in a pin book.


Yes, you can each have 1 bag for one table. As for your other dilema, I'm not sure. But have fun!

I don't trade at Downtown Disney because there is something about some of the people there that gives me a bad vibe. So I always go to Pin Trading Night at the Contemporary if it's happening during the time that I will be at WDW. However there is one family who trades there or use to trade at Downtown Disney that my became with friends my family, so not everyone there is bad. Anyway if they are serious about allowing 1 bag per person on each of the tables are they going to pay a Cast Member to stand there all day enforcing that rule, because if they just plan on putting signs saying this I don't see it working.
I see this as a very good thing. I always thought those folks at DTD and over at Epcot were on the shady side, and I am not referring to being under the cover of the umbrellas. ;) If they are actively enforcing this rule, I might even give it a go one evening of my upcoming trip.
I'm so sorry to hear that you had this bad experience! No one has done more to promote Disney Pin Trading in a positive way than you, Winnie.:thumbsup2

I think those of us who have been involved in trading a long time have had a bad experience at DTD at some point in time. It's just too bad that the actions of a few ruin things for everyone.
I see this as a very good thing. I always thought those folks at DTD and over at Epcot were on the shady side, and I am not referring to being under the cover of the umbrellas. ;) If they are actively enforcing this rule, I might even give it a go one evening of my upcoming trip.

Just because they are enforcing the rules, doesn't change the character of those standing there. There are good traders like Winnie and then there are the others we won't talk about. (If you can't say anything nice.....)

So how do they enforce it with the guy that brings 50 zillion corkboards and used to take up three tables?
Can you give a more detailed description of "ONE BAG" please? Pictures help too. There are so many different ways to keep pins, just wanted to be sure of this.

Can you give a more detailed description of "ONE BAG" please? Pictures help too. There are so many different ways to keep pins, just wanted to be sure of this.


Well, many people display their traders in a "pin bag" which you can purchase at Disney. or some display them in notebooks on their original cards in pages you would put baseball cards in.

In either case, you may now only have 1 displayed on your table. I have seem some trying to stretch things now by wearing multiple lanyards. And yes, it is the same character I referenced in my original post. Last saturday, he brought his daughter. That way he could have 2 tables with 1 book each. He bragged to another trader thahe had over 4200 pins between both books.

Here's the "kicker"! He was trading out of both bags. His daughter was only there as a reason to have another table with another bag. I realize some of you would say, so what? But you just don't understand, this is a person who will do whatever he can to take advantage and stretch the rules to his advantage. He is such a "player", and that is putting it mildly!!

I for one plan to let anyone who will listen, know what kind of a trader he is. And the same for others like him. This way, I figure, we can perhaps weed out the bad traders, and hopefully chase them out of their seedy business. For instance this same character is known to have unknowing new type traders, go into the DTD Pin STore and buy him 2-3 LE pins for one of his stupid HM pins that we all know will be on e-bay for 99cents in about a month. It disgusts me, can you tell.

I don't care how new or "HTF" a HM pin may be. Unless it is a much older one that you can no longer find, I trade my HM easy. Just give me another HM for mine.

Everyone, just please be careful. This characters is an obese guy who likes to wear cut off muscle shirts and stretch shorts with sandals. And he has an italian flag tatoo on his upper arm. BEWARE!!

Thanks and blessings,
PS: I forgot to thank Lisa and Daber for their kind comments. You are both fantastic traders as well, and represent what good trading is all about.


I think I may put that on a T-SHirt for the June event.

Hey, by the way Lisa, are you going?? Oh I hope so. I'd love to hang out with you again this year. Fred can't go. I'm so bummed. But I want your company..Plllllease!!!

Love ya both, mean it!
If you don't mind me asking, what happened? I'm pretty new to the pin trading and would like to be well informed.
We should also not forget that it was sometime in July 2006 when WDW took away Pin Trading Nights at the Contemporary and All Star Resorts by surprise, so what's going now is not the first time pin traders have got the short end of the stick. Now even though Pin Trading Night has returned to the Contemporary and in much better locations, we all know it's only once a month and not once a week like it use to be. However some people might think that's better and others might not like it.

Anyway using the example when both Pin Trading Nights were taken away in 2006 the people who enjoy pin trading at Downtown Disney should be happy the tables were not taken away for good, because from what I have read it sounds like they were having major problems with some of the people who would always trade there.

Finally I also think and believe that the locals who always trade at once a month at the Contemporary and however many times they are at Disney's Pin Traders, they are the ones who should set the examples of being a good pin trader by following all the rules. It would make the most sense because I would not think it should be done by someone who visits once or twice a year and happens to trade pins, because they might know everything about it.
Finally I also think and believe that the locals who always trade at once a month at the Contemporary and however many times they are at Disney's Pin Traders, they are the ones who should set the examples of being a good pin trader by following all the rules. It would make the most sense because I would not think it should be done by someone who visits once or twice a year and happens to trade pins, because they might know everything about it.

Ok I get what you're saying to a point. However, I believe pin traders in general, need to set the example. Not just the locals. Nice is nice, and wrong is wrong. Whether your local or come from out of town once a year or whatever.

Even if you've never heard of "Scoop", much less been to one of his past pin talks, all you have to do is use your common God given sense. Let's be real, if you're making a trade whether you're new to the hobby or been in to it for over 8 years like me, you know if you're taking advantage of someone. A new person may not know as much value or trade ratio wise, but c'mon, they know enough to know better I believe. It's in our human nature. We are given the opportunity to make choices in this life. And it's up to us as individuals to make sure we are making the right ones period.

For instance this same character is known to have unknowing new type traders, go into the DTD Pin STore and buy him 2-3 LE pins for one of his stupid HM pins that we all know will be on e-bay for 99cents in about a month. It disgusts me, can you tell.

I guess that's how he sells all his new LE pins on Ebay for less than what they cost to buy....100% profit for him....sad. :confused3


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