It's a New Year for a New You Super Goofs team thread

Joanne Corpse pose? Have not heard of that one. Sounds interesting! Especially with a massage thrown in.

Megan When I was doing some of my early run/walk combos, I used my Timex Ironman watch. I could set it up for two time intervals (1-run, 1-walk)--so every time one ended, it would beep. I think the beep is good because when I ran the Disney Half, it was so dark I couldn't read my watch and I didn't want to fiddle with the little Indiglo light!

Lisa I admire your discipline in your diet. I know that it is a real mental game--just like running. At this point, I choose not to play the game!

Shan Too bad about next year's Marathon weekend.....Would you ever consider going by yourself?

Beth Good going on the evening workout. The main reason I work out in the morning is because I know that once I get home--that's it for me. I am not about to move.

So today--after being awake all night listening to our dog be awake all night--I did get in a workout. 20 minutes stairclimber/30 minutes weights and stretching. I'm beginnng to get bored with my XT, but not ready to get back in the pool yet.

Spent some time yesterday looking at the Total Immersion swimming program. No local clinics, though. I'd really like to find someone who could evaluate my swim.

Hey Team!
Sorry haven't been posting and no way to catch up on everyone's doings but just let me say Congrats and WTG for getting out there and doing!

Lisa - Patrick is actually considering going back to a run/walk since the knee is feeling so much better. Also a bit nervous about the time left until the first full but I know both of you will do great!

AFM, finally getting back into regular routine after the full. Took week off to recover then got lazy. Back at it couple times last week, bike ride yesterday and today back to full routine. Including logging my food. Found it's the only way to really watch what I eat.

Princess half in only 6 weeks! Looking forward to it and time with friends as well as warmer temps!
Corpse pose is the relaxation pose at the end (I usually fall asleep)- flat on your back and hands by your side (like a corpse). Sounds pretty morbid but it's the part I look the most forward too!

Today I did a spin class for an hour, went home and MADE MY ADR's FOR OUR SPRING VACATION!!!!!

Went back to the gym with personal trainer for 30 minutes (ran for 15 prior to our appointment. (He couldn't fit me in earlier but it worked out since I kind of got the times I wanted for ADR's - did get where we wanted to eat so I'm happy :hyper: )
Hey there Super Goofs!! Happy Monday! Looks like everyone is doing a great job on their workouts these days, that is awesome.

Beth--Glad to hear you had fun at the Foxwoods, I love it up there, although we don't go that often. I wish we could get up there more, but the schedule just doesn't allow it!

Megan--I did intervals for the half and part of the full this year, and I used my Timex Ironman watch. I just put it on the chrono function and hit start. I then just watch for the time, I used to set the intervals up but I can never hear the beeps so I gave up on that. It was a little dark at the beginning of the races, but I managed to see the time without using the indiglo. I used the street lights to be able to see.

Lisa-Hope the 8 miles went well today! You are going to do great at CMM, don't worry that it is only 13 weeks, you have plenty of time, just get back into it!

Shan--Sorry to hear you won't be with us next year. Although, I said the same thing this time last year and I ended going down and doing the Goofy. Don't loose hope, it is a long way off, and things may work out!

Maura--Are you looking to do a triathlon? I really want to do a triathlon but I don't know if I could do the swimming part of it!

AFM--Today is the first day of getting back into working out for me. My next big race is the Long Branch Half Marathon in just 14 weeks. My goal for this race is to break 2 hours. To do that, I really need to work on my speed. I have decided to use the intermediate Hal Higdon program which has speed workouts in it. My first workout back today was great. I did 3 miles in 29:30, which is a FAST pace for me! I was psyched to finish under a 10-min pace! Now, I just have to keep it up!

Keep up the good work Super Goofs!!!
Congrats on your ADRs! Doesn't that make your trip seem more "real"?

Two miles on the nice Woodway TM tonight. It was almost pain free -- first time I can say that since the half! Maybe it's the kinder, gentler TM, or maybe I'm finally recovering. 25:03
Hey goofs, flying through. Did 5 yesterday. Still down 3 but getting there slowly. Back to the gym with the girly girls today and I am running intervals while they workout. No set time or miles just see how far I can go.

Take care in the ice/snow/sleet or whatever your weather is right now. I hope everyone is safe!!!
Laurie Yup, my goal is to do a tri in late June. I am strangely confident--with no real reason why--that I can do it. I can swim adequately enough to get through a sprint, but would really be interested in a small amount of coaching (Too much and then it would be work!)

Liz Are you riding outdoors or indoors?

Kim I hear you about "recovering". I have some minor strains that seem like they are going on 3 months to go away. Hope you're pain-free soon.

Intervals for me today-- 5x800 at 7:54 pace. Went pretty well. Reminded myself that running is just as much mental as physical-- That I could do the workout if I THOUGHT I could.

Maura - indoors. We bought trainers and they have been great! Lets us ride our bikes. I put in a 50 miler right after Christmas which I never could've done on a stationary and our weather is just no good for outdoors right now.
Hi Goofs!

Welcome Shan!!!

Lisa - Oh yes we have to celebrate! The great thing is that most of Nashville is fairly kid friendly. Even the bars on the strip are relatively tame (Not that I am suggesting you take you kids!)

I am definately out for next years marathon. Dh's company is sending us to Europe this summer and after looking at prices, I don't think we have much room in the budget for anything else. How dod people LIVE there? You think our gas prices are bad! Yikes. Anyway, its hard to complain when I get free airfare and a week long med cruise out of the deal......yeah poor me.

Liz & Maura - Dh does almost all his bicycle tri training on a trainer. Atlanta is not bike friendly. They are awesome.

Hi everyone...just a quick fly by...its been a long day!

Got an email that my marathon pictures have shipped, very exciting! Hope to have them by the end of the week. Laurie, I'll let you know how I like the triple print. I have my fingers crossed!!

Walked yesterday morning (Monday) for 34mins/2.16 miles and today (Tuesday) for 174 mins/9.42 miles. After today I thought, wow, I just walked a 15K! Not the time needed for a 15K but the distance!!

Doing a 5K at Universal Studios this Saturday, hoping its just as fun as Disney!!

Have a great Wednesday everyone and stay warm!!
I'm looking forward to your race report, Suzanne! I didn't know Universal had a race!

DH found a Wii Fit (finally!) and we played tonight. I'd had to skip my run due to an open house at DS's school, so the timing was perfect. 45 minutes, and I cycled through all the activities except for the newest yoga thing that was unlocked after my final exercise. Oh, and I learned why I'm so immature: my Fit Age tonight was 5 years younger than my actual age!
ok, here's my plan...providing all goes well, kids graduations and sports don't interfere, and I can find a job to pay for all the registrations!

3/8 Princess Half, Disney
3/28 Gilmanton 5K, Gilmanton NH
4/4 SEA 5K, Concord NH
4/24 NHTI 5K, Concord NH
5/9 Alton Half, Alton NH
5/17 Canterbury Cross Country, Canterbury NH
5/20 Rock N Race 5K, Concord NH
6/14 Run for Rusty 4 Miles, Concord NH
6/21 Chatham Harbor Run 10K, Chatham MA
7/18 Bill Luti 5 Miles, Concord NH
8/30 Loco Moose 5K, Concord NH
9/26 Wicked Half, Salem MA
10/3 Newfound 10K, Bristol NH
10/18 Making Strides 5 Miles, Concord NH
11/1 Manchester Half, Manchester NH
12/5 Jingle Bell Run, Concord NH
Hey Goofs....guess what??? My new running shoes came yesterday!!!! I had to wait to order them until this last pay day (dh got a bonus!) but I got them from Running Warehouse for $59.98! I saved myself $20!!!! I didn't have to pay shipping (I guess it's a special right now). They also changed up the color to blue......even my kids thought they where 'beautiful'!

I am down another 2 pounds from Monday! That is because I have been REALLY good with eating and I have gotten in 14 miles since Monday. I am determined to get the weight off.

Angie: Quite a racing schedule.....I would be exhausted!

Ceclia: Trip sounds awesome! You will have a great time!

Ksoehrlein: So the Wii fit is cool, huh? Good job in getting in some's hard to get done with our kids schedules! :rolleyes:

Good Morning Super Goofs!! I am so excited that we have a SNOW DAY today!!! :cool1: :cool1: So excited about that, I have not been feeling well the last few days, so I needed a day to just lay around and rest. Hopefully, I can get some wedding related things done today, as I have so much to do. I also want to try to get a workout in, but we will have to see how bad the roads are later on before deciding on that.

Maura-7:54 pace!! :scared1: I wish I could run that fast!! You go girl..that is awesome. You are going to do great in your tri!!!

Cecilia--Sorry to hear you won't be at Marathon weekend next year, but a trip to Europe sounds like a lot of fun!

Suzanne--Good Luck in your race this weekend!

Pungodingy--Looks like a great race calendar for the year. That is a lot of races!!

Ok..time to go get some stuff done. I will check in later on!
Wow Angie! That is some list! :cheer2:

Just got in from a 3 miler - rained on me in the end, but it felt good!
Wow are a machine!! Have you registered for the Princess 1/2 yet? I am currently planning on doing only the 5K and maybe coming out to cheer for the 1/2 and take pictures like Susie did. Let me know where you are staying and hopefully we can meet up again!!

Off to pick up my race packet for Saturday.
Holy smokes Angie!
You have great goals!

I did a 75 minute intense yoga class yesterday. Today I was supposed to try running on the treadmill then meet with trainer but once again we have a Wednesday snowstorm! The kids did not have school and the weather is horrible. I am keeping my toes and fingers crossed that we don't loose power once again= there is freezing rain planned for this evening. I am a little nervous!
So my earlier report didn't post--GGRRR!

Angie I got tired just reading your list! I have a tendency not to sign up til the last minute--like I'm waiting for something to go wrong.

Laurie I am only "fast" for brief distances! My intervals yesterday were 1/2 miles. My goal is to run a 5k in under 26 minutes. My DH is trying for sub-19 minutes, and he'll probably do it too! not bad for a 50 yr old.

Cecilia You're killing me with the Europe trip. I have been trying to interest my family in a little trip this year--France or Italy, but no luck. Where are you headed--I am so jelaous!

Everyone else, keep up the good work. Sounds like we are all hanging in despite the lousy winter. I did aXT session today--45 minutes, sorta random stuff

Bike tonight 40 mins/7.43 miles.

Hope everyone in the NE is safe and warm, the pictures from the news looked horrible.
Hey Goofs! Digging out of 18" of fresh powder here. Hey Mike, you jealous???

I had sporadic net, phone, Dish service yesterday because it was snowing so hard here. Sorry I was absent but it sounds like you all kept going without me!!

I have a total of 25.64 miles for this week and a little over 5 hours of exercise logged. I have to shovel some today but other than that, this is a rearranged rest day so I can get my hair done. Priorities you know!! :goodvibes

I am going to start a new thread on Sunday morning for us to start logging our miles and hours. Mike has set up a spreadsheet for us but is still working out some bugs. Please everyone keep track of your own miles/hours for the entire month of February and post them here so we can put them into the proper form and post them at the beginning of the month threads. I will try to keep everyone's running totals along with the team total. Would you all like yours monthly, cumulative or how would you like me to do this? I know some people keep track of monthly to try and better themselves and others like to just see their personal running total. Whatever the group decides. I will post the roster at the beginning of the month thread along with this total and then the team total at the end. I think that will work for everyone involved....I hope....:scared:

Is everyone excited to get going again??? I know I am. You all are the best team out there!!!! :flower3:


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