It's a New Year for a New You Super Goofs team thread

Hey Goofs! Digging out of 18" of fresh powder here. Hey Mike, you jealous???

I would be jealous but we've had over 50" of snow since I arrived on Saturday...time to go make some turns!

I'll catch up with you all later...stay healthy, motivated and focused goofs!

Good News!!! I can run again!!! Yipee!!!

I have what is called Morton's neuroma. (ie Pinched nerve between the fourth and fifth metatarsals) Dr gave me some pads to wear to help alieiviate the press on the nerve and said that as long as I don't have to change my gait, I can run. I already feel better!

Lisa - I use a running log so I can do whatever as far as posting. I can't wait to get back to exercising!

Cecilia You're killing me with the Europe trip. I have been trying to interest my family in a little trip this year--France or Italy, but no luck. Where are you headed--I am so jelaous!
I know we are going to France, Spain, and Italy. We might also go to Belgium during the land portion of the trip. The details have not been ironed out yet. All I have been told is "Are the kids passports still valid?" "We are all going to France before we sail in July" then today "I have to send our passports to France" So I don't know what is going on yet.
Cecilia - Sounds like you have an exciting trip coming up! :cool1: I love Europe! After the Goofy next year, I'm going to try to set up a Med Cruise as I've been wanting to go on one for a loooooonnnng time. However, lack of funds and time have been keeping me away! :teeth: Glad the pad is helping your foot. Were your toes going numb by chance?

Mike, Lisa and Laurie- we got a dusting of snow the other night. Does that count for anything? :laughing: We were VERY lucky we didn't get the major ice that so many of our neighboring towns received the other day.

Beth - congrats on your weight loss! I'll bet your going to win your little wager with your friends. :thumbsup2

Angie - whew! Actually, I would love to have your schedule with some of the "smaller" runs. We don't have much action going on around here and I get bored training by myself. I enter these events as part of my training because they are supported and motivating, I think. Good for you for getting your schedule lined out.

Joanne - hope you don't lose any power. There are quite a few people in my state without power from the ice storms the other day. It's really bad in some areas. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Hi Liz and Patrick! Glad to have you on the team. I'm actually looking forward to getting on the bike again. It won't be too long for us. In the meantime, I'm going to join some spin classes to help get me prepared for the outdoors.

Hi Suzanne! I see you're keeping up with the miles. :thumbsup2 Good for you. I see that you might be the "cheerleader" for the WISH team at the Princess half. I really enjoyed cheering for everyone during the half in January. It was the next best thing to actually participating. Actually, it might have been even better - no aches and pain afterwards. :teeth:

Shan - great job in getting the workouts in. Very inspiring. I need to follow your lead and get my rear in gear.

Maura - getting faster by the minute. You run twice as fast as I do. :upsidedow

I went to the doctor today as a followup for the MRI I had the other day. Luckily, no tears in my knees, just tendonitis and arthritis. His suggestion - Aleve, twice a day and ice my knee as needed. Now, I have no excuse not to get out there and exercise. I've always heard that being overweight can really add stress to your body. The doctor said I had normal wear and tear on my body for an "athlete". I think that I probably have more than I should due to my weight. So, I'm going to concentrate on getting some weight off so my joints won't have to work as hard. This has been kind of a wake up call. I'm lucky that there is nothing seriously wrong but I know if I continue the way I've been going, I could easily wound up with more serious problems.
Hey, my Super Goof pic is gone...where did it go and how can I get it back???
Cool trip Cecilia and I'm so glad you can run again! :cool1:

Lisa, I also keep a running log so anything would work for me!
Hey, my Super Goof pic is gone...where did it go and how can I get it back???

If you copied the link from me, our server is temporarily down. It should be back up shortly. However, in the meantime, you can copy the link from Lisa or someone else to get your image to show up.
I'm still on track for my training for the Princess Half. I ran 45 minutes tonight and ran 3.13 miles. I am hoping to maintain that for the Half. The Marathoning for Mortals has really been helping me out. I have never stayed on an exercise plan this long.
Hey Goofs, glad to see everyone is still on track.

Cecilia-Yay for nothing serious. It will be nice to have you back with us!!

Mike-Remember, one fast run for me, K. Just don't hurt yourself!!

Susie-Glad to hear you did not get the icing. My sister is just outside OKC and they got it BAD!!

Angie-Another ambitious year for you I see!

Everyone else-:wave2:

Today is girls to the gym again and 5 miles for me. It makes for a long workout with them so I will try to get out the Leslie Sansone 1 mile run DVD and do that a couple of times during my breaks from work today. That makes it a little easier to get in the last few while they are doing the C25K. They are still only running 20 minutes and I can crank out an easy 2 in that time. I am still needing to revamp my weight routine to match up with theirs and will get that done this weekend. I see the Goofy is 65% full. There is no way it will last until April. I am also getting REALLY nervous about April. It is time to start upping the LRs that I do on the weekend and right now I am sking those miles so I am going to have to do something different there too. I just bought a pair of NB 858s and will test drive them today on the TM at the gym. I have never found a pair that work for me and I want to give them some miles to find out BEFORE I run a marathon in them!! :scared: I am holding a pair of Nimbus-10s just in case these fail the test today.

I hope everyone has a super day and is ready to start the challenge again on Sunday. If everyone just keeps track on their own for now until all the bugs get worked out of the spreadsheet that will help. Also maybe for awhile keep track of your own anyway so we can make sure the spreadsheet is correct too!
I procrastinated this morning, but finally got a 6 miler in. Decent pace for me, too! Hope everyone has a nice weekend! They are talking snow maybe for us in Atlanta next week! I actually hope we get some for the kids sake.
I got 1.5 mile in last night and I'm glad I did. My throat started getting scratchy before I went to bed and I woke up this morning with a full-blown cold. Grr. Anyway, my time yesterday was 18:35.
no more skiing.

We wound up getting four feet of snow in the week I was here...the powder was just heavenly, as good as I've skied on in 25 years!

Anyway, today is a travel day, so no exercise for Mikey today, but I'll start back in earnest tomorrow!

Stay on track, focused, and healthy goofs!

And Lisa, I did do a couple of VERY fast ones to wind up the trip...the snow was pretty heavy yesterday, and there was no powder to be found in the trees, so my brothers and I did top to bottom bomber runs.

Saturday's here!
Thiursday I did a tempo run--5.1 miles in 45 minutes, I think. Yesterday was rest day for me. Today will probably do a little XT and run tomorrow.
My hope is to see sun this weekend, but according to the weather I don't think that is likely.

Good job on the 6, Shan. That is waht I have planned for tomorrow. As for maintenance--your other thread--I only have ever run 3x/week (keep my old bones from disagreeing too much!) and I am sticking to that. The difference now is that I am mixing it up with some speedwork and tempo runs. This is working well because it is a nice change of pace (pardon the pun!) from just running the same old miles. Plus, maybe I will actually get faster! Since the plan I am following is for a 5k, it isn't heavy duty mileage, but it still peeks out close to 20/week.

Today's the day for my 8 mile run per MFM. I have to remind myself it is only 15 minutes more than the 7 miles I ran two weeks ago.
Hi Goofs,

I feel embarrassed to even post since I have been MIA for so long.

Thursday 1/29
treadmill 2.5 miles 37 minutes

Saturday 1/31
stationary bike for 5 miles/ 30 minutes.

Hi Goofs,
I'm brand-new to this team, so I probably ought to introduce myself. I am a stay-at-home dad to two children (who turn 5 and 2 next month). I ran XC in high school, and then ran on some very rare occasions until a few years ago, when one of my SILs said "Hey, I think I am going to run the half-marathon at Disney. Who else wants to run it?"

So, I trained in 2005, ran a practice half, and then ran the Donald in 2006. I ran a couple marathons, took a DNF in Chicago in 2007, ran an ultra to make up for it, and ran the Goofy in 2008 - along with a bunch of other races.

This year is probably going to be a light year, in terms of races, thanks to two Disney trips. My tentative schedule has the following:

Illinois Marathon - April 11
Cereal City Classic 10k, Lakeview 10k - spring or early summer
RFTT - October
and possibly the Lakefront Ultra 50/50 in late Oct/early Nov, as well as several other local short races.

I'm on the 50 States + DC path, but I probably won't be crossing off any states this year - I either can't get to them, or they are within a week or two of a race where I want to put in a serious effort.

In addition, I am hoping to maintain my current running streak throughout the year. I have currently run every day for the past 165 days (including a trip earlier this week to WDW), and want to see how long I can keep it up.
So sorry you had to wait all this time for a welcome. You must feel so lucky (and batty) at times to be a SAH dad.
I am Joanne- I work part time as a family nurse practitioner in correctional health (prison- I love it but I am a bit kooky) and at Minute Clinic- your sick- we are quick. Love both jobs and it gives me the flexibility (and income) to do other things (ponies and entry fees!)

Are you doing MCM? My DH is so inspired to do it this year with me (I am thrilled!)


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