It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times. updated 4/18. The end!

I just found your TR and have enjoyed reading it thoroughly! Congratulations on the new prince - both he and big brother are very handsome! Here's to a wonderful 2014 for you and yours!
So cute! Congratulation. That is wonderful.

Thank you I'm very happy with him.

I just found your TR and have enjoyed reading it thoroughly! Congratulations on the new prince - both he and big brother are very handsome! Here's to a wonderful 2014 for you and yours!

:welcome: Thanks for stopping in and reading along. I am very happy with my new prince and I agree they are both very handsome of course I am a little prejudiced. Hope you have a wonderful 2014 too, mine has started off really well.
Great update and pics. I feel like I lived it also. :lmao:

NPH was great. Just wish that glass or plastic wall wasn't in the way.

Congrats again on the grandson. I could tell you on FB as we are chatting right now. :rotfl2:
Great update and pics. I feel like I lived it also. :lmao:

NPH was great. Just wish that glass or plastic wall wasn't in the way.

Congrats again on the grandson. I could tell you on FB as we are chatting right now. :rotfl2:

I feel like you were right here with me. :lmao:

I would go again just to hear him but without that partition.

Thank you he came home today but with the 12+ inches of snow I stayed home. He has a name finally - Wyatt William. What better name for the grandson of a sheriff.
I have been snowbound for 2 days. We had over 13 inches Tuesday and now frigid wind chills. Makes the thought of my upcoming May trip so nice. No new baby pics but he is home. His platelets dropped significantly most likely from a cross over from my DD's ITP. She has an auto immune disorder that causes her platelets to be low. Thankfully he has rebounded but they need to monitor him with blood work for a few weeks. All in all he's a real keeper. I'm hoping to finally get out today and see him.

Anyway let's update this TR.

We have seen NPH and visited the American Adventure, well more like visited friends. We said our good byes and Jim ad I were off to Morocco. I wanted to show him the cute little museum there. In all our trips we have always walked past it. Thanks to Scott I discovered it. I didn't take many pics as I did that last April. I did get artsy

Just love all the little details. This was actually on a column and ceiling. The story teller times weren't working here so we wandered on. We came to the United Kingdom and whatever the new music group is was playing. I knew I lost Jim. He stopped listening to new music around 1978 when disco came out. I wandered away as he will sing along and way off key.

They finished and it was time for

Father Christmas. I love hearing the traditions from my roots. My great grandmother was English. I was front and center. Got a pic after

Saw some of Pooh's friends so we got a picture there

We were heading towards Future World to head out but I decided to play with the camera. I was really happy with some of my pictures

Got some Christmas decorations

Pluto was all set for the holidays

Mickey and Minnie were decked out too

Christmas trees, Spaceship Earth and the fountain. I love trying to get good pics here

This was tough to get a good pic but a Hidden Mickey of sorts made out of Christmas lights

I think Stitch was happier eating the decorations


Not the best angle for Thumper

Made Jim get a photopass pic

And we were done with EPCOT for the day. We didn't stay for Illuminations. I wanted to take advantage of the PH on Jim's ticket.

Stay tuned for our end of the day.
What a small world...I think I was on a bus with you. I remember your husband (or someone who looks a lot like him) talking to a couple about sports. I think they may have been Michigan State fans? If memory serves me correctly, it was the night of the Auburn/Alabama game and you guys were discussing the lack of non-SEC coverage.

Sound familiar?
Hopping on board. Love the pictures! Hope your cousin and baby are doing well. We were blessed with a DS-7 that also has down syndrome. He had a major heart defect but is doing well after open heart surgery.
What a small world...I think I was on a bus with you. I remember your husband (or someone who looks a lot like him) talking to a couple about sports. I think they may have been Michigan State fans? If memory serves me correctly, it was the night of the Auburn/Alabama game and you guys were discussing the lack of non-SEC coverage.

Sound familiar?

It really is a small world. They were huge Michigan State fans. I wasn't discussing as much as being bored. I would much rather have discussed the baby. Then again they did in hopes that it was a boy so he could play for Michigan State.

Hopping on board. Love the pictures! Hope your cousin and baby are doing well. We were blessed with a DS-7 that also has down syndrome. He had a major heart defect but is doing well after open heart surgery.

:welcome: Thanks I do love sharing pictures. My cousin's baby is doing very well after a short stay in the NICU. She will have surgery in a couple of months but is doing very well. I told my cousin that every baby is a blessing and after thinking he would never be a dad she will wrap him around her little finger. They were already discussing a trip to Disney in a couple of years.

Glad your little guy is doing well.

My grandson is also getting better. His platelets have gone up some more so that is good news. Still not where they need to be but they are getting there.

Stick around there are more pics to come.
First and foremost, congratulations on grandchild #7. :goodvibes

Sorry I'm behind...I was without internet for a few days.

You got some really great pictures at the CP (mine didn't come out nearly as well).

Glad you got some good seats and then got to visit with Bill and Tracy afterwards.

I love the picture with Tigger (but how could I are smiling so brightly with my boyfriend).

And the photopass pic of you and Jim is really good!
First and foremost, congratulations on grandchild #7. :goodvibes

Thank you I am thrilled to have him. Sort of hoped for a girl since I think my DD is done. Her disorder crossed over this time and she had a bit of a rough time but he is beautiful and healthy. What else matters?

Sorry I'm behind...I was without internet for a few days.

I did read that on your TR. I have been reading and forgetting to comment. Life has been hectic.

You got some really great pictures at the CP (mine didn't come out nearly as well).

Thanks I took the good camera this trip since I had my pack mule, oops I mean husband with me. I travel lighter when I am alone

Glad you got some good seats and then got to visit with Bill and Tracy afterwards.

I thought we would have horrible seats but these weren't bad and visiting with Tracy and Bill just added to the night. They are really very nice people.

I love the picture with Tigger (but how could I are smiling so brightly with my boyfriend).

I am partial to Eeyore but Tigger is a close second.

And the photopass pic of you and Jim is really good!

Thank you. I rarely get in pics because I am always taking them so I took advantage of the photopass when I could.
When I last updated we were leaving EPCOT, but where were we headed? We took the monorail and headed to MK for EMH. As I sat during the ride I took a rather goofy picture.

The lights on my scooter were reflecting in the window. It's hard to tell but the were Mickey Mouse lights. We picked a bad time to arrive as Wishes was taking place. Rather than head in we just waited outside and I took some pics, surprise. I was actually happy with them.

Not the usual ones with the castle but I did like them. We fought the exiting crowds and headed over to Tomorrowland. We were meeting Scott there. We went on the PeopleMover and Scott and I were taking a lot of pics.


And a view of Tomorrowland. I know I took a lot of pics just never uploaded them.

After our nice relaxing ride we headed over for some laughs with the Monsters. I love Roz

We filled the canister with some laughs so we then headed over to take on Zurg. It's probably a good thing I am not defending the Universe. I really get to a point where I just stop shooting because I have no clue what I am shooting at. That's my tory and I am sticking to it. :rotfl2:

Jim's score

My score, remember I gave up

We started towards the front of the park and had to get some castle pics

I could take pictures of that sight all night. Anyway Scott wanted ice cream and Jim and I were heading out. We had an early morning the next day. We said our goodbyes and I took a few more pictures.

And with that our day came to an end.

The Best of Times: The food at Rose and Crown and the CLP with Neil Patrick Harris. And spending some more time with friends.

The Worst of Times: The wait for the bus and the unbelievable LONG time t Rose and Crown. Mission Space is on there too. I think I will skip it from now on. Also adding to the worst of times was some worry over Jim's foot. He was really starting to move slow and that is not a good thing.

One other thing I didn't add to the day was a phone call I had gotten from my mother right before we went to lunch. She had incredibly sad news for me. My SIL lost the other twin and they were girls. I felt so bad for all of them and helpless.
Those are BEAUTIFUL fireworks from outside the MK. Great job!

I love the People Mover and so glad you got to spend some time with Scott.

I often feel like you on Buzz; but my urge to beat my husband keeps me shooting away at whatever. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Sorry about the baby.
Those are BEAUTIFUL fireworks from outside the MK. Great job!


I love the People Mover and so glad you got to spend some time with Scott.

I do like that it's a great way to relax. And I did have fun with Scott. We have become very good friends and he's always fun.

I often feel like you on Buzz; but my urge to beat my husband keeps me shooting away at whatever. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Normally I try an beat him but realized he has an unfair advantage. He has to qualify every year for his job so he knows what h's doing. OK that's my new story and I'm sticking to it. :lmao: Actually I think h just cheats.

Sorry about the baby.

Thank you it was really hard but not unexpected. There were issues with both babies early on so we knew she had a good chance of losing the second twin. Still very sad though.
My husband cheats at Buzz, Toy Story and Mini Golf. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I will freely admit I cheat at mini golf. The rest he cheats.

Great firework pictures! Sorry about the babies, that is always so hard and sad to hear.

Thank you I was very happy with them.

It was very sad for the family. I was almost afraid to be happy with my new DGS because I didn't want to hurt my SIL. Thankfully my SIL was happy about him. My nephews birthday will be a little hard as she was due a couple days after his birthday. They had a beautiful Memorial service for the babies and it really helped.
You got some great night pics.
Hey that is me. LOL
I hate sad news.
You got some great night pics.
Hey that is me. LOL
I hate sad news.

Thanks I have been working on them.

Yes it was you. LOL

It wasn't really news I had wanted to hear. I was hoping the baby would have made it.


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