Is anyone else worried about opening up again

I’ve never really been to ones that are all nails but the independent ones that rent space in the same places that my sister does, no, I’ve never seen that.

Oh ok. I have only been to the places that o my do nails. But now that you say that the girl in my hair salon that does nails, doesn’t wear a mask. Not sure how much good the mask would do at that close proximity anyway.
Will it ever be fully safe to go back to normal? Who can say for sure? But I will be out and about once the restrictions are lifted because, let's face it, we are enduring life not living it, and that's not for me.
I understand that many people are struggling financially and that is a problem that needs to be addressed somehow. But being bored is not an argument for getting back to work.
I think people think the government checks will keep coming.

"Keep" coming implies that they started in the first place. Of three people in my household who applied for unemployment, one has actually received a check. The other two - one application submitted on 3/26 and the other on 4/3 - are still awaiting processing.

6 more months? There will not be an economy left if we wait 6 more months to start opening.
That's true, but why rush it? To open so soon in some areas would make shutting down at all pointless.

There is something else to think about here... dealing with this virus over the summer months is likely to be easier/more straightforward than dealing with it six months from now when flu season starts and complicates the efforts to monitor and track the coronavirus.
The abuse is more for work based when given so many sick days a year many use them for whatever they feel like and then go to work sick, happens all the time.

School is different and depends on what is going. It is abused for sports all the time because if the kid isn't in school they can be at practice or the game, so they send them and hope for the best.

I admit that I have gone to work sick. I was raised by parents that worked for themselves and worked long and hard hours. It’s the lessons I was taught. I have more than enough days to take, both personal and sick days in a year. I have plenty built up. But, when I took the job, it was explained to me that there were 6 days a year we couldn’t take off—the 6 days of registration. So I don’t. I have worked registration with a swollen jaw because the dentist messed up and a filling wasn’t right. It was the first day of registration so I worked with it swollen and in pain. I worked with the flu (didn’t mean to, just didn’t realize I had the flu). It’s not that I take days for other reasons, I don’t. I just feel that it’s necessary me to be there. IMO, those of us raised by parents of certain generations are going to have that mindset.

But others need the money. They can’t afford to lose the hours. I know a few single mom’s in that situation. They push themselves to go sick to not lose pay.

And others that need their sick days to use for their child. So they go to work when sick themselves.

For students, some coaches will bench a player for missing a game. So the kid hides illness to go. Or like Dd in choir, concerts were their test grades for that class. The director stressed all the time how important it wasn’t for them all to be there as too many missing was going to throw the whole thing off. So they would go sick. 8 years of choir and she missed one concert because I gave her no choice.

For everyone in the US to stop going to work or school sick there is a whole lot that is going to have to change. Number one being the mindset of a lot of people.
I admit that I have gone to work sick. I was raised by parents that worked for themselves and worked long and hard hours. It’s the lessons I was taught. I have more than enough days to take, both personal and sick days in a year. I have plenty built up. But, when I took the job, it was explained to me that there were 6 days a year we couldn’t take off—the 6 days of registration. So I don’t. I have worked registration with a swollen jaw because the dentist messed up and a filling wasn’t right. It was the first day of registration so I worked with it swollen and in pain. I worked with the flu (didn’t mean to, just didn’t realize I had the flu). It’s not that I take days for other reasons, I don’t. I just feel that it’s necessary me to be there. IMO, those of us raised by parents of certain generations are going to have that mindset.

But others need the money. They can’t afford to lose the hours. I know a few single mom’s in that situation. They push themselves to go sick to not lose pay.

And others that need their sick days to use for their child. So they go to work when sick themselves.

For students, some coaches will bench a player for missing a game. So the kid hides illness to go. Or like Dd in choir, concerts were their test grades for that class. The director stressed all the time how important it wasn’t for them all to be there as too many missing was going to throw the whole thing off. So they would go sick. 8 years of choir and she missed one concert because I gave her no choice.

For everyone in the US to stop going to work or school sick there is a whole lot that is going to have to change. Number one being the mindset of a lot of people.
I would hope that after this is over the mindset of people would hopefully change.
I admit that I have gone to work sick. I was raised by parents that worked for themselves and worked long and hard hours. It’s the lessons I was taught. I have more than enough days to take, both personal and sick days in a year. I have plenty built up. But, when I took the job, it was explained to me that there were 6 days a year we couldn’t take off—the 6 days of registration. So I don’t. I have worked registration with a swollen jaw because the dentist messed up and a filling wasn’t right. It was the first day of registration so I worked with it swollen and in pain. I worked with the flu (didn’t mean to, just didn’t realize I had the flu). It’s not that I take days for other reasons, I don’t. I just feel that it’s necessary me to be there. IMO, those of us raised by parents of certain generations are going to have that mindset.

But others need the money. They can’t afford to lose the hours. I know a few single mom’s in that situation. They push themselves to go sick to not lose pay.

And others that need their sick days to use for their child. So they go to work when sick themselves.

For students, some coaches will bench a player for missing a game. So the kid hides illness to go. Or like Dd in choir, concerts were their test grades for that class. The director stressed all the time how important it wasn’t for them all to be there as too many missing was going to throw the whole thing off. So they would go sick. 8 years of choir and she missed one concert because I gave her no choice.

For everyone in the US to stop going to work or school sick there is a whole lot that is going to have to change. Number one being the mindset of a lot of people.

I'm similar to you I guess. I was raised by people who, for sure, took off when truly sick, but didn't take off for mild illnesses. So I have gone to work with bad colds, injuries, etc.

When I had two young kids and very little leave I went to work when I was pretty sick. Just dosed myself with Motrin. I never had enough leave and had to use it when the kids were sick.

Now that I have a better benefits package and a lot more leave and I've really changed my behavior. I actually do stay home with a cold (or telework--an option I didn't have 20 years ago).

But I do have those days (end of the fiscal year) that's it's all hands on deck.
I agree - many have chosen sides when we really have two devastating tragedies playing out at the same time.

I hate that people try to insinuate that I am a heartless wench for thinking about money right now. I am not talking about strapping Grandma to the firing range. But my divorce is final this month, and I just got laid off indefinitely. I have full custody of 3 kids, one with special needs. Unemployment is half of what my check was I am terrified about what is going to happen.

It is a luxury to be able to not think about whether you have a job and a paycheck. 43% of Americans have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced because of this.
I would hope that after this is over the mindset of people would hopefully change.

Or the mindset of employers change. Give actual sick time off. Don’t look down on employees who call out sick. Don’t complain when you have to cover when someone is out sick. Stop with the stringent sick time rules. My mother’s job has a point system. When you call out you get points. Those points go against your raise and other things. It’s ridiculous.

I work in healthcare. I’ve gone to work sick because I have tons of work that needs to be done. And to be honest, when someone covers they really don’t do it the right way and when I return I’m in a deeper hole of stuff I have to fix and catch up to.
So this study would seem to indicate that opening up might not be nearly as dangerous as many think. Especially if services can be done outside. Outdoor church, outdoor dining, etc.
Agreed, if we can find a way to protect our elderly in long term living facilities.
So this study would seem to indicate that opening up might not be nearly as dangerous as many think. Especially if services can be done outside. Outdoor church, outdoor dining, etc.

Agree. Outdoor is the way to go. Despite what this says, though, I really very concerned about indoor transmission. After seeing the "restaurant graphic" which I believe is posted on the CDC's website (shows how 9 people were infected by one diner that had the virus) and an earlier graphic on a bus infection, I don't think I'll be going into indoor spaces with people I don't know-- and I *really* want to get my hair cut!
Or the mindset of employers change. Give actual sick time off. Don’t look down on employees who call out sick. Don’t complain when you have to cover when someone is out sick. Stop with the stringent sick time rules. My mother’s job has a point system. When you call out you get points. Those points go against your raise and other things. It’s ridiculous.

I work in healthcare. I’ve gone to work sick because I have tons of work that needs to be done. And to be honest, when someone covers they really don’t do it the right way and when I return I’m in a deeper hole of stuff I have to fix and catch up to.
Exactly. All the hotels/casinos have points systems. The overall message is that you can lose your job for calling in sick. It’s thought better to go in and be sent home (and you have to be really, REALLY sick for them to do that) than to take a chance and get points. It’s essentially the same with school, you’re penalized for not showing up.
Oh ok. I have only been to the places that o my do nails. But now that you say that the girl in my hair salon that does nails, doesn’t wear a mask. Not sure how much good the mask would do at that close proximity anyway.
I thought before covid, nail salon workers wore masks to protect against nail/acrylic filings, etc. A customer is only exposed once every 1-2 weeks, a worker 40-60hrs/wk.
Exactly. All the hotels/casinos have points systems. The overall message is that you can lose your job for calling in sick. It’s thought better to go in and be sent home (and you have to be really, REALLY sick for them to do that) than to take a chance and get points. It’s essentially the same with school, you’re penalized for not showing up.

DDs school (DS graduated 2018) has a system where if you are absent 4 days in one marking period as unexcused (no official doctors note. Parent notes aren’t accepted) then you get a failure to pass. You are automatically given a failing grade and you get put on some kind of probation. Then if next marking period you don’t have 4 unexcused absences you get your real grades back.

I’m lucky because we have health insurance with low copays and I can afford to take my kids to the doctors so I can get a note if needed. Also I have an awesome pediatrician that doesn’t want kids in for normal stomach viruses or head colds so I can just call and get a note. Not everyone has that luxury. So what do they do? Kids go to school sick.

it’s a jacked up system.
I wish that healthcare organizations would act as you suggest. But at this point they aren’t.
DD is a pharmacist. She was not initially permitted to wear a mask. At some point a non medical manager had the pharmacy masks collected. Then about four weeks ago she was issued a mask and a brown paper bag, for storage. She is still using the same mask, can’t get a new one. There is no way to tell how effective it still is after close to 200 hours of use.
DSIL works in a hospital cardiac catheterization lab. Until recently they were required to perform procedures with little PPE. They were doing things that would have gotten them fired under normal circumstances. Expediency and cost seemed to trump good practice during times when good practice is clearly necessary.
I am on the frontlines myself. I get it. Things are evolving week to week. We now have more supplies. The poster I was addressing was taking about October. My point was that I think, based on Covid numbers then, that there may be mask orders still in place, but that anyone concerned about contact with healthcare professionals can always wear their own PPE if they want to. By then we will all have collected plenty of supplies on our own. At some point, though, we will likely not need masks anymore. I don't know when that will be; no one does. But what happened three weeks ago in the midst of this crisis, then surge, will probably not apply in October.


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