Is anyone else worried about opening up again

I agree that we need to start opening up some different spots, but these do not seem logical to me.
The governors reasoning:

These entities have been unable to manage inventory, deal with payroll, and take care of administrative items while we shelter in place,” he explained. “This measure allows them to undertake baseline operations that most other businesses in the state have maintained since I issued the shelter in place order.

No business is being forced to open. My wife's facebook feed filled up with restaurants saying they were going to continue a to go only model. I think so many will be afraid to venture out that the businesses that do reopen may find they are losing money even faster open vs closed.
There is no doubt we can’t stay home forever and the economy needs to get going again. We are already home based employees so blessed to not have to make that decision...what I have felt from the start of this crisis is that at some point things are going to open up and it will be up to the individual to decide what risks to take. Obviously many will need to return to work, I think schools will be punted until Fall. Leisure activities will be interesting to watch. IMHO Georgia gov is taking a huge risk. His numbers are still going up I’m in NY, no way I’m going out soon, even if they open up tomorrow. And I think this how people’s thought process will work. I do not trust any spin from media or any officials. They flip flop way too much. Don’t wear masks, wear masks etc. I only trust the data. And the data says it is spreading unless you distance. And I do not buy that this wont affect my kids because they are young. Too much conflicting info. I don’t want any of us to get it. So even if it opens should we go? To each their own but I don’t think I want to play roulette with the health of my family. My trip is at end of August. I’m hopeful warmer weather will have a positive impact
I live in GA and I don't even know what to say. How can all the business that are set to open on Friday involve touching people. I mean massage parlors, salons (hair and nail) and tattoo parlors? On a good day people are concerned with cleanliness and hygiene at some of these places.

I agree that we need to start opening up some different spots, but these do not seem logical to me. I could much better understand non-essential stores (like clothing stores or some of the other bigger stores) than what has been recommended. For example, the LOFT at the outdoor mall a few miles away could open and social distance with little problem, in my opinion. Even if they suspended using the fitting rooms for now.
Agree. Those seem like those Places should be farther down on the list, not at the top. I saw read an interview with Atlanta’s mayor—she was mortified about the governors actions in GA
I live in GA and I don't even know what to say. How can all the business that are set to open on Friday involve touching people. I mean massage parlors, salons (hair and nail) and tattoo parlors? On a good day people are concerned with cleanliness and hygiene at some of these places.

I agree that we need to start opening up some different spots, but these do not seem logical to me. I could much better understand non-essential stores (like clothing stores or some of the other bigger stores) than what has been recommended. For example, the LOFT at the outdoor mall a few miles away could open and social distance with little problem, in my opinion. Even if they suspended using the fitting rooms for now.
Manicurists often wear gloves and masks anyways. They can also seat customers 6 ft apart. Hairstylists...depends on the set up. I'm on the fence about this one. They need to work and some could benefit from the service.
So a few years ago my wife and I signedup for a bike ride down a volcano in Hawaii. When they presented up with the waiver to sign clearing them of any claims up to and including death I realized I had not been on a bike in years and decided my wife should enjoy the ride and I would follow in the van with the spotter. Halfway down he got a call on the radio that we should hold up, there was a “Holley” ahead. I asked what that was and he said a Holley was a bird indigene pi’s to the region that flew he’d over heels. They used it as a euphemism for someone going over the edge. When we got to the end 2 guys that obviously had not really read the waiver asked why we stopped. When told they were dumbfounded that there was any real risk on the trip. The current situation strikes me as the same. Sign the waiver and take your chance or hang in the van because you arent comfortable. I don’t regret that my wife enjoyed the ride, I don’t regret that I sat it out. Make your choice, make it intelligently and do what you are comfortable with
And I'm simply pointing out that there are plenty of people who understand what the intent for social distancing and shutdowns was, who don't think we should stay shutdown until a vaccine is developed, who recognize certain things can probably reopen gradually with precautionary measures taken and who are worried about the danger presented by self entitled rebels without a clue who want to invalidate the sacrifices that have been made to try and keep our medical system afloat and make it possible to save more lives.

Exactly this.

I understand that gradually opening things back up so that our economy can begin to recover is needed.

But it’s the irresponsible, ”self-entitled rebels” (as you so aptly put it) that are going to completely invalidate everything that’s been done.

And it’s these same people who are not going to adhere to any kind of recommendations & are going to just do whatever the heck they want w/o any regard to the seriousness of the virus.

And, even if I decide to stay home for the time being, people like my DH can’t. Healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery store employees, firefighters, police officers, & other first responders & front-line employees can’t just choose to stay home. So all these essential employees who have worked so hard to keep our country running (& their families) will be more at risk because of people’s stupid behavior.
I’m kinda worried but we have to open up eventually. I just hope it can be done gradually and in moderation. No need to go balls to the wall with it like Georgia seems to be doing.

As long as hospitals aren’t overwhelmed I’m ok with it for certain areas. Not all.
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Not even worth asking this again, unfortunately. People either think it’s no big deal and we should open everything or they think keep it closed for a while longer till cases and deaths drop and testing is ramped up and we have a handle on it.

I am of the thinking that opening it up now is a recipe for more people to get sick and die and that we will right back where we started in short time. But I will never convince those who want to open that this is of any value. After all, it seems money is what they are more concerned about.
Not even worth asking this again, unfortunately. People either think it’s no big deal and we should open everything or they think keep it closed for a while longer till cases and deaths drop and testing is ramped up and we have a handle on it.

I am of the thinking that opening it up now is a recipe for more people to get sick and die and that we will right back where we started in short time. But I will never convince those who want to open that this is of any value. After all, it seems money is what they are more concerned about.

If this is what you really think most people are concerned about then you are right it isn't worth asking again because it's clear you aren't even listening.
Not even worth asking this again, unfortunately. People either think it’s no big deal and we should open everything or they think keep it closed for a while longer till cases and deaths drop and testing is ramped up and we have a handle on it.

I am of the thinking that opening it up now is a recipe for more people to get sick and die and that we will right back where we started in short time. But I will never convince those who want to open that this is of any value. After all, it seems money is what they are more concerned about.
Yep, I guarantee that the big business owners are not sending their wives and children to Walmart with the crowds. They will stay home where they are safe, while other people go out and spur the economy.

I think the US got very lucky, that when the lockdown started the virus hadn't penetrated into as many areas as people feared. The number of infections had stayed below the critical mass point, for most areas. So the extreme social distancing had a chance to do what it was supposed to do, crush the transmission chains. But even with the lockdown, over the last 2 months we've seen it spread into every state and most counties. We see rural communities, with one major employer (factory of some type) develop outbreaks. So the one thing we had going for us before...the virus wasn't definitely not the case now.

The last 6 weeks, we've learned a lot about how to treat and not treat this virus. Crucial info, and there is more to be learned over another 6 weeks, as well as work out the supply chain issues for PPE and testing supplies. I don't view this lockdown as disruption but preparation. The military knows you have to plan, recon, coordinate, equip, setup resupply lines, etc. It takes months, years to develop a battleplan. A novel infectious disease...we get bored after a few weeks and then decide to just...whatever. Just because this is a virus we can't see and not a soldier with a gun, doesn't mean we can just skip all the preparation and throw the civilians into the streets and expect to come out of this without a lot of damage.

No, we can't stay home forever, but we can set things up so that when we DO have to take the breaks off, we give ourselves a fighting chance, instead of setting ourselves up for the worst possible outcome (massive economic damage AND unnecessary death).
I live in Georgia as well, a few thoughts/corrections. We are not opening everything up, I agree some of the places that are allowed to open seem a little silly - do we really need bowling allies open? The Gov. did say some precautions will still be in place, restaurants can't have more than 10 people at a time, bars still can't open, etc. Someone has to be the guinea pig and I guess we are it. I go into my office one day a week to pick up the mail and other than UGA and the public schools being closed, I really haven't been able to tell that much difference as far as people on the road, just as many cars as before. While small shops and bars are closed downtown, when I drove through there last week there were maybe 4 parking spaces open. Not as many college students walking around but still quite a few were walking and all were in groups. They could very well have been room mates, most of the apartment complexes looked to have about 75% of their tenants still there, meaning when UGA shut down, they stayed.

I don't read the news or watch it on TV that much, my hubby makes up for it by looking at numbers every single day and reading all the stories. He passes along the things he thinks I might be interested in. One thing I have realized is that we don't know more than we know about this. He told me the other day a well respected doctor has come out and said, ooopppps we probably shouldn't have been putting people on ventilators for this, it might be doing more harm than good. Another article he read from a hospital said they have learned that what helps more than anything is to just turn the patients over onto their stomachs, I'm guessing something to do with draining. (no I can't cite either of those sources) Everyone is learning as we go on this, including the scientific community and our "leaders".

I'm not going bowling any time soon, nor will I be getting my hair done, a tatoo is not in my future and we won't be going out to eat any time soon. To be honest though, none of that was going to happen before all this.
So a few years ago my wife and I signedup for a bike ride down a volcano in Hawaii. When they presented up with the waiver to sign clearing them of any claims up to and including death I realized I had not been on a bike in years and decided my wife should enjoy the ride and I would follow in the van with the spotter. Halfway down he got a call on the radio that we should hold up, there was a “Holley” ahead. I asked what that was and he said a Holley was a bird indigene pi’s to the region that flew he’d over heels. They used it as a euphemism for someone going over the edge. When we got to the end 2 guys that obviously had not really read the waiver asked why we stopped. When told they were dumbfounded that there was any real risk on the trip. The current situation strikes me as the same. Sign the waiver and take your chance or hang in the van because you arent comfortable. I don’t regret that my wife enjoyed the ride, I don’t regret that I sat it out. Make your choice, make it intelligently and do what you are comfortable with

The reporting has been all over the place with this virus. I don’t think people have a really good idea as to how dangerous it is. Otherwise they wouldn’t be out protesting in large groups.


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