I know some are following our journey..

This reminds me of when Sonya started treatment , on the very first chemo treatment I was told I had to pay $600 for her to even start chemo. We just got told that she has cancer a week before and then they tell us if we don't pay $600 she does not get treatment ??? You think they could give us some time ? This is chemo for God's sake , not cosmetic surgery!
I was very fortunate to be able to get partial medical assistance for her since she is a minor with a disability , they pay what my insurance does not until she turns 18....then we are on our own for that !
Marsha I am sorry that you are going through this too , as if you didn't have enough to worry about.
Hi Marsha How are things going? I pray for you daily and You have been on my mind a lot the past couple of days. I hope you had a nice holiday.... continued prayers!
My continued thoughts and prayers for you and Tom. We had same issue's last year with DH's cancer surgery. It amazes me that you pay and pay....then when you really need it....you end up paying even more. Sad system. Hope the upcoming year is a better one for you both. :hug:
Our prayers are with you both. We, too, are aware of the "donut hole" - why don't they just call it what it really is - the sinkhole!! Do talk to the social workers, and finance, at your hospital if you haven't already. They may be able to come up with something to help you past part of it.
We took the Holiday off... it was a quiet one, but our grandson was here and that was all we needed. Tom is not feeling terrific, we are officially starting January 5, Tarceva orally and Gemzar in IV. We are hoping for a good result, some shrinking of these tumors that are in his lymph system.....and some more time..

Anyway, I am here, I am just quiet, we have been at this for 4 years, he is tired and we worry...

I wish no one would have to go through this. I am praying so hard for you all!
You hang in there---just one day at a time! I have been a caregiver before so I know how tired you are also! It is important to get yourself some rest also. You are strong and you will stay strong but you need rest.

I am so glad you got to spend time with your grandson. Grandkids have a way to put a smile on our face even when we don't feel like smiling.

Lots of prayers!
It's Monday. So I thought I could just give you a :hug:. Happy Monday!
Hi Marsha,
I hope all is well & I wish you both a Happy New Year. :grouphug:
Please know I continue to remember the both of you in my prayers.
Best wishes.
We took the Holiday off... it was a quiet one, but our grandson was here and that was all we needed. Tom is not feeling terrific, we are officially starting January 5, Tarceva orally and Gemzar in IV. We are hoping for a good result, some shrinking of these tumors that are in his lymph system.....and some more time..

Anyway, I am here, I am just quiet, we have been at this for 4 years, he is tired and we worry...


Dear Marsha,
I have not written before but I have been following your threads and feeling for you all the way along. Others on this thread have expressed my thoughts far better than I ever could, so I will not even try.

What I really want to say is that I send you and Tom every good wish for the start of his treatment tomorrow. I will be thinking about you (although maybe not at the right time of day because of the time difference). Please update us as and when you feel able. Also please take good care of yourself, eat and drink well, rest when possible, to keep up your strength.

Very best wishes.

Praying that all goes well tomorrow and that this treatment is everything you both hope it to be.

Marsha - you and Tommy are in my prayers this morning. Here's hoping everything goes well today at his new chemo.
Marsha ~ Thank you so much for PMing me back! It will help to have someone to chat with (and vent). I will be thinking about you and your DH today! I hope we both see that 5 yr mark!
Marsha & Tom,
You are in our thoughts today. Many hugs, lots of love. I hate that you are dealing with this, as others have said, no one should have to go through this. :hug:


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