I know some are following our journey..

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
Let's see, the last round of chemo did not work.

We have been on a bit of a chemo holiday and will start another treatment the second week in December. I am leary of this one as it can cause extreme painful rashing, but he wants to try it and so we will. Tarceva and Gemzar is the protocol......not a lot out there for Pancreatic.

Anyway, we will be taking a trip to WDW to gather up some magic so that we can face the treatment when we get back..

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving... we are doing the best we can, one day at a time.
I hope that your trip gives you all the pixie dust you need to have a successful next round. You are both so brave. I don't always post, but I do make sure I read all of your updates. I am keeping you both in my prayers.:grouphug:
Thanks for the update Marsha. I hope you both have a great trip, surely it will do you and Tom a world of good.

You are always in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
I hope you both have a wonderful trip to WDW, a magical place that I know you both love so much. You know you are both always in my prayers, and will always continue to be.
Hope you both have a wonderful trip and get some very much needed pixie dust. You both are always in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:
I just wanted you to know that you both are in my thoughts. :hug:

Enjoy your trip to WDW, you both deserve much needed R&R.
Our prayers are there for you. :hug: :hug: I hope you both have a wonderful trip - it did Jim a world of good just being there for a few days.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Hope your Disney trip is a magical one.

As always, you are both in my prayers.

Dear Mackey Mouse,

Please keep the faith. I know that you must be going through a lot right now. I hope and pray that you all find some Magic to infuse your souls at Disney. It will be a well needed break for you both.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope that you had a good Thanksgiving holiday together.:hug:

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am also praying for the chemo treatment not to be as bad as expected. I hope you have a great trip.
Marsha, you have my continued prayers & good wishes. I hope you guys are able to enjoy your trip. Along with everyone else, I'm praying for success with the chemo - I know how draining it can be on the both of you. We're following your updates & wish you every blessing. :grouphug:
A little bit of Disney magic does the heart a world of good.....keeping you in my prayers as always Marsha.
Hi Marsha! I was wondering how things are going? Just to remind you that you are in my prayers!
We are home.. he was quite tired on this trip so we took it easy maybe did one ride a day or just stayed around the resort.. it was the weather we were after really and peace from no chemo..

We went to the oncologist today, we are not starting the next round of chemo until January. It seems we are in some sort of donuthole thing with Medicare and will have to come up with $4000 to pay out of pocket for this round of chemo... after we satisfy the $4000, they will pay up to 90%.

So much for all these years of working, paying into the system, but when you are sick and need the system, you are told....you are costing us too much money so you have to pay out of pocket.....before you can get the next round of chemo. I am annoyed and am working with an agency to help us understand the ins and outs of medicare.....hopefully they can tell us which plans we should have. We thought we had the best ones available, but I guess not?? And we also supplement with a private one to cover what medicare does not and we still have to pay out of pocket.. and each year we will have to do the same thing....

Amazing.. but we will do what we have to do to get Tom what he needs...
Marsha, continued prayers for the both of you. I hope you're able to enjoy the holidays & I hope the Medicare/insurance has a speedy resolution. It's so ridiculous that you have to worry about this while dealing with the chemo.
Please know that you're both in our thoughts & prayers. God Bless.
Hi Marsha-
I haven't been on the board a lot lately but have thought of you and Tom alot. Glad you had a little getaway to the magic.
I'm so upset about the Medicare thing, it is so unfair when folks who work hard and do all the "right" things to be self-sufficient,contributing members of society all their lives face these issues. :( Have you talked to the social services folks at the hospital?

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :hug:
Marsha, that is terrible that you have to come up with $4000 before they can start treatment!!!! Something has to change in the medical community to help those that need it when seeking treatment.


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