"I can do more than I think"-My story to be fit for life, not just Disney.


Bloody Pirates...
Feb 20, 2009
Hi everyone! :wave: My name is Kaiti. I want to start another one of these for a few reasons- number 1) the first one I made had a very shallow title. Number 2) I don't do well when I'm not accountable to someone, and I have yet to find someone around me to be accountable for. And number 3) I'd much rather be accountable to the coolest group of people in Internetland :) (I also believe in shameless compliments and buttering people up--but no more talk of butter; that's what got me here in the first place!!)

There's been a lot that has inspired me lately to start really doing something for myself. If you don't watch the A&E Network, ya should. There's an amazing new show on there called "Heavy". It chronicles the journey people make on a 6-month plan to lose the weight that is physically crippling them. It's an amazing show. One episode a couple weeks ago featured a girl named Julia who reminded me of myself. She wanted to be successful in work and peronal relationships. She was afraid of getting diabetes, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to find love until she lost the weight. She was really successful- she lost 88 lbs in a 6 month period. And it got me thinking: what's stopping me from losing 88 lbs in a six-month time frame?

The answer is really simple- only myself. Well, I'm tired of standing in my own way and I refuse to become a victim of my own doing. So I'm doing something about it. I have 179 days before my next trip to The World, and in the time between then and now, I plan to lose 47 pounds to be at my goal weight, and get my BMI in the healthy range for the first time in years. I cannot wait to get started, and I would love for everyone here on these boards to join me in my journey. I know I can do this!!

Here's the basic facts--
Current Weight: 192lbs (lost 12 lbs after a brief bout of mono- it counts, right??)
Goal Weight: 145lbs
Pounds to lose: 47 total lbs.

Let's Get Rockin'!!!
Hi everyone! :wave: My name is Kaiti. I want to start another one of these for a few reasons- number 1) the first one I made had a very shallow title. Number 2) I don't do well when I'm not accountable to someone, and I have yet to find someone around me to be accountable for. And number 3) I'd much rather be accountable to the coolest group of people in Internetland :) (I also believe in shameless compliments and buttering people up--but no more talk of butter; that's what got me here in the first place!!)

There's been a lot that has inspired me lately to start really doing something for myself. If you don't watch the A&E Network, ya should. There's an amazing new show on there called "Heavy". It chronicles the journey people make on a 6-month plan to lose the weight that is physically crippling them. It's an amazing show. One episode a couple weeks ago featured a girl named Julia who reminded me of myself. She wanted to be successful in work and peronal relationships. She was afraid of getting diabetes, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to find love until she lost the weight. She was really successful- she lost 88 lbs in a 6 month period. And it got me thinking: what's stopping me from losing 88 lbs in a six-month time frame?

The answer is really simple- only myself. Well, I'm tired of standing in my own way and I refuse to become a victim of my own doing. So I'm doing something about it. I have 179 days before my next trip to The World, and in the time between then and now, I plan to lose 47 pounds to be at my goal weight, and get my BMI in the healthy range for the first time in years. I cannot wait to get started, and I would love for everyone here on these boards to join me in my journey. I know I can do this!!

Here's the basic facts--
Current Weight: 192lbs (lost 12 lbs after a brief bout of mono- it counts, right??)
Goal Weight: 145lbs
Pounds to lose: 47 total lbs.

Let's Get Rockin'!!!

Rock on......totally doable
Saturday, March 26th

Well, I won't lie: I have not had an easy or very successful start to this. And I will be the first to tell you my old habits die hard (with a vengence, it seems!)

This past Tuesday I had a job interview for job I have wanted for almost a year now--I went and got my CNA certification and took an online class in Medical Terminology so I could be qualified for the job- all the nurses in the unit know me and they wanted me to have the job. And while waiting in line at the DMV (no less!) I get a voicemail from the HR department of the hospital telling me I didn't get the job.

I felt like I had worked so hard for nothing. My self worth plummeted. And I couldn't even cry it out because I was about to have my picture taken for my new license. So I reverted to my old habits. On my way home I stopped at Bojangles and devoured a chicken biscuit and a sweet tea. I was no better that night or on Friday. I didn't even feel like going for a run or doing a circuit at my gym. I just felt defeated. I can't say I'm feeling 100% today, but I am trying to pick myself up by my bootstraps and tell myself it's their loss. One day, I will be an amazing CNA which will make me an amazing nurse. It's just really frustrating in the meantime!

My goals this week are to cut out soda and replace it with water, and to work out three times. I'll let you know how it goes!!

PS: Any comments are totally welcome!
Sorry to hear this week didn't go as you had hoped. Remember, it takes many battles to win the war. Your plan to run three times and replace soda with water is very doable. Following through will get you closer to your goal. You can do it!:cheer2:
Sorry to hear this week didn't go as you had hoped. Remember, it takes many battles to win the war. Your plan to run three times and replace soda with water is very doable. Following through will get you closer to your goal. You can do it!:cheer2:

Thanks diznmom!! I'll keep everyone posted (well, everyone who's reading:)) about my progress and probably my job search, lol.
Hi Kaiti--I wanted to say I think you have a very reasonable goal.:goodvibes And we have similar stories (weight wise) except I am a 40 something. So if I can do it you can totally do it.:goodvibes

I started off 2010 at 189 lbs. I wanted to be below 150. In Sept. 2010 I hit 147 and went to "maintain." Since then I have been keeping up with things and I'm now at 138. I think what worked for me this time was finding a support group and being reasonable with my goals. I rarely saw more than a 1-2 pound a week loss and I consistently exercised. I planned out my weeks and if I was scheduled to exercise then I made myself go--I always said if after 5 minutes I was miserable I would leave, and I only left one time--and I was exhausted that day. I also read as much as I could about portion sizes and used spark people to get an idea of how many calories I was consuming.

Anyhow, I would encourage you to join one of the support groups on Wish and surround yourself with people who are sharing the same journey. It is very doable you just have to put in the work.:goodvibes
Hi Kaiti--I wanted to say I think you have a very reasonable goal.:goodvibes And we have similar stories (weight wise) except I am a 40 something. So if I can do it you can totally do it.:goodvibes

I started off 2010 at 189 lbs. I wanted to be below 150. In Sept. 2010 I hit 147 and went to "maintain." Since then I have been keeping up with things and I'm now at 138. I think what worked for me this time was finding a support group and being reasonable with my goals. I rarely saw more than a 1-2 pound a week loss and I consistently exercised. I planned out my weeks and if I was scheduled to exercise then I made myself go--I always said if after 5 minutes I was miserable I would leave, and I only left one time--and I was exhausted that day. I also read as much as I could about portion sizes and used spark people to get an idea of how many calories I was consuming.

Anyhow, I would encourage you to join one of the support groups on Wish and surround yourself with people who are sharing the same journey. It is very doable you just have to put in the work.:goodvibes

Hi Rose&Mike! Thank you for the encourgement, it means a lot :) And congrats on reaching and surpassing your goal! Did you do anything in particular that really helped you out?
Saturday, March 26th

Well, I won't lie: I have not had an easy or very successful start to this. And I will be the first to tell you my old habits die hard (with a vengence, it seems!)

This past Tuesday I had a job interview for job I have wanted for almost a year now--I went and got my CNA certification and took an online class in Medical Terminology so I could be qualified for the job- all the nurses in the unit know me and they wanted me to have the job. And while waiting in line at the DMV (no less!) I get a voicemail from the HR department of the hospital telling me I didn't get the job.

I felt like I had worked so hard for nothing. My self worth plummeted. And I couldn't even cry it out because I was about to have my picture taken for my new license. So I reverted to my old habits. On my way home I stopped at Bojangles and devoured a chicken biscuit and a sweet tea. I was no better that night or on Friday. I didn't even feel like going for a run or doing a circuit at my gym. I just felt defeated. I can't say I'm feeling 100% today, but I am trying to pick myself up by my bootstraps and tell myself it's their loss. One day, I will be an amazing CNA which will make me an amazing nurse. It's just really frustrating in the meantime!

My goals this week are to cut out soda and replace it with water, and to work out three times. I'll let you know how it goes!!

PS: Any comments are totally welcome!
That sucks about the job, sorry,
Try not let it get to you,,, the good thing about healthy eating is we have 365 days every year to start afresh, look forwrd hon, not back, dont dwell on it.

I feel your pain, I went through most of my adult life 120 pounds over weight, I finally cracked it when I got to 36 and have kept it off(40 this year) every day is a struggle to maintain but trust me its worth it and just take every day at a time and you will get there.

Let us know how the work out goes!
That really stinks about the job :( I stress eat too, so I completely understand the drive thru thing. Your goal is totally doable! Hang in there, giving up soda and exercising three times is a great weekly goal and you can do this. Just believe in yourself:thumbsup2
That really stinks about the job :( I stress eat too, so I completely understand the drive thru thing. Your goal is totally doable! Hang in there, giving up soda and exercising three times is a great weekly goal and you can do this. Just believe in yourself:thumbsup2

Thanks princesslvr!! I'm excited, people are really reading this, haha! I do emotionally eat a little too much. But I am trying to get better at it; it'll take some time, but I can do it. I haven't done very well on the soda part of the challenge, but the working out part has been easier than I thought! I worked out yesterday pretty hard. Today I just did 30 minutes of cardio.

And can I vent for a second? I'd like to educate people about elliptical etiquette. If there is a row of 6 empty machines with one person using the one on the very end, don't use the one right next to them!!! I mean, really?! I hate standing that close to people I don't know anyway, but to be gross and sweaty and you willingly come stand basically on top of me while I'm trying to sweat it out. Not a good idea first of all (I'm not a desirable sight when I work out) and then it's rude on top of that. I was so irritated I almost left...but then I realized I was NOT going to lose my workout and I only had 20 minutes left in my run. I've waited in line for IASW longer than that! So I did the last 20 minutes, and I used a great trick to get me through the last couple minutes: I closed my eyes and pictured myself running down Main Street, turning the corner into Tomorrowland, and running the last minute to Space Mountain, through the queue, and right up to the ride car :)

I decided I'm gonna have to get some more workout gear. I'm one of those people that has to match, otherwise I don't want to go work anything out, haha! I'm thinking another 10 lbs, and I'll treat myself to a new top :)
WHOOOO!!!!!! I weighed myself yesterday morning and I'm now 25% closer to my goal!!! :woohoo::banana::dance3: Party!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah yeah yeah (No eating here tonight, no eating here tonight, NO NO NO eating here tonight, you on a diet!! :fish:)

You'll have to forgive me, I get a little excited during a victory. I especially like to quote Dory when I have a victory, apparently. This is really exciting though, seriously. I feel like this time I really can do this. There's so much going on for me, regardless of some job. Yes, I wanted it for a year now, but it will turn out for the best. And karma has a way of turing around on people; including those that screw you over. Please forgive the slightly bitter aftertaste you might experience after reading that, lol.

This week, I met one of my goals but not really the other. I had a lot more water than I normally would have, but I still drank a little bit more soda than I would have liked. It was diet soda, but still. I am definitely going to have to work on that part. I did make it to the gym three times though! I'm going to go tomorrow after work and try to figure out the machines I haven't tried yet, and get a real routine together. That's part of my resistance to some of the weight equipment: I don't know how to use it, and I don't want to look like an idiot in front of all the Mr. Workout guys there. You know the ones I'm talking about, they work out really loudly and sweat way more than seems to be necessary, and they wear $35 Affliction tees? And they all think they could be MMA fighters? Yeah, those guys. I just want to tell them to take it down a notch, lol.

So, goals for this coming week are:
1) Work out three times with weight equipment
2) No soda this time! Water with flavor packets or lemons
3) Keep eating my healthy snack alternatives- 100cal. popcorn bags, Fiber One bars, and Special K cracker chips (these are TASTY!!)
4) Lose 1.5 lbs

I know I can do it! :thumbsup2
It's been a much easier week so far, but it still hasn't been as easy as I would hope...the pixie dust is fading, and reality is setting in quickly. I knew it would take work and time, but I wish it was different. But that just means I'm starting to be realistic about this whole thing! I am still working out, I'm watching what I eat (for the most part :blush: ) and I'm proud of what I've done so far. But I can see the path I'm headed down now.

Part of it is because I'm starting to see a new guy. I know that sounds so ridiculous, but what happens is I get wrapped up in the guy (and he's a really great guy so far, he likes watching Disney movies with me!) and I blow off my workouts to go hang out with the guy. I can't let that happen this time. Maybe I can convince him to join me in some 5ks? :goodvibes

I'm going to start a food journal tomorrow morning and really track everything I eat. Maybe that's where I'm falling behind. Plus, it can't hurt! Maybe it'll generate a little extra boost of pixie dust?

Saturday morning is my weigh-in day, so I'll be updating my progress once again!! Crossing my fingers for a loss!
It's been a much easier week so far, but it still hasn't been as easy as I would hope...the pixie dust is fading, and reality is setting in quickly. I knew it would take work and time, but I wish it was different. But that just means I'm starting to be realistic about this whole thing! I am still working out, I'm watching what I eat (for the most part :blush: ) and I'm proud of what I've done so far. But I can see the path I'm headed down now.

Part of it is because I'm starting to see a new guy. I know that sounds so ridiculous, but what happens is I get wrapped up in the guy (and he's a really great guy so far, he likes watching Disney movies with me!) and I blow off my workouts to go hang out with the guy. I can't let that happen this time. Maybe I can convince him to join me in some 5ks? :goodvibes

I'm going to start a food journal tomorrow morning and really track everything I eat. Maybe that's where I'm falling behind. Plus, it can't hurt! Maybe it'll generate a little extra boost of pixie dust?

Saturday morning is my weigh-in day, so I'll be updating my progress once again!! Crossing my fingers for a loss!

Cant you work out together? IN anticipation of your weighin.
Cant you work out together? IN anticipation of your weighin.

We actually talked about that last night, as a matter of fact! :) Monday after he gets off work, I'm gonna head over and we decided to do a walk/run, and start looking for some 5ks to participate in. So that works out really well! He brought up the same point I did, that instead of working out like I should, we hang out with each other and eat pizza and drink beer, lol. But all that changes Monday evening!
So to start with: doesn anyone else have issues with their weight loss ticker? Every time I go to update it, I have to start all over again :confused: I can log in, and all my info come up on the screen, but then I update it and click "create ticker" and it comes back telling me I have an invalid username and password...so confusing :confused3

And speaking of updates, I can't say I have a positive one this week. I did kind of see it happening, though. I only worked out twice and did pretty bad with my food this week. I think I might be giving myself a little more credit than I'm due when it comes to food vs. workouts. I haven't learned that balance yet, and so far it's a little more error, not enough trial! ;) I unfortunately had a gain of about three pounds. I do think a lot of it had to do with food and alcohol. I ate out about four times and did some "imbibing" Thursday night :drinking1 I have started a food journal today though. I have an extra notebook I'll be writing in, and if possible I'll be tracking the calorie/nutrition info for the foods in there. That way I have two systems: the technical side of the jounal with real numbers, and the awesome people that read my crazy ramblings!

Also, the new guy who could become future DBF (fingers crossed!) wants to get into shape as well (he's in much better shape to start with, though!). He wants to get in on some 5ks and run in the evenings after he gets home from work, and definitely puts some plusses in his column.

So, :drinking:
here's to a new healthy week that is better than the last, and to more success than ever before!
I must admit, I have nothing really positive to say today, and I'm really only here to vent.

In the last year, I've had to suffer a lot of "injustice"-- my poor doggie died while I was on vacation last January, then I was used and tossed aside by a guy, then my best friend called me a backstabber after I pulled her drunk self out of a hotel room to keep her from getting date-raped and hasn't spoken to me since, then I got used by a guy again, then it started looking up because I went to school and got my CNA certificate, but then I couldn't find a job because no one would hire me because I have no experience. Then I was told by someone I trusted immensely to take another class that would help me in the process of getting hired in her department at the hospital where I want to work, so I took the class, got amazing grades (I got a 99 on my final, and without sounding pompous, I rule, thanks), FINALLY got the interview, and then she didn't even hire me "because I don't have experience." Then my boyfriend who I really cared about breaks up with me, and then I catch a strain of mononucleosis. So after all that, who can blame me for feeling a little down?

I don't want all this to make it sound like I'm just plying for sympathy, I'm not. I don't want a pity party, but last night my mother said something to me that just pissed me off. After I have put in about 6 different applications for jobs and have decided to get back into selling Mary Kay (I was pretty successful when I did it before all the insanity started year before last), she tells me "You're just not looking as hard as you should be, for a job, and it's upsetting to me."

Where in God's Name does anyone get off on telling anyone else they're doing something "wrong"? My mother hasn't had to deal with the crap I've had to deal with over the last year, and actually has a full-time job. And it's really easy to sit and watch from the sidelines and make little snarky comments about how someone isn't doing what you want them to do. She's already irritated that I've decided to become a nurse, and she's tried to talk me out of it more than once, saying "Oh, you won't like it." Well, that's not for her to decide and it's not her life to live. So telling me what I won't "like" is a surefire way for me to go test it out and then decide for myself because I have a functioning brain and can make my own choices in life.

It just really made me so mad, I could hardly sleep last night. I have been trying to find a full-time job for MONTHS now, and there's nothing available that will hire me. I even went back to school to find one, and nothing has worked out so far. I am working part-time and paying most of my bills (I don't pay rent to live at home, and I don't typically pay for food, but I do household chores like cleaning the kitchen and common areas of the house) and I'm applying to a nursing program as soon as I can afford the application fees. So it's not like I'm sitting at home doing absolutely nothing and expecting everyone to take care of me. I'm trying to do something about the situation I'm in. All I can do in the meantime is play the hand I've been dealt, and it just hurts when the one person who is supposed to support you is the only one to criticize all my choices. It's like she has no peripheral vision on what's happened to me in the last 16 months. I want to be a successful person in life and it feels like if it's not HER version of success, then I could be a brain surgeon and it still wouldn't matter, because her version for me is to be an X-Ray technician (and not that an X-Ray tech is not an honorable position, it is! I work closely with the X-Ray techs in my hospital, and they're very smart and gracious and nice people! :))

*Sigh* Thank you guys so much for listening to me rant and rave and curse about this. It's just frustrating when you feel like you can't do anything about what other people think and say.

On the flip-side, I have been doing better food-wise since I started a food journal on Sunday. And on Monday, I went on a walk-run outside, and my thighs are STILL sore! I'll definitely be heading to the gym today to keep up all that. Hopefully this will be a losing week! :cutie:
So guess who has two thumbs and forgot to weigh themselves this morning? This girl :rotfl:. Seriously, it totally blanked from my mind until I had eaten breakfast and walked around Wal-Mart for an hour...*facepalm* I have, however, been more successful this week, I think.

I've been keeping a food journal and have been really good at it. I also went for a run twice this week, two miles both times! It really helps that I've recently found a running buddy who is in much better shape than I am. So he challenges me a lot more than I would probably challenge myself. AND! I did my taxes and instead of owing $88 like I thought I did, I only owed $16!!! I never get so lucky!! :woohoo: So that just means I have a little bit more money to put toward my upcoming trip. Something like that might not sound weight-related, but it's totally stress-related, which would become weight-related. It's quite a load off my shoulders :)

Other than that, I don't have really anything else to say. I'll have to really work out this week and have a BIG loss to tell you all about next Saturday to make up for not reporting it this week. I'm thinking in the neighborhood of 4 pounds?? I'll be thinking thin!!!


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