Hey guys! We need to help a sad little girl that lost her pins!!!

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<font color=purple>Slam Dancer Extraordinaire<br><
Apr 29, 2001
I know you guys here love to work miracles for kids... can we maybe help out this little girl who lost her pins at Chef Mickeys?

Read Here
Can you send me the address so I can get some pins out to her.
I read all the links and nowhere is there an address. I would like to mail the pins out as a surprise without warning the mom that they are on their way. Peggie
For any of you wanting to help Kelsey the little girl who lost her pins, just PM me as I have the address.


E-mail me an address and I will be happy to send some pins to help.

Pins sent 1-21!
If you can PM me the address, I'll be more than happy to help! Everyone was so great to my son when his pins were lost a few years ago! I'd love to return the favor :)
I am just completely overwhelmed at the response I have had from those of you here on the Collector's Board. All I can say is THANK YOU! I want to thank MeanLaureen also for linking my thread here from the CB. I would have never thought to come here for help, I'm glad MeanLaureen did! ::yes::

I got my pins off to Kelsey yesterday (1/20) so hopefully, she will receive them no later than Friday or Saturday. I can't imagine what her little face is going to look like when all these packages arrive in her name. :tongue:

Thank you all again and if anyone else needs the address just PM me.


I knew my friends here at the Collectors Board would be thrilled to help out this little girl. Imagine collecting since she was 3 and loosing them (and the poor thing probably only had a dozen or so in her collection :( ) Broke my heart when I heard about it. Also my heart broke for her mom - it must have been so sad!

I can just see her face as all those LBE's come piling in! :) :) :)

Keep them coming guys! I'm sure even a few of the sale Disney store pins would be a treasure to her or will be a wonderful CM Lanyard trader on her next trip!!
I want to thank all of you with your help with little Kelsey! :teeth: Her mother has posted about the pins she received and it's amazing!

Visit THIS THREAD to read the update!


Thanks Denise for posting this here too!

Thank you for doing this. I wanted everyone here to know too how wonderful this has been and how truly blessed Kelsey feels!!:sunny: I was going to try and post my message that she had recieved some of the pins from the Themes board but it was pretty long and I had'nt had a chance to type it over to here so this really helps. As I said in my message You are are truly a blessing and it is so heartwarming to know there are so many caring and kind people in this world. This truly makes up for the one person who was'nt kind, caring or honest and has taught Kelsey a very valuable lesson that will be with her the rest of her life!! Thank You All so much!!!:wave2:
We just wanted to update everyone here and tell all of you posting about Kelsey's situation that we too agree that there are some really extra special people here. This is above and beyond anything we could have ever imagined and Kelsey just said yesterday "Am I dreaming or is this really happening?"---for a 6 yr old she just can't believe it and she really is learning something great here:sunny:

Saturday Kelsey recieved 2 more packages and a total of 5 more pins!!!:earseek: Heartfelt thanks go out to bibbidiboo and KathiWithAnI! She has gotten 2 of her original collection replaced and is so happy about those but she is just estatic with all of the pins no matter what they may be---I wish I could record her reaction for all of you to see and hear---it really is special---and you guys have really done a number on me because this is one mom that has cried the last two days she's opened her mail;)

Anyway thank you all again for thinking of and blessing my daughter with your kind words and pins and also the little extras!! And to think I thought this was just a message board about DisneyWorld!! You've all brought the Disney spirit to our house every day in our mail and Kelsey just said this morning after we came home from church, "well today we don't get any mail but maybe tomorrow I'll get 1 more pin"---you have really given her something to look forward to!!:D

We'll try to post daily this coming week if we get anymore and special thanks to Dave who posted here---he may be able to help me with posting a pic of Kelsey with all of her pins after we recieve them all. I really want you all to see the smile on Kelsey's face::yes:: --Hope you all have a great new week!!
Here is another update from Kelsey's mother:

Just read the post below...we both posted at the same time!
:crazy: :rolleyes:
Just wanted you to all know the latest update on what Kelsey has recieved---she surely is one blessed little girl because of all of you here.:D

I apologize for not getting this out last evening but I am still a little under the weather and was'nt able to post last night. Kelsey recieved 4 more packages yesterday!!:earseek: You all have really outdone yourselves and this is soooo exciting for Kelsey!!:bounce: She recieved 26 pins last night in just those 4 packages alone!!!!:earseek: It's been so fun for her, and I have to admit for myself too, to open the packages and see which pins she is getting.

Really Special Thanks goes out to Mickey527, Parkhopper,

bigtinkfun, and lynetteSC!!!:sunny: Mickey527 and Parkhopper I

I know you are collectors and we are so shocked that you would send Kelsey so much of your collection!! Thank You!!--This is'nt to slight any others because Kelsey is just as excited to get 1 pin in a package but both of you really should'nt have, but what an awesome surprise for Kelsey!!

Kelsey is just overwhelmed that some are sending her more than 1 pin( even though she appreciates just 1 pin that's all she expected to get in each package) and you are all so kind to make a special memory out of an upsetting situation for a 6 yr old girl you don't even know!!! In Kelsey's first grade class in her school they are doing creative writing and they had to write their first story this week. Her title was " The Lost Lanyard"---I have'nt seen it but she has told me some of what she has written and it made me cry::yes:: --She mostly wrote about how thankful she is and how kind all of these people are who are sending her pins!:sunny: I wish we could give a hug to all of you who have been so generous:grouphug:

I'll try to do my best on posting if she recieves more but you really are all like family here and I know Kelsey will never forget you!!;)
We are happy that the package arrived safely and that Kelsey is enjoying her little surprises.
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