Help scrappers! I need an intervention!

FantasticDisFamily said:
Hey guys - this is funny so I hope you don't mind that it tracks off a bit. Last night DH & I decided to get the weekly grocery shopping out of the way after dinner, he was going to do it today on his day off but we had time. When we got home it was a few minutes before 8 and DD start to groan about missing "Lost". She KNOWS I don't like her watching (hey, she's only 14) but it is one of those battles I don't fight too hard. Anyway, I said - oh put your shoes on and give us a hand, it's a rerun anyway. Needless to say she didn't believe me until she turned it on! Then it was...but HOW did you know it was going to be a rerun? :rotfl2:
Thanks for helping me reinforce the mystique that moms know EVERYTHING!
If you really want to freak her out you should lurk on the LOST thread. :cool1:
You mom's are just too good! ;)

If you want a short cut PL method, get a 12x12 gift box from a CMC ($3 or $4) and then use pages (twice as many pages as sides you want to fill to make up for the back sides). I just like the plastic box and guides, because they'll last forever. The other method will work the same, though. The other tip is to use sticky notes to jot down what you want to add to a page or specific layout ideas.


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