~help I am broke! ~ ! BIG $$ mess here

Peacefulgirl, you've gotten a ton of good ideas so far. It is up to you and your hubby to make them work. Good luck! It's not easy being on a tight budget and making due without, but it's worth it for the peace of mind.

Seems the hardest part is learning to say, "I'm sorry, I can't (whatever), I'm trying to save money."

That's just me, cheering you on LOL I know you CAN do this! One step at a time. One day at a time. One week at a time! Little changes make a BIG difference!!!!

You HAVE gotten a TON of good info and it sounds like you're applying it. I too, have gotten some great ideas and everytime i present them to DH (we share everything, accounts etc) he says, "Oh, reading the DISboards again, huh?" But even he has admitted to some fresh ideas and its inspired us to tighen out belts a little bit.

But we do still put God first, He gets the "first fruit", and like you Peaceful girl, we find great joy in doing for others. Its just fun! But it can be costly (as you know LOL!!!) but somehow, it all balances out.

However, before we know it we will have two lil darlins in college! And while we've been planing ahead since they were born, i'm sure we're in for a shock! Hmmm....maybe i better do a search here about that...or start a new thread?...!!!

Have a great day PG and everyone!!!!!!!!

Peacefulgirl, thanks for the quick reply that you dont use services so you cant cut. Since message boards are what they are l am not sure if you noticed the two other suggestions that are even more important. Setting a budget for food and than possibly lowering insurance premiums. If you already budget food - great. If not - think about it. It is a quick and easy way to reduce monthly expenses.

Thanks for the push ! I too know we can do this :)


I will post later today the plan ..... Thanks
Here are some ideas and how much they'll save you:

1.Cancel cable/satellite service ($50 a month)

2.Strip your phone of anything you don't need, 3-way,
call notes (just buy an answering machine) ($10-15 a month)

3.Cancel newspaper subscription ($20 a month)

4.Switch to unleaded, skip the premium gas ($25 a month)

5.If possible, drop full-coverage auto insurance and get a liability
only policy (for awhile) ($100 a month)

6.Switch internet providers, Wal-mart has service for $10 a month
($10 a month)

7.Cancel any water delivery service and buy a water filter for your
faucet. ($50 a month)

8.Take your lunch to work ($30 a week)

9.Sell your yard sale items on E-bay instead (Profit!!)

10.Pay your tithes, "My cup runneth over" and trust that God will
provide all of your needs!!::yes::
I've been following this thread since you put it up and I think you are getting a lot of great advice! And by the looks of it, you are definately paying attention to what is said by how often you reply. Remember that only you know your situation and what will work for you and your family, and I'm sure that you it will all come out fine. The good news is that you identified the problem while it was still manageable. A friend of mine didn't and now she's trying to rebuild after having to declare bankruptcy. I'm sending you a BIG GROUP HUG :grouphug: to help keep your momentum going.

Please let us know how you are making out....
YOU GUYS ARE GREAT !!!! Thanks I really needed that today.

I really have a headache, I have been at this since I posted and I have papers and bills and papers and budget info all over the desk and my computer !!!

I got the nitty gritty figures memorized for gosh sakes!!!! Sitting with hubby after supper to look over paperwork and come up with THE PLAN


I have cut or never had most of those ideas... BUT I am looking and that walmart deal.... and I just sold 3 things on EBAY today !!!
YAY !!

PG :)
You probably already do these, but...

1. Buy clothes cheap! I have 3 kids and always buy their clothes in the off-season. I bought school clothes at The Gap at all places last Spring and got pants and shirts for $2.99 a piece. Plus, I frequent the consignment stores.

2. I cancelled my long-distance and now buy rechargeable phone cards from Costco for $.03/minute. (Don't know if you have a Costco).

3. I bought a tracfone instead of having a cellular bill every month. This wouldn't work if you use your phone a lot since the minutes really add up, but I bought a double minute card so the minutes are $.15/minute and only use it when I really need to.

4. Garage Sales. I hate saving/organizing for them but the labor is worth it once you get a couple hundred bucks. :)

5. I use vinegar/baking soda/Borax to clean. MUCH cheaper and better for the environment.

6. Cutting your electricity bill. Turn off your computer when you aren't using it. Don't use lights during the day if you can help it. My kids ALWAYS turn the lights on in our basement during the day when all they have to do is open up the blinds (which I close every night to save on our heating bills - we live in Montana and got snow today!)

7. Stock up when items are on sale. I try not to buy snacks that have hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup so finding cheap snacks for the kids is hard, but when I do, I stock up. I just bought 10 boxes of granola bars for after school since they were half off.

8. That being said, also watch out for "deals". :) I've been trying to stay out of the big box stores since I always see "good deals" and so end up spending money. (Exceptions are food, xmas presents, clothes for the next year).

9. We've stopped buying our kids videos and I've stopped buying my books. Now, we swap with friends/ family and go to the library or rent the $.99 videos once in awhile. It's funny - we used to go to Hastings every weekend to rent. At first when we started only going once per month if that, the kids really complained, but now when we go, it's a real treat.

10. We've started actually eating all our food we buy. By that, I mean, when the vegies start getting a little limp, instead of throwing them away, we put them in recipes/soups. When the apples start getting not so crisp, I cook them. This may sound idiotically simple to most of you, but we were throwing away a lot of food because I wasn't planning well enough.

Hope at least one thing helps you. :)
Originally posted by mermaidwannabe
10. We've started actually eating all our food we buy. By that, I mean, when the vegies start getting a little limp, instead of throwing them away, we put them in recipes/soups. When the apples start getting not so crisp, I cook them. This may sound idiotically simple to most of you, but we were throwing away a lot of food because I wasn't planning well enough.

This is a great point that hardly ever gets mentioned. I know this is a problem at our house. We're forever throwing things out - overripe fruit, limp veggies, moldy leftovers, solidified candy and stuff, etc. And I totally agree that it is a planning issue. I think we just tend to forget what's hiding in the back of the fridge or on the top shelf of the pantry. If we got all that stuff better organized, we could probably save several dollars each week off our food bill.

One tip for the fruit - freeze it for smoothies. We freeze berries, bananas, pineapple, mango, mandarin oranges, apples, etc. Then you can make a smoothie with just fruit and juice, no ice or water or sugar - very healthy, tasty and refreshing. And of course the veggies can be cooked up for soup.
PG-just read through this whole thread and the thing that still hits me is your extra car. I too live in MA and insurance and taxes are our biggest expenses. I would sell, donate, get rid of your old car (or can your DH use it to commute to work since his truck is dying?). Even though the insurance is paid for I'm sure you'd get a cash refund if you canceled it.

Also if you get a good rate on your phones why can't you switch to DSL through the phone company instead of through the Cable company?

Enjoy your trip with DD & MIL. I'm sure the memories will be priceless!
Some more good ideas ! Thanks !

I have always gone to consignments, great stuff ! We have a really good one near me... but DD is up to size 14 now so they do not have her size. BUT she wears uniform to school, I find she doesn't need as much clothes this way, PLUS she worn the uniforms for 2 years! Talk about a saving ! My school bill this year even with her needing a new size was 90 bucks! And they do a swap at the school so that helps too !

I do not shop at Costco's, don't rent videos. We are pretty busy during the week, so between, work,school, DD activity, homework, supper... bedtime.... not much time for stores or movies.

I do not use LD at home, I use my cell where its covered in my base plan.

Garage sale on EBAY as we speak !

I am tossing up getting phone CO DSL ....

I have all the info on paper, what we are cutting and where we are.... just need time to get it one a post here .... its coming!

Hi mermaidwannabe! Aww, snow today? Sorry to hear that but Montana IS truly God's country! We LOVE Big Sky Country ~ Glacier National Park is especially amazing! We've already thought of a little place there or Wyoming when we retire someday....but snow in sept would be really tough to take!

Also love your idea of eating the food in the house. And smoothies ROCK in our house! Haven't made them with anything green yet tho.... :p
did anyone suggest coupons
I save tons on food, house & beauty, and cleaning products
It isn't unusual for us to have free after coupons of course toothbrushes, toothpaste, rice, pasta, deoderant, soup, mustard, hairspray, etc.
things I can get for pennies include shampoo, detangler, bodywash, packaged noodles, popsicles, ice cream, ceral

you really can do well with coupons
I know this subject was mentioned but we finally decided a few years ago to draw names for Christmas AND set dollar limits. It was really hard not to buy for everyone the first year, but now everyone is really glad we did it!

Hi rockin_rep. Yes, it's beautiful here, and the snow did not stick today but it was 32 degrees. Still, we love it. We don't need air conditioning and I bet that saves money! ;)
Not sure if this was already mentioned or not.. But we do several "whatever" meals per week.. Sometimes Ramen Noodles, sometimes $1 per box waffles from Kroger.. etc.. just something cheap.... Something that can be put in microwave or put in toaster so that there is no cooking involved to heat up the house in which the house has to try to cool down on its own again.. also maybe make one dinner per week with no meat.. Just noodles and spagetti sauce or chicken noodle soup w/grilled cheese.. This really helps out with not having to buy as much meat.. Recently I moved the thermostat down a few notches but just keep the ceiling fans running.. It is not hot in the house and I am hoping to see somewhat of a difference on the next electric bill.. if not, then I will go down another notch on the thermostat and see how it goes..
I'm sure everyone has their own list of items they consider extras and not necessities..... Wants vs. Needs.....

For example, we've done away with bodywash & shave gel (soap works just fine), detangler(never used) ~ all items i consider 'extras/luxuries', definitely nice to have but not necessities. During cash-flow crunch times, i don't buy fabric softener or mouthwash. I'm sure there are other items we could do without for awhile (or forever) such as paper plates, dixie cups, paper-towels (my sis only uses washable handi-wipes).

Everyone will be different in terms of their wants vs. needs but little changes make a big difference!
Originally posted by peacefulgirl
:( I would but I am going with MIL and DD, we are going to visit SIL and driving to and from there. I already paid hotel and air fare. We are only going 3 nights, getting a fridge and eating from supermarket mostly. We are not doing a big deal with it. Just bare bones. Got SIL's van to get around in. Can't cancel on MIL mostly. That $$ is spent ... plus MIL is getting old and walking will be harder as the years go on and this is HER dream, she has never been.

Now I feel like a DORK :( for going :(

Don't. Life is too short to not have a little fun. You clearly recognize that you have financial problems that you need to take care of, and you don't plan on spending a lot on your trip. What if you don't go and god forbid something happen to your MIL.

BF & I have our share of money problems too, which we are fixing up. We have done a combination of the suggestions you got here, from looking more closely at our budget, to living off of bare bones minimums day to day. Over the last year we have really gotten into much better shape and we're okay now.

We are going to WDW for 5 nights in Dec. We are not using any loans or credit to pay for it.

Rockin_rep is right, little changes make a big difference. We have learned that we can eat well on weekly meal budget of $30. We don't need dvds, cds, or new games. We don't buy clothes unless we absolutely need them. We don't go for long car drives. We don't use cc's unless we have the money in the bank right then and there to pay it off (cc's ARE safer for paying for large items). We use cloth napkins/placemats. We buy store brands when we can.

You CAN do it. I think the hardest part is just stepping back and figuring out what you can live without. :) Travel is a priority for us. We have gone to WDW twice this year, and we did not charge a penny of it. We find ways to travel cheap.

:hug: The other thing we've done is started making HUGE cc payments, as much as we could and still have enough left over to get by. Pay as much as you can on them each month and before you know it, they'll be gone.
I've been reading all the suggestions and I want to thank all of you. You have certainly given me a lot to think about. I'm a single parent who has never had to worry about my budget. I've always been aware of my spending, have a regular savings account, retirement account, and been able to take one or two Disney/ Universal vacations per year. I have credit card debt (more than I'd like) but always felt it was well under control. I get paid once per month and never felt like I was living paycheck to paycheck. I live quite a ways from work and my old car has high mileage and wasn't taking the daily grind as well as before. I decided to purchase a new car and kept my old one since I had a son approaching driving age. Ah you say...boy is she in for a rude awakening. You're right. I don't know how many of you are parents of teenagers but let me tell you, if you have one approaching driving age, start saving now for your kids car insurance. :D

I now have a male teenage driver and it has put a serious dent in my budget. I get a discounted group rate so it's better than most people would have to pay. I checked the difference between insuring 2 cars and one and there was not much difference with the multiple car discount but it's still astronomical for a teenage male. I plan to check my policy closer to see what my deductibles are and if I'm paying collision & liability on both cars. That might help some. Of course the gas for 2 cars can be a bit much also since it's a 20 to 30 mile trip to get anywhere from where we live.

What I'm really writing to say is I've become inspired to begin work toward being debt free. I've been taking notes and writing down things to research (long distance services, insurance policies, etc). I also found a web site with free printable budget forms (http://www.homemoneyhelp.com/BBOonlineprint.html). They have fancier forms for a fee but these will give me a basic outline to get me started.

I received an email from WDW with a pin for discount rooms, have leftover days on my tickets, and I've been shopping discount airfares. I have a longing to take a trip to the World for the Food & Wine Festival but I guess I just need to put this to the side and get busy with my new budget.:sad:

I don't think I'm as bad off as I've been feeling but this is the first month I've run out of $ before the end of the month. I had to dip into my savings account. I wasn't prepared and spent just like the previous months with no regard for the additional expenditure required for insurance.

Anyway, I am now inspired! I'm going to take the budget sheets home tonight and find out where I really stand. Then I'm going to start down the road to being debt free.

Carolyn - Ever thought about having your son get a job to pay for this added expense? I don't think its written in the parental guide that you have to pay for this! lol

Seriously, my mom raised 2 kids by herself and when I turned 16 I had a choice, not drive or get a job and pay for insurance/gas myself. At first I chose the first option and just rode with friends which was fine but after a few months of this I had the desire to drive so I got a part time job at Wal-Mart. After about a month I made enough money for an insurance payment to get started and got my license. Been driving ever since! haha

Part of me getting the job was out of necessity as the budget just didnt allow for it at the time but more importantly I learned responsibility and that I had to work to get things I wanted. These are two huge traits that I really think helped me more than anything. A lot of kids today (I'm 27 so I know some of these "kids") are spoiled and have NO CLUE as to what earning money and responsibility really are. This continues for some until they are out of college which is really sad as they are not prepared for the harsh reality that is life.

Now don't get me wrong, its great that some families are in a position to provide such things as insurance, gas and everything else to their kids. Nothing wrong with helping out at all if the situation is there and can be done comfortably financially. But if not, then the alternative of them getting a job and doing it themselves may pay bigger dividends in the long run. Just something to think about!


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