~help I am broke! ~ ! BIG $$ mess here

Yes I WAS a creep, I spend it and paid bills.

I think you are abit harsh on yourself here. You say that you spent it but didnt' you spend it on stuff for both of you. It is not like you went and bought yourself alot of expensive clothes is it?

On the 150/200/400 to "his savings". what you are really now saying is that this is just a separate account used for his small expenses and joint big purchases, pool table, pool, house repairs. So does he actually have any "savings" in this savings account? Someone asked why this isn't your emergency fund, is there any left that could be.

I think this savings is the key to your problem. I think you said you have only had it for a year since the car payment stopped and during this time you were able to buy a pool table, a pool, and do the home repairs. If you just stop spending this money and don't do anything major except emergency repairs, you will have a nice fund in no time.
"Yes I WAS a creep, I spend it and paid bills."

I think you are abit harsh on yourself here. You say that you spent it but didnt' you spend it on stuff for both of you. It is not like you went and bought yourself alot of expensive clothes is it?

On the 150/200/400 to "his savings". what you are really now saying is that this is just a separate account used for his small expenses and joint big purchases, pool table, pool, house repairs. So does he actually have any "savings" in this savings account? Someone asked why this isn't your emergency fund, is there any left that could be.

I think this savings is the key to your problem. I think you said you have only had it for a year since the car payment stopped and during this time you were able to buy a pool table, a pool, and do the home repairs. If you just stop spending this money and don't do anything major except emergency repairs, you will have a nice fund in no time.

Yes, this is where he gets $ that he uses to do things that are as you said above. I can't take this away from him, na-ah. I won't take this $ from him. It is all he gets and I guess, yes it can be called an emergency fund, because he would use it anyway we needed. But I do not want to get used to that $ being in the main budget, I want him to have it just where it is. Plus, with his dying truck, he will need a new one soon and it can pay for that. If he can't get to work, we are $#$^$ed .

I feel he deserves more and should suffer less than me, he works HARD and is a GREAT guy. I just want him to be relaxed and know there is $$ there . . . I dunno, its just my way I guess.
I never said I would make sense to everyone LOL
Originally posted by peacefulgirl
Yes, this is where he gets $ that he uses to do things that are as you said above. I can't take this away from him, na-ah. I won't take this $ from him. It is all he gets and I guess, yes it can be called an emergency fund, because he would use it anyway we needed. But I do not want to get used to that $ being in the main budget, I want him to have it just where it is. Plus, with his dying truck, he will need a new one soon and it can pay for that. If he can't get to work, we are $#$^$ed .

I feel he deserves more and should suffer less than me, he works HARD and is a GREAT guy. I just want him to be relaxed and know there is $$ there . . . I dunno, its just my way I guess.
I never said I would make sense to everyone LOL

Well peaceful girl---there goes that giving in you again...have you discussed with hubby your budget concerns and allowed him to offer HIS opinion about the money? B/c it sounds like you are dead set against using that money as a full up savings account to build an emergency stash of cash--remember emergencies are of all sorts--death in the family, hurricane strike, lost job, car on its last last last leg and is a necessary source of transportation. Sounds like you need to speak with HIM and ask HIM what he wants to do as most of your statements regarding the "savings/HIS" account are "I" statements and not "he" or "we" statements.

I think we have given you lots of advice that you have taken well--now it is time to apply it and get hubby's take on it.

I freaked out over our financial situation a month or so ago. But letting hubby know my concerns--he came up with a solution that I agreed to...while all the advice on the boards I got was valuable--we were able to use my hubby's suggestion (he's not into the DISboards) and apply it to our situation. It ensured we had enough money for our evacuation from Frances as well as to cover other areas of concern.

It's great to come here as a sounding board or seeking advice, but I think it is time for you to ask your hubby (who seems to be the sole breadwinner) and tell him what's up and the two of you together work out a plan so that "your" way becomes "our" way.

Make sense?
(I am secretly prepared for your response of how you could never or you won't do that and take away his money b/c he deserves it--you keep repeating that statement which is why I responded in this manner).
:) peacefulgirl,
Just had to respond that I like your style!!! It will carry you farther than any money ever will!!! That isn't to say you don't need to be concerned about the money but its a blessing that you are who you are and not some "rich" person whose unconcerned for others.
My DH and I try to every year or so to "review our budget". We are in the process right now of doing it as our car insurance has increased by 2500 this year and really put a hurting on us. What my immediate "plan" is - to stop all unnecessary spending RIGHT NOW! I went out and picked up all the "wal-mart stuff" enough to last through the year. Now on a weekly basis I will go to the grocery store, I will also have to x-mas shop but we have cash for that. I will keep to a rather strict budget at the grocery and while I'm out that day I will do any chores/errands so I'm not wasting any extra gas driving into town another day. I won't go x-mas shopping with any CC or cash - other than what is for presents. Other than that I WILL NOT GO SHOPPING, too easy to pick up what I THINK we need.
I pulled out the checkbook register from last year and I'm going over how much our expenses have increased. So far, what has increased has been our car ins., homeowners, cable, elec., and PROPERTY TAXES. Still need to look into food/etc, gasoline, and some other areas. I have taken our "cover letter" from our car ins. and faxed it to other agencies so they can quote directly from it and see if there are any changes to deductibles,etc that could help us. Placed a call about the homeowners - had them look into whether our town having finished the "water holes" will bring that back down. Asked the cable co. for a detailed list of services and pricing they offer so we can compare "plans" and see if we are getting just what we need. On another thread I read about a reduction in elec. if you used more power in off peak hrs. - will check w/ our co. to see if they offer that. As for property taxes, I am waiting for the updated street card to be filed and then I will go to town hall and make sure all the info is correct. They are in the process of re-evaluations here and I am sooooo scared what my bill will be next year!!!
I could go on and on but I think you get the jist of what I'm saying/doing. I am looking at our line item budget and attacking one line at a time. Every little thing matters to our budget so nothing is too little to check into, IMO. At the same time I am stopping all spending except for necessities. This will more clearly show us where we stand.
We have done this for the last 5 years, since we finished building our house and nearly exhausted all savings doing so. We weren't comfortable and early on we did this every few months to keep things in check. In those 5 years we have managed to not go into debt, and saved 6 months of income for emergencies.
If you are interested I could e-mail you our line item budget list. It goes into detail enough that it even covers our dogs $8 yearly
license fee!!! It took awhile for me to come up with all the expenses a household really has but now I've covered everything.
Good luck, wishing you well on fixing your budget woes!!
re: seperate accounts

For a long time, my DH and I each got an "allowance" to spend or save as we wanted. That was our money. It worked great - he could spend his on comic books, I could stash mine, or spend it on dinner with my girlfriends. The majority of the money was ours, but each having our own money kept a lot of stress and arguements out of the arrangment. We stopped doing it a number of years ago when our situation changed (kids plus a lot more money coming into the house), but I liked the system.

It sort of sounds like your DH gets an allowance - much of which he saves. But if he - or you- spends that money - than that isn't long term savings - which is what you need. Short term savings are great - that's what takes us to Disney, lets us blow our budget on occation, buys us cars. But long term savings is what we need to weather a layoff or disability, send the kids to college, and retire comfortably. Hopefully, we will never need it for the first and we will be able to retire very comfortably and use our "emergency" funds to give our kids a leg up after college. I think your use of the word "savings" to describe what seems to be his allowance is confusing.

I think it would benefit you to open up several accounts. One for long term savings - but not a Roth or IRA - savings you can get to if you need to without a huge penalty. Another for shorter term expenses. A checking account for household expenses. Perhaps another one to cover your husbands allowance.
You know, I don't know of too many people/families who aren't struggling financially or certainly watching expenditures closely.

Although the federal government had cut taxes a couple of years ago and changed some of the child credits around, it's those insidious raises in living expenses that officials don't seem to acknowledge, like increases in property taxes, water and sewage rates, sales taxes, etc., that's just eating up the original cuts. And then there's food. The opinion seems to be that if the actual dollar cost hasn't increased, there isn't any inflation. Well, if the amount of product purchased decreases, that's a hidden cost increase. You get less for the same money.

And peacefulgirl, I'd go ahead and do the scheduled vacation. Sounds like you're planning to display some moderation in your expenses and if MIL is having some additional difficulty now, don't wait. Enjoy her (and her and your family) while you can. I took my aged mom to WDW often and if she were able, we'd be hopping a plane this afternoon.
And peacefulgirl, I'd go ahead and do the scheduled vacation. Sounds like you're planning to display some moderation in your expenses and if MIL is having some additional difficulty now, don't wait. Enjoy her (and her and your family) while you can. I took my aged mom to WDW often and if she were able, we'd be hopping a plane this afternoon

You are so right on ! My MIL is my best friend ! She is a wonderful lady and the BEST grandmother in the world ! There is not price that could be put on her excitment to share her 1st time at Disney and my DD's(11) first time at Disney. I think I am more excited to see my MIL's wide eyes than my DD's ! Thats how much of a kid she is, she LOVES these kiddy things with her grandchildren ! :)

Make sense?
(I am secretly prepared for your response of how you could never or you won't do that and take away his money b/c he deserves it--you keep repeating that statement which is why I responded in this manner).[/b]

I have read some of these responses to hubby, he said " you have to pick out what makes sense for us, don't forget they do not know our situation the way we do and do not know what is important to US and what is not". He is well aware of all this, we are in the TOGETHER ! I do not know if you missed the post where I said how awesome this has been for US working as a team. I ALWAYS handled the $$ and bills and ALWAYS updated him where we stood. I also ignored his "we gotta cut back" statements here and there, ya ya ya- later we will....
This is why I feel more responsible. I KNOW/KNEW the details !

It's great to come here as a sounding board or seeking advice, but I think it is time for you to ask your hubby (who seems to be the sole breadwinner) and tell him what's up and the two of you together work out a plan so that "your" way becomes "our" way.

I kinda am giggling here, WRONG. Actually, we have had different times each made more, when I first went back to work say, he was making more and then I made more. We work for the same utility CO, same job title, SAME PAY ! but I work 3rd shift so I make 10% more !!! I have been at the CO for 17 years, he has been there 5. Now keeping in mind, he works OT and some weeks he may make more, but in general, I do. But it is ALL our $$ so none of that matters.

I think we have given you lots of advice that you have taken well--now it is time to apply it and get hubby's take on it.

I am doing both . . . EVERYDAY . . like I said I am on a mission !!!! I will soon post the steps I have taken so far.

If you are interested I could e-mail you our line item budget list. It goes into detail enough that it even covers our dogs $8 yearly
license fee!!! It took awhile for me to come up with all the expenses a household really has but now I've covered everything.
Good luck, wishing you well on fixing your budget woes!!

Thanks for the support and check your PM !

For a long time, my DH and I each got an "allowance" to spend or save as we wanted. That was our money. It worked great - he could spend his on comic books, I could stash mine, or spend it on dinner with my girlfriends. The majority of the money was ours, but each having our own money kept a lot of stress and arguements out of the arrangment. We stopped doing it a number of years ago when our situation changed (kids plus a lot more money coming into the house), but I liked the system.

This is part of our plan. If it works fine, if not it will be a temporary thing, cash and no debit cards too ! We both wrote down this weeks expenses and will come up with a figure.

off to make some calls now :) :) :)

YOU ALL are showing what this Website is ALL ABOUT!!!

I have to put in my TWO CENTS TOO!

1. Create a spread sheet showing all transactions of spending, lists in eash column titled, date, payment amount , and how paid then total the payments.
2. Name it a Monthly Expenses and make one for each month of the past year. Using your bills, checkbook, credit card statement etc. for the firgures.
3. Make a Year Summary Spread Sheet with columns tittled to the corresponding Monthly Totals from the above Spread Sheets.
4. ( the tricky part) Create a Bar Graph representing the Yearly Monthly Expenses Totals.

This base line number crunching and graphic pictorial presentation helps you see the most expensive times of the year and WHAT method of payment you are using.

Lastly, I ment 12inch candles from the Dollar Store and Champagne Priced at $10 a bottle, something you both would like for the Dinner Date!.

:jester: :jester: :jester:
There's lots of great suggestions here for budgeting, saving, etc., but the first thing I would do is get my husband a bit more involved in the financial aspect of the family. You are obviously stressed about the situation and carrying the load in respect to making the numbers work. That's a lot, lot, lot to do alone. It would help give you peace of mind if he knew all that was going on in this area, and even helped carry the burden with you.

This is the thought that jumped out at me. Good luck!:rolleyes:
My DH and I try to every year or so to "review our budget".

Might I suggest that folks do this more often. We have budget reviews almost monthly here...especially at the 4 seasons... Insurance goes on some rigs comes off some depending on the seasons

Fall is a great time to plan ahead for christmas- see how close to the budget you are etc..

Yes, this is where he gets $ that he uses to do things that are as you said above. I can't take this away from him, na-ah. I won't take this $ from him. It is all he gets and I guess, yes it can be called an emergency fund, because he would use it anyway we needed. But I do not want to get used to that $ being in the main budget, I want him to have it just where it is.
HUH?? Your worried about cutting YOUR budget, but not his "play money"...even though it's available for emergencies- its still not part of this budget?

Plus, with his dying truck, he will need a new one soon and it can pay for that. If he can't get to work, we are $#$^$ed

Okay let me get this straight- he's got a dump truck- thats probably not very old- as you had a loan until this year- and he's got a junk truck??? Here's the deal- take the junk truck- sell it privatly- take the dump truck- which if he works for the telephone company well, he doesnt need...and trade it in for something else.... yeah, you might have a payment- but why are you sitting on a dump truck that you dont need? insurance on a dump is more than a pick up-

I said it before we do the "car loan" thing...but I'm not worried about my truck breaking down and not being able to work...yes i make a payment every month, but DH's truck- which is sitting at our dealerships right now, getting injector replaced for the SECOND time in a week- at a cost of $6500 EACH TIME isnt costing me a penny....thats 13000 I'd have to pay out of pocket if it was out of warranty...YUK! You want to talk about a budget buster! Add to that this truck is going to be there for another 3-4 weeks because the parts on on nationwide back order...and well...you've got the rental truck to figure in too that we dont have to pay for...

I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but I truly dont think your ready to save your budget. if you were.....theres NO way your husband would still be pocketing 150 a pay period.....

Also....I agree with those who combine money...DH's pay basically covers our houshold bills, however, my check goes into the same account as his, and covers the rest, kids activities, groceries, extra's etc.... I see no reason to have it separate....

There's lots of great suggestions here for budgeting, saving, etc., but the first thing I would do is get my husband a bit more involved in the financial aspect of the family. You are obviously stressed about the situation and carrying the load in respect to making the numbers work. That's a lot, lot, lot to do alone. It would help give you peace of mind if he knew all that was going on in this area, and even helped carry the burden with you.

This is the thought that jumped out at me. Good luck!

I feel like I am talking in a foreign languange becuz so many keep saying this and I keep explaining... why do you guys keep thinking hubby isn't involved? How the heck could I hide it anyway when we are cashless ??? LOL ! One more time, he IS VERY involved, we are working together at this plan.

As far as DOING the $$ budget #'s and looking into stuff, thats my job, I have done the bills for 12 years and that is not changing. What IS changing is we are making goals and a plan where before we just "lived".

Don't think he doesn't know what is going on. I am very organized with this stuff, I have a paper system I have been using my since I was 18 for paying my bills. My bill sheet has all my monthly bills and balances and it is layed out clearly. If one wasn't paid it would stick out like a sore thumb! We do go over it together. But there was never a long term plan. Never. Thats is what caused us to end up here.

Now it is just a time where we both are driven to make changes. Gesh, he knows, I know, we are both on the same page. You guys have to remember. It took a long time for this debt to add up, it didn't happen over night. It'll take time to correct it all .......... and I am on it .......

Oh, did I mention, I am the "investigator" type ... I WILL FIND OUT and I WILL NOT stop ! It is my favorite thing to do, search, find, gather data, ask around, dig, dig ,dig !! I am all about it ...... so that is why I started this post ... to see what others are doing out there with $$ and bills. I am using a resource here . . . this board, this post. Oh and just to prove how much I research ...... (I found a BIRTH mother for someone in my in-law's family who is adopted . . . minimal paperwork . . . but a tiny clue, just enough for me to run with ! The 35 year old girl met her birthmom this past June! Do you have any idea how happy that mother is today !)

So for anyone who thinks I am blowing smoke. . . WATCH ME NOW ! lol lol lol :bounce:

Money is different to all of us. I do not covet it at all ... (obviously) heck, if you can't see THAT by now LOL :hyper:

HUH?? Your worried about cutting YOUR budget, but not his "play money"...even though it's available for emergencies- its still not part of this budget?

yep.. not in the budget. I do not consider paying for bathroom repairs play.

I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but I truly dont think your ready to save your budget. if you were.....theres NO way your husband would still be pocketing 150 a pay period.....

maybe you missed some of my posts ???

Okay let me get this straight- he's got a dump truck- thats probably not very old- as you had a loan until this year- and he's got a junk truck??? Here's the deal- take the junk truck- sell it privatly- take the dump truck- which if he works for the telephone company well, he doesnt need...and trade it in for something else.... yeah, you might have a payment- but why are you sitting on a dump truck that you dont need? insurance on a dump is more than a pick up-

the junk truck is 14 years old and dead as of this week, couldn't sell it for 1.00. Why do you think working for the tel co means he doesn't need a dump? He drives to work and picks up his "CO truck" and leaves it back there at the end of the day, you think the CO is gonna pay gas and wear and tear on thier dime, oh no no no, those days are lonnngggg gone. His dump is his toy, it is his "fun" , I support that, he works hard, he isn't in a bar or gambeling ... like I said it is about choices...

I said it before we do the "car loan" thing...but I'm not worried about my truck breaking down and not being able to work...

LOL he can always use to dump if he gets stuck with a broken car


pluggin away .........
Just this week I cut out what I consider to be a big worthless expense -- cable TV. I think even the BASIC channels (around 75) I was quoted $50 a month.
We both work during the day, and are busy on weekends
We lost our cable (internet and TV) for a week with Hurrinace Frances.
That only made me realize how we did not need cable TV. And the cable provider has a Frankly My Dear attitude.

We have not had land phone lines for years. (Only cells)
I called the phone company and am having the most basic install available. With all the taxes and fees it should be around $18 a month, with no long distance calls allowed. (Unlimited local calls)

In Omaha when I had our land line disconnected the phone company offered me a similar type plan to try to keep us on. (We disconnected due to all the telemarketing calls received daily.)
They even offered me a $65 Target gift certificate if I remained a customer for six months. I still passed.

Once the phone is on, I will compare costs between DSL and internet cable.

When we first moved here we had dial up through netzero. It was not that much slower, I did not think. The cost was $22 with all the fees, etc. So not THAT much difference really. But something to consider.

And disconnecting cable TV alone will save a bundle. We were even going to buy another TV. So that $ is saved too now. :)

Anything I really need to know is on the internet. If that is down, so would the cable TV be too.

I know taking lunch would save me a heck of a lot of money, and it most likely would be a lot better all the way around.
Originally posted by Luv2Roam
Just this week I cut out what I consider to be a big worthless expense -- cable TV. I think even the BASIC channels (around 75) I was quoted $50 a month.

One thing worth checking on...

In many areas where broadcast TV is available, the local cable company is REQUIRED to provide what they call "antenna service." That will get you just the local broadcast stations via cable so you don't need an antenna and you get the picture quality that comes with cable TV. This usually costs $10/month.

As an example, here in our area, for $10/month we can get NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, UPN, PBS (2), WB. All the basics but with crystal clear picture, not the snowy picture our antenna often gives us. I haven't signed up yet but plan to soon. Although I hate paying for TV at all, I also hate never being able to watch certain shows because I can't get a clear enough picture.
I am a stay at home mom to 2 DS's (6 & 3). When I stopped working a big budget helper was a set dollar amount per week for food. We set up a checking account for household expenses. It would cover all food, diapers and had play money in it for the kids activities. This was a big success. I was not knickle and dimeing the checking and savings acocunts. I ran the house on a tight budget, we ate well and the baby always had diapers. We used this meathod for 4 years.

We have an extra refrigerator in the laundry room. I buy day old meat whenever possible and freeze it until I am ready to use it. I have found I can buy Filet Tenderloins at Kroger at a price of 3 for $8.00! To buy them fresh cut they would be about $20.00. I also go to the Hostess Outlet for all bread and Hostess snacks. I use Sams Club for kids snacks. I buy individual packages and find there is less waste and I am not constantly buying stuff for the kids lunches. One box of individual wrapped pretzels will last at least 3 months.

Last year we decided that even though we were living within our means it was at the top of them and we didnt like that. We cut out all service related expenses (lawn cutting, housecleaning, car detailing). While I miss having the house cleaned it is a wiser financial decision. We also stopped going to breakfast after church, cut out Starbucks, McDonalds for the kids, toys bought while grocery shopping, lowered my life insuarnce premium, no spur of the moment dinners out, the big one was making the kids eat more of what we did. We wanted to stop buying all the seperate stuff they ate and only make one dinner.

We also have one new car with a loan and my husbands old one that is payed off. We have found paying cash or not buying it helps.

Hope some of these cost cutting ideas help.
We think he isn't involved because you've told us:

1) Needing to dip into his savings was a shock to him.

2) His money is kept separate.

3) Shhhh! We aren't supposed to tell him you've been generously giving money away.

There is probably more, I haven't reread the thread. But those three things are enough to let us know he wasn't involved enough before this emergency, and you are still leaving him in the dark (and expect him to leave you in the dark) about certain things.
We think he isn't involved because you've told us:

1) Needing to dip into his savings was a shock to him.

2) His money is kept separate.

3) Shhhh! We aren't supposed to tell him you've been generously giving money away.

There is probably more, I haven't reread the thread. But those three things are enough to let us know he wasn't involved enough before this emergency, and you are still leaving him in the dark (and expect him to leave you in the dark) about certain things.

1- not a shock at all ... just frustrating to him

2- his money is directed to that account because it keeps my hands off it. But I have access to the account on-line, there is no hiding anything there, I just don't want an ATM to it !

3- he knows I did this stuff, he just didn't know the details of what I do. He doesn't care as in "do not do that", he cares in, make sure we are all set first.

There is no one leaving anyone in the dark. My hubby is well aware of everything there is to know. But I will always be the bill payer.

So that is now cleared up. He knows he knows he knows.... LOL :)
Last year we decided that even though we were living within our means it was at the top of them and we didnt like that. We cut out all service related expenses (lawn cutting, housecleaning, car detailing). While I miss having the house cleaned it is a wiser financial decision. We also stopped going to breakfast after church, cut out Starbucks, McDonalds for the kids, toys bought while grocery shopping, lowered my life insuarnce premium, no spur of the moment dinners out, the big one was making the kids eat more of what we did. We wanted to stop buying all the seperate stuff they ate and only make one dinner.

lawn cutting and house cleaning ! we NEVER paid for that stuff. We had no services here. We keep to the basics as far as everyday living goes. No Ms'D's, no dinners out, no movies . . . and DD eats what we eat.

come back and read details of what I have cut so far, I will post that tonight or tomorrow !!!!!

HAPPY HERE !!!!!:Pinkbounc
I think Crisi has given you the most realistic advice. Her advice has been harsh, but truthful.

Here's an analogy:

Suppose you realized that over the years you'd put on weight. Let's say you realized you were 50 pounds overweight, and you MUST do something about it starting today. So you throw away the chips and ice cream, plan a roasted chicken with steamed vegetables for dinner, and decide to begin taking a long walk each evening. Great changes, but would you expect your problems to be over right away? Of course not! You know that you didn't gain the weight overnight, and you'd know that you couldn't lose it overnight.

Money trouble is the same. You didn't get into this situation overnight, and you won't get out of it overnight. You can't just start spending correctly today and expect the problem to disappear. You're going to have to cut deep and work hard for a while to make up for past mistakes. THEN you can start to get ahead.
I have only just noticed this topic. It is close to my heart because we've been there. But it even exites me more because if you do what Dave Ramsey says, you should end up with a sense of peace like we have. My husband and I have acummulated a net worth of over 500,000 in just over ten years We have no debt other than the mortgage. we hope to begin meaningfull prepayment to the mortgage next year. We get to do fun things, our3 year old will be going on his 4th trip to WDW next month.

This rambling point is that you can do it. Go to www.daveramsey.com. See if there is a radiostation carrying Dave in your area and start buying some books. Pretty soon, your friends will think your weird, but you won't be in debt

Good Luck
I am working hard at this, I never said I expect it to change over night ... I said ...

"As far as DOING the $$ budget #'s and looking into stuff, thats my job, I have done the bills for 12 years and that is not changing. What IS changing is we are making goals and a plan where before we just "lived". "

I believe pain is the precurser to CHANGE. That is where I am in the feeling the pain part.

What I need is ideas and support so please . . . encourage me, don't knock me around. . . I need the you can do this attitude. :grouphug:


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