Have you had the H1N1 vaccine??

Not scolding you...just think that there are enough threads where people can express whether they are unduly concerned or not about actually getting the flu and what they might think about the fear of many.

You have chosen what's right for you ... good:thumbsup2
Every decision we make has a risk...we have to just hope we make the right one.
Just wanted to thank you tone.def for posting this reference.

I totally agree. FANTASTIC article. :thumbsup2

To stay on topic, I won't be getting the vaccine either. And if I die from the Swine Flu, then I would of died in a plane crash or car accident anyhow. I don't believe in much, but I do believe that when it's your time, it's your time and there's nothing that can stop that from happening.
Got my shot this afternoon. No wait at all. Was in and out in 20 minutes including the 15 minute afterwards. I have a chronic condition but wasn't willing to wait 4 hours to get the shot so just got it now. Since I get the regular flu shot every year this wasn't a big deal.

I've been in the hospital once already this year and wasn't willing to take a chance I'd end up there again esp. since one month from now I'll be in WDW.
I am very excited - I get mine tomorrow :cool1:

I have been confirmed via swab with H1N1 but not considered immune as I was on tamiflu (kills the virus before you can build up immunity). Believe me, I would not wish this on my worst enemy, then developed bronchitis after along with some fluid on my lungs. Finally back at work and normally a health adult apart from mild asthma.

I completely respect people's decisions not to get the vaccination but for myself and our family it was a no brainer.

Happy, health fall and winter to all :santa:
Good for you! We are all done here and daughter had hers in New York so I can rest easy, for now.
As I mentioned in many of previous posts, I work in an emergency department, so I have an internal email(which I received today), that I will post on here later on this evening. It's one of the regular staff newsletters we get every week.

It will give those of you who might considering getting the vaccine, a new insight. On a side note, a friend of mine is being burried today after passing away from the H1N1. She was 26.

Stay safe everyone.
Wow that is much too young. Bless her heart.
I am very happy I got it too...11 days now for my family..so hopefully we have some immunity.

Your arm will hurt for 3-4 days Calgary DISheads..it's a doozie.
For those getting the shot, do you fit into the high priority group or is your area offering it to everyone? I live in Halton Region and it's still only being offered to the high priority group. My kids all have asthma, so they were able to get the H1N1 shot, however, dh and I are still waiting. As soon as it's open to the general public, we're also getting it.
that would be interesting.

the week before we got dd her shot i would have been able to get one because i work with kids but 2 days before we took her they changed the priority and excluded child care workers.

now last week they added anyone under 9 and just tonight they've included seniors so my parents will get theirs but dh and i are still out of luck
disneyfairytale - are you still going to share that newsletter?

Any idea when general population to get the shot here in Calgary?~
disneyfairytale - are you still going to share that newsletter?

Any idea when general population to get the shot here in Calgary?~

Gah! the one they sent me turned out it's a file I can't copy and past. I will have to take a screen shot from home and hope that when I post it, it's big enough for you to read. Here is general one I received this morning. I will attempt the screen shot this afternoon when I leave work.

The following Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 update is intended to keep AHS staff and physicians informed about the latest developments. The format of the electronic update below is for online viewing only. Please print, post and share the attachments linked below.

November 13, 2009


H1N1 immunization program available for all health care workers on November 16th

AHS is pleased to be able to open the H1N1 immunization program to all health care workers effective Monday, November 16, 2009. Click here for more information.

Click on the following link to view the Staff Immunization Schedule.

Priority groups for H1N1 immunizations at the public clinics, as of November 14th, includes:

Children over six months and under five years of age as of November 1 (not required to have a chronic condition in this age group);
Pregnant women;
People with chronic conditions aged 5 to 64 as of November 1; and
Household contacts and caregivers of those who cannot be immunized, which includes parents and caregivers of infants under six months of age and household contacts of people who are immune suppressed.
Read the news release: More highest-risk groups eligible for H1N1 vaccine

Public Health Agency of Canada releases new recommendations for H1N1 vaccine for children under the age of 10

Healthy children age 3 to 9 years old, require a single half-dose.
Children age 6 months to under 3 years should receive two half-doses at least 21 days apart.
Children between 3 and 9 years of age, who have chronic conditions, should receive two half-doses at least 21 day apart.
Children 10 and older should receive one full-dose.
Click on the following link for more information.

Time to say thank you
A message from Dr. Gerry Predy, Senior Medical Officer of Health, Alberta Health Services


Alberta is in Week 5 of Wave 2 of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 remains the most predominant virus.
There have been a total of 34 Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 deaths since January 1, 2009. The five deaths that occurred on or near November 10th were in individuals who had chronic underlying health conditions of which one individual was in the 20-39 year age group, one was in the 30-44 year age group, and three were in the 45-64 year age group. Overall 89% of confirmed deaths were in individuals with chronic underlying health conditions.
Critical care volumes of patients with suspect or confirmed Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 remain high but stable. An apparent plateau or downward trend in ILI visits to Emergency Departments (ED), Urgent Care Centres and Influenza Assessment Centres (IAC) across the province continues although activity in the North Zone may be increasing. The number of respiratory outbreaks has dropped significantly in all parts of the province.

Staff Guidelines

Guidelines for Outbreak Prevention, Control and Management in Acute Care and Facility Living Settings
Additional Resources / Posters

Visitors Restricted from Room Poster

Staff Guidelines

Guidelines for the Care and Treatment in Place for Facility and Supportive Living Facilities during Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Continuing Care Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Duty to Accommodate Staff and Physicians Memo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - see the "Hot Topics" section on the AHS Website for FAQ sheets regarding various topics.
ZEOC and AHS ECC Contact Numbers
See the Health Professionals section of the AHS Website for the latest Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 information.
Ensure you have an H1N1 Communications Designate in your department/unit/area to print, post and distribute materials regarding Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.

Copyright (C) 2009 Alberta Health Services - All rights reserved.

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I was able to get my shot this morning as I am in one of the high risk groups. What suprised me was that there were no line ups at the clinic I went to (Richmond in Calgary). Makes me wonder if the line ups will be long again when the clinics are open to all.
I was able to get my shot about two weeks ago because I'm a health care worker. My daughter's school had a confirmed out break of H1N1 and she was lucky enough to have not gotten the flu. We're leaving for WDW two weeks today and I will probably take her to get the shot before we go since it's now been opened up for school age kids. I'm not someone who usually gets the flu shot but something about this one made me feel that I should. I just don't want us to get sick in another country if I can help it. Hamilton is just coming out of the second wave of the H1N1 flu and apparently we were pretty hard hit this time round. Another reason to get the shot. It's such a personal decision on whether you get the shot or not.
I think people need to be careful with assuming that just because emergency room visits are down with people with ILI, it means that influenza is on the wane. I know around here, many people are just staying home as the hospitals are recommending that unless someone has serious symptoms, they are to stay home. Or, some people are just visiting doc offices and then being sent home to recuperate.

I honestly think it's because most people are just staying home and there isn't necessarily a correlation between the virus slowing down.

I received mine about one week ago. I am in a high risk category, and am also in college. I had mine done at the college and they were screening people carefully.

My son had a serious bout of the flu over thanksgiving but I kept him home, did not take him to hospital so don't know if it was H1N1 or not. He did get over it, but I watched him like a hawk.

You know it's a really sketchy illness. The vaccine worried me and still does because we technically still dont know if there is anything that is going to be affecting us long term.

What worries me, is that they had warnings after the second series of vaccines came out. They said for women who had just received the shot, to not try to get pregnant for a minimum of 6 months following the injection. I know I'll be doing a lot of research before I start trying to children. Why? I have no idea, no one told us.

I know I will be making sure to do some research before I start trying for babies.
Well that can be protocol for many immunizations can it not?
I recall when I was trying to get pregnant with my daughter (25+ years back!) they tested me for Rubella and I had not yet had. I had the vaccine and was told the same thing--had to wait. And those shots have been around a very long time with few adverse effects. Perhaps they err on the side of conservatism?:confused3
Here is today's general update on this for Alberta:

Immunization Totals
To date, over 541,000 Albertans have been vaccinated, including over 87,000 health care workers.

H1N1 vaccinations expand to seniors

The following groups are eligible:

(new) Starting November 17th, individuals 75 years and older (as of November 1, 2009), and their spouses and partners, regardless of age.
(new) Starting November 19th, all seniors 65 years and older (as of November 1, 2009), as well as their spouses or partners of any age.
Individuals with chronic conditions, aged 5 years to 64 years of age (as of November 1, 2009).
All children 6 months to under 5 years of age (as of November 1, 2009).
All pregnant women.
Household contacts of those people who cannot be immunized, which includes parents or caregivers of babies under 6 months of age and household contacts of people who are immune suppressed.
All Health Care Workers (including all workers in the employ of AHS and its wholly owned subsidiaries; those contracted by AHS or working in facilities contracted by AHS; professional staff appointed to AHS; and those providing medical care in community settings). For more details on the Health Care Worker Immunization Program, click here.
First responders.
First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
People living in remote communities.
Cancer patients receiving therapy (vaccine to be administered by Cancer Clinics / Centres).

Staff Guidelines - HR Resources Manual

The following additions/changes have been made in the November 12th edition of the HR Resources Manual (in brackets are the page numbers).

Table of Contents
AHS/UNA Joint Statement (ELR 2-4)
Duty to Accommodate Memo (ELR 11-15)
Dispensing Antiviral Medication to HCW & Physicians (WHSEW 3-4)
STD Claim Process for H1N1 Symptoms During a Declared Pandemic (WHSEW 10)
H1N1 PPE memo (WHSEW 30)
Symptomatic Worker Algorithm (WHSEW 32)
HR Staffing Section
To see the revised edition, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – see the “Hot Topics” section on the AHS Website for FAQ sheets regarding various topics.
ZEOC and AHS ECC Contact Numbers
See the Health Professionals section of the AHS Website for the latest Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 information.
Ensure you have an H1N1 Communications Designate in your department/unit/area to print, post and distribute materials regarding Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.


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