Have you gotten sick on (or after) a ride?

I suffer from motion sickness, so I just take a Bonine every night before bed and I'm usually good to go.

Actually, what bothers me more than any of the rides are those Circlevision movies. I love the one in China, but it can make me feel off for a while after viewing. Maybe it's because the eyes think you should be moving, but you're standing still?
The ride that made me the sickest at Disney was Body Wars at Epcot back in the day...ugh, so bad. Star Tours, fast spinning Tea Cups, Mission Space orange, and multiple back-to-back rides on Space Mountain all make me sick. I get motion sick very easily, and it gets worse the older I get (currently 43). This last trip I took Bonine on certain park days and nothing made me sick. I highly recommend that stuff and wish I had found it years ago. We live near Six Flags and I used to not be able to ride anything without getting sick for the rest of the day, but now I can ride whatever I want with no issues if I take Bonine before we go.
Star Tours makes me queasy if I ride more than once. I think it's the 3D glasses mixed with the simulator. Here's your solution... SEA BANDS!! Best invention EVER! I rode everything at Universal and most of the stuff over there is simulators. Never got queasy once. Also, last week at Disney - the dreaded stomach virus hit our crowd. After 1 of us was sick, the next time the nausea hit, we used the Sea Bands and they worked beautifully! Well worth the $7 bucks!
I can't ride Star Tours more than twice in a row. Mission: Space is a no for me - I've ridden both sides (my kids were dying to do it and as the only adult, you do what you gotta do) and I hated both. I have to be careful to spot something on teacups. And I always carry Zofran with me so that if I accidentally screw up or a ride gets me when I wasn't expecting it to, I don't ruin my day with nausea.
Yes - RnRC. We did it like 4-5 times in a row and sat down for lunch after. Not a good idea. Had to actually leave the park and go back to the resort as by then my vertigo had kicked in.
I spend most of my Disney Trip with motion sickness armbands on (I call them my Wonder Woman bands) so I can ride with no issues and they really work for me. I used to be able to ride ToT but felt so sick on it a few years ago and screamed the whole way through that I don't do that any more. But, I can do Star Tours, Teacups, and Primeval Whirl with no issues.

However I will NEVER do Mission Space Orange again. I had ridden the Green side with no issues so my friend and I decided to try Orange. Big mistake! Even she felt dizzy afterwards and it took me a long time for my stomach to feel better. We had to stop and get water and something bland to eat.

I had no problems a few weeks ago on FoP. But, I did close my eyes a few times, just like I sometimes do at Soarin'.
I was telling a friend about getting sick on the backwards portion of Everett. She works at a hospital dealing with respiratory issues. She told me to yell during that portion of the ride. It worked for me! Guess I was holding my breath.

Won't do Mission Space orange, but do like green. Once was enough.
No more Space Mountain for me. Last time I got off of that and literally thought I was going to pass out. It is so jerky and rocky that I got severe vertigo and had to sit inside the Space Mountain gift shop (they had phone chargers and seats and even massage chairs at the time) for about an hour before I was ok to walk around again.
Hubby gets sick on Everest ever single time to the point he threw up in the bushes last time. It stinks getting old :(
Not sick, but my 6 year got a bloody nose right as the doors closed at tower of terror. I didn't have anything to stop it. When the ride ended he was covered in blood. His face neck hands arms shirt shorts legs. No one noticed except for the people next to us. We were in the back. That guy got him out of his seat belt since both us had bloody hands. I always wondered what that ride photo looked like! As we walked off the ride, I told a stunned ride attendant that he would need to clean up the blood in the back row. I kept walking trying to get him to a bathroom to clean up. Another slightly hysterical ride attendant stopped us before we headed down the hall to the photo screens. She said, "Please! You have to stop and let me help you." I don't know what I was thinking other than just getting him cleaned up. If we had made it out into a public area it would have caused such a scene. She led us into an employee area and next thing I knew we were surrounded by bosses and EMTs. I had to sign refusing an ambulance trip to the hospital. They asked both of us to explain what happened - which was nothing, over and over. (It really was just an awful bloody nose at a really bad time. He has since had surgery to stop them) The bosses sent someone out into the park to buy him an entire new outfit, they gave him fast passes for 2 rides and coupons for Mickey ice cream bars. They were really good to both of us especially considering this was in no way their fault.
I totally empathize with you! My son is a nose-bleeder. Can happen at the most inopportune times. Never on a Disney ride though! They tend to look so much worse than they really are, with blood everywhere!
The rides that make me nauseous at disney are:

Mission space - i've only ever done green, I wouldn't dare try orange
Rock N' Rollercoaster - this one part where it twists slightly upside down-ish, that makes me so dizzy. If it werent for that part, i'd be fine. I do love this ride though.
Star Tours - Ugh! I get queasy from this.
Expedition Everest - I get dizzy when it goes backwards
Mission Space is a big no for me! My only saving grace was that I had watched you tube videos so I new when the end was coming. Never again and I knew that it would bother me but my husband really wanted to ride and he didn't want to go on alone. He regretted that decision for the next six hours or so!! I have tried motion sickness pills but they make me so sleepy, like zombie sleep walking sleepy. Even the non drowsy ones have this effect on me. I took one last year when we were planning on doing the HP rides at US and they keep the motion sickness at bay but I am really in a fog the whole day with them.
My sister got violently ill after riding Expedition Everest. Apparently, it's somewhat common because the CM immediately pointed her to a certain area and she could tell others had also gotten ill there. Then, we had to sit forever on a rock outside until I finally got a wheelchair to get her to the bus stop.

She was sick the rest of the night. And now, she can't handle the most mild coaster without getting a headache and a little motion sickness.

I can't do spinning rides. I also don't do well with motion simulators (haven't since I was a kid), so I avoid those.
Star Wars. I am normally ok but it was a particularly hot and humid day. I feel like with the air conditioning wasn't working as well on the ride. With all the movement I felt like I was going to be sick on the ride as soon as I left I was. Took me 2 hours not to feel dizzy.
I don't get motion sick but DH does. He has gotten to where his stomach was a little unsettled after Mission Space, AstroOrbiter, and the Tea Cups. He does pretty well with anything other than the ones that make you feel like you are going around and around.
Tower of Terror. I wanted to ride it so badly and took a dramamine that morning just to be prepared. I was fine until we got to the end - the first lift/drop and I went white and was immediately sweaty and nauseous. It was a blast until then, so it makes me sad that I can't ride it :( I can do EE, just not back-to-back rides.
I forgot to mention tea cups. I've never been on this ride (shocker right?) because I just know the spinning will make me soooo sick. So i avoid it at all cost. I really want to try it some day though. its a classic! i'll just have to pop extra ginger pills. :)
Mission Space! Finally rode it this past April after 20-some-odd trips to WDW. The ride itself made me feel so claustrophobic (a feeling I've never felt before in my life) and I was dizzy and nauseated for about an hour and a half after. I had to buy a cold drink and hide out on the Ellen ride before I finally felt better. Shame on my friend for dragging me on it ;)
I get queasy on/after rides, but never actually thrown up. I do, however, throw up on airplanes if I don't plan everything out correctly with food, water and medicine. (so don't risk sitting next to me :upsidedow) I start taking OTC meclizine a few days prior to flying/doing rides/going on cruises to get it into my system, which has proven to help a lot.

Timing is everything for me to not get sick on rides. I'm typically fine on ToT and RnR, but they must be meticulously planned. I always FP+ ToT, then do stand-by for RnR. That way, I have the time standing in line to recover if necessary. Lunch is always planned immediately after RnR, and then I'm good to go for the rest of the day. One time we did RnR, then FP+ for ToT and that was a grave mistake. Felt off the rest of the day. I tried Star Tours last year because I heard it had been improved. Nope. I just closed my eyes and took some deep breaths to get through. Then of course you unload into the gift shop where there are throngs of people who don't move. I decided to yell out "MOVE OR I AM GOING TO THROW UP ON YOU" which actually worked. As soon as I got outside and felt the breeze (it was January) I felt 50% better. Then some popcorn and I was good.

Thunder Mountain has been getting to me recently. The swinging on 7DMT at the end is annoying too, but that's just when you're waiting to move up to exit, the ride itself is great. Astro Orbiters and Tea Cups are no-gos, but everything else in MK seems to be okay. A Mickey bar after Space Mountain is normally the perfect medicine (so far). Going to try Barnstormer this weekend, so that could get added to the no list.

Too scared to try FoP. DH has a FP+ for it, so he will tell me how it is. I'm hit or miss on EE, but I am trying it again Friday. It's been almost 3 years since I've been on it. Everything else is fine at AK.

Certain parts of Test Track get me a little nauseated, but as soon as we hit that breeze outside, it goes away. Never done Soarin' (maybe this trip). Will never do Mission Space because I already know. Everything else is okay.
If you did - which one? Are you prone to motion sickness? What happened?

I will most likely be avoiding tea cups because I'm not a fan of the dizzy spins. Although I'm not usually prone to motion sickness, I want to be prepared for any "popular" rides that can cause sickness. FWIW I had no problem with all manner of roller coasters, spinny rides etc. as recently as 2006, but just haven't been on any since.


Mission Space, both sides. Not only the spinning, but feeling claustrophobic. I didn't feel good the rest of the day. Never again.
I also refuse to ride the teacups and the carousel.
Mission Space Orange / Tee Cups! -- ironically i can handle every roller coaster under the sun (Hulk - Universal, RnR Coaster - Disney, Leviathan - Canada's Wonderland) .... but get me spinning (hard) ... dam you Tee Cups! :-) ... and I get nauseous.

Mission Space Green is a cake walk too :-)


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