Have you gotten sick on (or after) a ride?

Both Star Tours and Primeval Whirl are the ones that can "get to me" too. I've never gotten really sick, but I sometimes feel unpleasant and hot on them (usually on the first ride). Afterwards I feel fine though.

Buzz Lightyear is in MK, not HS, and the spinning is controlled by the rider. It's mostly used for turning toward the targets and does not spin very fast, even if you just hold the joystick. I would think few people would have problems with this.

Oh, Toy Story Mania is the one I meant. Didn't get the right name. I enjoyed Buzz Lightyear, but saw read somewhere that Toy Story could cause motion sickness in some people so I was wondering how it was. Is it basically the same as Buzz but differently themed? I had no problem with the Buzz Lightyear ride.
I'm not prone to motion sickness, and I love roller coasters. But a few years ago, there was a passholder event for EE. We rode it 10 times in close succession. After the seventh time, I started to feel nauseous. During the tenth ride, I had my hand over my mouth most of the ride. Crowds were pretty light-- it was the end of the event-- and a cast member must have seen me on a monitor because the CM's at ride exit greeted me with a trash can. It was good they did.

I think if I'd had something to eat before the event, I would have been fine, but on an empty stomach, ten rides was just too much. DH was excited to take an eleventh ride (we could have gotten in one more ride before the event ended), but my incident made him miss his chance, and I still feel bad about that.
I felt sick enough after Mission Space that I had to sit down and sip on water for about 30 minutes before I was okay to start walking around again. This was after taking Dramamine 45 minutes before I got on the ride AND chewing gum while on it.

Got sick to the point that I had to leave the park after riding the Hogwarts ride at Universal.

The first time I rode Primeval Whirl, I got off feeling a little nauseous, but I've ridden it since then with no issues.

And I got a little nauseous during the transitions in Soarin', but closing my eyes during the transitions alleviates that.

I am somewhat prone to motion sickness if I sit in the backseat of a car on a trip longer than 45 minutes or so, and I'm definitely prone to motion sickness on simulator rides. Rollercoasters aren't an issue and neither are the teacups.
Have never even thought about attempting Mission Space. But I can't wait for BTMRR, 7DMT, TT and especially Splash! Can do Soarin' with no problem, trying to decide on FoP. I've been thinking about trying Bonine, perhaps I'll bring some along this time.
Ha. I've never heard of Bonine before. I thought it was the name of a new ride you were thinking about trying until I read the rest of your sentence.
Oh, Toy Story Mania is the one I meant. Didn't get the right name. I enjoyed Buzz Lightyear, but saw read somewhere that Toy Story could cause motion sickness in some people so I was wondering how it was. Is it basically the same as Buzz but differently themed? I had no problem with the Buzz Lightyear ride.

Oh yeah, Toy Story. It's quite different from Buzz in the motion. What it does is take you by 3-D shooting galleries, so you are wearing 3-D glasses, which I think makes a difference to some people as far as nausea goes. Generally you will be stopped or just barely moving sideways, but between scenes the carts kinda whip around the corners and do like a spinning U-turn thing. This only lasts for a few seconds and then it is back to shooting at the screens. It is moves much more aggressively than Buzz, but it is not a constant thing.
Oh, Toy Story Mania is the one I meant. Didn't get the right name. I enjoyed Buzz Lightyear, but saw read somewhere that Toy Story could cause motion sickness in some people so I was wondering how it was. Is it basically the same as Buzz but differently themed? I had no problem with the Buzz Lightyear ride.
Not the same ride style as Buzz ride. It's 3D and you kind of whip around corners more than spin. Kind of like a larger version of the Whip but a wider turn so not as strong. IMO. I don't know... it's the best I could describe it.

Edit: Just saw someone else described the whipping too. :thumbsup2
I used to feel really dizzy on Star Tours but I think I've actually got used to it now. Don't think I could ride it more then twice in a row though! Now Forbidden Journey, I have to sit down after that one and I question the person who decided to have a staircase to exit the ride. Nor could I ride Men In Black straight after Simpsons.
Our daughter threw up after her first time on Test Track. She was 4.5 though. My husband took her while I waited with our 2 yr old. As soon as they walked out and I saw her face I knew so I hurried her over to the landscaping and she puked once into the mulch. I covered it up and we were on our way. Lol
If you did - which one? Are you prone to motion sickness? What happened?

I will most likely be avoiding tea cups because I'm not a fan of the dizzy spins. Although I'm not usually prone to motion sickness, I want to be prepared for any "popular" rides that can cause sickness. FWIW I had no problem with all manner of roller coasters, spinny rides etc. as recently as 2006, but just haven't been on any since.


I am prone to motion sickness but since I was trying to "cool" for my daughter I went on Mission to Space. It was the worst ride I have ever been on. My brain told me to skip this ride but I was trying to be "cool." I had the barf bag over my face the whole time, I went white as a ghost and almost passed out. I had to go back to the room and lay down and didn't eat the rest of the day. Mommy won't be cool next time.
Oh yeah, Toy Story. It's quite different from Buzz in the motion. What it does is take you by 3-D shooting galleries, so you are wearing 3-D glasses, which I think makes a difference to some people as far as nausea goes. Generally you will be stopped or just barely moving sideways, but between scenes the carts kinda whip around the corners and do like a spinning U-turn thing. This only lasts for a few seconds and then it is back to shooting at the screens. It is moves much more aggressively than Buzz, but it is not a constant thing.

Not the same ride style as Buzz ride. It's 3D and you kind of whip around corners more than spin. Kind of like a larger version of the Whip but a wider turn so not as strong. IMO. I don't know... it's the best I could describe it.

Edit: Just saw someone else described the whipping too. :thumbsup2

Thanks, that's helpful. Sometimes the official ride description is so vague that I'm left thinking, "yeah, but what does the ride actually do?" :o :tongue:
The only time I have ever felt sick after a ride is Mission Space Orange side. I had normally been on that side many times before then, but for some reason, after riding it one time, it messed me up for at least 4 hours. I have not been on that side since, and I now do green. I am not prone to motion sickness which made it even more interesting for me.
Space Mountain bothers me too... it didn't used to. I think it gets worse as I get older. EE bothers me too, but I still ride.
This! I used to ride Space Mountain but the older I got the more sick I felt. Last trip I just skipped it entirely. My DH says the same thing but he tolerates it once each trip to ride with our sons. After that they're on their own.
EE gets to me sometimes also but I've still been able to ride.
I have never gotten sick on a ride. I have aged a bit since I was an extreme thrill seeker. I did Mission Space Orange once and quickly found out how people could get sick. No tlooking straight forward with some minor claustrophobia can lead to someone getting sick.
Oh yeah, Toy Story. It's quite different from Buzz in the motion. What it does is take you by 3-D shooting galleries, so you are wearing 3-D glasses, which I think makes a difference to some people as far as nausea goes.
I will add, that on Star Tours, if you take off the 3d glasses if you start feeling bad it does help.

Ahhhh, this is something I hadn't thought of. Watching movies in a theater with the 3D glasses usually makes me feel a bit nauseous (so I always save $2-5 by going 2D ;) ). Not enough to get sick and throw up, but that's something I'll need to watch for as far as 3D rides and moving around. The tip for taking off 3D glasses is spot on!
Ahhhh, this is something I hadn't thought of. Watching movies in a theater with the 3D glasses usually makes me feel a bit nauseous (so I always save $2-5 by going 2D ;) ). Not enough to get sick and throw up, but that's something I'll need to watch for as far as 3D rides and moving around. The tip for taking off 3D glasses is spot on!

If 3-D bothers you you can always just close your eyes, or, if you still want to see, in lieu of taking off the glasses, which will make the images blurry, you can close or cover on eye. The image will look 2-D but still be clear.

Be careful of Mission: SPACE as that uses a 3-D view screen that does not require glasses, so you can't really escape the 3-D effect without looking away. Also, do not look away on Mission: SPACE Orange, as turning your head while spinning and experiencing the G-forces can make you feel even more sick. Close your eyes on that one should you need to.
Thanks so much, everyone, for sharing your experiences! I feel for all of you who have felt ill, thrown up, or bloody nosed the way through Disney. Never a fun addition to vacation (except for whoever had the photos of their sick son, maybe? :laughing:) I've been sick in public so many times but hopefully not again for a loooong while. :)

For people who get sick on tea cups - if I'm remembering correctly the cups spin lightly on their own but you can crank it up full twirl. Does anyone get sick on them just sitting there and letting them spin *without* increasing the spinning yourself?
When I was 21 and could ride anything, Body Wars did me in. I have never felt that awful, and I can't believe I didn't hurl. It totally caught me off guard, I had season passes to Kings Island every summer and rode spinny rides constantly. Did not see that coming.
Now that I am much older, I am more prone to motion sickness. I have never, and will never, set foot on Mission Space.
Star Tours I have done, usually once per trip, but each time it gets a little worse, so I think I am done there.
RnR oddly doesn't bother me at all, it's my favorite. EE I can do if I sit in the front. I can't sit in the back on that one, the backwards part for some reason makes me ill if I sit in the back.
Space Mountain I can do, barely. If it were any longer I would be done, but it always seems to end just in time.


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