Has anyone ever mispronounced your name?

I’ve had several people try to mispronounce it and/or ask if it’s a misspelling. Our surname is a common word in the Romance languages (French, Spanish & Italian) with an unpleasant meaning. It always kind of horrifies people who have those languages as their native tongues and they almost always express shock that it could be someone’s name. :blush:
Last name....constantly. My husband has a long Italian last name that I took when we married. They get the first five letters correct, and then it just falls apart from there...lol. Spanish speakers often get it right. We love to travel to Italy and when we do it's always so great because everyone gets it right...all of the time.
It is very rare for someone to pronounce my last name correctly. And it is commonly misspelled too, sometimes even after I just verbally spelled it for them.
Constantly. My first name has a common mispronunciation that seems to be regional. I hate it. The way the rest of the US says it is actually pretty IMO. Last name is a fairly common Irish surname that people usually get right. My maiden name was a less common Irish surname that people also tended to get right.
My maiden name began SZYM.... yes, it was mispronounced! Married name begins WOZN...yes, it’s mispronounced too!

Both have an Anglicized and a Polish pronunciation.
First name not mispronounced but just called the wrong name or spelled the wrong way. Christina & Krista most often.

Last name is mispronounced on occasion.
My first name is easy, as is the shortened version that I mostly use. My maiden name is an actual word that every knows and is easy to spell and pronounce. My married name should be easy to pronounce, but I’ve had a few people mess it up. The most common error is to put the accent on the second syllable instead of the first.
It is very rare for someone to pronounce my last name correctly. And it is commonly misspelled too, sometimes even after I just verbally spelled it for them.
I have that problem with my first name. If I call a customer service line, they frequently assume there is an error in the correct spelling.
Last name, about half the time. But let's be honest, some people pronounce their names in unexpected ways.
I worked with a woman named Corinne for years, pronounced Cor-een. I work with a Corinne now, she pronounces it Cor-in.
I did public address announcing for Little League tournaments, ALWAYS went to the parents with the lineup cards to verify pronunciation.
One game I had a kid whose last name Garcia.....easy......Gar-see-ah. On the opposing team, another kid whose last name was Garcia, but he pronounced it Gar-sha. His mom said the best was, the kids were cousins. Their dads were brothers, but pronounced their last name differently.
Mispronounced it? No. Spoken it with a sexy foreign accent? Yes.

My name is one that is pronounced slightly differently in French (and possibly other languages), so it sounds a little different if a foreign speaker says it, but I still recognize it.
Yes, my last name is very long, although there aren't any silent letters or anything. It's just several syllables and people get tripped up. But it makes it easy to tell who the telemarketers are because it's pretty clear they've never seen my name before!
I'm always surprised when they are NOT mis-pronounced -- every single one of them, including my DH's name, which I did not legally take. (3 different languages involved)
People say my name incorrectly when they see it spelled and spell my name incorrectly if they hear it spoken. I can't win.
My last name before I got married all the time. The weird thing is if you look at it on paper it's pretty easy. Eight letters made up of 2 seperate 4 letter words but for some reason it confused people.
Yep last name all the time.
On a rare occasion it is correctly spoken.


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