Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

:cheer2: Yay Denise, see Darlin, you are changed forever, you are addicted now and hey you only live once right?

Team Erica and I are not contributing much right now but we will be strong next week, Erica has worked 4 12 hour night shifts in a row and I'm walking wounded but we will be back at it real soon.


Competition Pandapirate:
Hi Guys and pretty princesses.

I'm still rehabing my sore paw.
The new shoes are helping a lot, I worked pain free last night Hakuna Matata Panda:hippie:

Hello my dear friend Dave. I didn't know that you were injured, I am so sorry to hear about that; though, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery :flower3:! Isn't it great to have your own private nurse at your beakon call :love: LOL. Speaking of, please say hello to Erica for me!
just got back in from a very hot, 6-mile run/walk bridge run. The total time was 75 minutes. I guess running on an empty stomach and a 15 degree temp increase makes a huge difference. Oh well, more miles and more minutes for the team.

See ya all tomorrow
Hi, everyone! Of course I'm behind on posting! I did 35 minutes of swimming on Friday. I am chasing two toddlers this weekend while DH is out of town...it's been exciting! I missed my workout this morning at the gym because of the babysitting responsibilities, but they can't stay forever......I'm hoping this afternoon's snow will not prevent their mother from coming to pick them up!!!! :scared1:

I'm glad we've gotten started! Go, Team Hukana Matata! :cheer2:

Hi guys and princesses, eeryone did super today. I'm going to try some easy walking in the morning. Wish me luck.

Attack Panda:hippie:
Good Morning All,

Dave do take care of that Paw, we need the Panda to be strong.

You guys are rocking, and clicking off the miles, KEWL!!!!:hippie: :woohoo:

We should get credit for the hanging sheet rock doing a cieling is no fun. But a good upper body work out.

About 3:30-4:00 yesterday we called it a day of basement work, needed a new saw blade, put on the running togs and got two laps around the neighborhood in, should have done it sooner as it had started to snow. We got about an inch.

Our weather is supposed to be warmer today, we will see. Have to finish the basement bathroom and get a coat of mud on the walls.

I do like this one more better.
I like the picture Scott, I'll try to load it on my sig block when I get back from walking.

I'm off for my normal sunday activity: walking at the mall till my Lady gets off work so I can take her to breakfast. I never know how many miles I'll get because I never know how long it will take her to give shift chance report.

Paw is better today so easy walking to see how it goes. I did 4 miles last monday at a brisk pace and was hurting all week, hopefully today's walk will be better.

Be strong today everyone, remember we don't train to maintain, we train to get stronger and faster and reach new levels.

Hakuna Matata Rocks

Attack Panda:hippie:
Log me 2 miles and 30 min. No sharp pain just soreness so I'll do more tomorrow.


Attack Panda:hippie:
Gotcha up to here! :grouphug:

I did 2 miles and stretching for 37 minutes! I am amazed at how quickly these miles and hours are adding up!

Did I mention, I did 5 miles on Friday?? I don't think I did! Ooops!
Good Super Bowl Afternoon Hakuna Matata Team members :goodvibes!

I ran a very slow 8.2 miles today, which we better log the time closer to a 12.30 pace today, as that would be a bit more accurate. Oh well, we have to take the good along with bad, just as long as we don't get stuck on the bad.

I just registered for the San Antonio's inaugural Rock-n-Roll Marathon in November, so I have a goal to keep my miles up for the team. I don't want to become stagnant and let everyone down :cool1:!
Good Super Bowl Afternoon Hakuna Matata Team members :goodvibes!

I ran a very slow 8.2 miles today, which we better log the time closer to a 12.30 pace today, as that would be a bit more accurate. Oh well, we have to take the good along with bad, just as long as we don't get stuck on the bad.

I just registered for the San Antonio's inaugural Rock-n-Roll Marathon in November, so I have a goal to keep my miles up for the team. I don't want to become stagnant and let everyone down :cool1:!

That's the mile making lady we know and love. Thank you Donna we needed some good miles.

War Panda:hippie:
I will officially post Scott's and my miles and times either Thurs. evening or Friday morning for the week, but we have been getting out for walks, although not as long as I would like due to weather and construction work on the basement. I am trying to work more on the cross training, doing Pilates tapes and some weight work on our bowflex. Scott does the bowflex regularly, he enjoys weight training, for me it is a chore. Hopefully the weather will improve, and we can get out for longer walks/runs.
Had to skip yesterday because of travel. Today, I did 19.5 miles on my recumbent bike and spent 80 minutes working out!! :goodvibes
Had to skip yesterday because of travel. Today, I did 19.5 miles on my recumbent bike and spent 80 minutes working out!! :goodvibes

Wow that's AWESOME!!!!!!!

GO TEAM!!!!!!

I'm sure glad you guys are coming through for us, I have been lame and couldn't contribute much. I have been poking the other teams so if a lynch mob shows up I ain't here.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Wow that's AWESOME!!!!!!!

GO TEAM!!!!!!

I'm sure glad you guys are coming through for us, I have been lame and couldn't contribute much. I have been poking the other teams so if a lynch mob shows up I ain't here.

Happy Panda:hippie:

You are funny, Panda!:rotfl: I hope you feel better soon :goodvibes
Hi Everyone,

I'm glad to see everyone getting minutes and miles in. I'll post mine on Thursday for the week. I'm getting into this very slowly since I've been sick for the last 2 weeks, but I did finally get outside today for a run. My first one since the marathon!! It was slow and I was coughing a bit, but it did feel great to be back out there.

Good job everyone!! Keep it up.

I am so glad to see you Cindy! I was beginning to worry about you! I hope your recovery is speedy!
Thanks Connie,

Life has been very busy since we returned from Disney. All 3 of my kids have January birthdays (Belated Bday Wishes to you.), so I've been sending party invites, making cupcakes, having parties. Now that's all over so I do have a bit more time to myself.



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