Hakuna Matata: Official thread Part deux

Great Job, Scott and Lynn!!!

Gotta love a PB!!! Congratulations!

P.S. Remember it counts double miles!
WOrry not the doubble miles for sure,

Connie the school house sounds KEWL!!! Ok so I was a history major and that is a great way for kids to learn.
I ran 7 miles today in 1:30:45

It was a bit tough. The last 2.5 miles was a bit of a challenge, both mentally and physically but I overcame and completed it. I have never run this far at one time before so this is a pretty amazing accomplishment in my book. I was glad to find out I am still under pace. All that was just under a 13 minute mile.

Hopefully today was just one of those days where it is a little tough to run because going 6 miles wasn't near this difficult last time.

Way to go, Cobbler, what a great accomplishment :thumbsup2
Scott and Lynn thanks for the nice report, we need to do that one with you sometime.

Donna great week dear friend. Thanks for the Erica miles. It's tough for her right now not being able to train at all.

Connie thank you so much for what you do for us, dear captain. This is for you:

Three men were sitting together, bragging about how they had given duties to
their new wives.

The first man had married a woman from Minnesota and had told her that she was
going to do dishes and house cleaning.
It took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house and
dishes washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from Nebraska. He had given his wife orders
that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. The first day he
didn't see any results, but the next day he saw that it was better. By the third
day, he saw that his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge
dinner on the table.

The third man had married a woman from Texas. He told her that her duties were
to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot
meals on the table for every meal. The first day he didn't see anything, the
second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had
gone down, and he could see a little out of his left eye, enough to fix himself
a bite to eat and load the dishwasher.

I just did 1.5 miles at the mall this morning but tomorrow I'm adding weight training to my routine. So it will be walking, stretching and cals then weights. This will bring my Mon/Wed?Fri workouts to 3 hours each. The other 3 training days will be an LSD day, a speed day and an easy day.

Have a restfull evening y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Another ING Georgia Half Marathon report:

DH and I walked down Luckie St. :goodvibes at 6:15 and with a bit of work finally found Corral 7. He saw me off there and I believe I crossed the start line at 7:24. It was a very cold day, much colder than expected or forecast and the wind chill felt like middle 30's to me! In some ways, I think that helped and I personally felt so blessed that we did not get rained on, after all!!!!!! :thumbsup2

Even though, I am still fighting a lupus flare, somehow, I felt good (even with no long prep runs!:confused3 ). I was able to run at least 35% of the time or so and very regularly with a run walk pattern. I paced with the six hour marathoners for the first seven miles, at which time we split and there were no pacers for the half runners:rolleyes: I just tried to keep a good pace anyway. Shockingly, I also accomplished a new PR. The finish time for me appeared to be 10:19 which puts me at a definite sub 3 hour half :yay: I am calling it 2:55 until I see my chip time on the web!!

I enjoyed the bananas, blueberry gogurt :rotfl:, cookies, water and gatorade immensely afterward, LOL! I looked like I had frostbite by the time I made it back to my hotel but it was great fun and now I can't wait for the Minnie :love: Oh, and my hubby just about froze too waiting to cheer me at Mile 11, lol! He couldn't wait to hightail back to the hotel, lol :scared:

ETA: chip time 2:59:55 so I just BARELY got in under 3 hours, LOL!
:cool1: Wooohoo! Hakuna Matata is the team to beat!!!

Cobbler Great Job on that run!! Congratulations!!!

WithDisneySpirit BIG CONGRATULATIONS! That's the old WISH team/Hakuna Matata try!!!

DAVE Thanks! DH learned a long time ago not to try to line me out! :lmao:

Scott I am looking forward to the one room school house. :teacher: Everything is to be as authentic as possible, for early 1900's Oklahoma, thus the sewing. My DG will be carrying her lunch in pail and I will have a basket. I couldn't find a real dime novel, but I have a paper back of about the right size and written in the right era that I will take along in my basket. We will be having biscuits and ham for lunch. You might be interested in knowing that this is the real deal. It is indeed the original one room school from their community! The furnishings have been purchased from around the state from home owners and antique collectors, and they aren't just replicas! Since this is the 100 year anniversary of Oklahoma's statehood, it is even more memorable. -- I know you didn't really ask, but it is pretty interesting!

Hakuna Matata ROCKS! :disrocks:
CONGRATULATIONS, Scott & Lynn. Your PB's are Fantastic!

Enjoyed reading your Great Reports - thanks so much for sharing with us. :goodvibes

Connie, it sounds like so much Fun! You will post pictures of your dresses...Correct? What a wonderful memory for your Granddaughter.
Connie -- Another history major here. The one room school house sounds so cool. Please take pics!

Congrats to Scott, Lynn and Lisa! :cheer2: Way to represent!!
Lisa, way to go, great job. I gorgot about the yogurt, not bad whne ya are hungry LOL.I want to say we parked in the lot a Luckie and Spring, I am suprised you didn't recognize Lynn and I at the finish, we were one wraped in the mylar, LOL

Connie the School house sounds great, enjoy.

I was a history major and used to do a livinf history program for the National Park Service at Grand Teton National Prk, it was fun.

We are off to the ATL Aquarium today thenhome tomorrow and work.
Connie -- Another history major here. The one room school house sounds so cool. Please take pics!

Thanks Guys, I will try to get some pics....of course, you know there weren't digital cameras then, but I might be able to put it on a tripod, put a big black box around it and make something go FLASH when I snap the photos! :lmao: I'll have to work on that! On the other hand, my digital can do special effects and make a photo black and white and even make it look old! :confused3 (It's magic, I think!)

Today is cross training for me.

Have a great day -- Connie
Congratulations on your PR Lisa! You're husband sounds like a trooper; we have great support don't we! Hopefully Minnie will be warmer for you, but not too warm!

Lisa, way to go, great job. I gorgot about the yogurt, not bad whne ya are hungry LOL.I want to say we parked in the lot a Luckie and Spring, I am suprised you didn't recognize Lynn and I at the finish, we were one wraped in the mylar, LOL

I wish I had had more presence of mind to look! I suppose I will meet y'all at an upcoming WISH event and have no trouble with recognition after that :3dglasses That mylar was a lifesaver this time. Didn't need it on my first two Halfs...:cold:

Thanks Connie, Margie, Kristen, Kim, Scott and Donna! It was lots of fun :) I hope you enjoy the aquarium, Scott and Lynn!!

My DH is wonderful support! I am encouraging him to join in with us though...
Congratulations to eveyones great weekend race results!:cheer2:

It's been a long snowy winter. Finally some nice weather in Southern Ontario. What a great day for a race. I ran the Around the Bay 30K Road Race (Hamilton, Ontario). This was the 114th anniversary for the race and as the race shirt says...."older than Boston".
We had access to the arena before the start of the race. Nice to have flush toilets :yay: and somewhere warm to wait before the start of the race. A great race, a little cold and windy running along Lake Ontario and a finish inside Copps Coliseum was cool.

I didn't follow a training program and was relying on January's marathon training to carry me through. Was very pleased with my results and came in 11 minutes before my set goal time.

Have a great week of training, Sue
Congratulations to eveyones great weekend race results!:cheer2:

It's been a long snowy winter. Finally some nice weather in Southern Ontario. What a great day for a race. I ran the Around the Bay 30K Road Race (Hamilton, Ontario). This was the 114th anniversary for the race and as the race shirt says...."older than Boston".
We had access to the arena before the start of the race. Nice to have flush toilets :yay: and somewhere warm to wait before the start of the race. A great race, a little cold and windy running along Lake Ontario and a finish inside Copps Coliseum was cool.

I didn't follow a training program and was relying on January's marathon training to carry me through. Was very pleased with my results and came in 11 minutes before my set goal time.

Have a great week of training, Sue

Wow, Sue!! That is awesome!!!!!!! :woohoo:
Wow sounds like everyone is fired up today. I know I am, I had an awesome workout this morning.

4 miles fartleck on the tready since it was raining again. Then my regular cals and stretching, I followed it up with a weight training routine. I used light weights since I do not want to be to sore to move for a week. I haven't done weights for 20 years. Total time was 3 hours.

I have an awesome link to a weight training instruction site if anyone is interested. It's got an anamation of a naked man so I won't post it. You click on the different body parts and it give you a list of exercises. You click on each exercise and it shows you a video of someone doing it correctly.

Have a great day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
WTG Sue, I haven't heard from my friend who did the same race but glad the event was a success.

Dave I would be insterested....

Good morning Team.

Well I ended up with 4 miles and 5 total hours of exercise yesterday. Added 2 hours of push mowing the yard to the party. My legs feel wonderfull today no morning achillies soreness at all. The mowing action of pushing the mower works the feet and ankles a lot. I iced and took a couple of advils after I was done. Nine hours of sleep was nice to.

Today will be more darn tready miles since it's raining again. I sure hope the whole spring and summer are not rainy, last year we were in drought conditions. I need a whole bunch of 65 degree and dry days.

Everyone is doing great, I envy those of you that have a race soon, especially Connie and Kathy at the OKC Half. I might have a chance to do the Nashville, not sure yet.

Well time to head off to the gym. I'm not getting any stronger riding the recliner.

Walk/Run strong Team.

Walking Panda:hippie:


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