Hakuna Matata: Official thread Part deux


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hi Hakuna Matata!

We don't want the threads to get to long because it slows down the speed of the board loading. So, this is the official next thread!

Team Members
Fun Walker
Lynn G

Please PM your weekly results. Our week now runs SATURDAY thru FRIDAY. Hopefully, this will make it easier, I hope.

I will start posting our weekly totals in this spot, right here.

Week 1 252.05 miles 86.75 hours
Week 2 217.88 63.47
Week 3 231.02 68.02
Week 4 252.16 67.58

Feburary Totals 962.84 miles 294.17 hours

Week ending 3/7 261.18 miles 70.17 hours
Week ending 3/14 299.05 Miles 75.90 hours
Connie darlin, you forgot Kewz1. We need her sweet self to cover for my sluggyness.

I can log 2 half hours of stretching and cals.

Then the darn vacuum cleaner decided to stop working. Why does dog and cat hair kill a vacuum so darn fast?

We went out looking at funiture for our game room. Amazing the price differences on the same thing at different stores.

Healing Panda:hippie:
Dang it! :guilty: I was so relieved to get throught that list.....I have now added Kewz1. My deepest apologies Kristin! --

Vacuuming Panda, why didn't you warn Jeanneg and me that this captain stuff would be so difficult! :confused3
Connie darlin, you forgot Kewz1. We need her sweet self to cover for my sluggyness.

I can log 2 half hours of stretching and cals.

Then the darn vacuum cleaner decided to stop working. Why does dog and cat hair kill a vacuum so darn fast?

We went out looking at funiture for our game room. Amazing the price differences on the same thing at different stores.

Healing Panda:hippie:

We popped the big bucks for a Dyson, the purple one for animal hair, it really works great.
Dang it! :guilty: I was so relieved to get throught that list.....I have now added Kewz1. My deepest apologies Kristin! --

Vacuuming Panda, why didn't you warn Jeanneg and me that this captain stuff would be so difficult! :confused3

That's why I picked strong personalities.

One time years ago I was stationed at Alexandria La. There was a spill way at a small dam near there. We had stopped to watch people fish for a few minutes when all of a sudden an old Cajun man reached down in the rocks where he was sitting and pulled out a snake about 6 foot long and holding it by the tail snapped it like a wet towel, popped the head right off of it. The same kind of grit that old fellow had is what I see in you ladies.:worship:

Impressed Panda:hippie:
Hi Hakuna Matata!

We don't want the threads to get to long because it slows down the speed of the board loading. So, this is the official next thread!

Please PM your weekly results. Our week now runs SATURDAY thru FRIDAY. Hopefully, this will make it easier, I hope.

I will start posting our weekly totals in this spot, right here.

Sounds like a perfect plan Connie. Thanks again for ALL that you do for our team :hug:!!

Good morning Team.

Well since monday I've lost 3.6 lbs, despite drinking stuff all day. This is going to be easy. I even stretched yesterday and already this morning. My achillies is feeling great so I should be ready for some good walking next week. Now all I need is spring so I can play outside.

Everyone have an awesome day and remember that you are worth the effort to be the best you can be.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Dave - glad to hear you are doing so well after your "adventure".

Cold here today, yesterday at SCUBA class, we walked out at the end to 2 inches of snow that had fallen while we were enjoying ourselves in the pool! It is sunny so far, but supposed to cloud up and snow again later. Wind chill is still below zero - and that is with calm (under 10 mph) winds! I will wait until the wind chill is above zero for my walk.

Yesterday the dogs and I did only a short walk (2 miles), but then I was good and did some weights (my least favorite thing) and a pilates tape. I am trying hard to get the weight training in twice a week. I have been able to get it in at least once a week for the last 2 weeks - that is really good for me!

Everyone have a good day!
Good morning team! Anyone else get lots and lots of snow? It took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get to work this morning. No "glad you made it in safely" either ... just a lot of "does it really take you that long to get in?" Yes, I purposely waited out in the snow for an hour... then I told the bus driver to go real slowly :rotfl:

Anyway, I did manage to get in a little bit of walking this morning. I got so cold standing around, I walked to the next intersection. I checked it out on my mapmyrun.com and it turns out it was three-quarters of mile. I'll take whatever I can get! I'll put in some time on the treadmill tonight too - hoping to reach 15 minute intervals by this time next week! (Anyone have an animated treadmill smiley?)

Stay warm and safe today!!
Bunny it sounds like living up there is a laugh a minute. I know you are ready for spring.

Scott we bought a purple Dyson as you advised. I hope it lasts better than the others we have been getting, the dog and kitty hair kills them pretty quickly.

We managed a couple of miles of walking in a Nashville mall after finding Erica's foot dr for the bunion surgery.

How's it going team?

Happy Panda.:hippie:
Hello, Team!

Dave, I'm trying hard not to be envious of your weight loss. At this point I'm thinking, "Hmmmm. Oral surgery might not be THAT bad if I could lose some weight!" Yikes! :scared1: That's pretty scary! I DID manage to lose 2.4 pounds over the last three weeks. At this rate, I'll be ready to collect retirement pay before I lose the weight I want to! Oh, well, if that's the case, I'll be in good shape for retirement! :laughing:

Connie has been helping me keep up to date with our team, but I may have missed some stuff. Snowy and cold here this week, but I'm hoping for better weather again for the weekend. Last weekend was wonderful for a 6+ mile walk. This week I am scheduled for 7, and I would love it if the wind were not blowing snow roughly 1000 mph!

Keep up the good work, everyone. Connie, thanks for keeping track of all of us for us! :grouphug:
Morning teammates--just realized there was a new thread--shows how "with it" I've been lately. Hope everyone is well. Going to the gym in a few, so I should be able to post some miles/min today. Yesterday I was made to work 2hrs late which cut out any chance of a workout. Ugh!

Dave--I know I'm a little late, but I am a Dyson believer! It's living vacuum nirvana! Yes, I might have an inappropriate relationship with my vacuum, but my house it clean!:rotfl:
Kathy - I, too, am hoping for the nice weekend that has been predicted!

It looks really nice outside, it is just really cold. Yesterday I braved the cold wind for 6 miles, I will try to get out today before the wind starts up again, but that means really cold temps. Well, maybe not REALLY cold compared to some, but under 20 degrees. With wind chill, that usually means in the single digits. We have SCUBA class again tonight, and it is supposed to snow again tonight, so we again may come out of class to a couple of inches of new snow. That also means that I will get a mini weight lifting session in loading the truck.

Have a good day, team.
Good morning Team.

Finally back to real training. The achillies felt good today, YEAH!! I had a good 4 miles on the tready and then a good stretching and calistetics routine. Finished up with a half mile of pool running.

4.5 miles

2.5 hours

I'm contributing again:banana:

Have a strong day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Motivator Panda, you were contributing before just in different ways!

Did 5 miles outside today - weather was nice but still had to be cautious walking. Spring is coming :goodvibes

Signed up to do two session with a Personal Trainer at the gym today, so I can be sure I am doing things correct. I made sure he knew I did not need help/input on my walking schedule. :upsidedow
Motivator Panda, you were contributing before just in different ways!

Did 5 miles outside today - weather was nice but still had to be cautious walking. Spring is coming :goodvibes

Signed up to do two session with a Personal Trainer at the gym today, so I can be sure I am doing things correct. I made sure he knew I did not need help/input on my walking schedule. :upsidedow

I felt so good that I push mowed my .6 acher yard. Felt wonderfull getting some fresh air. Our temp went to 50 degrees, so I wanted to do something outside and I needed to make sure the mower would start.

I hadn't thought about it before but pushing a mower is a good stretching motion for the achillies tendons.

Glad to see you were able to get out Margie, as cold as it is up there that's an accomplishment.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Great job Margie and Dave!

I did a quick three mile run today. Taking advantage of the one night free of ANY responsibilities :cool1:! Back to the books again starting tomorrow night :sad1:. For the next eight weeks I hope I don't let our team down too much on my lack of contribution. I will try to manage everything the best I can so I continue to be included in this wonderful group :love:. Please, please don't kick me off the team!!

Thanks in advance for your understanding!

PPPPffffffffffffffffft! Donna, the only way you get off this team is to fall off the bridge and get eaten by dophins! :grouphug: We will all have our ups and downs over the corse of the next 10 months, now. Nobody gets out easy!

Kim and Mike????? Where are you??? Shouldn't YOU be back from WDW now?? Anybody heard from them? I am getting worrieder and worrieder.:guilty:

I got in 6.4 today! Yay me! I am having a nice week for a change.

Here's to us! :simba:


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