Hakuna Matata-Happy April

Yeah, Erica is back! We missed hearing from you. :cheer2:

My grandson is better today and I will get in a Gym workout tonight :banana:

Congrats, Everyone on the really great workouts :goodvibes
Good morning team mates.

Looks like everyone is having issues with finding any time. Since I upped my workout to include the cals and stretching along with walk training I haven't been able to relax with my WISH friends.

Today I did an easy pace 4 miler on the hills, 53:30 total time. Then did my cals and streching, then I went home and mowed the yard for a little over an hour. I'm tired now. Time to go scare up a slab of salmon for lunch and take a nap.

Have an awesome day everyone.:love:

Happy Panda:hippie:
I did get out of work early and came home and did a wind run LOL, seemed like there was a head wind every which way I turned LOL. It was good,

WDW in a week YEaH!!!!!!! Ready fro teh Minnie, we are supposed to get snow and rain starting tonight and tomorrow. Bummer,
Good morning team mates.

I'm going to take it easy today. Just an hour of cals and stretching and a little bit of pilaties. Might do some pool running not sure yet. I have had to very good workouts in a row so that means I better take it easy today.

Every time I get injured I can look back and see the day that I should have rested but didn't becasue the workouts were going so well.

We start getting our government rebate checks next week, mine is going to be ear marked for the Oct ToT trip. That will pay for new annual passes and beer.:):cloud9:

Have a super weekend y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
SNow again this morning, yech.

Have a funeral today and then some basement work, I hope tomorrow is better weather.

Ready for the Minnie.

Haven't thought about the rebate check yet, normally I would just save it.

Maybe a gun safe or put it towards the home theater system for the basement.
Good Morning Team!

As Scott says, it is snowing!!! Well, we really need the moisture, at least, that is what the weatherman is always saying! Any outside exercise will need to wait until this afternoon, it is clears up. Tomorrow is supposed to be half decent but still cool.

I also got a good walk in yesterday, in spite of the wind - was blowing between 30 and 46mph. At least for me, 2 miles of my 5 mile walk was with that wind to my back. I was going really fast then!

Have a good day, and good weekend to everyone!
The trees, flowering shrubs, and spring flowers are beautiful. :cloud9:

Feels like 35 degrees, cloudy, and very windy. Great for a brisk 6.22 mile walk with a friend this morning. Even with my constant talking we kept the 15 minute pace...

Connie, I will PM mine & Erica's Time & Miles for last week.

Scott & Lynn: SNOW...:sad2:
This is for Erica, who I hope is recovering well! They're just some of my pedestrian-commuter miles, but I hope they help! (They're up and down hills, if that makes the effort seem worthier! ;))

DONATION TO ERICA, MINUTES: 1:29 (1.48 in decimal format)
I did 6.2 miles this am on the treadmill! Hopefully, that will be good enough for a pre-Minnie training run. I've decided I am ready :thumbsup2 I am concerned about the temps that day. Since I have Lupus and need to shun the sun especially, I will be covered head to toe so don't laugh at me please :rolleyes:

I will be at POR on Saturday to meet fellow WISHers! Plus, here is a pic since most of you don't know me, besides Carrie and Cam:

Lisa, I'm sorry we will not have the pleasure of meeting you at the Minnie. Will you be at the ToT or the Marathon weekend?

Scott, get your prettt princesses out of that snow and take her to DisneyWorld.

Margie are you getting the snow that they just had?

Connie and Kathy, good luck on your OKC adventure.

Debra that is so sweet, Erica is saving hugs for you.

Kim I sent you a PM on Robert's forum about the Smokies.

Everyone, I hope your weekend is as special as mine.

Happy Panda:hippie:
I will be at the marathon but not at TOT. I am signed up to do the full and I am going to do my usual walk/run method. Pretty nervous though, as I have never done marathon distance!! :scared1:

I am looking forward to meeting you too, Panda and everyone else on our team :goodvibes
Well ir is clear and cold this morn, I hope to work on the basement and then get a run in when it warms up later today.

OK dave I will tale Lynn to WDW if I have to, LOL Tee Hee,

Making Macadamia Nut pancakes, with a Mango compote, yum yummy.

What time is teh Wish Meet on Sat??? POR right, Sat I really Want to get to EPCOT to catch Arlo. The other Flower Power Concerts for the rest of teh week should be fun.
Yes Scott you have to take that sweet princess to DisneyWorld, now just bite the bullet and do it. You better bring her back home safe to. We are gonna ask her if you treated her like a princess and if you didn't your gonna have to keep taking her back there till you get it right.

I'll be glad when Minnie and the DL half is over and everyone going has huge fun so we can start planning our ToT adventure.

Erica said you guys believing in her has been wonderfull motivation for her to be even more dedicated to her training when she is healed up. She has also vowed to pay back eveyone when they have an injury down time.

I'm taking a rest day today, feel a little guilty, but I have to keep reminding myself I'm not still 25 even though I feel 25.

We are having some good discussions over on the "Core Strengthing" thread. When you aren't fighting your own tight spots you move much more better good.

Have a super Sunday y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Thanks Lisa, WIll try and make it. I really want to get to EPCOT fro teh Arlo concerts. It starts at 5:45, so will try to stop by and say Hi, then to EPCOT
Got a walk in with the pups, going into the wind was like running in water.

Lynn is busy packing us up for WDW.
Got a walk in with the pups, going into the wind was like running in water.

Lynn is busy packing us up for WDW.

I'm crazy enouth to enjoy both. I love to walk into the wind and I often do sprints in the pool.

Of course wind here is not the same gale force winds you get there on the frozen tundra. Speaking of do you still have the snow?

Today was a complete rest for me except of course I had to work. After work I came home and got my healing princess and took her to Peppers Mex for dinner. I'm really liking my fish, veggies and grains diet.

Everyone have a wonderfull evening.

Tired Panda:hippie:
The snow has pretty much melted as it was up to about 56 degrees today, and sunny, but, as Scott says, it was rather windy all day. We only got a 3 mile walk in today because Scott is a wimp! I would have gone 5 miles.

Tomorrow, the carpet dudes are due to show up between 8 and 10am, so I will not get an early morning walk in. The landscapers should also be showing up tomorrow, but I have not heard from them yet, so I do not know if they are going to make it. The weather keeps putting them behind on the project that is ahead of mine. Hopefully, we will get out later in the day, after everyone has left. The carpet is only for one room, I do not expect it to take very long. The landscapers will take 2 days once they start.
Panda, PLEASE know we expect to be updated when Erica gets her check up and you return from the dentist today :goodvibes

Lynne, how exciting to start seeing the results of all your hard work. You will be posting a few pictures for us to share your excitment...Correct :angel:

Connie, did I miss pictures of you and your Granddaughter in you 'new' bonnets?

Had a nice brisk, windy 6.22 mile walk on Saturday morning.

Starting my summer schedule today ... Gym on Monday Wednesday Friday's; walking on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. R & R on Sunday I just need to get every acclimated to it. :thumbsup2

My Pilate's for Dummies still has not arrive. It shows shipped - maybe it was routed through China :confused3
Good Morning Team!

Scott will have to be the one to post pictures, I am computer illiterate! But the room will not be finished until after we return from the Minnie - will not have a chance to add the trim until then.

It is supposed to be nice today, but I am stuck at home waiting for folks to show up. I know carpet folks will be here today, but I am not sure about the landscapers. In any case, I am hoping to get for our walk later this evening after everyone leaves.

Dave - be sure to post an update!!!

Have a great day!


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