Hakuna Matata - Gobbling up the pavement and thankful we can!

Hi everyone! We've got rain this morning - yuck! I don't like having to juggle an umbrella while riding the train.

Beth - Ouch! Hope there's nothing seriously wrong with your shoulders and back! pixiedust:

Kim - My knee pains seem to be slowly dissipating (knock on wood). Still keeping my appointment to see a sports doc on Friday. I hear ya on the miles vs. the injuries. I say keep to the minimum, keep RICEing and maybe try cross training to keep your cardio going. My chiro/trainer suggested I use a spin bike for cross training.

Margie - I'm okay with the rain instead of snow. I get worried once the roads and sidewalks freeze and get slippery. Yup, got in a full workout last night and a few rehab exercises in between as well. I told my chiro that I was looking to lean out a little more in December because there are a few Christmas parties I'm going to. So she's going to work with me on that as well as the eating. Good idea on the medals! If any Canadians aren't going to WDW this January, I would be happy to bring them back and mail them from here.

Nikki - :hug: Sorry to hear about no walking orders. Sometimes rest really is the best cure (as much as I hate to hear that myself). pixiedust: for a speedy recovery!

Dave - You'll need to take a big road trip so you can visit everybody. Maybe do a race in every state and then one up in Canada :)

AFM - I got in a full hour workout last night. My chiro did a quick adjustment on my knee after she stretched me out. Lots of weights and upper body exercises but I was able to get in some lunging with weights and a light jumping exercise. The knee didn't seem too upset - yay! I also have to clean up my eating because I want to lean out a bit for some of the parties this month ... not to mention January. Any extra weight at this point can go. Don't need to be carrying lots of extra weight during the full :)
Hi Everyone!

Sorry, it's been a rather hectic/emotional last little bit. I just was having trouble realizing I may not be able to go to the run along with a few other things.

Anyway, I'm back and with some updates on things:

- I took a few rest days before and after my 7 mile run, but I'm hoping to kick it back into gear soon. I'm feeling less and less motivated to start but better once I do start (either running or cross-training). The difficulty is the push into actually starting.

- I'm thinking of renewing my training tonight since that really took a lot of the thinking and planning out of working out for me. I find I get less done while doing training in the sessions but overall I'm more focussed in my self-workouts having something fresh to work from.

- I did some up-to-date measurements since my bf found the missing measuring tape. I've lost a total of 4-5 inches (mostly in the bust/hip area). :banana: It's good but it also backs up what I thought was just an old clothes issue: Someone needs new clothing of the supportive nature. :rotfl:

- I've got the phone number of a runner doctor who frequents the Running Room here so I'm going to call him and see what he's able to do for me with regards to shoes and actually prepping me for running.

- After my 7 miler on Sunday, my knees were feeling really stiff even after extended stretching and rolling. I did experiment with some Gu chomps and found that they stayed down fine but made my tummy gurgle a bit at the start. I might try the slimes too because the chomps seemed difficult to manage at times (especially when I'm trying to breathe while running and eating).

- I also bought a second pair of running shoes (they were discounted over 100$!) that are pretty amazing Asics. I'm going to try them out on a short run and see if I like them more than my Kayanos.

- I FINALLY ordered my Road IDs on the last day for the 15% discount. I for a pink shoe pouch ID, pink bracelet, pink anklet, and red shoe tag for myself as well as a black shoe ID for my dad (which says Love Always on the bottom line) as well as a bracelet in case he wants it on his wrist. Oh! And I have a coupon code for 1$ off over the next 30 days usable up to 20 times. Just in case anyone wants it, just shoot me a PM.

- I have been approved for the time off (after a lengthy discussion/lecture and a long-winded letter explaining my reasons) but I'm now faced once again with a bf who isn't as thrilled as I am ("it's just more money spent") and when I said we could just go for the weekend and save my vacation days if he feels that way he said "that's a waste of money, when we go, we go for the whole time". :confused3 So... I guess it's a waste if we do and if we don't... At least he seems to have decided he's coming... :sad2: Mixed signals much?

- Plus, it's the bf's birthday this weekend so I'm trying to figure out what to get him. He hasn't made it to the gym yet, but he has his fitness assessment this week. He's asked for new shoes to wear at the gym but nowhere carries size 15 in more than about 1-2 styles (and usually too thin)... I e-mailed Running Free but they haven't responded. I would love for him to get some good shoes that will support him but this is driving me nuts! (Oh, and he's a closet Leafs fan, too!)

Margie: Since it's still a little up in the air for going to WDW, I might opt for just the certificate this time. Shipping on those is a smidgen cheaper I suspect than on the medals. I hope Connie's computer set-up is fixed soon. I'd go nuts with no access!
Hi Team!

Margie- Yes, I’ll count that as my 5k turkey trot. DH was right next to me on the DM and ran 5k as well. I ran about a 12min/mile the whole time, so my finish time was 37min. Kyle ran/walked so his time was slower- I’m not sure what his time was though. I’m sorry I totally forgot to mention Kyle’s run! I also ran on Saturday and could probably count that as well. What does your 5k shirt look like? Can you post a pic on FB or is there one already there? Have you used the compression socks anymore? Way to go on finishing the 5k even though you didn’t want to! I haven’t had any ankle pain in quite awhile so I think I’m doing ok there.

Beth- Congrats on your great 5 mile race!!!

Sue- How did you like Cirque du Soleil?

Dave- I am a Black Friday shopper, as is my DH! Toys R Us opened at 10pm as well here and Old Navy opened at midnight, as did the local mall, I believe.

Vicky- I’m glad you found a sale on airfare! Yay for no knee pain! That’s awesome!!

Nikki- Sometimes long naps are necessary I think! I’m glad you enjoyed your Turkey Trot with Margie. That’s terrible news you can’t walk this week.

Mike- I’m glad you like your running tights. Congrats on the half! I can’t believe the pacers were so far off. You did awesome with so little training though!! Tell Liz congrats too!! She also did great!

Emily- I thought about going to Old Navy too, but was too tired to go at midnight when I knew I wanted to be at Kohl’s at 3am when they opened. Their lines were really long too. Have you heard on the house yet?

Scott and Lynn- Congrats on the Space Coast!!

Saylan- I’m sorry your bf isn’t very excited about WDW. That would definitely be hard to hear when it’s something you’re really looking forward to.

AFM, I ran another 3miles tonight at the gym. I’ve been keeping a steady “5” or 12min/mi pace on the TM, but today I upped the last mile to 11:32 for the last mile. Kyle and I went shopping on Black Friday. We went to Kohl’s at 3am, got out of there about 4:35am ish and went to Best Buy for their opening at 5am. From there we went to JC Penney’s, Macy’s and Sports Authority. We were home before 7am. We took a nap and then I put up the Christmas tree and Kyle put up the lights. I made a list before we went so it went pretty smoothly for us. I’m going to be signing up for a 10k Christmas YMCA run on 12/18/10 this week and will be running it with my friend Mike. I have to sign up soon because he’s already signed up! I can’t believe he beat me to it because he’s usually such a slacker. I’m a little worried about the weather though because it’s snowing here and we have some storm advisory in effect until tomorrow sometime. It’s been snowing since like 10:30am this morning, but so far we only have a few inches. I'm sure the weather will only go down hill from here. I checked the weather for the last 10 years when I was picking my race date and it seemed like we rarely had this much snow in November? Does anyone have any tips for running in the snow? Obviously, I’m most worried about falling. I also found a 15k Shamrock run in Portland in March that I would really really like to sign up for since it’s only about a 6hr drive from here and won’t be very expensive. That’s about all going on with me. I hope everyone is well!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Team Hakuna Matata December Thread is running late
Wednesday, December 1st

Happy – Happy 60th Birthday, Lynn! :cake:


Wishing you joy, laughter and lots of love.
Hakuna Matata Weekend Racers

:cheer2::cheer2: :cheer2::cheer2:

Saturday, December 4th
Elizabeth - Jingle Bell Run, 5k, Raleigh, NC

Sunday, December 5th
Beth - NYRR Joe Kleinerman 10K

We are Cheering for You!
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Currently 30° / 70 % Humidity
Partly Cloudy / High of 43° / Windy 10-20mph
Flurries and a few snow showers throughout the day.
Chance of snow 60% 1-2-inches expected
Sunrise 7:50AM Sunset is 5:11PM tonight

December 1, 2010 Only 24 Days Before Christmas!
Iceland became a self-governing kingdom united with Denmark, December 1, 1918.

“December Quote:
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.
A Psalm of Life. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (1807–1882)

Beth-Ouch! That must have been quite the wallop!
Hope the soreness is gone for this weekends race.
What a wonderful visit with your parents. It sounds like you have really
filled the time with some fantastic NYC sights, sounds, and experiences.

Connie-:wave2: Hope all is Well!

Dave & Sally-pixiedust:




Eva- :wave2:

Gerry- :wave2:

Hope- :wave2:


Liz- :wave2:

Lynn-Happy-Happy Birthday! :flower3:



Nikki-:hug: hope your leg is better today!


Regina-Page 19-Post #281 updated Turkey Trot 5K list
Give me a guess on Kyle’s time though.
Will add your 10K December 18th to the race schedule!
Will send link of the Turkey Trot shirt-I like the color and the kids love the Turkey!

Added: Here is a picture of the shirt


Saylan-So glad you were approved for the Princess vacation time!
BF will love it once he is on the plane & in the air-
Gulp…Size 15 shoes!!!
The Certificates are free-just PM me the name you want on the certificate, your email address, and I will email the certificate for you to print out.




Vicky-:thanks: I will tell Connie you are willing to take care of those who order Turkey Trot Medals for your fellow Canadian’s.
Huge Praise- that your knee is doing so much better!
WTG getting in a full workout with out pain.

AFM:Normal Day: Hagen has a doctor’s appointment for a
check up today-
A little more decorating done-
Excited about seeing Wicked tonight…

pixiedust: pixiedust:

Beth (back), Connie (foot), Elizabeth (back),
Emily (foot & bruised calf), Kim (PF), Lynn (foot & knee), Mary (knee),
Mark (Achilles) Mike (hip), Nikki (calf muscle), Regina (ankle),
Saylan (knee), Scott (knee), Vicky (knee, ankle, & stress)

Beth, Connie, Dave & Sally, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Saylan, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, Vicky, and Honorary Member, Nikki

Happy birthday Lynn!!

Thanks for the pixie dust guys! I was able to get in to see my chiro last night. He said the right side is definitely tighter. But no restrictions so woo!! I go back next week. We are all mystified as to what exactly happened. My mom's and my heads didn't even hurt, so apparently it was just the exact angle my head and neck were at. IDK. Craziness. One of my dear kidlets decided to share his cold, so I'm dosing up well and good so I can run this weekend! Tonight is running club fun run, and it's Wild Women Wednesdays so there's dinner afterwards. We're going to a Jewish diner, so I'm planning on getting the chicken soup! Hopefully some good magic medicine in there!! :thumbsup2

Elizabeth ~ Good luck with your run this weekend!!

Regina ~ Glad you survived Black Friday shopping! Hopefully the weather clears up!!

We're STILL waiting on the lottery results for the NYC Half Marathon (well we're STILL waiting on the NYRR race schedule for after December, so...). At this point if there was a way to pull out I would and just go ahead and book Ottawa. But I know as soon as I do that, money will go out of my checking account and to NYRR...and I'm just not sure I'm ready for another half marathon in May after doing one in January and March. Though perhaps that would be good... Gah! Decisions!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Happy Birthday Lynn!

Vicky: That's really great of you to volunteer to do that!

Margie: With Vicky's offer, I think I'll reconsider the medal idea. Are they normally costly (ie more than say 20-25$?) I know Connie won't know for sure until she gets a set number but I wasn't sure what type of price range these types of things normally fall under.

Yeah, I'm hoping so. Now it's time to figure out the budget side of things. :sad2:

I'm thinking since his birthday is this weekend, taking him up to one of the running outlet stores a few hours from here and buying him a pair as a gift. The man with the giant feet needs shoes before he can work out so I think this would be a great idea. What sucks is there's a chance what once he starts exercising his feet will grow more. :eek:

Regina: Yeah, it's dsappointing considering the fight I had to do to get the time off and the difficulty with the costs involved.

We haven't had any snow yet so I can't really advise on the running in the snow but I'd love to hear some thoughts as well since I know it's inevitable. :sad1:

Last night was definitely interesting. I got to the gym around 4:30 with the intention of working out after speaking with someone about my training renewal. They had a promo that ended November 30th so it was my last day to look into it. I ended up sitting there till 6 talking to the guy about so many things. It was really nice to have someone sit there and listen to my concerns regardless of whether they were training related or not.

Our women's only area is at the back of the building and same with the entrance. Our gym used to share the building with a bakery/farmer's market and so the garbage REEKED during the summer and was kept out back (near the entrance). It definitely wasn't the greatest thing. The company went under so it's not as bad now but with the day light savings time switch, it's darker earlier and the lighting in the parking lot has not been maintained. I told him the women's only is great but scary cause it's so dark I'm terrified of being jumped (the larger garbage containers and loading dock coverings are still there) and that's when he mentioned that since most of the club managers are men, they've never really used the women's only entrance and he honestly wouldn't even know where it was if he tried to find it from the outside. :eek:

I told him where it was and he was actually surprised at the location of it before I even brought up the safety concerns and promised to have the lighting fixed right away. I mentioned, as a side, that I had put in comment cards about it a few times because of the nature of the entrance and the ease by which someone could be attacked there. It makes me wish, once in a while, that mace was legal here for non-postal workers. :sad2:

Anyway, I renewed for 36 more sessions at a price cheaper than my original 36 sessions and I'm now thinking of gifting some of the sessions to my bf. I'll probably go maybe once a week so mine will last longer and he could get started on seeing the results he wants. I dunno yet if this is a good idea or not but I'm still looking over the options.

So my workout last night was a bust. When I got home we went shopping for workout pants for him and bras for me! I've concluded I hate bra-shopping so much. I don't know that I trust the lady who measured me to have done it right since she did it with my ill-fitting bra on :confused3. The size she came up with pretty much doesn't exist in most of the stores in our malls so I'm in the same boat as my boyfriend. :headache: Always a great feeling to know you're not normal.

And with that my busy night came to a somewhat end. :rotfl:
Margie is Connie ok? She usually starts the new month thread, can you help our beloved captain and start the thread?

I decided that my foot problems are a result of my feet growing again. I did a seperate panda post on that subject. Don't know if anyone else has experienced that but all my adult life up to about age 40 I was an 8.5 shoe size. Now I'm having to go up to a size 10.

Hope everyone is doing well and finding some magic to call their own.

Greetings everyone, just stopped by to say Happy Holidays! It's been a long time, just wanted you all to know I was thinking of you.
Been reading posts and glad to see the familiar friends and still going strong. Things are going well and life is good.

Marge & Connie, miss you guys hope things are going well with families and health.

AWOL ~ Jack
Dave: when the bf and I went shoe shopping the man said that overall men's feet (and women's but men more so) are seeing a growth rate, not just in teenagers. The average teen male now is between a 12-15 and that's before they exit their teen years. I know somewhere Coach Charles said that your body changes as you run (and his example was what works as fuel one month may not 6 months later due to the changes) so it wouldn't surprise me if the maintained level of activity keeps your body growing and developing. If you get to size 15, though, you may want to reconsider shoes in general. :rotfl:
Hello, everyone and Happy Birthday, Lynn! I was certain that I missed the end of this thread but it looks like I get to squeak in one more post.;)

It's been busy since Thanksgiving: preparing for guests, getting the holiday decorating and shopping done, and then of course, work! Glad to be one the other side of the craziness.

Shin splints are still a problem so I'm headed to the ortho on Friday. I walked my turkey trot 5k (45:16) and will probably have to walk my 5k this weekend.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Currently 26° / 73 % Humidity
Partly Cloudy / High of 31° / Windy 10-15mph
About 3-inches yesterday- very slippery roads.
Chance of snow 60% Less than 1-inch expected
Sunrise 7:52AM Sunset is 5:09PM tonight

December 1, 2010 Only 23 Days Before Christmas!
President James Monroe proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine in his message to Congress, December 2,1823.
John Brown, American abolitionist, hanged at Charles Town, Va. (now W. Va.), December 2, 1859.
Scientists achieved the first controlled atomic chain reaction, in Chicago, December 2, 1942

“December Quote:
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.
A Psalm of Life. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (1807–1882)

Beth-Glad to hear you are doing better!

Connie-:hug: No Monitor yet?

Dave & Sally-Sorry you must have missed that Captain Connie
will be off line for a few days – computer problems-monitor is on order.
She will start the December thread ASAP.

Elizabeth-Congratulations on your 5K Turkey Trot - Great Pace!
Will add you to the list-would you like a Team Certificate?

Jack So glad you stopped by…We have missed you!
Hope all is well with your family.


Lynn-hope you are enjoying the Birthday Week Celebration!



Nikki-:hug: now is your calf?



Saylan-Sent you a PM




Vicky-:thanks: email you today -

AFM:Normal Day: Need to get out the door-
Lots of snow so the kids might be able to make a snowman!

Wicked: Phenomenal Cast, Music, Costumes, Sets, and Lighting.
If you get a chance you will not want to miss it!

pixiedust: pixiedust:

Beth (back), Connie (foot), Elizabeth (back),
Emily (foot & bruised calf), Kim (PF), Lynn (foot & knee), Mary (knee),
Mark (Achilles) Mike (hip), Nikki (calf muscle), Regina (ankle),
Saylan (knee), Scott (knee), Vicky (knee, ankle, & stress)

Beth, Connie, Dave & Sally, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Saylan, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, Vicky, and Honorary Member, Nikki

Thanks Margie, I worry about her out there in the wild west. With her a days horse, or mule, ride from the market I worry.

I'm going to order some larger shoes, size 10.

Margie: I sent you a reply, thanks again!

Well, we finally got our snow in the evening last night. And now this morning we have ice with snow still coming. My parents are on a Mexican/Caribbean cruise right now. :sad1: I wish I was there...

I can't seem to warm up at all. No matter how hot and long the shower, I can't get the last remainder of chill out of my bones. I hate that feeling.

I found out that my boss more than likely will only let me have my time off for the race if I don't choose to attend my last class for a professional certificate I'm working on. It would require me to be out of the office for 2 days during January and since I'd be getting a week off in February, she won't likely grant both. It's the last course I need for my certificate and it's only offered once a year so I don't know what to do. I want to finish it so I can start applying elsewhere, but :confused3.

Also, she knows I usually take my birthday off (or the day before if it's on a weekend) to pamper myself. Now I'm being told that from late August through to November I'm not permitted any vacation time. So no birthday and also no Disneyland half for the Coast-to-Coast medal. :sad2: Slightly disappointing to say the least.

On the work-out front, I decided to increase the distance of my short runs from 3 miles to 4 (was originally planning 3.5). I'm slightly off my schedule this week due to not wanting to be running on Saturday as it's the bf's birthday. :rolleyes1 Yes, I'm definitely using him as an excuse. :rotfl:
Saylan ~ Do y'all get Labor Day off in Canada? (First Monday of September) If so, the DL is do-able. Not ideal, but... Fly Friday after work or the first flight out on Saturday, run the race on Sunday, and fly back on Monday.

Dave ~ Good luck on the shoe search!!

Margie ~ Have a good "normal" day!

AFM ~ I did go to the fun run last night in spite of my cold. Figured I'd be doing a lot more walking, but... I had gotten a free sample pack of PowerBar Energy Gels and ate those about 30 minutes before the run started and WOW! If they give me that much energy when I'm battling a cold I can only imagine what they'd do when I'm well! Definitely going to invest in some of those for the Half!! Also? After running the Turkey Trot and my next run at 4:1, going back to 3:1 felt like HEAVEN! The 3 minutes went by soooooo quickly! Sort of reinforces my thinking to try my next couple of races at 5:1. I don't have to do the half at 5:1, but if that's what I've done, it'll make 4 feel so easy (hopefully!)!

Today it's off to pick up my stuff for the race on Sunday (10K this time!), and then hitting up a running store that had a deal on groupon the other day and will probably invest in some compression tights that I've been eyeing for a while.

I've signed up for 3 races in the Jan-March time frame...and one more will be added either as a 15K or a 4M depending on what happens with the NYC Half lottery (they have finally said we'll know on the 15th). So that will put me at 5 races for my 9 races + 1 volunteering commitment with NYRR for guaranteed entry into the 2012 NYC Marathon!! Woo!!

Beth, yeah we do. I was thinking of that last night and I couldn't remember (and haven't re-checked) if the race was on the Sunday or the Monday. Look like last year it was on the Sunday (my birthday!) so I'm guessing it's on the 4th (the Sunday) again. As much as I'd hate to spend my birthday on the plane, that would work. I'm also toying with flying out after work on the Friday for the race in Feb. so I have to take one less day of vacation. :confused3 I should probably call and make my reservations soon though.

You make me very curious about the energy gels, though. I've only tried the gu chomps but since I want to experiement with gels anyway, I may look those up. Any idea on the flavours available?

Good Luck in the lottery! I hope you get in and smoke everyone. :upsidedow
They have Raspberry, Strawberry-Banana, Cola and Lemon per their site. I was sent Raspberry. Didn't think they tasted much like raspberry, but then again with this cold my tasters are off. They were like giant gummy chews. I don't know if they do the samples to Canada, but there's a free sample link on their site that you could always check (powerbar.com) I think it's a limit of one per address or I'd say you could give them mine and I'd send it to you. :(


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