Hakuna Matata - Gobbling up the pavement and thankful we can!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat lots and go shopping tomorrow :)
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Currently 40% / 97% Humidity
Lots-Lots of rain yesterday and all night.
PM Rain / Cloudy / High of 40° / Windy 5-10mph
Sunrise 7:44AM Sunset is 5:13PM tonight

November 2010:
Lope de Vega, Spanish playwright, born November 25, 1562.
American industrialist Andrew Carnegie born November 25, 1835.
Pope John XXIII born November 25, 1881.
Joe DiMaggio, American baseball star, born November 25, 1914.

First national Thanksgiving Day in United States proclaimed by President George Washington, November 26, 1789.

“When one door closes another opens.
But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we
fail to see the one that has opened for us.” Helen Keller

Happy Thanksgiving!
May all the Blessings of Joy abide in you…
May all the Blessings of Peace rest upon you…
May the Blessing of Love flow out through you…
May you have Beautiful Thanksgiving Day!

Beth-eager to hear your 5-mile Turkey Trot race report!

Connie-Computer is not up and running yet!



Lynn-Congratulation on your New Bike! I am thrilled for you.
Please show us a picture.

Mike & Liz -eager to read your race reports.

Nikki-:thanks: for a wonderful Turkey Trot!

Regina-WTG 3 miles on the DM...5K Turkey Trot?
If you send me the stats I will email you a Certificate to print :goodvibes

Saylan-I am so sorry you have a boss that is that difficult.
Here is an article on the compression socks- when your legs are compressed, the blood flow increases.
I read an article that the elite athletes wear them pre & post races.

Scott- Safe Travels and - so nice to have a quiet airport :goodvibes

Sue- :thanks:
Seriously socks with L & R-I just never had any.
What brands?
Thoughts on the compression socks?

Vicky-Interesting - did you find a 'Tuning Fork?'
Did you have to get used to the compression socks?
My legs are tired and not sure if they contributed to it?

AFM:Normal Day: :confused3
Race Report: 9:am Turkey Trot Trail Race with Nikki this morning.
I Did It and Did enjoy the experience….would I do it again, Yes.
The shirt is soooo Kwel!

It was chilly with a misty rain. It was on one of the local HS Cross
Country courses. The terrain was ‘hilly’, muddy, uneven ground, with
wet leaves. It was a great race. I truly had to talk myself out of
stopping at a 1.5 miles. My legs were so tired! But I knew I would
have to come home and finish a 5K for our Team Turkey Trot if I did
not finish so onward I pushed! The hills did not seem so bad the 2nd
time around. My Garmin shows I did 3.35 miles; 50:50 time; 15:10
average pace. They had a wonderful drawing aftwards with many-many
nice prizes...Nope I did not win a thing.

My legs still hurt. I do not know what the problem was.
Maybe a combination of rough week, ate late last night,
the uneven hilly course-you had to be careful where you stepped–
and I wore the compression socks for the first time and they do feel good!

Somewhere I pushed the resume button on my Garmin and it added
1:38:26 to my time. The map shows I was on the road for home!

pixiedust: pixiedust:

Beth (back), Connie (foot), Elizabeth (back),
Emily (foot & bruised calf), Kim (foot), Lynn (foot & knee), Mary (cold, knee),
Mark (Achilles) Mike (hip), Regina (ankle),
Saylan (knee), Scott (knee), Vicky (knee, ankle, & stress)

Beth, Connie, Dave & Sally, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Saylan, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, Vicky, and Honorary Member, Nikki

Happy Thanksgiving dear friends from Sally and I. We sincerely hope everyone is as happy and content as we are.

We did our turkey trot and Sally got her intro to hills. The course had a nice hill that you do twice, the second trip up wasn't as fun as the first.

Hi guys!!!!

Sorry it took me a while! I had to a) get a HOT shower and b) get stuff packed for when my parents get to town and c) wash the shameful pile of dishes in my sink before I could come and play on the computer!!

My first 5-mile race was AMAZING!!!!

No, I didn't win or anything. Well, according to their stuff. I DID win by a) finishing and b) sort of shattering my "stretch goal" time!

First off, I'd gotten cold last night and woke up shivering (gonna have to talk with the landlord about the heat because it doesn't seem to be coming on as much as last year), and apparently shivered so hard or stretched so hard or something that my front right groin area is sort of twingy. Joy. It was definitely chilly this morning. Thankfully not a lot of wind and no precipitation, so that helped!! I left the door looking like a little raggamuffin - cut off yoga pants (so they are shorts) over running capri tights, running vest and arm warmers in black; my short-sleeved Front Runners shirt in navy; my electric sky blue, silver and white Asics; my grey Broadway Impact hoodie, and my raspberry-colored NYC Marathon headband. Yeah...I was cute! Oh, and my number was pinned to the shorts.

Well, walking on the street from one subway to another, I wasn't HOT by any stretch of the imagination, but I was not chilled enough that I decided to lose the vest - and then when I got to Prospect Park lose the shorts and put the number on my shirt. Did that. Kept the hoodie on until the last possible moment, when I turned my bag into bag check. At that point I met up with some other Front Runners, and we headed to the starting area.

I don't know the exact number of people, but there were over 2000 for sure. And no real organization about the start, so it was just sort of wherever.

I had my plan to so 4 minutes running: 1 minute walking, and stuck with it. I knew that doing 3:1 put me right around a 12 minute mile. The first mile went amazingly well - I was under 12 minutes for it. Woo!! The second mile I was even a little quicker...and starting to scare myself, so I consciously tried to slow down a little. I shouldn't have worried...because in that third mile came The Beast. I ran as much as I could, but I did walk most of it. Still, when I hit the mile 3 marker, the guy calling out the time said 34 (and I forget the seconds). I was STILL under my usual pace (knowing I was running a minute longer than I have been, so that was bound to increase it, I still wasn't expecting to be that far under what I was expecting)! Kept going and learned that yeah, I need to walk the water stops (I skipped the first one because of crowding...but it was ok since I had my fuel belt with water on me). Hit mile marker #4 and heard "And 46 minutes." ***???? All I knew was to hit my stretch goal I'd need to be at 48 minutes at that point (Oh, and I should point out that it took me probably at least 30 seconds to cross the start.), so I knew my stretch goal was well within sight at that point as I was feeling pretty good. I did push a little harder than I should have, and had to drop to a walk, but I picked up running again with the next run interval. I got to just before I could see the clock at the finish and saw the cluster of Front Runners all standing there watching for me - and they exploded when they saw me, cheering me on and pushing me to go for it. So I did - maybe not QUITE all out because of the early-mentioned groin twinginess, but I pushed!

They'll be posting the official times tomorrow, but for now I'll go with my Garmin (which I know I took a little while to get stopped for various reasons) time...



Also, got my first race bling!!!


So yeah...I'm feeling really good about things now!! :) Dare I try a 5:1 ratio? We'll see!!!!

Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!

Beth, congrats,

We made it to cocoa beach and my sleep pattern is or continues to be messed up, maybe I should move to Europe to get to normal.

Will prob pick up race packets today and explore a bit from there.

Glad all had great turkey day feeds etc.
Beth, congrats,

We made it to cocoa beach and my sleep pattern is or continues to be messed up, maybe I should move to Europe to get to normal.

Will prob pick up race packets today and explore a bit from there.

Glad all had great turkey day feeds etc.
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Currently 26% / 56% Humidity
Windy all night.
PM Snow/ Cloudy / High of 30° / Windy 20-30mph
Sunrise 7:45AM Sunset is 5:13PM tonight

November 2010:
First national Thanksgiving Day in United States proclaimed by President George Washington, November 26, 1789.

“When one door closes another opens.
But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we
fail to see the one that has opened for us.” Helen Keller

Black Friday, November 26, 2010 – ONLY 28 more days to Christmas Shop!
Be Safe all those who are Brave Enough to Shop today!

:cheer2::cheer2:Virtual Turkey Trot 5K :cheer2::cheer2:
November 25-28th

Eager to Read all the Turkey Trot Race Reports!
Connie, Beth, Dave & Sally, Elizabeth, Emily & DH, Lynn & Scott, Liz & Mike,
Margie, Mary & DH, Nikki, Regina & Kyle, Saylan, Vicky

Beth-Congratulations, Beth!
WTG on your PR!
:thanks: for the race report.

Connie-Computer is not up and running yet!

Dave & Sally-Congratulations, Dave & Sally!

Mike & Liz-Liz's 1st Half :cheer2::cheer2:
27th Schaumburg Half Marathon- Schaumburg IL

Nikki-Conratulation, Nikki!
Cute-Cute Turkey Trot shirts.

Scott & Lynn- Have a great day at the Expo & exploring.
27th Space Coast Race / Half/Full Marathon :cheer2::cheer2:

AFM:Normal Day: Just 2-boys and lots of things to accomplish.
Need to get that trash to the curb...
My legs are better this morning-I did do the BioFreeze and Ibuprofen last night.
Need to concentrate on stretching today.

pixiedust: pixiedust:

Beth (back), Connie (foot), Elizabeth (back),
Emily (foot & bruised calf), Kim (foot), Lynn (foot & knee), Mary (cold, knee),
Mark (Achilles) Mike (hip), Regina (ankle),
Saylan (knee), Scott (knee), Vicky (knee, ankle, & stress)

Beth, Connie, Dave & Sally, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Saylan, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, Vicky, and Honorary Member, Nikki

Congrats Beth!

We are in Cocoa Beach - we went out for an early dinner last night, we had lobster casserole, stuffed shrimp, and turkey with all the trimmings, all very good!

Off to Melbourne today, might meet up with Tracy later.

Have a great day all!
Good Morning Team!

It's cold with a very strong wind this morning. BBBBBBRRRRR I'm not ready for the cold weather yet.

Hope everyone had a great day yesterday & didn't eat too much. Congrats to all who "Turkey Trotted"

Scott/ Lynn, Have a great time on Sunday. Waiting for your race report. I've always been intruiged by this race. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Margie/ Beth, Nice race reports.

Margie, Have fun with the boys today. Just once I would love to experience "Black Friday". We have sales & good deals but it's just not the same.

Vicky, As an fyi Running Free always have a great Boxing Day (Week) sale. I will keep you in the loop. Are you getting in a long run this week? or going to take it easy for another week?

AFM, We went to Cirque du Soliel last night. No running & it was raining anyway so no loss. Spin class night & back to back on the weekend.
Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy the miles.........Sue
Good morning team mates.

just curious who are and who are not Black Friday shoppers? We are going to the Outdoor Sports store to look for her some new walking shoes but that's it. Some of the stores here opened last night at 10pm and were open all night, Toys R Us was one of them.

We are planning to rest today and watch a movie or two. The ground is snow covered (yes we live in SOUTHERN Kentucky) and 30 degrees, the mall is out of the question and the health club is closed.

Have a magical weekend guys.

Hi everyone! Not much of import to report... My Turkey Trot was a 1-miler on the TM. I was playing around with different intervals and speeds at which I'm able to run pain free. I think I'm going to likely go with a 5/1 interval at a pace that's just above 10:30 m/m. I could go faster but I probably wouldn't last as long. I also did some leg presses and band walking after my workout.

Sue - Yes, definitely let me know if there are any sales. I may pick up a pair of CW-X capris so that I can get in a couple of runs before Disney. Hopefully the weather will be warmer than it was last January. If I run this weekend, it will likely be a 10K or something short. I booked an appointment to see a sports doc for next Friday. After reading a few posts, I got it in my head that it might be something more serious so I just want to get it checked out for peace of mind. How was Cirque? I've never been to one before.

Dave - A few stores in Canada are starting to have Black Friday sales as well but I haven't been shopping yet. Do you know if RunningWarehouse or any of the other running stores are having sales or releasing discount codes?

Scott/Lynn - Sounds like a yummy Thanksgiving dinner!

Beth - Congrats on your race! Great RR and nice medal!

Mike - How's your mom doing?

Margie - No didn't really have to get use to the compression socks. I sometimes wear skinny jeans so those are just as tight around the calves :laughing: I found they really helped to keep my ankles stable and in place. Sometimes when you walk or run over uneven surfaces, your legs end up having to do a lot more work to keep your body stable and balanced, that's probably why your legs are tired. I hope you're feeling better today :)

AFM - There was a sale on airfare this morning so I got my airfare booked for February for the Princess half! Originally, we were going Thursday to Tuesday but the airfare on Thursday was double that of Wednesday's price so we figured we might as well get down there a day early :rolleyes1 Like Kim or I needed convincing right? :laughing: Is there a US holiday that weekend or something?

I'm debating whether to go to yoga tomorrow morning. I'd rather have the extra time to relax and sleep in but know that I need to get in some exercise because of my lack of running.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :wave2:
Hi all!

Got up this morning and did 30 minutes on the elliptical in the hotel fitness center. Woo!

We've done the Met (museum), gone to the Disney Store Times Square, gotten my mom the Jersey Boys cast recording, and picked up our tickets for Driving Miss Daisy.

I snuck in some extra exercise by walking the 'rents through Central Park to come back to Times Square rather than taking the (probably closer...but they don't know that) to the Met 4, 5 or 6. Hee!!!!

I also, on our way into the museum, ran in JackRabbit for their Black Friday sale (the only one I'm hitting) and scored some New Balance full-length running tights for $15! Woo!!

Now we're chilling at the hotel until dinner at Cafe Un Deux Trois and seeing "Driving Miss Daisy" starring Vanessa Redgrave and James Earl Jones. :) YAY!!!

OH! And my chip time from yesterday? 56:57!!!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!!

Great race reports people!

I wish I could have hit some black Friday sales today, however I had to work!
I worked from 7-2 today, however my husband had to work from 3am-1pm (he is department manager of electronics at Wal-Mary) He had a horrible day so we took a nap from 4pm to 9pm!!! :scared1: I can't believe we slept that long!

I did a local Turkey Trot with Margie yesterday! It was a time prediction run and watchers were "prohibited" however I kept mine in my pocket since I would be over the race cut off time!

It was on a cross country course that I was vaguely familiar with. I did remember there were hills, just didn't remember there being SO many and SO steep! Luckily even with the rains we had this week the course was not too muddy! I made a new friend Kari that I walked the 2nd half of the race with. I felt bad leaving Margie at the 1.5 mile mark, however she Shouted at me to go ahead, and when Margie gives an order I follow it!

I finished in about 48 minutes according to my watch. I had wanted to finish in 45, however I was not accounting for the hills and uneven terrain!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Turkey day! I am banning myself from the internet until I get my 2 papers written for school. They are due next week and I won't have any other time to finish them!

I'll check in with everyone on Sunday (as long as I get my homework done)
Hi Team!

It's been awhile, but I've been good and have read everyones posts up to this point! It sounds like everyone is doing well!

First, a belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Liz cooked a wonderful dinner for us, while I finished hanging the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. Then we relaxed and watched football.

I also ran my Turkey Trot 5K on Thursday and finished with a time of 28:12 and a pace of 9:06. I ended up 302 / 977 overall. The race was through a neat town where the houses have been turned into shops and galleries and the finish line was a covered bridge. The race was so crowded at the start that everyone had to walk for about the first quarter mile. So, no PR this time...just fun! Got a nice long sleeve shirt also!

No shopping for me on black Friday. I had to work 12 - 830 am. The sales are mostly gone by then. Most of the stores opened during the night with lines of people already waiting outside as I was passing by on my drive to work. Being in the grocery business, we love that the first holiday is over. The weeks before Thanksgiving (being a food holiday) are absolutely insane. People always wait until the last minute to shop and then the holiday stress sets in! I got way more overtime then usual! (More bucks for WDW marathon weekend :) ) Now to gear up for Christmas!
I did buy some running tights for Liz and myself. My long windpants were not enough protection for our cold days. Never worn tights before, they make me feel springy on my feet and like "more" of a runner.

Today will be and interesting day! We will be running a half marathon in Schaumburg IL. This is Liz's first and my fourth. I haven't been training (or really sleeping) since life and work has been so busy. Liz is way more trained and she might actually beat me! We shall see. I know I'll be doing some walking today. Race temp is gong to be in the 20's with a wind chill around 4 degrees. Our tights will come in handy! ( Curiously, no snow here yet, which is really odd for Chicagoland!) When we get home, I will be hitting the warmed, spiced, apple wine!

My Mom is doing okay with her eyes. For those of you who are newer teamates, she is 82 with WET AMD in both of her eyes. Basically its the sudden onset of macular degeneration and she is receiving injections into her eyes to slow, and to a minor degree, reverse the progress. She can read the newspaper with a magnifying glass, but no sewing or crocheting, which she loves. No driving anymore either.


Scott and Lynn~ enjoy the Space Coast race and the warm weather! I would love to do that race. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid.

Beth~ did you go to the parade? I caught part of it on TV. Great job on your race and I love the medal!

Regina~ Glad you like your Vibrams! I think I would be more like Kyle. The whole idea sounds painful to me.

Margie and Nikki~ Great job on your Trot!

Dave~ How's the anti-fluff campaign going? Does Sally help motivate you?

Vicky~ Sorry that your knee hurts! PD to you!

To everyone else, train on and take time to enjoy the quiet moments of the season!

One more thing, heard at our Thanksgiving dinner table... "Momma, you did a good job on the turkey! It tastes just like chicken!" - Robert (who is 5)

- Mike :cool2:
Mike, too funny.

Checked weather back home and it will be sunny and fifty plus.

No black Friday shopping here did go to walmart to get some race food ect. Not really crowded.

Race report, packet pickup for us was at the running store, painless no lines etc, scored a last years tshirt for $5, and a kewl pair of red sunglasses at Ron Jons, they will match one of my bikes, I am so fashion conscious, lol

KSC today and pasta feed at the space center should be kewl,

The best thing is I actually slept last night........for me a very rare occurrence
Hello team! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Patrick and I went on a 5k walk for our turkey trot. We finished in 51:28 which I was satisified with since I have not been working out at all lately.

I made a small thanksgiving dinner for DH and I. I'm not a big shopper but I usually go out on black friday, but I try to avoid the huge crowds. We went to Old Navy about 1am so I could pick up some jeans. I thought 1am would be a good time to go because it would be after the opening rush and before all the surrounding stores opened. The worst part was the checkout line, it took us about 2 hrs. Luckily DH came with me and stood in line while I picked up the jeans. Then we went home and went back to sleep.

We haven't heard anything on the house. Which isn't good news, but isn't necessarily bad news either. We gave the bank until the end of the month to respond, so I'm hoping we hear something in the next few days.

Have a good weekend!
Good Afternoon, Team! :wave2:

Currently 31% / 63% Humidity
PM Snow/ Cloudy / High of 33° / Windy 10-15mph
Sunrise 7:46AM Sunset is 5:12PM tonight
Daylight hours are getting shorter & shorter!

November 2010:
Charles A. Beard, American historian, born November 27, 1874.

“When one door closes another opens.
But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we
fail to see the one that has opened for us.” Helen Keller

Beth-Oh Yes, I liked your Turkey Trot Medal too!
Would you like a Certificate for the Team Turkey Trot
I can use the 5-mile; time: 56:57 as the stats.

Connie-hope you were able to get your ‘monitor’
either working or a new one!
Did you an Melissa do the Turkey Trot 5K?

Dave & Sally- Would you & Sally like certificates?
If so email me the stats and I will email it for you to print.

Emily-Congratulations, Emily & Patrick!
If you would like a certificate –
PM me with your email address and I will email it
For you to print.
Sending Best Wishes for good news on the hourse.



Mike & Liz -Congratulations on your 5K!
Turkey Trot 5K on Thursday and finished with a time of 28:12 and a pace of 9:06.
Will Liz be using her Half Marathon as her Turkey Trot?
I wear tight under running skirts, etc and gosh I never felt like a runner-
What kind did you buy?

Nikki-:thanks: truly enjoyed the walk this morning!
I do like doing the different routes.
Hope the papers get written quickly!



Scott-sounds like you really had a great shopping trip-
new t-shirt and sunglasses :thumbsup2
Plus good nights sleep! :goodvibes

Sue-hope you has a Spin class last night-
and the back to back runs went well!

Vicky-Nice that you were able to get cheap airfare to the Princess!
Did you do Yoga this morning?
Am I using the 1-miler 10:33 pace for the stats as your Turkey Trot 5K?

AFM:Normal Day:
Had a great 5.6-mile hilly walk with Nikki this morning!
No problems with the legs-
I am going to try the HS Cross Country course again, to see if
that was the problem.

pixiedust: pixiedust:

Beth (back), Connie (foot), Elizabeth (back),
Emily (foot & bruised calf), Kim (foot), Lynn (foot & knee), Mary (cold, knee),
Mark (Achilles) Mike (hip), Regina (ankle),
Saylan (knee), Scott (knee), Vicky (knee, ankle, & stress)

Beth, Connie, Dave & Sally, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Saylan, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, Vicky, and Honorary Member, Nikki

Mike - Good luck on your 1/2! I LOVE the mall in Schaumburg. If the course went anywhere near it I don't think I could resist the urge!

Scott Good luck on the run!! I LOVE cocoa beach! My family vacationed there for YEARS! One of our favorite places to eat was Rusty's located on the "river" that the cruise ships use! Get a free Ron Jon's sticker for me!!! I think I'm down to only 50 of them :rotfl:

Emily Great deal on the jeans! I hope no news is good news right now! Great job on the Turkey Trot!

Margie I loved the new route!! Can't wait till next week when we tackle the cross country course again! I'm still trying to figure out where to park... I'm thinking the YMCA should work out nicely. I've had problems with my calf still.. I have been RICE-ing while doing my papers, which are finished....well once I get a picture from you (check your e-mail)

AFM- I had a great walk with Margie today! We were both still feeling our Turkey Trot 5K race from Thursday so we took it at a nice comfortable pace! Tried out a new route (new for me, not so new for Margie). Always so much fun walking with Margie! Makes the time fly by!

We went 5.6 miles in 1hour 30 minutes.
Best pace 11:55
Average pace 15:37

I have been having this pain in my calf, well it is actually my soleus muscle (which is deep to the gastroc). This is a new one for me and isn't uncomfortable like the rest of the issues I've had but actually painful. I have been RICE-ing today while writing my papers! I have gotten all 3 of them done now! I even did a nice write up of the Jingle Bell 5K we did a few weeks ago! I like it when I can use my walking for school papers!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! My husband will actually get some days off tomorrow and Monday so that should be fun! (He works as manager of electronics at Wal-Mart, needless to say he was at work at 3am yesterday).

Take care! I'll check in soon!


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