Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

The grossest thing I have ever seen...hmmm.
I've seen it numerous times, anytime I see a person wearing Universal gear in the Land of the Mouse! Yuck...traitors :rotfl:

guess i'll have to be careful around you then- we always bring our SW ponchos with us to Disney. beats shelling out $12 for another one- or whatever they cost now. :lmao:
The worst thing I saw was on my trip this last October. We were eating dinner at Rose & Crown and at the table next to us there was a young boy who kept telling his mother he felt sick. His mother handed him her napkin and told him that if he got sick to use it. Ten minutes later he leaned over next to our table and threw up all over the place (including my foot). :crazy2:

Are the parents being selfish and not wanting to leave or do they think their child is lying .

We were also in a restaurant at a booth and the kid behind me kept telling his father that he did not feel good and thought he was gonna get sick, the father atually yelled at the kid and told him not to throw up. I know some adults can ' hold ' in it until they get to the bathroom but this kid was under 6

I have a throw-up phobia and could not take it anymore, we all just got up in the middle of eating and walked out. I did not even wait for waitress, I went to the hostess and asked her to please bring me the check, that we were no longer at our table. To bad, I was enjoying my food but got to freaked out that kid was going to start to vomit everywhere.

I never knew if the kid got sick or not , but I do not think it was appropiate

If my daughter ever said she did not feel good we went to the bathroom to see what might become of it, then we immediately left. I always carried a bucket and towel in the car when she was little, just in case. Thank God we never needed it.
Somehow he manages to exit the ride, runs through the gift shop and halfway to the bathroom before leaving his breakfast in the bushes along the side of the walkway. When we notified a CM of the mishap he did give BIL credit for making it as close to the bathroom as he did. :worship: For us, this ride will (unfortunately) forever be known as Expedition Pancakes.

To make matters worse, we had fastpasses for one more ride so we decide to use them while BIL waits outside and gathers himself. We finish the ride and as we are getting off the tram we are the lucky winners of Dream Fastpasses for Animal Kingdom. Only problem is BIL wasn't there so he does not have a FP for all the rides. The DFP's did make a lovely addition to a couple of scrapbooking pages, though.

My sister lost it after riding EE on our last family trip. But, once we exited the ride, the CM pointed her to an area to the side of the loading area and she lost it there. She said there was other puke there, so she obviously wasn't the only one that day. :lmao:
This is horrible but when I was a child (6-7 years old) I got sick in the Disney Village (PI today). My dad was trying to run me to a bathroom. I couldnt make it and stopped right next to a CM that was sweeping with his rolling garbage can and puked all over the ground, almost in the same spot he was sweeping. I could tell my Dad was absolutely embarrased. CM was nice about it though.
Let's see,

birds dropping their presents on me,
a guy cleaning up his kid's puke (I give him that credit) and then biting his fingernails,
a little boy who stuck his hands into the toilet and then licked them,
a dirty diaper left on the seat of a ride,
a boy rubbing his sister's dirty diaper up against his head,
a baby with a dirty diaper making a mess out if a high cair (I have alot of diaper stories),
a woman picking out her son's ear wax and then wiping it on a wall,
a father who let his underage son finish his beer (not gross, more wrong),

and last but not least, a grown, drunk man puking on a lady's shoe!

I've got more if you want me to keep going! :rotfl:
Top 5 Grossest things ever witnessed (or smelled) at WDW: (in order of grossness)
5. Old (over 60) men wearing the skimpiest speedos known to human kind at Blizzard Beach! To make matters worse, they were all in line for Summit Plummet!

Oh, that reminded me of another one. In line at Summit Plummet, guy in line in front of me wearing a yellow (almost see-through):scared1: speedo. I could see details that no one other than his wife should see. And I bet she would not have wanted to see it, either!!
Oh, that reminded me of another one. In line at Summit Plummet, guy in line in front of me wearing a yellow (almost see-through):scared1: speedo. I could see details that no one other than his wife should see. And I bet she would not have wanted to see it, either!!

Hmm, Wouldn't the CM's have something to say about that??
Even though I am totally disgusted...this is a very funny thread and I will now be taking a full shower after I leave the parks!!!

That being said....I rode Splash Mountain in Disneyland when I was in 7th grade and I hopped in the boat and the seat was all wet so I brushed it away with my hand so my butt wouldn't get wet...but it was pee! I thought the little boy who hopped off before me looked pretty wet, but it's a water ride! The boat had already started moving and I was half standing up yelling to the CM to let me off and they yelled at me to sit down. I balanced the whole ride so that I looked like I was sitting, but my butt wasn't touching the did get a little wet on the falls because I had to sit. Big surprise they didn't print our picture on the photo board...I think they thought I was a tween who was causing trouble.

I now always check the seat before I step in!
My son was in the Shades of Green pool summer 06. He came back to the room and told me he saw the grossest thing. THere was a girl in the pool holding onto the edge. The girl behind her was popping zits on her back and rinsing her fingers in the pool water. :scared: My son jokes now. He says "Let's go to the pool and pop zits".
This didn't happen at a park, but it was on the way to one. My DH and I were on a bus headed for the MK. It was one of the busses where there are seats facing eachother along each side of the bus. Anyway, there was a woman sitting next to me with a baby on her lap. The baby was looking at me and smiling when all of a sudden I notice his nose was running. OK, thats not really gross, my mom has a daycare so it didn't really bother me, but I thought my DH was going to puke!! All of a sudden, for lack of a better phrase, a "snot bubble" started coming out of the baby's nose!! And it would get bigger and then smaller as he was breathing in and out!! I actually thought it was pretty funny, but my DH. . .I think he was very thankful at that moment that we don't have any kids!! :laughing:
In MK waiting in line for the haunted mansion. DH and 2 small kids, 8 and 9. The older man in front of us starts kissing his girlfriend who was about 30 years his junior. Yeah, okay, you say. But she was eating an ice cream sandwich at the time. Well, this is so gross. They swapped it back and forth, spilling some out of their mouths. :scared1: And all in full view of everyone around and sadly, in view of a young girl who was with them. Soooooooo disgusting. :eek:

I almost lost my lunch with this one!!!!:scared1:
Not sure what is sicker-people doing the things in the stories OR
you all reading them OR
ME for sitting reading all 27 pages and 391 posts
OH IAM SICK but going to disney in 10 more days YEAH I'll be on the look out for navel sausage dippers, speedos, endless puke and dirty diapers, zit poppers, dirty old men, obscene T shirts, fountain streakers, drinking fountain showerers (is that a word), floaters in the pool. HOPE I didn't leave anything out, I would hate to miss any "Disney Experience"
Not sure what is sicker-people doing the things in the stories OR
you all reading them OR
ME for sitting reading all 27 pages and 391 posts
OH IAM SICK but going to disney in 10 more days YEAH I'll be on the look out for navel sausage dippers, speedos, endless puke and dirty diapers, zit poppers, dirty old men, obscene T shirts, fountain streakers, drinking fountain showerers (is that a word), floaters in the pool. HOPE I didn't leave anything out, I would hate to miss any "Disney Experience"

A digital camera at the ready seems like a "MUST!!!!!"
Okay I blame you guys- when my DD wanted princess gloves how could I say no?

Okay I blame you guys- when my DD wanted princess gloves how could I say no?


Oh that is too good - convince them they need gloves! Ok I have 2 sons...hmmm...oh I got it - Mickey Mouse gloves!!!!!
I have plenty!!

Two summers ago, I took two friends with me to WDW. We have this thing for teacup rides, so we HAD to ride them. We were in line and there was a little boy a few people infront of us who started licking and sucking on the chains that make up the queue lines. I was so grossed out!

This one is even worse. Me, my brother, and my mom were just getting ready to board Mission:Space when a lady came out the wrong way with puke all down the front of her repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." :scared: That image is forever engraved in my mind..
If it oculd happen where I saw it, it could happen at Disney.

I was on the Boulevard Haussmann in Paris right in front of Printemps department store right around rush hour (9am). There was a VERY well dressed, professional looking woman carrying a briefcase, walking with a young girl, her daughter who was about 6-7 years old. She was in an obvious hurry as she was basically dragging the girl behind her at a pretty good clip. The little girl was also well dressed, in a mid-shin length dress and patent "Mary Janes". I heard the girl tell her mom that she had to go to the bathroom. The lady stopped, glared at the little girl, walked to the curb, put down her briefcase, placed the little girl in front of her, both facing the street. She then reached under the little girl's skirt, pulled her panties down to her ankles, grabbed her feet and lifted her up by said ankles with the little girl's back resting against her chest and let her pee, "fountain style" into the street!! She then plopped her back onto her feet, reached down and yanked up her panties, grabbed her hand and continued to drag the poor girl behing her once again.:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Can you say

Maman la Plus chère??(Mommy Dearest)
I was riding the monorail and the teenage boy across from me was peeling the sunburned skin off his face and body - he left a nice pile of skin in the floor. It was gross!

EW!!! Hmm I can't think of anything..
I have plenty!!

Two summers ago, I took two friends with me to WDW. We have this thing for teacup rides, so we HAD to ride them. We were in line and there was a little boy a few people infront of us who started licking and sucking on the chains that make up the queue lines. I was so grossed out!

This one is even worse. Me, my brother, and my mom were just getting ready to board Mission:Space when a lady came out the wrong way with puke all down the front of her repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." :scared: That image is forever engraved in my mind..

OH NO I would have lost it!!! I hate throw up.


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