Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

It was probably my son (now 6)...he puts his mouth on everything. We've tried and tried to stop it and even the pediatrician is a bit worried -- not that he does it but WHY does he do it. He's eaten the rubber stops off of his (and my) Gameboys, every eraser in the house (including parts of the pencil), holes in his shirts, etc. - it goes on and on.

Well, your son and my DD7 are obviously meant for each other because she chews on EVERYTHING. I just thank God that cigarettes will probably be illegal by the time they're old enough to pick up another oral habit...

You should see the feet on her barbies-it looks like Garden Barbie Meets The Chipper Shredder... stay on topic, we finally got her to stop touching and chewing on the railings after the second bout of gastroenteritis that she picked up from so much contact with Disney world. And this is not a stupid kid, she told the emergency room doctor " I have gastroenteritis again because I keep putting my fingers in my mouth", then proceeded to yack on him...
Riding the boat ride in Mexico recently a woman a couple of seats ahead of us leaned over the side of the boat and threw up in the water. Just another reason to keep your hands and your kids hand out of the water on the boat rides :rolleyes1
Ok, as a CM I've seen plenty of gross things... here are a few:

  • The woman at JC who took her baby's bottle, hung it over the side of the boat, and proceeded to fill it with water from the attraction. The Skipper, thankfully, warned her not to give it to her child. (I hear similar stories from CMs at Splash Mountain, it's a small world, and Pirates).
  • The woman I saw washing her stinky, filthy feet in one of the water fountains. I quickly reminded her that we had restrooms that would be more appropriate for that kind of thing, then called custodial to sanitize the fountain.
  • Inappropriate shirts? Yes, on a daily basis. Honestly, folks... you're going to a theme park for children and families. Think before you get dressed.
Went in May last year. Pretty hot weather. Saw a woman in black stretchy pants stick her hand down the back of her pants and pull her thong out of her crack. Definately the grossest thing I have seen at Disney!
Just remembered this! There was a huge guy at MK (what is it with me and the MK?) lying against a grassy slope with no shirt on and just a pair of shorts. Now that I can handle. What was gross was that he had a hot-dog sausage and was dipping into the salt he had poured into his huge belly button.

I kid you not, I was there. I (unfortunately) saw it with my own eyes...

OMG!!!!!!!:scared: :scared1: :scared1: :eek:
yeah, the whole hot dog being dipped in a belly button image is grossing me out!!!!!!!!!!
we were at disneyland eating at one of the restaraunts, and a little girl 3 or so kept whining and acting restless, the older brother was just about begging his parents to take notice, well after a while she just pulled her pants down and peed in the corner! the mom immeadiatly took her out but the dad sat there calmly finishing his dinner not telling anyone. When they left we told the manager, they had to rope off the area and get it cleaned.
what the he$$ is wrong with people??????????????????? that is what I wonder as I am reading this thread!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, I don't even know where to start. I am a father of three. I will confess to having changed diapers in public areas, but not with my kids on other peoples laps, not on a picnic table, and I've never even considered washing their tushies off in a water fountain. Unbelieveable the things some people think are acceptable.

Some of these stories I don't know whether to laugh at, or cry over. I certainly will NOT be drinking from any water fountains when we are in Disney, and I'm going out right away and stocking up on Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer.
I've ended up in Celebration hospital twice with gastroenteritis. You can bet I am literally lathered in hand sanitizer from head to foot before I head out in the mornings. And I normally *never* get sick.

Here's a tip: Get the first seating at buffets, because that same woman's probably grabbing the handles of the same food you're ladling out onto your plate.

Seriously, it's the handles every time.

I'm well on my way to developing a phobia.

Okay, that's it-I'm cancelling Chef Mickey's!!!:scared1: :eek: :lmao:
All this talk of puke and poopy is making me sick to my stomach, but I can't stop reading!:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
About 3 years ago, we made our yearly trip to the Polynesain. We checked in bright and early at about 9:00 and our room was ready about 2:00. When we got into our room there were dirty diapers all over the room. Diapers on the bed and in the bathroom and needless to say they were filled. What a bunch of slobs must have stayed in the room before us. Housekeeping must have overlooked the room, but it was disgusting.
The hotel manager came down, personally apologized, and comped us the room for 2 of our 8 nights. I guess it was worth seeing the dirty diapers for a $600 savings.
I have also changed my child in public, but I try to be discreet about it and not offend others.
I've got one that fits perfectly here. We were at WDW this past October with the extended family, including my 16 year old BIL. On day 5 of our trip I decide to get the older kids / young adults up for a morning of big rides at the Animal Kingdom. The plan was to hit EE, Primeval Whirl, Dinosaur and the likes.

So, we start to head to the park and BIL is missing. We decide to leave him and head for the buses only to find him in the food court finishing off his second round of pancakes and eggs. :rolleyes2 As we pass by, sure enough, he decides he is joining us after all.

We get to the Animal Kingdom and make a beeline for EE. For the first ride he chickens out and waits in the gift shop. We decide to ride again and he says he is up for the ride. As a sign of things to come we notice the picture of the "Yak Caravan" across the Himalayas for the first time and comment that was put there for BIL.

Sure enough, we start the big climb and I look over to see this look of dread on his face. He manages to keep himself together through the hills, going backwards, everything. He relaxes just as we are approaching the station to exit the ride; just before the tram jerks to a stop. So we jerk to a stop and I here this grunt from beside me. I look over just in time to see this brownish, syrupy half digest ooze coming from between BIL's teeth and running down his chin as he tries to avoid letting his breakfast go right there in the tram. I promise, that is an image that will live with me forever.

Somehow he manages to exit the ride, runs through the gift shop and halfway to the bathroom before leaving his breakfast in the bushes along the side of the walkway. When we notified a CM of the mishap he did give BIL credit for making it as close to the bathroom as he did. :worship: For us, this ride will (unfortunately) forever be known as Expedition Pancakes.

To make matters worse, we had fastpasses for one more ride so we decide to use them while BIL waits outside and gathers himself. We finish the ride and as we are getting off the tram we are the lucky winners of Dream Fastpasses for Animal Kingdom. Only problem is BIL wasn't there so he does not have a FP for all the rides. The DFP's did make a lovely addition to a couple of scrapbooking pages, though.
The worst thing I've seen, is a young boy breaking his arm when he fell off the hand rail while in line for Astro Orbiter. Mom and dad weren't watching as he climbed atop the hand rail. He quickly learned why he shouldn't have done that when he fell. The little fella was crying so loudly that I knew something was very wrong. His mom didn't realize what was wrong with him at first until she (and the others who were standing nearby) noticed the unusual bend in his fore arm.
The worst thing I saw was on my trip this last October. We were eating dinner at Rose & Crown and at the table next to us there was a young boy who kept telling his mother he felt sick. His mother handed him her napkin and told him that if he got sick to use it. Ten minutes later he leaned over next to our table and threw up all over the place (including my foot). :crazy2:


because i wasn't able to check the dis for 6 months. i don't have a "gross story" to add and i don't think everyone on the dis has one, i think this is a funny thread. I didn't know it was a rule to post a story to enjoy a thread

i really don't get what's the problem :confused3

Don't listen to her. There's absolutely nothing wrong with bumping older threads - especially ones that got lost in the shuffle that a lot of people enjoyed. People will get mad if you start a new thread about something that was already discussed in a previous thread but then get mad if you bump the old one. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

In any case, thanks for bumping this thread! I had never seen it before for and have been really enjoying it. (Perhaps "enjoying" isn't the right word. :eek: )

This is totally off topic but years ago I was a manager at TDS in an airport. I had a celebrity that I was helping (I had no idea it was her until I ran her amex card). She bought a few things but one was marcasite (?) jewelry. She put it in her cleavage and said that her Momma always taught her to keep her jewels close to her heart.

Did this poster ever say who the celebrity was? I'm dying to know.

I was on line for Stitch and a very scary looking family was popping each other's pimples. There was another family who saw this and we were all trying to keep our distance from the grossness of it all.

Well, at least it was more entertaining than the Stitch attraction.

It was probably my son (now 6)...he puts his mouth on everything. We've tried and tried to stop it and even the pediatrician is a bit worried -- not that he does it but WHY does he do it. He's eaten the rubber stops off of his (and my) Gameboys, every eraser in the house (including parts of the pencil), holes in his shirts, etc. - it goes on and on.

Your son has an oral fixation. I think it's really quite common.

For us, this ride will (unfortunately) forever be known as Expedition Pancakes.

:rotfl: Best line ever!
Oh - A lovely Indian couple in line with us waiting for Dumbo a few years back. We had actually exchanged in conversation with them and enjoyed waiting in line with them very much. happend....she started popping her hubby's face pimples right there in line.....only about 2 feet from us.....:eek: :scared: :scared1: I really thought I was going to throw up.
Top 5 Grossest things ever witnessed (or smelled) at WDW: (in order of grossness)
5. Old (over 60) men wearing the skimpiest speedos known to human kind at Blizzard Beach! To make matters worse, they were all in line for Summit Plummet!
4. While dining at the Lunch Pad at MK, a woman had 2 children in diapers and thought it was acceptable to change dirty diapers at the lunch table!
3. Coming off TOT, there was a group of folks who probably should have headed the warning as all 5 members of the group were depositing the contents of their stomachs at the entrance to the photo line.
2. for those of you traveling from other countries: in the US, especially in August at WDW, Deordant is not's REQUIRED!
and the all time gross winner is:
1. Opening weekend for MS: DH and I were getting off the ride for the first time and getting ready to run around and do it again when we noticed the abundance of trash cans.....well....we turned the counter (and yes this is equally gross that we counted) 18 people were throwing up in the trash cans that had been strategically placed at the exits. To make matters worse, as we were entering our shuttle for the second round, a lady was puking everywhere as we walked in. YUCK! I might be a nurse, but if there is one thing I can't stand, it's puke!
I certainly will NOT be drinking from any water fountains when we are in Disney, and I'm going out right away and stocking up on Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer.
Smart move -- just about every work location I've been at in WDW has had a large supply of Purel handy for the cast's personal use (usually it's a large wall-mounted dispenser backstage). And for the record, any CS restaurant at WDW will happily give you a cup of ice water for free.

Now, I can assure you that custodial does indeed clean and sanitize all the water fountains regularly -- but I wouldn't want to bet that I was the first person to use a fountain after it was sanitized unless I saw the custodial CM clean it myself.

Honestly... sometimes it's a wonder more CMs don't get sicker than we already do.


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