Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

Well, I'm not sure how "gross" this is, but DD9 is still talking about how tacky this was. We saw a woman carrying her cell phone in her cleavage. Let's just say it was a very revealing top and she had pleny of room for it! (Of course maybe it's just jealousy that I wouldn't be able to do that!)

What, no photo?:confused3

It amazes me sometimes what people wear to the parks. And what at them. :eek:

On our last trip, as we were leaving the MK and walking down Main Street USA, we passed an elderly lady coming in wearing a pair of shorts and a bra - no top, just a bra. My wife and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

ohh thats politically correct..."a special child"....hope your never blessed with a child that needs special attention
On our trip a few months ago a man with a serious case of sunburn, atop some other kind of skin 'situation' was riding in the seat ahead of us on the tram. My dd14 and dd16 were in the seat directly behind him. He began applying sunscreen liberally all over his face, neck, arms - and all this 'skin' was flaking off and flying back on my poor girls! UGH - dh and I moved over as far as we could to rescue them from being hit by the skin snow shower. OMG - it was SO gross. I feel sick just thinking about it!

We also witnessed a woman take her ds~2? to the drinking fountain in Epcot and wash his obviously 'soiled' bottom in the drinking fountain! What was worse was that some people stayed in line waiting for a drink! What the heck is going on in this world anyway?! We NEVER drink from the fountains - EVER.

On two occasions we watched people 'wet down' their crocs in the water fountains. Must have wanted cooler feet? Ugh. I just really can't believe that people are this clueless or this rude.

We also witnessed a woman take her ds~2? to the drinking fountain in Epcot and wash his obviously 'soiled' bottom in the drinking fountain! What was worse was that some people stayed in line waiting for a drink! What the heck is going on in this world anyway?! We NEVER drink from the fountains - EVER.

And this is one of the reasons we never use water fountains/bubblers!!!!!:scared1: :sad2: :rolleyes: Take the kid to the bathroom!!!!!!!!!
:confused3 This thread is soo gross, but I have to share.....In the same trip to Disney I saw a mother pull out a bowl from under the stoller, had her kid (who was screaming that she didn't want to!) pee in the bowl, then dump the bowl out off to the side of the walk way in Animal Kingdom.

Then at the Magic Kingdom while eating dinner at Cosmic Rays we had a family where the children just wern't behaving or eating.....The mother took out nail clipper and clipped the kids TOE NAILS right there at the table, then the mother went back to eating her dinner. DON'T KNOW WHY THAT HAD TO BE DONE RIGHT THERE AND THEN! YUCK YUCK YUCK!
I can honestly say that in the 8 times I've been to WDW, I've never seen anything gross or disturbing like the things mentioned here. I've only seen nice, clean, well-mannered people enjoying themselves and having a good time with their families.

Perhaps that will change when we return in Sept?! I hope not!!!!!! What is the world coming to?!
Gross and funny at the same time - I saw a man walking towards me at MK with white lycra cycling shorts on. No, it gets worse! He had, how can I say this delicately, err, a rather large bulge at the front but it was all mishapen and knobbly. Now (honestly) I don't make a habit of casting my eyes southward but this was just mesmerising.

As he walked closer the bulge got lower and lower until eventually a pair of socks fell out of the bottom of one of the legs. I double-up laughing and he went very red, took the socks out and walked the other way :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

What made it gross was that it was at the MK!!

Great story, this is one of the funniest things I've ever heard!
Maybe not considered "gross", but definitley raised my eyebrow. When we were at TL a few years back, my DH and I saw 2 women dressed in head toe, full middle eastern gown attire (sorry I do not know the appopriate name for it, but ya know w/the head and face covering, long wrapped, full dress) they walked right into the wave pool to swim. I saw them walkng toward the wave pool and my first thought was Holy cow they must be sweating to death, it was darn hot out. Then they kept walking towards the wave pool and i said to DH...there is no way they are walking in the water dressed like that...and sure enough in they went. It was the most bizarre thing I ever saw at WDW! Their DH's (or i presume they were their DH's) had gone in ahead of them and were both in speedos which I also do not like to see lol just not my idea of a proper swimsuit for a guy. Anyone ever seen that before? Oh and the couple who were lounging next to us on the beach area, were flipping out, the woman kept saying how unsanitary she thought it was and she was going to complain etc. There were many many people staring at the scene, it was wild.
I don't have any gross stories to add, but I have learned to never, ever use a drinking fountain at WDW. :scared1:
If I'm thinking of what you're describing the attire the women were wearing is called a burqua. If the head covering is a solid piece of material with a screen of a sort covering they eyes. I've had the opportunity to wear one and it's a real eye opener as it were. And yes, they do in fact swim in this attire. I've seen it throughout the Middle East. And this is NOT to open up any negative discussions or perceptions of Muslims.
>>> burqua vs. Speedo
The only way to be more extreme is for DH to take off his garment and put it over DW's eyes!

>>> baby bidet
1. If he could talk then first thing he would say is "Mommy, I hate cold showers!"
2. (OT) One time my brother and I were walking along a path in the dark and he shined his flashlight on something gross. He then said he had to shine the beam on other things to rinse it off.
I hate to ask but what is wrong with the water fountains

To put it bluntly.....people are using them to rinse off their poopy bottomed babies. :eek:

I know, I am one of the people that posted about it.


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