gradtchr's back on track (comments welcome)

Welcome to the Dis and congrats on breaking into the 140's. I can tell by your exercise minutes that you are determined to make this goal. My goal is similiar to yours - I started at 180, am currently at 157 & want to finish in the low 130's.

I loved your Pix! Thanks for sharing them. Your wedding turned out beautifully!
Thanks so much yall! I am defintely motivated to lose the weight this time and will do as much as I can to get rid of it (without overextending myself to much)

The day started with a WATP
SCALE VICTORY!!! 1 pound loss
B-denver omelette w/ toast
l-pork, rice, salad, 1/2 piece of lemon cake
walk 30 minutes
s-nothing i had cake for dessert
30 min walk to from gym
30 min arc trainer
35 minutes bike
25 minutes elliptical
d-salmon steak w/ sweet potato
s-very berry parfait

So now I am exhausted but I worked hard today. Tomorrow won't be quite as strenous but I proved to myself I could do it. I was thinking tonight how amazed i was at what I was doing and how much I was capable of doing without losing my breath every two minutes. Three years ago I would have made the walk over and the walk back and seen that as an achievement, but now I can work out for three hours throughout the day and have more energy.

Here's a question: We are going to be travelling this weekend. What do others do for excercise when you're on the road and not at home? I need some ideas, walks we will be doing but if there are other ideas I would love to try.
YEAH!!!!!!! I had a non scale victory today!!!!! I ran tonight and finished a mile without dying. I ran a half mile straight, walked two laps, ran another lap, needed water really bad and after coming back onto the track needed to work back up then I ran 4 more laps just because I wanted to run the half miles. :) Now to get back to where I was on before summer temps hit on the couch potato to 5K. I can do this!!!!

I wasn't going to work out today it was going to be my off day but I couldn't take just sitting at home so I did it. That's another huge victory for me!

B-tomato melt w/ 1/2 grapefruit
s-1 slice bread w/ 1 tbsp pb
l-chicken grape salad
s-1 slice bread w/ 1 tbsp pb (can you tell what I've been craving all day) and 1 marshmallow pumpkin.
30 minute walk/run
d-grilled shrimp w/ rice pilaf and salad
s-cracker jacks

Thank you everybody for the encouragement. I have been reading many journals and want to go back to the beginning of many of them. Everyone here is a great inspiration to me. Thank you!
Congrats on losing that 1 pound!!! Great news!!!

You are doing a great job, keep up the good work

Happy Friday!
Thanks eeyore! I am so excited and thrilled about the hard work I am putting into it.

30 min WATP
b-mexican omelette
l-salad w/ turkey, chips
30 min walk
s-apple 2 string cheese
30 min walk,
30 min weights
d-shrimp scampi on pasta
s-chocolate oatmeal no bake cookie next time i make these i am going to substitute the cocoa for protein powder

This weekend is going to be a challenge for me. I am going out of town. My plan is to do a WATP video tomorrow morning, eat breakfast on plan, grab something small on the road, go out for an early dinner, take a walk.

sunday-sleep late late late, eat lunch, see about playing tennis, walk, relax, enjoy time away from town,

monday-sleep late, stop at an outlet mall, walk, make it home go to the gym and workout
Just got back into town and all around I did not do that bad.

Saturday we had a shake for breakfast and I got 30 min of WATP in. YEAH!!

Drove 5 hours ate some snack mix in the car and some cracker jacks but all in all did not do bad.

Ate at Alamo Cafe for dinner and had a tostado, taco, and chip with some queso and flour tortillas. Oh yeah had some chips and salsa too.

Sunday had waffles for breakfast.
Lunch was barbecue chicken, cole slaw, and cinammon apples
dinner was 1/2 pita sandwich, 3 mozzarella sticks, and 1/2 chocolate lava cake from chili's.
I didn't really get a full workout in. I did march in place in front of the tv for about 15 minutes but nothing to strenous.

monday breakfast: waffles
lunch-chic fila nuggets, and carrot-raisin salad. Got real sick since I am not used to grease anymore so not sure if that counted.
dinner-hubby is making a steak fajita right now. :)
No workout today.

Tomorrow I am back on track on workouts and can't wait!
Just wanted to say hello--You are doing great! i would love to have your motivation and dedication!! i start out good for a few days, then i stop,,,any suggestions?
Thanks jen! My only suggestion is not to give up. We all have off days and there have been many times where I have wanted to throw in the towel. I don't know what hit me a few weeks ago that has gotten me going but I have a goal now I want to make. I am doing it for me and nobody else this time. I just wish it happened quicker but I didn't gain it in a day so realistically I know I won't lose it in a day.

Today was a great day for me! After a long weekend (and a very long night cats wanted to play all night) the alarm went off and I got up did a WATP.

B-tomato cheese melt w/ 1/2 grapefruit
l-egg salad on toast
50 minute walk at lunch
s-ranch dip made w/ ff ricotta and carrots
d-fish taco w/ guacamole
s-which i ate with dinner was baked doritos
30 min walk to/from gym (had to alter the path some since I'm moving more quickly)
30 min arc trainer weight loss program
35 minute treadmill cardio (I ran half a mile at a level 8 incline
15 minute bike

I am thrilled after being away I came back and got right back into it. My workout recovery time is improving the out of breath feeling is going away and I am able to push harder. I am so excited and happy to be me! :banana: are doing such a great job!!!!! Way to go almost meeting your exercise goal!!!!

You did a good job while you were out of town. I find that to be hard as well!

Keep up the good work
you are doing great--thanks for the advice..i think im going to start "new" ....ill be living at the journals to get some motivation!
Today I just wanted to lay in bed and sleep and not workout. I did get up later than usual because I was working at home and I am happy to say I did get my workout in. I had to get it done before I began working and it happened. YEAH!!!!

30 min watp
b-mexican omelette
s-banana foster w/ cottage cheese YUM
l-grilled chicken salad
30 min WATP
s-1/2 ham sandwich and 8 carrots
30 min walk/jog
d-balsamic pork w/ brown rice and tomato salad
s-very berry parfait
I was way to tired to type this up last night.

30 min WATP
b-cottage cheese w/ pineapple and mandarin orange
l-turkey and black bean burrito
one hour walk
s-3 trisuits, 3 oz roast beef, mandarin oranges
60 minutes walking
d- chicken pizza
s-chocolate mousse

I did not get my WATP this morning. The heel in my workout shoes gave out this week when I was running and I bruised my heel it hurts like hades right now and has for a couple of days but today it is super sensitive so I'm going to lay low and take it easy on it and try not to do anything that will hurt it more. I bought some new NIke Impax last night. They sure do look odd but they feel really good on my feet which is important. I am wearing them today to break them in. It feels really weird right now not to have worked out this morning but I know it's best. I'll see how I am doing at lunch and if I can walk then.
My foot is killing me today! It hurts so much to walk right now but hopefully the day off from excercise will help it for tomorrow.

Hubby and I only walked at lunch today due to sore foot and I could only handle 15 minutes. :(

b-egg enchilada
l-oriental steak salad
s-chocolate mousse
d-we went to olive garden because it was our three month anniversary. Yup we're still in the sappy stage of marriage and three months is our first big accomplishment. :) We had spinach artichoke dip, salad, I got the shrimp and tortellini and brought 3/4ths of it home and the frozen tiramisu drink for dessert.
s-none still way to stuffed from dinner

Tomorrow my goal is to workout for at least an hour even if it's all upper body.
You have been doing so well. I think you are doing the right thing to lay off the workouts a bit until your foot is better. It's jsut temporary, I know you will be back on track in no time!

Your food choices always look so good!

Happy 3 month anniversary!!!!!
Thanks yall! My weekend has been great! The foot feels a ton better. I guess just one day off of it was what it needed. It's no longer tender and sore to the touch and shoes were not a problem today.

I got up late :cool1: and did 30 min of WATP. It was so cool today because my hubby came up and did part of the video with me. When it was over he said now I see why you like it so much it really limbers you up for the day. I just smiled. We'll see if he starts getting up to do them with me now.

We went to the zoo and walked for 3.5 hours. It was a blast!!
l-1/2 large baked potato w/ brisket on top at the zoo
d-spinach dip, salad, 1 slice of pizza

Ok today was a huge accomplishment for me. My goal was to get to earn 1920 minutes of excercise because that equaled 32 hours. My reward for working out 32 hours was to go to my favorite pizza place in town and get a pizza. After the zoo I realized I had gone over my 32 hour goal and had actually finished my October Excercise Challenge Goal. WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!! I've said before but I will say again that these journals. (I'm bad at posting in others but need to get better at that) and the others in the goal helped motivate me to completion. I actually feel like I have accomplished something!

This week I gained weight but that's ok. I don't think it's weight but more than likely muscle. My goal jeans were fitting a lot better now than they were at the beginning of the month.

Tonight also as a reward my hubby got me a new set of leslie sansones video. I now have the power seriies (walk-jog, walk-kick, power walk) and I can't wait to use them. It will at least add something new into the mix. I also won an ebay auction on another exercise video that I have heard good things about. I'll post more about it later if I like it after it gets here. :)

Hmmm I wonder how far above my goal I can get since I've reached it already. I need to start thinking about November, I am loving this!!
Today was a wonderfully cool day outside that started off on a lazy start. It was hard to get up but finally I did and got moving. I decided to try out two of my new WATP tapes the walk and kick and the power walk 1 mile. Loved the combination of the two. DH was such a sweetheart when I pulled him from his office to do the walk and kick with me. :love2: He's the best and most supportive guy! So after we worked out it was time to think about food.

B-water and 1 slice pizza
55 minutes of worikout
l-2 slices of pizza
s-cracker jacks
d-shrimp and tortellini w/ a sliced tomato
s-low fat brownies. YUM YUM YUM!!!

Hubby went to the gym tonight to work out and I feel a tad bit guilty that I didn 't want to go. Normally I would but I didn't want to miss a minute of Desperate Housewives and the drive would have caused me to miss about 15 minutes of it. *sigh* I'll just have to make it up tomorrow. I have set a goal for thanksgiving and that is that I do not give up on the workouts so starting today my goal is to workout for 50 hours between now and then, and then for Christmas to work out for 100 hours between now and then. I refuse to give up on myself, I know I can do this and be a success. I am going to lose the weight and I am going to get to the size I want. I can do this!!! When my family sees me at Christmas hubby and I are going to be much smaller and healthier than we were when we saw everyone in July.

We are talking right now about a huge goal for the both of us which we want to work towards. If and when it becomes a reality I will post here. :) Right now it's just a pipe dream.
55 min workout (20 min powerwalk, 33 walk and kick, crunches)
b-turkey bacon melt
s-apple w/ low fat caramel dip
l-salad w/ grilled chicken
45 min walk
d-beef taco salad
20 min watp power mile
s-brownie w/ cool whip


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