GLOW II: The Bounceback... Multiple Meets!!!.. First 1/2 of Sept 2008

If you are there with Kristin and me you are welcome to join us when we meet too. We could do a Sci-fi and MNSSHP meet. lol I want in on the TOT meet next year. I was bummed I couldn't join this year. How ironic that last year there was no line at all on that day for the meet and this year you had a 45 minute wait with the same date and time.

My son does carousel of progress (it's a great big beautiful tomorrow which is still stuck in my head) as well as Space Mountain. Don't let him know I told you this but he also really enjoyed eating dinner in the castle where they did a bibidy bobbity boo song with the fairy god mother and the mice. lol He is up for anything except riding TOT with me over and over and over again.

My son will do anything but go on that Stitch thing again. For some reason that scarred him for life a couple of years ago. :confused3

A Sci-Fi meet? Shame I'm missing you guys. We had a great time eating there last week.
I was so disappointed missing the TOT meet because we were leaving Saturday...we ended up staying an extra day because of Ike but I totally forgot about it (must have been all those drinks @EPCOT :laughing: )
I was so disappointed missing the TOT meet because we were leaving Saturday...we ended up staying an extra day because of Ike but I totally forgot about it (must have been all those drinks @EPCOT :laughing: )

well.. there was really 17 of us riders.... Disneydonnam just stopped by to say hello and she and DH got sucked in to joining us.... Of all the meet I did this is my favorite ( but of coruse it is my baby of all meets) and then pool meet on the 5th was the second best meet.... met everyone with extra surprise :laughing: and get to hang out with Boni and Ang and their kids till 3AM :faint: and then the AC meet and the Boma.. Ok..Ok..Ok.. I really had a blast meeting everybody last week.. I wont trade it for anything !!!:grouphug:
well.. there was really 17 of us riders.... Disneydonnam just stopped by to say hello and she and DH got sucked in to joining us.... Of all the meet I did this is my favorite ( but of coruse it is my baby of all meets) and then pool meet on the 5th was the second best meet.... met everyone with extra surprise :laughing: and get to hang out with Boni and Ang and their kids till 3AM :faint: and then the AC meet and the Boma.. Ok..Ok..Ok.. I really had a blast meeting everybody last week.. I wont trade it for anything !!!:grouphug:

Don't forget "Timmie's Hidden spot meet" at MK :hug:
Don't forget "Timmie's Hidden spot meet" at MK :hug:

Sistaaaa Friend!!!!!!!!!!! Yes That tooo!!! the best nights!!!! thank rank with the pool meet with Boni!!! I hope I did not scare your hubby! Cant help it when I see peeps... I tend to talk to much... hmm what am I typing about.. I tend to type to much too!!!!! If there's anything I would want to put in an album or scrap it would be this trip! I came out of a 10 day trip going home with so many memories of good times ... Thanks Woman and of course Husband!!!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
sorry I haven't posted since the trip, too sick, too depressed, don't want to see my expired ticker!!

BUT..... Katie MADE me sign up for the bounce back:goodvibes 9/24 thru 10/3 at Pop. Haven't told Roger (and I'm not going to!!) so I guess I could make a new ticker.

Linda and Kelli - it was great seeing both of you :love: .

I'll post some trip/dining reports soon.

I'm gone for nearly 3 weeks, and there's only, like 3 pages? :confused3 I'd think you ran out of stuff to say if I didn't know better!

Anyway, we had a terrific time, but I didn't get to meet or hang out with nearly enough of you. We arrived on 9/5 around 5 and swung by the pool, but no lime sightings and ds was jonesing for rides, so we went to Epcot. Got back around 12:30, and got to see Bonzi, Poohbear, SlightlyGoofy and, later, Timmy and Angwill (forgive me if I forgot anyone), but the rest of you had already hit the hay. I fully intended to make it to Scat Cat's, but something I ate did not agree with me, and I pretty much collapsed in our room after dinner. :crazy2: We did make it to the ToT meet, and Timmy has the pictures to prove it!

Those of you I did get to meet really made the trip for me, and those of you I didn't just give me something to look forward to in the future. We did book bounceback, but for the first 2 weeks of the offer (8/23-9/6), so we'll probably miss most of you again. I really wanted later, for the F&WF (and more peeps!), but it's unlikely we'll be able to go next year anyway, so I went with the less time out of school and cheaper hotel rates. Then it won't sting so much when we have to cancel! :laughing:

ETA: Almost forgot the most important reason we picked earlier (responsibilities like school and money couldn't possibly have been the only things, right?). Dh and dd loved the pin celebration this last trip, and it seems to occur the weekend after labor day, so they wanted to try to fit it in again next year. So I can pretend it's because of school and room rates, but really it's my love of all things Disney!

Talk to you later!
Hey there Gail gal! I sure had a nice time at the Coral Reef with you. Even Lucy had a good time. Hard to tell with that gal though. She is as understated as I am overstated.:lmao:

Jen, I enjoyed seeing you too. I thought I was the only one who did not make the Scat Cats meet. I had to take a bag down to Vixie @ Movies and had hard enough time doing that and thought that I should not risk it by driving further that night. It was a bit late for me too. I am usually a night owl but I was so worn out each night that I was often asleep by midnight.

I just got a call from the older grandson who managed to miss his bus. How someone misses the bus when their dad is the driver boggles the mind. Me thinks some female was involved somehow. :cool1:

Anywho, on this weekend, every year for decades, the town square has been taken over by vendors and such for our big 'sell' abration. It is not bad enough that they always put the elephant ears across from my house but this year there is a pineapple whip stand too. Can everyone say "Generic Dole Whip"? :love:

When said big grandson was but a wee, and adorable, child, I loaded him up in a red wagon and told him I was taking him to get an elephant ear to eat. He was less than pleased with that idea, being an extremely picky eater. I was able to convince him to take a bite and the cinnamon sugar won him over and when I explained that it was not an actual elephant ear he felt a bit better. Wonder if that will work with the egg custard I am going to make him to give him some strength? Probably not, he is more practiced in being stubborn now. :scared1:

Since we (I) are on the subject of food, Campbell/V8 has come out with a new Butternut Squash Soup. Not the same as Puck's but they also have a red pepper version too so I am hoping that the combination will salve the appetite I have for such vittles. :love:

SG/Linda (who loves Texas)
Timmie, if it were possible for YOU to suffer the effects of the calories while I enjoyed the taste sensations I would gladly do that. However, since I just lost the last two pounds, with an additional one to boot, I do not want to ruin my losing streak for the year. Only 12 pounds so far this year but better than nothing. I would like to add an other 8 pounds or more by years end. Slowly, slowly I go. :flower3:

Diva K, thanks for the cheerleaders but I done gained a whole bunch of pounds this week. Must be tea retention. :banana:

Diva K, thanks for the cheerleaders but I done gained a whole bunch of pounds this week. Must be tea retention. :banana:
or too many elephant ears @the community celebration this weekend?!?!? :rotfl: :rotfl: :laughing:
Don't worry happens to the best of us...lifes too short...:cloud9:
If only. :confused3 I did not even sniff one elephant ear or anything else. Tom brought a pineapple swirl up on the porch and stuck it in my face and I kept my mouth shut. Did not think that possible did ya? I were good, except for those few crackers. I think I am allergic to carbs. They make me blow up. :scared1:

Easy on but not so easy off. I will get them off though. By hook or crook!

It was nice meeting you too. Wish we had longer to visit. I hope that you get to go next year too even if it isn't during everyone elses time frame. You have to pick the time that works best for your family. Although it is more fun when sharing the time with the nice people on this thread. I picked October because DS has a 4 day weekend and his birthday is that week. I hope that I will at least have half a week with others from the thread.

That much weight overnight has to be water. I told you about the night I gained 12 lbs and just about died. It all came off quick so I hope yours does too.



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