Gail's Journal (comments welcome)

Sorry...I've been MIA!! I've been exercising...doing good and bad w/ food! We've finally made an offer on a that really is tying up my time!! I'll post more later!
Hi, Gail! Good luck with the house...hope everything works out! :sunny:
Thanks everyone...we're still in negotiations! This has been too much for me!! Of course..everyone knows I'm a stress eater...and I think I've overdone it!!! TODAY...I am getting back on track!!!! I HAVE to!!! I'm a mess...and my eating is awful. I don't even want to look at the scale. Why am I doing this to myself...I know I feel so much better when I eat right.
Hi Gail!

I hope all goes well with the house! :goodvibes I remember when we went through the buying/selling a house thing. Whew! It was stressful! When you can, you will get back OP: I just know you will! :cheer2:

Have a great day, Gail! :sunny:
DisneyEnthusiastic said:
Thanks everyone...we're still in negotiations! This has been too much for me!! Of course..everyone knows I'm a stress eater...and I think I've overdone it!!! TODAY...I am getting back on track!!!! I HAVE to!!! I'm a mess...and my eating is awful. I don't even want to look at the scale. Why am I doing this to myself...I know I feel so much better when I eat right.

Last I checked, none of us were perfect...don't beat yourself up so much! I hope that all goes well with the negotiations...How stressful! How exciting!!

Hi, Gail! Hope your week has been a little less stressful since you last posted! Have a great day!
Hi everyone!! We GOT the house!!! We go to settlement May 5th. I can't wait...this will be our FIRST house.

Sorry about neglecting everyone. I was honestly having a hard time getting on the computer and concentrating. All I could think about was the negotiation stuff. Pretty bad when tinkering on the computer couldn't take my mind off of everything.

Of course food hasn't been the greatest...but I'm still exercising. The food will come back around. I'm not that is good. My goals have been blown apart! The exercise really helps me from going insane. :confused3

I have so much to do over the next 3 weeks...we've lived here 15 years...have 3 kids...and we are pack rats!! So, I have to start shredding papers from the early 90's!! This is going to be too funny! I think we still have the original nintendo w/ all kinds of games packed in a box! Hopefully, I'll find some treasures and can put them on ebay.

Hope everyone is doing well! I'll do some checking on journals later.
Congratulations on your new home, Gail!!! :Pinkbounc I bet you and your family are so excited!!!! :banana:

Have a great weekend! :sunny:

When we moved, i found a ton of old stuff i completely forgotabout--was like christmas! hahaha
have fun packing :)
Hey Gail - Congratulations on the new house :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Don't worry about the eating, like pettyone said, none of us are perfect (far from it).

This might be a good time to have a GARAGE SALE!!!! I love being able to go through old stuff and get rid of it. Just makes my life so much more organized.

Good luck! :wizard:
Hi Gail!

Stopping by to say hello and to WISH you a wonderful Wednesday! :sunny: How is everything going with the pre-move? Find any awesome stuff to sell on eBay or have a garage sale with? :goodvibes

I hope all is well with you! Take care! :grouphug:
You guys won't believe the week I'm having...first off we lost the house due to the seller not getting her financing for the house she was buying. I'm not that heart broken. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Monday I noticed that my left ear was hurting. Didn't know why...just figured I slept on it wrong (it was the kind of hurting where you've had a phone pressed against your ear...but this was throbbing all day). Then Tuesday it still hurt...but I noticed my face felt a little funny..kinda got worse throughout the day...actually my entire left side of my face is numb/paralized. Went to the doctor's today...I have Bell's palsy. It should be gone soon. But I have all this medicine to take until then.

On the plus side...I've been eating better...but haven't exercised this week due to not feeling well. I'm giving myself until Monday to rest...but keeping the food good.

That's my life in a nutshell these past few weeks. I think we're going to wait until we get back from our Disney trip to look for a house again. My DH has been in the process of opening a new store and it was extremely stressful trying to buy a house and having him opening this store. I'll check back in tomorrow!
Gail - I am so sorry to hear about the house. It's such a heartbreak to think you've found this great home for your family and you don't get it. My mother was always a believer that there is a reason for everything, which makes me think there is a better house out there for you.

I hope your Bell's palsy clears up soon even though I know nothing about it and have never even heard of it. I hope you feel better soon.

Keep eating well and think about all the fun your going to have on your trip :cool1:
Well...I had managed as of yesterday to be back at 207.5...after such a bad month...but today I was at 212...and the bad thing is I have hardly eaten. I really have no taste for anything. I guess it's true that prednisone will pack on the weight. At least I only have to take it until Sunday. But I hear it continues to work after that. I'm pretty clueless about this. I guess I should be thankful that I didn't have a stroke...because that is what I thought at first...but it was only in my face. So I am thankful for that.

Things have been pretty medicine makes me very that's mostly what I do.

Have a great weekend all!


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