Gail's Journal (comments welcome)

Thanks are too kind!

I've been guzzling the water like crazy..spending lots of time in the potty!

I have my WW weigh in tomorrow...don't think it's going to be great...but that's to be expected after endulging a bit too much this weekend...I didn't think I did that bad...but scales don't they? :confused3 I guess I will be working the month of April to get into Onederland! That is my goal this month. I'm re-evaluating my goals...I usually do that once a month :teeth: I guess as long as I'm staying committed...that is the main thing!

Have a great week...I'm going to visit my BIL, SIL, neices and nephew in NC this weekend...can't wait to see them..I can already see this as another disaster in the food department! Oh long as I'm good until then and get it back together after the weekend! :earboy2:
Checking in to say HI Gail!

Keep up the good work, you're just a flush away from Onederland!
Good morning Gail! I can tell you are flushing the fat!! :cool1: Have a great day!
My WW WI was 208...I'm still hopefully I can get back to my 205 by the weekend and begin working on that Onederland by the end of April!! I come!
Hey Gail - I bet that water retention will be gone before you know it. I can't wait to celebrate your ONEderland!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Hi Gail,

You are doinggreat. Making Onederland in April is a great goal. Have a great visit with your family this weekend.

Take care,
Good luck on your goal of making onderland by the end of April. You will do it and we will be there to celebrate with you! :cheer2:
Hi Gail!

I know you can make Onederland in April! When you do, we will have a Onederland party here in your journal. :cool1:

Have a great Thursday and keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Thanks for all the support you guys!! I'm hoping for Onederland at the end of this month!! That is my goal...I figure small goals are easier to attain...Not sure if I'll make that 180 by mid June...but that's long as I'm still losing.

Now onto my Curves March was called Food For Friends...I did okay...lost 8 inches...but the best part is that they gave me a printout of my inches lost since I joined January 14th...that 2.5 months that time I have lost a total of 21 inches!!!! I was so excited to see that on paper...

Bust was 43...lost 3.5 inches!!!
Waist was 35....lost 3 inches!!!
Abdomen was 44.5....lost 5 inches!! :banana:
Hips was 46....lost 3.5 inches!!! :goodvibes
Thighs was 28.5...lost 1 inch in each(2)...darn those thighs!
Arms was 15...lost 2 in each!!! I was psyched about this one!!

I'm all happy now! :cloud9:
Gail, you're positively melting away!!! WOO HOO!! Congratulations on those great Curves numbers!! That hard work is really paying off.

I just know that you'll be in Onederland in no time!! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to celebrate with you, dear Gail!

Enjoy your trip to see your family in NC this weekend! :sunny:
:banana: :earseek: :banana: :earseek: :banana:

Gail Those numbers are incredible. Keep up the hard work and Onederland is just around the corner. Congratulations!

Take care,
Good morning Gail!!!

Keep up the awesome work!!! We are so proud! :cheer2:
DisneyEnthusiastic said:
I'm all happy now! :cloud9:

You are positively GLOWING!!!!!!! What a fantastic measure of success. Sounds like its time for tank tops to show off those arms :goodvibes

Keep up the great work. You will make your goal, let your body take the time it needs.

Happy Friday

Gail - Great job on the measurements!!! It's so awesome to know that even when you not losing "pounds" those inches are still coming off.

Have a wonderful visit with your family and don't worry about the food part.... you'll get back on it Monday.


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