Frogmommy's "Time for a change" thread - comments welcome

Hi Heather,

Stopping by with some :wizard: for your interview this week! Hope you and your family are doing well! :goodvibes Take care! :grouphug:
Good luck on your interviews! :wizard:

Have you looked into a daycare center? For some reason I always felt better about that because there were always people coming in and out and it was regulated by the state. Whatever you do, the kids will be fine.

Great job on the weight even though you were at a convention! :cool1:
Hope you're having a good week, Heather!

Good Luck with the interviews.
Hi everyone!

Today was weigh in day..... no change. That's actually a good thing as I was up 2 lbs mid week. For some reason I felt bloated and yucky there for awhile, so I'm assuming that had something to do with it. Feeling better now. I just managed to get in all my planned workouts for the week, but I did it so it's all good.

Interview #1 went well. This was for the job that I was already offered. It looks like there will be 4-5 kids in the class (sp.ed). The school seems to have a good atmosphere and is very professional. They are getting a new principal - he's younger than me! It's a small school and it also serves as the magnet school for gifted elementary students in the district. All in all it seems to be a good situation if the other job possibility doesn't work out. The only drawbacks are that it's farther away, doesn't pay quite as much, and this district is fond of giving teachers responsibilites that go beyond the classroom (not that I think that's a bad thing, I'm just not sure how it will work with everything else I have going on). Interview #2 is Tuesday. I have nothing to wear! Everything I own is too big. I've been shopping but just about everything I see is innapropriate for interviews. AUGH I hate spending money on clothes that I can't wear year after year - if you've seen the styles in the stores right now you know what I mean. blech!

Ty Kate, Jamie, Tracy,Amy, & Julie for all your support!!! This is such a big change for us, and it's so good to read your positive comments.

Amy - sadly here in SC quality daycare options are far and few between (and those that are good are crazy expensive). Without going into details I found out the hard way with DS that state regulation doesn't mean much here. Anyway, I am much more comfortable with DD being in a place where she will get more individualized attention and can develop a relationship with her caregiver. Besides, her caregiver is my next door neighbor and she's certified in early childhood and speech education, so I'm ok with that part. It's the separation and DDs emotional well being that I'm mostly worried about. Not getting to participate in as many activities is also part of the trade off, but maybe the preschool option will work out. We'll have to see.

Yikes, it always takes me so long to write out these things. I need to head for bed.

Hi Heather,

Congrats on interview #1 going well...Hopefully interview #2 will go just as good. :wizard:

Good news that there was not a change in least you didn't gain!!!

Keep up the good work....good luck tomorrow!

Happy Monday :)
I'm glad to hear the first interview went well! Good luck on the second one.

That is a bummer about the daycare in your area. At least you can trust your neighbor to watch the kids. I'm sure everything will work out fine and you will realize you wasted all that time worrying about nothing!
Hi Heather!

Congratulations on interview #1! I'm so glad to hear that it went well for you! :goodvibes Sending lots of :wizard: your way for a wonderful interview tomorrow! :goodvibes You will do great! :thumbsup2

Have a marvelous Monday! :sunny:
Hi, Heather! I hope your interview went well today. Congrats on having the first one go so well. And congrats on needing new clothes, not because yours are tight, but because they are too big. That is just absolutely wonderful! Keep up the great work!
Hi everyone!

Wow, I was almost on page 2. Yikes!!

Ok, so now I'm in job hunting HELL. Job #1 wants an answer by tomorrow at noon. #2 was supposed to give me an answer by this afternoon but I haven't heard anything yet - they told me last week either that I was *a* top contender or *our* top contender. I didn't hear which - AUGH. Then to complicate things I had interview #3 today - they won't be done with interviews until Wednesday unless they can reshedule some people. STRESS!! Job #2 and #3 are in my home district. Each school is a little over 6 miles from my house and my son could come with me. #3 is actually a slightly better situation for me but I think #2 would be better for DS. #1 is a great situation but in another district that pays less and is further away. Unfortunately it's the only job I know for sure that I have if I want it.

I've been doing a LOT of stress eating over this. Have gained 1 lb. I think I'm going to concede this month. Both of my kids have b-days this week so it's going to be crazy - not to mention that there is a lot of frosting in my future. By this time next week things will be much calmer. Hopefully I'll know tomorrow where I'll be next year so I can concentrate on the kids. That would be nice.

I think I'm starting to have issues with PMS that I never had before. I don't really have physical symptoms but I've been noticing for the last year that I get really short tempered about a week before I get my period. I think it's effecting my ability to parent, and I don't like that. I'll be 37 this summer, so I guess it could just as easily be perimenapause. The thing that really bothers me is that I'm already doing self-help type things that should make the syptoms better - but it's not helping. There doesn't seem to be a lot of treatment for this other than hormones or antidepresents - and I'm not willing to do either of those so I'm not sure where that leaves me.

Hi Jamie, Tracy, Amy, & Kam!! Ty for stopping by and giving me some encouragement. I'm not here as often as I need to be, but please know I appreciate your words. They really mean something to me. :grouphug:
Hi Heather,

I am sending prayers and :wizard: your way today. I hope that you get the job you want. :goodvibes Please udpate us when you can.

Have a wonderful day today! :sunny: Know that your WISH buddies are behind you 100%; cheering you on to VICTORY! :cheer2:
Sorry to hear you are having such stress over your job situation. I'm sure that doesn't help your PMS symptoms either. Have you tried progesterone cream? That is supposed to help.

Don't worry about taking a week off from dieting. The main thing is that you get back on track after the birthday-fest is over.

YOU CAN DO IT!!! :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:

Let us know what happens on the job front! :goodvibes
Hi Heather,

Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time with the jobs...I am sure that something will happen. Sending some :wizard: so that everything goes good

You're eating will get better...I know it will. You are doing a great job....keep your head up.

:bday: to both your kids!!

Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone-

Feeling a bit like the prodigal child here. I've been avoiding coming here - gee wonder why? LOL. OK so yesterday I was at 179 :guilty: and I didn't work out much at all last week. This week has been better. The cake is all gone too, so that's no longer a worry.

Ok, so I got a job. Yay. It's the one near my house where my son will go in the fall. It's going to be a challenging situation, but in a good way I think. Being able to be in the same school with my son is HUGE in do many ways. Of course the only thing he cares about is that they have a tire swing. :)

The kids bdays were great. It rained, but other than that everything was wonderful. Both kids had a blast. I did a Toy Story cake. I'll post a pic at some point if y'all are interested.

My baby isn't a baby anymore. I had some brief moments of baby lust but got over it quick enough (changing diapers will do that). DH suggested that someday in the future we consider adoption. I'd never really thought about it before but it's not a bad idea. Maybe in a few years.

Hi Tracy, Amy, and Jamie! Ty for thinking of me and for all your :wizard: It really helps to know you guys are supporting me.

and Amy- you're right, that stress was wreaking havok with my hormones. I did look into the cream. I also found some information about how vitamin suppliments can help so I'm going that route first. If it doesn't work the cream is next on the list. I don't like feeling like I was feeling. It's just not me at all. I always thought I was so lucky because I never experienced PMS symptoms before and I guess I thought it would always be that way.
Hi Heather,

Glad to hear that the birthdays went well. Not sure about the others, but I would love to see pictures of the cake!!! Toy cute is that!!!

Congrats on the job!!!!! That is wonderfull..

Keep up the great work! You are doing a great job!

Have a great day!
Congrats on the job! :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: :yay: :bounce: And it is the one you wanted, right? I knew everything would work out.

Yes, post a picture of the cake. I am definitely NOT creative in that department. I made DS a baseball cake once, that's about as good as it gets... Luckily DD said she wants a chocolate cake w/vanilla frosting and chocolate sprinkles. Not only can I do that, I can avoid eating it since I don't like chocolate cake! :woohoo:

Now that things are calming down, you can get back into a routine. Don't worry about the extra lbs - you know they will come off. As long as the overall trend is downward, you can't get too upset about the little blips that come along! :teeth:
Hi Heather!

I'm glad to hear that the birthday parties went well. :goodvibes I would love to see a picture of the Toy Story cake!

Congratulations on your new job! :cheer2: This is the one that you wanted, right? That's great that you will be close to home and in the same school as your son. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful Wednesday! :sunny:


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