Frogmommy's "Time for a change" thread - comments welcome

Well, we are back - got home late last night. I've been a little stunned today - the trip was over so quickly! We had a great time. The kids did great. Everything went smoothly - well except the part where I left my wallet with all our cash and credit cards at home!! :earseek: :rotfl2: (Luckily DH still had his bank card so it worked out ok).

I'm not much for trip reports but I supose I should try to get everything written down while it's still fresh in my mind. DH asked me this morning if I wanted to go back. I said "of course" and he said "let's go!" Sooo tempting. Maybe I'll get to plan another trip soon. I gotta get a job first!!

I weighed in at 174 the day we left for the trip. This morning I was at 178 - much better than I expected. I'm not back on the diet by any stretch of the imagination though (pizza tonight). Tomorrow I will start weaning myself off the crap - hopefully by Monday I'll be back on track.

Time to fix my ticker. *sigh* :wave:
Those vacation lbs will come off quickly once you get back on track. And don't feel guilty - it was worth it, right? That's what vacations are for!!!

Glad you had a great time, it's nice to have you back! :cool1:
Hi there!!!

Glad to hear that you had a good time....we are going in 4 months and I can't wait!!!

Gaining only 4 pounds while on vacation, in WDW..that is great! I know that sounds bad, but it could have been worse. And those pounds will come off so fast!!!

Hope all is well and you are having a great day!
Hey, Heather! Welcome back! So glad to hear you had a wonderful time. I hope you find it easy to jump back on the healthy eating bandwagon. :hug: Your ticker will be back to where you want it in no time! BTW, remember to give yourself credit for the exercise minutes you earned with all the walking around the world! :cool1:
Man, I've been so slack about the journal lately. About many things really. I applied for a job in another school district since I haven't heard from the one I previously interviewed with. The waiting combined with my not really wanting to go back has not been a good thing. We need the money and I don't have a back up plan, so I really can't entertain thoughts of staying home another year. Boy it's tempting though. I hope I hear something soon, if for no other reason then to have the stability. I'm feeling a general lack of focus the last few months, and that includes my weight loss plans. I will say that I've done better the last few days with my diet - something that I've really been ignoring the past few weeks, but I've been less diligent with my workouts. I think I'm at less than 250 minutes this month (I need to check my sig line to be sure). The one positive thing is that I'm back down to 175, so I've lost 3 of the lbs I gained at Disney. My goal for the trip was to no longer be obese. I didn't make that one, but I hope I can be there this time next month. I think I'm 7 lbs away, so it's doable but will require work.

Hi Amy & Jen- I agree, those 4 lbs were totally worth it. We had such a fantastic time!

Hey Jamie- I'm so excited you are getting to go soon! It was a blast. I was actually surprised (and relieved) by my weight our first day back - I really expected it to be much higher. Not complaining!!

Hi Cam! It's great to see you. I didn't include the walking at WDW because I also didn't think about the food I was eating. I figured they canceled each other out. :rotfl:

Glad you're beginning to get back on track, Heather. It's SO hard after trips.

Have a good week this week!
HI Heather,

Congrats on losing the 3 pounds.....the rest will come off in no time!!! I too was like you when we went last year, I came back and was surprised to see how little I gained!!! That was great! are doing great! Keep up the good work.

Here's some pixiedust: that everything works out well with the school district.

Have a great day!
Congrats on getting most of that vacation weight off! And good luck on your job search. Can you put in to be a sub until you get a fulltime position?

Once things settle down you will be able to get back into the exercise routine.

Keep it up! :banana:
Hi everyone-

So, finally some news on the job front. I got tired of waiting for my home school district to call so I reactivated my application at a district that I previously worked for. That was last week. I emailed the head of human resources earier this week to ask her about potential openings. This morning there was a job offer waiting for me in my email! Buuuuuuut, here's the thing... I know I can bypass some of the preliminary stuff since I worked for them before but it's pretty unusual to be offered a teaching job without having at least met the principal. Makes me wonder about the job, KWIM? I decided to ask if I could have some time to think about it. As I was writing back I got another email from a principal in my home district wanting to know if I could interview for a position next Thursday! This particular job is the one I've been hoping for since I first saw it listed on Christmas day. It happens to be at the school where my son will start kindergarten in the fall. I thought it had been filled since the listing for it vanished a few weeks ago, but apparently that was some kind of error. The funny thing is that when the principal emailed me it was to interview for a job as a Spanish Teacher - she got my file mixed up with another. I don't speak a word of Spanish other than what I've picked up from Dora, but I would have interviewed for it anyway. lol. I called her to clarify things and everything is set. I also got back in touch with the other district to arrange a time to meet with the principal.

So anyhow, I'm going to be a bit on edge for the next week. My diet has been really good lately, I'll have to say, but today I blew it a bit. I was bouncing off the walls when all this went down. Isn't it crazy though? They announce an opening in December but don't start interviewing for it until May. SHEESH

I'm really excited about the possibility of getting to work in this district, and especially about being near my son. I'm trying not to think too much about having to leave my daughter. I know I'm lucky to have had these last 2 years at home with her, but I'm worried about leaving her. In the end I know she'll be ok and that even though it may not be in her best interests, it is what's in our family's best interest.

In other news, we are headed to Charleston for the weekend. My volunteer organization is having their conference and I'm facilitating a couple of sessions. Not much opportunity for exersize but hopefully I will at least make some healthy food choices.

Hi Julie, thanks for stopping by! I am getting back on track, slowly but surely.

Hi Jamie! Thanks for your pixie dust, it really did the trick!!

Hi Amy, thank you for all of your support!! I think you are right, I'll be able to really focus on eating right and working out once all this stuff is settled. I'm looking forward to it!
Hi Heather,

That is great news about the interviews...I do agree it seems a little strange that they would offer you the position without meeting the principal. At least you have two opportunities right now!!! I hope it all goes well for you.

Hope you have a great safe trip!!!

Keep up the good work....Happy Friday :)
Hi Heather,

Thanks for stopping by my journal and for the welcome back. I appreciate your encouragement and support. :goodvibes

Congratulations on the job interviews! :Pinkbounc I hope everything works out for you and your family. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful weekend! :sunny:
Wow! Just when you were thinking you'd never get a job, now you have 2 possibilities! That is great, I know you'll do awesome on your interviews! :banana:

Don't worry about DD going to daycare. Both my kids went and I think it actually helps them socially adjust to a school-type setting. Both my kids were more than prepared for kindergarten and they have no problems with shyness or fitting into new situations. I'm sure it will be hard at first, but she will have a great time with all her new friends!

Have a great trip!
Hi Heather,

Hope you had a good weekend!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Have a great day!

Happy Monday
Hi all-

Well I'm back from our convention. This morning I weighed in at 176, which isn't bad considering the food from the weekend. It's a new month and I'm ready to get going on my goals now that things are starting to get more settled. This is a busy month for me - both my kids have bdays (3 days apart!) and I still have to finalize the job thing, but busy is nothing new.

Hi Jamie- I requested a meeting with the principal from the school where the offer came from. I will get a look around on Wednesday morning. Unfortunately my interview from the 2nd school got moved to next Tuesday. I hope school #1 is willing to wait for an answer.

Hi Tracy! Thanks for stopping by. It's great to have you back. :goodvibes

Hey Amy- Yeah, Thursday was crazy here - two possibilites in one day after literally months of waiting around. My thoughts on daycare are a little different I guess. My son went to an in home day care for a year when he was 2 - same age that DD will be. It was an ok experience even though it was probably the best situation I could have hoped for. *sigh* I know DD will be ok. I'm not sure it will actually do anything for her social skills at this point - she's not yet 2 and she'll be the oldest kid there by nearly a year most days. But, it's a better situation then not being able to eat because Mommy and Daddy can't pay the bills, KWIM? I'd like to get her in the same 2 day/week preschool that DS has been going to just so that she can have something different to do during the week. Transportation there and back is an issue though. We'll have to see how it all works out.

OK, time to go. Have a good week everyone! :wave2:
Hi Heather,

Haven't stopped in for a while, but wanted to wish you good luck with the jobs!! Great news, and also, I know the child care worries are real, but I think in the long run it will work out. For me, I found that if I had a good attitude, the kids were ok. I had all of mine in in-home care for at least some of the time. Now they're teenagers, and I think they have turned out ok!

Good luck, and keep doing like you're doing with the exercise/food. :sunny:
Hi Heather,

Good luck on your interview this week....I hope that it goes well. I am sure that school #1 will be fine waiting....Go get em :)

Hope you are having a great day. Keep up the good work!


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