"Friendly Pirates"


I force my kids to listen to 80's music
Oct 18, 2005
Thanks guys for making this 42 year old women feel like a kid again! A kid on the play ground not being picked for kick ball because she was not popular enough.

I do understand the point of "friendly pirates" but you should also remember how it might make someone feel when you kick them out of your game particularly a kid.

All you could say was sorry bell it's friendly, did not feel that way to me.:sad2

Sorry just venting! It is amazing that you can get this age and still those old childhood rejection feelings can flood forward.

I don't take the boot button personally. If I did, I wouldn't join any games in Pirates or Haunted Mansion whatsoever.

Last week, I followed a friend into the Pirates lobby. But the friend was already in a series of "friendly pirates" of even teams of people. If I had wanted to join, I'd need another player who understood and was willing to play "friendly" with us.

Since that's kind of a hassle, not to mention making the friends wait for an
additional player, it wasn't worth it to join their games in progress. I ended
up finding other friends who needed me to even up their team roster.

If nobody was supposed to be booted, VMK wouldn't have a boot button in
the two games that have them. Sometimes players say, "Sorry, I'm already
playing with friends", and other times, no explanation is given.

Often, booted players will try to join the game again, to be booted over and
over again. Obviously they are doing it on purpose because they're being
vindictive, but they need to find a clue and another game to join.

What's so hard about finding another game to join?
I don't take the boot button personally. If I did, I wouldn't join any games in Pirates or Haunted Mansion whatsoever.

Last week, I followed a friend into the Pirates lobby. But the friend was already in a series of "friendly pirates" of even teams of people. If I had wanted to join, I'd need another player who understood and was willing to play "friendly" with us.

Since that's kind of a hassle, not to mention making the friends wait for an
additional player, it wasn't worth it to join their games in progress. I ended
up finding other friends who needed me to even up their team roster.

If nobody was supposed to be booted, VMK wouldn't have a boot button in
the two games that have them. Sometimes players say, "Sorry, I'm already
playing with friends", and other times, no explanation is given.

Often, booted players will try to join the game again, to be booted over and
over again. Obviously they are doing it on purpose because they're being
vindictive, but they need to find a clue and another game to join.

What's so hard about finding another game to join?

I am sorry Lori I did not try to affend anyone with my post. Dis is full of great people. Those I tried to play with are some of them. And this is not the first time I have tried to play with dis folk I've been booted before.

Yes I can find another game and I will from now on. This is about people not thinking about how it may make someone feel. It will only take a second to tell someone why they are getting the boot before they get it, I think telling them right before you diappear into the game is not the time.

I am a silly grown women I know for feeling rejection in a children's game. But I could not help think how this could make kids feel. It did happen to my 9 yr old once and he was upset and like you I said to find another game. I won't nullify his feeling like that anymore.

I don't want anyone to be angry about my post. You are all wonderful people some of the most generous and kind but you can be a little clickish sometimes and yes I know it is not on purpose but it does happen.

Usually I don't feel bad about being booted from Pirates, if there's an odd number of people and I was the last one to join. If they boot for apparently no reason then I get irritated for a second and then go find another game.

Once I had a friendly flag team going, some random person joined and I said "Boot her and start". She said "Why? I didn't do anything!" I said "I know, but we're playing a friendly game. You'd try to win." I guess she didn't understand because she said "u are mean". I still feel bad about it.
I used to get upset when i would get booted from a game, but not anymore I know some people are just playing with friends or waiting for someone. I do that now sometimes and hate to boot but dont want random people in our game. Sometimes I'll just sit and wait for them to leave them selves or cancel the game all together and start it in a minute.

I wish VMK had a option to make a game private when you start one and invite people to join
I refuse to boot,. Instead I tell someone i need them to go off because I dont liek to boot and most seem to comply. Its so much nicer to let them have a chance to leave then if they dont boot them.
Momie, I don't know if you were one we booted this morning, I know there were a lot that got the boot, both friends and strangers.

At least from my perspective, since I was a booter this morning too.. it is not that you or anyone else is unwanted. It was because it happened that we had 8 people already playing as teams, and we needed the room to allow those same team members to sign on.

We are never partial or "unfriendly" to any others joining - when we have an opening. None of us are a clique (at least I play with anyone, as do those that did join us), we all just wanted to play friendly pirates and we actually had quite a few openings during the course of our morning's games. We took whomever we could get.. but also granted the courtesy to save their place on a team they were already on, ergo the boot.

When it was my turn to need to leave, they had an opening they filled with whomever they could find as well.

I hope there aren't cliques here on DIS, but I suppose there may be. I do hope you can understand a bit more now? If you ever see me out there, please make the attempt to see if we have a spot, we honestly want full teams and would enjoy having you. :goodvibes
Momie.. I was one of the peole who wasn't set up to play with Purpleduck and others..I just happen to come in and was invited to play!! And there have been many times differnt Disser have saw me and invited me to play the game with them! It is true what Duck and others say...some times they are just playing teams or friendly games. But I have never know of anyone who have just certain groups all the time and never let others in! Its just a matter of getting there when they need one or two more players and I know this from my own experince! And like Duck says... Hey when ever you are on and you see me..I would be happy to play games with you! Although I must tell you I am really bad it if playing for real! :)

Ok..so I came on here to just say Thanks Purpleduck JediYoda Happy_Quest Qruthie FlyingPegnsus and Antijewel and anyone else who was playing with us for letting me play friendly pirates with them! I wasn't excpecting it and just want to say Thanks! It was fun and really nice to meet you all too! I really am starting to get a little more comfortable playing friendly..although I still don't know what I am doing? :rotfl:
This time last year I wouldn't have even tried it ...so I am getting there..Now if I can just learn how to play it for real :rotfl: You all was really nice to help me get some credits on double pirates day! Thanks! ;)
Usually I don't feel bad about being booted from Pirates, if there's an odd number of people and I was the last one to join. If they boot for apparently no reason then I get irritated for a second and then go find another game.

Once I had a friendly flag team going, some random person joined and I said "Boot her and start". She said "Why? I didn't do anything!" I said "I know, but we're playing a friendly game. You'd try to win." I guess she didn't understand because she said "u are mean". I still feel bad about it.

It does get annoying when there isn't a reason. They let out a few LOLs when you try joining after they boot. Then I just leave. Maybe give them a little ".." ;)
LucyBell It was nothing personal against you, it was just the simple fact that we had 8 people lined up to play. In fact I will be honest, I was the one that booted you, but I also explained that "Sorry its a friendly game". Not to make excuses but double credits day is extremely busy in pirates and usually when we do play, we have the teams already set up to avoid any down time. In the future it may also be helpful to identify your self as a DIS member and if there is room, we will certainly try to find you a placeon the teams.

By booting you, I certainly didn't mean to cause any hurt feelings or disrespect, I was just simply trying to maximize the time i had to get in as many games as I could before I had to go to work.

My apoligies for not taking the time to better explain myself in VMK

I don't know if it matters but since joining this board and learning how to play pirates thanks to some wonderful people here, I have made it my personnel rule to ask before joining any game.

I don't think I have ever joined a pirate game with DISers unless I ask first or am invited, at least not since my first boot, LOL.

Now I hope that doesn't sound like I'm telling people they "need permission" to join a game, it's not that. I just understand that their are friendly games and even regular games with set teams and some computers can only handle a certain amount of people etc...

Why get booted over and over? Why in the world have hurt feelings when all you have to do is say "Do you guys have room for on more?" or "Can I join you?" In my opinion the common courtesy goes both ways.

Hey, Momie - I'll be happy to play friendly pirates with you anytime - or anyone else for that matter. :) So, if anybody sees me in the lobby, please feel free to ask!
I too try to ask before playing with those I know LOVE to play friendly pirates!!
and they are very serious about it!!
The best thing to do is find some buddies you can count on to play friendly pirates in advance and then you know you have someone to stick with you .

What a great way to get Tons of pirate booty!!

Oh, i have been booted more times that i care to admit, LOL
Momie... hugs. I can understand your feelings and I hope you start feeling better. :hug:
Hey, Momie - I'll be happy to play friendly pirates with you anytime - or anyone else for that matter. :) So, if anybody sees me in the lobby, please feel free to ask!
Princess! There you are. I owe you a win in pirates, lol.

So sorry I could not find you after that first game. Guess we should have decided on a lobby direction to meet. Hope we can play again another time!
Robin, I don't think anyone was offended by your post. We were trying to
say that while it's nice to be able to take the time to explain, others who
start the game don't always explain. I'm sorry that it made you feel bad, really. :hug:

And when I was in an established friendly team and some player got the boot,
who do you think got blamed? Me! He went, "omg a leader boot me!"
And I didn't even start the game. :rotfl2: I did tell him that I didn't start
the game or boot, but I don't think he believed me. :rolleyes:
Oh, Hi - thanks, Alice! I knew I recognized your name from somewhere, now I know it was from the Dis! See you next Thursday! lol:goodvibes
Too bad there aren't more double credit days. At least in Pirates I only had one time of getting the message that the games were too full to start a new one! LucyBell I did see you on the docks today but had no idea you were dis. Not that I started the games (I don't think) and there was a guy I'd never heard of either place who came in and asked if anyone was playing friendly and had space for one more. He was hesitant to join but by the third time I saw him in the lobby I made sure he got in the game and got hooked up with someone who had room on their friend list so he could find the group again after I left. As a new player I'd been where you are feeling dumped behind without even a word as to why. It does feel terrible I know. Hopefully you and others understand now it's nothing personal and we will recognize your title next time. :goodvibes

Funny thing is I've seen aliceblue post here a lot, but tonight we randomly met on the dock, first time I've seen her in vmk and I already met her live, lol!
Hey, Carribound, I think I played with you tonight, too. Thanks for some good games, hope we can play again soon! I think I like friendly better than regular pirates! :lmao:


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