Fall/Fall Advantage 2010 Interview Thread!

My interview is less then a day away! :D I'm super excited but yet nervous. Haha. I don't know what I should prepare!!! I should definitely know what the roles I've checked off are about right? What else? (presentation code?)
Just finished my interview and it went really well! I had Denise and she was really nice. She said, "great answer" to a few of my answers. Especially when I talked about my experiences teaching ballet. She was a teacher too! It was really easy, felt more like a conversation than an interview and I made her laugh a few times.

When we got to my roles, she didn't ask me what my top 3 were. She just asked me a question or 2 about each of the roles I put down and now I wish I could have told her that BBB was my top role. I wish I could have put more emphasis on it but oh well.

But she asked if I had any salon or any experience working with makeup and hair? I said, "I have a ton of experience! Over the past 10 years, I have been doing all the stage makeup and hair for all my students!" And I don't remember the exact phrasing but I made a joke about how I can put liquid eyeliner on a 3 year old. She laughed and said if you can do that you must have a lot of experience!

Then she asked what I would do if a little girl was hesitant or scared about the makeover. I told her what I used to do when I did stage makeup. She seemed to like my answer.

I also had to take Character Performer off my role list because there will not be an audition near me :(

When she asked if I had any questions, I asked, "How did I do?" She laughed and said, "You did great!" So I am happy with my interview, I just wish I could have stressed that I wanted BBB
I got off the phone awhile ago after my interview with Kathy (Cathy? I'm not sure how it's spelled). The entire conversation lasted about 36 minutes. It was scheduled for 7:30, and she called me a couple of minutes early. Luckily I was sitting there just waiting for the phone to ring! I was expecting to wait for a few minutes after reading about some of the other experiences here.

After going over my application and telling her why I wanted to participate in the CP, I gave her my top 3 choices: Attractions, Merch., and Hospitality. She asked me a lot about my work experience in retail and QSF&B (which I didn't pick as one of my options) and what my responsibilities were, positive and negative aspects, different experiences, etc. There was a quick bit about my cash handling skills, with a minimal bit about math (she said I gave the quickest math example she'd ever heard!). I was asked a lot about my abilities to maintain my composure if a guest is less than happy or even angry with me or the service being provided (I'm not sure if this was in reference to a particular role or just the environment in general) and any examples I had of previously maintaining this positive attitude with an unsatisfied guest. Because I also selected FSF&B, she asked me what I would expect of a host or hostess if I were entering/being seated in a restaurant. There were several questions about teamwork, a bit about roommates, and she asked about my experience with theater and delivering speeches. Apparently as nervous as I was, I came across as very calm and articulate because she told me she was impressed. :thumbsup2 There were also questions about my ability to stay calm during emergencies. I told her that I've worked with children for years; there are always emergencies. She laughed, so hopefully that went down as a good answer! Overall I feel like it went well, but there were a lot more of the situational questions than I was expecting so I hope that I didn't sound too flustered when I answered them.

Well, now to play the waiting game with everybody else!! I'm sure I'll be over-analyzing every little detail from now until the time I hear from them. :scared:

Good luck to everyone who has an interview coming up!
Reading everyone elses' answers, I am over-analyzing mine. It's too late now, so I just have to deal, but I keep worrying that my interview was terrible - I don't know if it's that she was rushed (since she was pretty late) or that I had crappy answers, but I didn't have too much of a rapport with her...... ugh.

As I've been saying for everything... "we'll see."
Reading everyone elses' answers, I am over-analyzing mine. It's too late now, so I just have to deal, but I keep worrying that my interview was terrible - I don't know if it's that she was rushed (since she was pretty late) or that I had crappy answers, but I didn't have too much of a rapport with her...... ugh.

As I've been saying for everything... "we'll see."

I'm sure that your interview went fantastically! :hug:
Reading everyone elses' answers, I am over-analyzing mine. It's too late now, so I just have to deal, but I keep worrying that my interview was terrible - I don't know if it's that she was rushed (since she was pretty late) or that I had crappy answers, but I didn't have too much of a rapport with her...... ugh.

As I've been saying for everything... "we'll see."

I know I feel exactly the same way! I felt really good after the interview but now I feel horrible. I know I did well but because I felt good after my last one and I didn't get it now I am over analyzing. :confused3 who knows i just want to do it so bad (who doesn't). oh the agony! lol We will see
Hey tink774, do you work at a theatre? I do, and I used the example of giving speeches at the theatre. I thought ours was the only one. lol.
Like some of you guys...I am also over analyzing the way my intervew went. :( To late now. The only thing that concerns me is she asked if I were staying at one of the resorts what would I expect. And I said I would be mad if my room was "grody", She kinda chuckled and said she hasn't heard that word in a long time. Now im worried that I didnt use a more proffesional word.
I am definitely over-analyzing my interview now. After reading some of these great reviews I feel like mine may have been complete crap. lol
*le sigh* Has it been 4 weeks yet.....could it be?
Hey tink774, do you work at a theatre? I do, and I used the example of giving speeches at the theatre. I thought ours was the only one. lol.
Like some of you guys...I am also over analyzing the way my intervew went. :( To late now. The only thing that concerns me is she asked if I were staying at one of the resorts what would I expect. And I said I would be mad if my room was "grody", She kinda chuckled and said she hasn't heard that word in a long time. Now im worried that I didnt use a more proffesional word.

I haven't worked at a theatre, but I had several years of experience with drama/theatre programs in middle school and high school. I couldn't include any of that in the small application spaces, but when she asked if I had experience with anything like it I had to jump on the chance to include it!

Giving speeches at your job is a great example! And I'm sure that your interview was great! Maybe different interviewers just have different styles? Sometimes it felt as though she was reading from a script, and sometimes her questions felt spontaneous. I've definitely started over-analyzing all of my answers now that it's over. :headache: Mostly I'm concerned about the questions relating to irate guests and how I'd handle it. She asked so much, that I started to feel like I was repeating myself.

Good luck to those interviewing today! Just relax and smile! :-)
The defiantly read partially from a script because when she asked me about my job experience she said I had answered one of the questions and she had to copy something over. Now I just wish I knew what the question was that I answered. Also I am nervous now because she didn't ask any situation questions and I really thought that was going to be a big part of it. Then people were saying they didn't get any so I was feeling better. Then people said that they were and now I am nervous:scared:.
Also good luck to everyone who has an interview today!
I totally agree! I thought I did well, gave very confident answers and sounded confident and sincere, but now looking back at is, I think I didn't smile enough!

I'm glad I'm not alone!
I just got off the phone with someone from DLR recruiting. She said we couldn't do the interview because I applied for Spring less than 6 months ago (I didn't pass the web interview back then). I have to call them March 24th to schedule an interview! :( I'm so bummed!

Does anyone know if this will happen to me with my interview for WDW? I didn't apply for WDW for Spring, but the web based interviews are the same so I'm wondering if it will affect my being able to interview with WDW??

*sigh* What a disappointment!
I just got off the phone with someone from DLR recruiting. She said we couldn't do the interview because I applied for Spring less than 6 months ago (I didn't pass the web interview back then). I have to call them March 24th to schedule an interview! :( I'm so bummed!

Does anyone know if this will happen to me with my interview for WDW? I didn't apply for WDW for Spring, but the web based interviews are the same so I'm wondering if it will affect my being able to interview with WDW??

*sigh* What a disappointment!

I don't believe it should. While it is the company-wide policy of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts US, Inc. to reject applications for employment submitted within six months of each other, that policy is administered on a site-specific basis.

An application for employment submitted to the Disneyland Resort in California would not have any effect, I believe, on your ability to apply for employment with the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.
I had my interview today with Annette! It only lasted 17 minutes, which makes me really nervous. Overall, I thought the interview went great though.

- We went over my application and general questions about the program.
- Why I wanted to work at Disney?
- She asked about my work experience?
- Have you ever lived away from home?
- How would you deal with diverse roommates?
- She asked me my top three roles
- Why I wanted to be a character attendant?
- work outside or inside?
- Do I prefer to work alone or in a team?
- Experience with public speaking before?
- How would I deal with repetitive jobs?
- What computer system do I know?
- Which would I handle first, the phone ringing or a guest standing in line?
- she thanked me and told me I would hear in 3 to 4 weeks.
I don't believe it should. While it is the company-wide policy of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts US, Inc. to reject applications for employment submitted within six months of each other, that policy is administered on a site-specific basis.

An application for employment submitted to the Disneyland Resort in California would not have any effect, I believe, on your ability to apply for employment with the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

Annette (the recruiter) just called me back and said I couldn't apply for either program until March 24th!!! Because they both use the same web interview and my old one is still on file :sad:

I feel like this has pretty much ruined my chances for Fall 2010. I'm so depressed.
I had my interview today with Annette! It only lasted 17 minutes, which makes me really nervous. Overall, I thought the interview went great though.

- We went over my application and general questions about the program.
- Why I wanted to work at Disney?
- She asked about my work experience?
- Have you ever lived away from home?
- How would you deal with diverse roommates?
- She asked me my top three roles
- Why I wanted to be a character attendant?
- work outside or inside?
- Do I prefer to work alone or in a team?
- Experience with public speaking before?
- How would I deal with repetitive jobs?
- What computer system do I know?
- Which would I handle first, the phone ringing or a guest standing in line?
- she thanked me and told me I would hear in 3 to 4 weeks.

I had my interview with her too!!! Mine only lasted 20 minutes :(. Haha. Yeah, those are basically the questions. I was expecting MORE though! Ah, the wait will kill me haha
Why has that ruined your chances? You can still apply! Go for it, you might as well make the attempt!


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