Exhausted from parenting/ASD children/Welcome to Schmolland!

thanks for the sock advice we actually dont have targets in canada but im going to buffalo in 2 weeks so i will look for them then!

we are planning our next disney vacation for september 13th to the 24th cant decide if we should stay at the poly or beach club?

Both are fantastic, but if forced into a choice, the Poly would be my pick. The Poly is on Bay Lake, is closer to Magic Kingdom (our fave park) and has a monorail to MK, Contemporary, Grand Floridian and to the TTC for Epcot (you'll have to transfer to another monorail at TTC, but i't no biggie.) and is only a boat right away from Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness Campground (lots of fun there for kids.) The BC is adjacent to the Yacht Club, has a huge pool area, is within walking distance to the Boardwalk and the Swan and Dolphin. (All these resorts are in a circle around a large lake. Very nice.) and is only a boatride away from Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. Lots to do over there. Stunning atmosphere in either place. I could go on forever, but I won''t. You can't go wrong either way. Hope you have a fantastic trip! :thumbsup2

Edit/add: Good luck with the socks.
Calling all Schmollandites! (Or is it Schmutch)? Does anyone else have a prob getting their little darling to take medicine? ....at 5 am? :scared1: I woke around 5 ish to a giant foot repeatedly kicking me in the back, snatching the covers off, holding my eyelids open with his hands, snatching my fingers...etc. You get the idea. "I want an apple". So in favor of more sleep I give hiim the apple. 2 min later...same routine. "I want an apple." I find the previous apple and say, "Finish this apple, you've only taken three bites." No. He needed a NEW apple. One with the peeling unmarred. In the interest of more sleep...you know the drill. Around 2 min later.....yes, same routine, kicking, pulling, eyelids etc. Now he's whining, grunting, anything but talking so I ask, "Do you need to potty?" "NOOOOOOOO!!!" he yells and slaps me. Mind you I have a serious sinus headache and allergies are killing me. I am not in the mood. He's doing the pee pee dance so I know I'm on the right track. He needs to go. But will he just simply go? NO! He will not. The chase is on. Kentucky Derby style. Around the sofa, toward the front door then a dart towards the laundry room. That's when I got him! He had no way out. Off to the potty we go. Now, back to bed, which at this point is an inflatable air mattress in the living room since he can not be trusted roaming the house in the early morning hours. I lay down, get cozy and yep..you guessed it. Same routine...kicking, pulling covers and eyelids etc. Now I can tell he doesn't feel good. It's time for the cold medicine. This is where it got rough...

Have you ever gone to a swamp, chased down an alligator with a cough and congestion. He's quick and doesn't want to be caught so you must hunt, track and capture the grumpy alligator. Finally, you have him cornered. He tries to escape, but you've firmly got hold. Now you're in the full throws of a death roll. All over the swamp. Back and forth. To and fro. It will never end. He repeately hits you with his enormous tail. He even tries to take a bite out of you. But you, knowing he doesn't feel well, MUST give hiim the cold medicine. You finally did it , with both legs around the alligator's middle, one arm arround the back of his head, pinning one of his arms behind your back and the other arm you hold firmly in your hand. With the dropper in the other hand, you successfully accomplish the mission. It is done. He'll feel better soon. I finally doze off for a few minutes...and then...DH is coming through the door, home from working mids. No rest for the weary today.

That was my morning in the Merry Ole Land of Schmolland and the rest of the day wasn't much better. But maybe we'll all feel better tomorrow and things will be brighter. He's just been a little extra, ok, a lot extra, challenging the past few days. Sorry this was so long. Just working it out. Much cheaper than therapy.
Calling all Schmollandites! (Or is it Schmutch)? Does anyone else have a prob getting their little darling to take medicine? ....at 5 am? :scared1: I woke around 5 ish to a giant foot repeatedly kicking me in the back, snatching the covers off, holding my eyelids open with his hands, snatching my fingers...etc. You get the idea. "I want an apple". So in favor of more sleep I give hiim the apple. 2 min later...same routine. "I want an apple." I find the previous apple and say, "Finish this apple, you've only taken three bites." No. He needed a NEW apple. One with the peeling unmarred. In the interest of more sleep...you know the drill. Around 2 min later.....yes, same routine, kicking, pulling, eyelids etc. Now he's whining, grunting, anything but talking so I ask, "Do you need to potty?" "NOOOOOOOO!!!" he yells and slaps me. Mind you I have a serious sinus headache and allergies are killing me. I am not in the mood. He's doing the pee pee dance so I know I'm on the right track. He needs to go. But will he just simply go? NO! He will not. The chase is on. Kentucky Derby style. Around the sofa, toward the front door then a dart towards the laundry room. That's when I got him! He had no way out. Off to the potty we go. Now, back to bed, which at this point is an inflatable air mattress in the living room since he can not be trusted roaming the house in the early morning hours. I lay down, get cozy and yep..you guessed it. Same routine...kicking, pulling covers and eyelids etc. Now I can tell he doesn't feel good. It's time for the cold medicine. This is where it got rough...

Have you ever gone to a swamp, chased down an alligator with a cough and congestion. He's quick and doesn't want to be caught so you must hunt, track and capture the grumpy alligator. Finally, you have him cornered. He tries to escape, but you've firmly got hold. Now you're in the full throws of a death roll. All over the swamp. Back and forth. To and fro. It will never end. He repeately hits you with his enormous tail. He even tries to take a bite out of you. But you, knowing he doesn't feel well, MUST give hiim the cold medicine. You finally did it , with both legs around the alligator's middle, one arm arround the back of his head, pinning one of his arms behind your back and the other arm you hold firmly in your hand. With the dropper in the other hand, you successfully accomplish the mission. It is done. He'll feel better soon. I finally doze off for a few minutes...and then...DH is coming through the door, home from working mids. No rest for the weary today.

That was my morning in the Merry Ole Land of Schmolland and the rest of the day wasn't much better. But maybe we'll all feel better tomorrow and things will be brighter. He's just been a little extra, ok, a lot extra, challenging the past few days. Sorry this was so long. Just working it out. Much cheaper than therapy.

Sorry you didn't get much sleep but I'm glad you shared your story! It made me smile trying to picture you wresting your alligator/son! Medicine hasn't been tough for us but I've had a similiar scene with medicine and my cat!!!You have a way with words and really should write a book! Maybe a book about living in this country of Schmolland! I hope your son's cold is better!
A lake house sounds nice. My DS swims underwater like a dolphin in the "pool". We live in the heart of the Capitol City of Schmolland, yes irwbnd, a lake house sounds nice. Although I'm sure you'd rather skip the lake house and just stay home. ;)

BTW, I love your anaysis as well. :thumbsup2

You're funny about the dolphin analogy! I think the mom's in Schmolland have the best sense of humor, don't you? When we've been living at our lake house longer than normal I'll say to my DH "I don't think DS got splashed anymore, I think he took an olympic dive right in!" :lmao:

And you're right, as much as I like the residents of Schmolland I would gladly sell my lake house for a permanent residence across the border!
Calling all Schmollandites! (Or is it Schmutch)? Does anyone else have a prob getting their little darling to take medicine? (snip)

Have you ever gone to a swamp, chased down an alligator with a cough and congestion. He's quick and doesn't want to be caught so you must hunt, track and capture the grumpy alligator. Finally, you have him cornered. He tries to escape, but you've firmly got hold. Now you're in the full throws of a death roll. All over the swamp. Back and forth. To and fro. It will never end. He repeately hits you with his enormous tail. He even tries to take a bite out of you. But you, knowing he doesn't feel well, MUST give hiim the cold medicine. You finally did it , with both legs around the alligator's middle, one arm arround the back of his head, pinning one of his arms behind your back and the other arm you hold firmly in your hand. With the dropper in the other hand, you successfully accomplish the mission. It is done. (Snip)

This is my DS! He refuses to take any form of oral medication! He'll even choose a shot for antibiotics over oral meds, and he knows those shots hurt! (Luckily it's been over a year since the last time he needed antibiotics.) We've pretty much given up on oral meds. If he needs a fever reducer we use a supposity form. Sadly they don't make cold meds in that form so if he has a cold he has to suffer through whatever symptoms the Feverall doesn't cover.
One time, a few years ago, my DS had the flu (regular flu, this was before H1N1) and he ended up in the hospital because he wouldn't eat or drink, he wouldn't take any meds that would make him feel better so he'd want to eat or drink. *sigh*
If we pin him down and manage to get the meds into him he's so distraught by the ordeal he throws it all up shortly after... it's pretty awful. When the kids start getting icky feeling I find myself hoping that my older DS gets the worst of it, only because I know he'll take the meds! (Not that I'd want either of my kids to get sick...)
Half the Dr.s I've spoken to about the issue treat me like I'm a clueless idiot for not making him take the meds...the other half have tried to work w/ us on it. Ugh...,
Thanks for venting, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone!
Calling all Schmollandites! (Or is it Schmutch)? Does anyone else have a prob getting their little darling to take medicine? .........
But you, knowing he doesn't feel well, MUST give hiim the cold medicine. You finally did it , with both legs around the alligator's middle, one arm arround the back of his head, pinning one of his arms behind your back and the other arm you hold firmly in your hand. With the dropper in the other hand, you successfully accomplish the mission. It is done. He'll feel better soon.

Liquids were always spewed all over, so even after all the wrestling, I would accomplish nothing!
But ds is an older teen now, and will occasionally ASK for medicine!
This is my DS! He refuses to take any form of oral medication! He'll even choose a shot for antibiotics over oral meds, and he knows those shots hurt! (Luckily it's been over a year since the last time he needed antibiotics.) We've pretty much given up on oral meds. If he needs a fever reducer we use a supposity form. Sadly they don't make cold meds in that form so if he has a cold he has to suffer through whatever symptoms the Feverall doesn't cover.
One time, a few years ago, my DS had the flu (regular flu, this was before H1N1) and he ended up in the hospital because he wouldn't eat or drink, he wouldn't take any meds that would make him feel better so he'd want to eat or drink. *sigh*
If we pin him down and manage to get the meds into him he's so distraught by the ordeal he throws it all up shortly after... it's pretty awful. When the kids start getting icky feeling I find myself hoping that my older DS gets the worst of it, only because I know he'll take the meds! (Not that I'd want either of my kids to get sick...)
Half the Dr.s I've spoken to about the issue treat me like I'm a clueless idiot for not making him take the meds...the other half have tried to work w/ us on it. Ugh...,
Thanks for venting, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone!

Sorry your DS had to be hospitalized for the flu! In Schmolland the medical community has to treat illnesses a little differently. My husband's partner at work had his son put under anesthesia to get his teeth cleaned! Definately not your typical treatment plan!
Sorry you didn't get much sleep but I'm glad you shared your story! It made me smile trying to picture you wresting your alligator/son! Medicine hasn't been tough for us but I've had a similiar scene with medicine and my cat!!!You have a way with words and really should write a book! Maybe a book about living in this country of Schmolland! I hope your son's cold is better!

Thanks! Humor is my coping mechanism. There's always a funny story if you're willing to see it. Especially in Schmolland. Thankfully DS's cold is better. In fact he slept through the night and so did I. In fact, I slept soooo soundly that I slept THROUGH the alarm and it turned off automatically unheard by me. :rotfl: Obviously the kids were late for school.

You're funny about the dolphin analogy! I think the mom's in Schmolland have the best sense of humor, don't you? When we've been living at our lake house longer than normal I'll say to my DH "I don't think DS got splashed anymore, I think he took an olympic dive right in!" :lmao:
And you're right, as much as I like the residents of Schmolland I would gladly sell my lake house for a permanent residence across the border!

I totally agree. Schmolland mom's DO have the best sense of humor. I think it's God given to keep us sane! I like the olympic dive. Funny. Very ironic for me because DS is a fantastic swimmer in any nation. He really does swim like a dolphin. :lmao: I've actually considered finding a program. I'd gladly sell my Schmolland home and move across the border too. :flower3:

This is my DS! He refuses to take any form of oral medication! He'll even choose a shot for antibiotics over oral meds, and he knows those shots hurt! (Luckily it's been over a year since the last time he needed antibiotics.) We've pretty much given up on oral meds. If he needs a fever reducer we use a supposity form. Sadly they don't make cold meds in that form so if he has a cold he has to suffer through whatever symptoms the Feverall doesn't cover.
One time, a few years ago, my DS had the flu (regular flu, this was before H1N1) and he ended up in the hospital because he wouldn't eat or drink, he wouldn't take any meds that would make him feel better so he'd want to eat or drink. *sigh*
If we pin him down and manage to get the meds into him he's so distraught by the ordeal he throws it all up shortly after... it's pretty awful. When the kids start getting icky feeling I find myself hoping that my older DS gets the worst of it, only because I know he'll take the meds! (Not that I'd want either of my kids to get sick...)
Half the Dr.s I've spoken to about the issue treat me like I'm a clueless idiot for not making him take the meds...the other half have tried to work w/ us on it. Ugh...,
Thanks for venting, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone!

In this merry old land, you're never alone. We get it and share your pain. I haven't had a problem w/Docs treating me badly, but I did have a run in with the school nurse that resulted in a 7 page handwritten letter to the principal stating that DS was never to see the school nurse again without his teacher/aids or my mom (she works at his school) present. Included was also a subtle threat of going to the area superintendent if EVER there was another incident. Sidenote: Nurse was unprofessional, rude, lied, spread rumors and clearly violated HIPPA. She should consider herself lucky. Don't mess with mama bear's cubs! I haven't found the humor in that one yet, but I'm still looking. :flower3:
Sorry your DS had to be hospitalized for the flu! In Schmolland the medical community has to treat illnesses a little differently. My husband's partner at work had his son put under anesthesia to get his teeth cleaned! Definately not your typical treatment plan!
Yes, Brightsy, I'm sorry too that it took a hospital visit for you DS to get better.
iwrbnd, that's our dental treatment plan too. DS had to be put under gen. anesthesia for the exam! Enough time was scheduled for any necessary work to be done. Life in Schmolland can be complicated, but it's never dull.

Liquids were always spewed all over, so even after all the wrestling, I would accomplish nothing!
But ds is an older teen now, and will occasionally ASK for medicine!

That's progress! :thumbsup2
Calling all Schmollandites! (Or is it Schmutch)? Does anyone else have a prob getting their little darling to take medicine? ....at 5 am? :scared1: I woke around 5 ish to a giant foot repeatedly kicking me in the back, snatching the covers off, holding my eyelids open with his hands, snatching my fingers...etc. You get the idea. "I want an apple". So in favor of more sleep I give hiim the apple. 2 min later...same routine. "I want an apple." I find the previous apple and say, "Finish this apple, you've only taken three bites." No. He needed a NEW apple. One with the peeling unmarred. In the interest of more sleep...you know the drill. Around 2 min later.....yes, same routine, kicking, pulling, eyelids etc. Now he's whining, grunting, anything but talking so I ask, "Do you need to potty?" "NOOOOOOOO!!!" he yells and slaps me. Mind you I have a serious sinus headache and allergies are killing me. I am not in the mood. He's doing the pee pee dance so I know I'm on the right track. He needs to go. But will he just simply go? NO! He will not. The chase is on. Kentucky Derby style. Around the sofa, toward the front door then a dart towards the laundry room. That's when I got him! He had no way out. Off to the potty we go. Now, back to bed, which at this point is an inflatable air mattress in the living room since he can not be trusted roaming the house in the early morning hours. I lay down, get cozy and yep..you guessed it. Same routine...kicking, pulling covers and eyelids etc. Now I can tell he doesn't feel good. It's time for the cold medicine. This is where it got rough...

Have you ever gone to a swamp, chased down an alligator with a cough and congestion. He's quick and doesn't want to be caught so you must hunt, track and capture the grumpy alligator. Finally, you have him cornered. He tries to escape, but you've firmly got hold. Now you're in the full throws of a death roll. All over the swamp. Back and forth. To and fro. It will never end. He repeately hits you with his enormous tail. He even tries to take a bite out of you. But you, knowing he doesn't feel well, MUST give hiim the cold medicine. You finally did it , with both legs around the alligator's middle, one arm arround the back of his head, pinning one of his arms behind your back and the other arm you hold firmly in your hand. With the dropper in the other hand, you successfully accomplish the mission. It is done. He'll feel better soon. I finally doze off for a few minutes...and then...DH is coming through the door, home from working mids. No rest for the weary today.

That was my morning in the Merry Ole Land of Schmolland and the rest of the day wasn't much better. But maybe we'll all feel better tomorrow and things will be brighter. He's just been a little extra, ok, a lot extra, challenging the past few days. Sorry this was so long. Just working it out. Much cheaper than therapy.

:rotfl: Can I just say I LOVE readying your posts! :love: You are a great writer!

Anyway - been there, done that. Except if I do ever manage to get any type of liquid medicine in him he just spits it back out! :confused3 He just take those chewable tylenol though so that helps if he has a fever.
:rotfl: Can I just say I LOVE readying your posts! :love: You are a great writer!

Anyway - been there, done that. Except if I do ever manage to get any type of liquid medicine in him he just spits it back out! :confused3 He just take those chewable tylenol though so that helps if he has a fever.

Thanks, that's sweet of you. I wish mine would just take a pill, you're lucky (at least on that point). That's proof positive that no two Schmollandites are the same....
Mine will spit out the chewables, but if I can get him trapped, pinned, caged...whatever...then I can dispense 1-2 drops at a time, too little to spit. However, just tonight at older DS's T-Ball game, he took a pill and chewed it right up AND swallowed. I was floored! I had the water and cup in hand to dissove the pill and work my trickery/magic. But he just took it! Just like that! No fight, no screams, no kicks, not even a slap. Wonders never cease in this great land. Sidenote: I will add that he rolled around in the dirt like a 3 yr old, threw sand in the air (the wind was whipping) so no further explanation needed there! He tried to run away once, but I got him. Best of all he enjoyed a nice snack of popcorn...from off the ground! :sad2:

I think I've come to the conclusion that this place called Schmolland is not simply another country...it's a parallel universe.
Thanks, that's sweet of you. I wish mine would just take a pill, you're lucky (at least on that point). That's proof positive that no two Schmollandites are the same....
Mine will spit out the chewables, but if I can get him trapped, pinned, caged...whatever...then I can dispense 1-2 drops at a time, too little to spit. However, just tonight at older DS's T-Ball game, he took a pill and chewed it right up AND swallowed. I was floored! I had the water and cup in hand to dissove the pill and work my trickery/magic. But he just took it! Just like that! No fight, no screams, no kicks, not even a slap. Wonders never cease in this great land. Sidenote: I will add that he rolled around in the dirt like a 3 yr old, threw sand in the air (the wind was whipping) so no further explanation needed there! He tried to run away once, but I got him. Best of all he enjoyed a nice snack of popcorn...from off the ground! :sad2:

I think I've come to the conclusion that this place called Schmolland is not simply another country...it's a parallel universe.

Oh, kampfirekim, the tag fairy should just follow your every post!:lmao: You could have 10 tags from just one of your stories!!!:rotfl2: Thanks for sharing your struggles and helping us learn and smile from them!:lovestruc
Oh, kampfirekim, the tag fairy should just follow your every post!:lmao: You could have 10 tags from just one of your stories!!!:rotfl2: Thanks for sharing your struggles and helping us learn and smile from them!:lovestruc

Thanks! I've heard of the tag fairy, but I don't know where to find her. I'm not even sure I know what a tag is. :rotfl: I'ts one of those things I know I SHOULD know, but I'm just not sure. :laughing: I'm glad I could make you smile. Life gets tough for all of us. Believe me, I have moments where my head could burst into flames at any given moment, or as someone else said, keep driving past my house and never look back ...but I don't because I know that even though life is tough sometimes, I love my family and I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world. :love: They were a gift to me from God and I embrace that gift with all the love I have to give.

Hey! On your next post you should try to put a funny twist on something! It'll make you laugh even if no one else does! Yes, sometimes I laugh alone. Go ahead, I dare you. :hug:

Edit/add: BTW, if I forgot to mention it....I love this thread!
Oh, kampfirekim, the tag fairy should just follow your every post!:lmao: You could have 10 tags from just one of your stories!!!:rotfl2: Thanks for sharing your struggles and helping us learn and smile from them!:lovestruc

I agree! :thumbsup2 Where is that tag fairy? :wizard:

Edit/add: BTW, if I forgot to mention it....I love this thread!

I love this thread also! :yay: Support (and venting) is so important. Sometimes I vent on FB and then feel guilty afterward. :sad2:

My son will also eat off the ground. Another big problem we have is that he will take food/drinks from people. To him the world is a buffet.:eek: I can't tell you how many times I've had to apologize to people when he walks up and takes food out of their hands and eats it. Most people are so shocked they don't know what to say :scared1: However, some people can be downright mean about it.:mad:
My son is 3 with autism spectrum disorder and I have those feelings of frustration all of the time and it makes me sad to feel this way but it's like I never get a moment to think with him, besides when he's at school. He is always up to something and I can't even send him to bed without being in the room with him because he will destroy everything which just means more work for me,i've been trying to dry the carpet in my basement for the last month because he ran the bathroom sink and caused the entire basement to flood (while he was supposed to be down for a nap), he has severe sleeping problems so a 9 pm bedtime means he'll be up and jumping around at 3 am if not earlier and I get 4 hours of sleep a night at the most. its frustrating and You're not alone!!:grouphug:
My son is 3 with autism spectrum disorder and I have those feelings of frustration all of the time and it makes me sad to feel this way but it's like I never get a moment to think with him, besides when he's at school. He is always up to something and I can't even send him to bed without being in the room with him because he will destroy everything which just means more work for me,i've been trying to dry the carpet in my basement for the last month because he ran the bathroom sink and caused the entire basement to flood (while he was supposed to be down for a nap), he has severe sleeping problems so a 9 pm bedtime means he'll be up and jumping around at 3 am if not earlier and I get 4 hours of sleep a night at the most. its frustrating and You're not alone!!:grouphug:

:hug: Don't you just hate the sleep issues?? And it is so hard to deal with things when you only are sleeping 4 hours a night - believe me, I know also!:sad2:
My son only sleeps because he is on meds. W/out them he would stay up all night. Have you tried time release Melatonin? It's over the counter. Or maybe even a prescription? My son is on a combo of clonidine and trazadone.

Hope you get some sleep tonight! :hug:
I agree! :thumbsup2 Where is that tag fairy? :wizard:

I love this thread also! :yay: Support (and venting) is so important. Sometimes I vent on FB and then feel guilty afterward. :sad2:

My son will also eat off the ground. Another big problem we have is that he will take food/drinks from people. To him the world is a buffet.:eek: I can't tell you how many times I've had to apologize to people when he walks up and takes food out of their hands and eats it. Most people are so shocked they don't know what to say :scared1: However, some people can be downright mean about it.:mad:

Someone PLEEEAASSEE tell me what a tag is and where I can find one! I'm serious this time...I REALLY don't know! :laughing:

You're right CCC! Friends on FB may sympathize, but they don't necessarily understand. I reserve my venting/therapy process for my sistas on the Dis. I know you'll get me! {{{{BIG GROUP HUG}}}}

:lmao::lmao::lmao: I understand about the food theft and eating off the ground. Life's a smorgasboard to my DS as well. I just thought this morning about the parallel universe thing. I don't know if any of you ever saw the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was in Bizzzaro world. Everything was the same....but NOT! That's how I feel sometimes. Like we're just the same as every other family...but NOT! Living side by side, but not necessarily connected to the OTHERS. Just my odd mind at work again!

My son is 3 with autism spectrum disorder and I have those feelings of frustration all of the time and it makes me sad to feel this way but it's like I never get a moment to think with him, besides when he's at school. He is always up to something and I can't even send him to bed without being in the room with him because he will destroy everything which just means more work for me,i've been trying to dry the carpet in my basement for the last month because he ran the bathroom sink and caused the entire basement to flood (while he was supposed to be down for a nap), he has severe sleeping problems so a 9 pm bedtime means he'll be up and jumping around at 3 am if not earlier and I get 4 hours of sleep a night at the most. its frustrating and You're not alone!!:grouphug:

Aw sweetie, we understand. Yours sounds a lot like mine! (Only what I have to clean out of the carpet isn't water. :rolleyes:) Hang around with us awhile. We're a great group to share stories with. So far no judging only love and support. :love: Hope it stays that way!

:hug: Don't you just hate the sleep issues?? And it is so hard to deal with things when you only are sleeping 4 hours a night - believe me, I know also!:sad2:
My son only sleeps because he is on meds. W/out them he would stay up all night. Have you tried time release Melatonin? It's over the counter. Or maybe even a prescription? My son is on a combo of clonidine and trazadone.

Hope you get some sleep tonight! :hug:

4 hours is about my average too. My DS takes clonidine for sleep as well. If not he would only sleep a few hours a night. KFK would go insane!!!! He's on Risperidone for behavioral issues. Good success with that. I've heard that the Melatonin works well, but I haven't tried it yet.

I had a serious BFF issue yesterday. No, I didn't have an argument with my best friend. In my world a BFF is a double BRAIN FLUFF! :rotfl: I picked up DS from school and decided I would take him to the park for awhile, so DH could get a little extra sleep after working all night. (As I said before...no rest for the weary when DS is on the loose!) So I make a u turn to go back to the park. Then I drive completely past the park without even noticing. When I realize what I've done, I was almost back to the school. :sad2: Another u turn is in order. Later around 1pm I decided today was the day to clean the car. So I get the bucket, rag, soap and get started. (The only reason I was even washing the car is because it was so filthy I was too ashamed to pick up my oldest son from school in it for even one more day!) I quickly decide that I'm really not feeling it. So...I washed the side that faces the school! :rotfl: (I did go back and finish the job later...that was even strange in Schmolland.) :love: Love you gals!
DS still thinks the 5-second rule should apply too! Lord only knows what he eats when I'm not watching. We are, at least, approaching the time of life when these things are becoming his responsibility, and not mine! Enforcing the "no eating if it falls on the ground rule" does make him a little more careful with plates and glasses, though.

He once grabbed some shredded daikon of the plate of the woman next to him at a sushi bar (she was finished, and thought it was funny, fortunately, and he was still pretty little), but he was never bad about respecting other people's food.

I'm not sure if he always sleeps through the night or not, but early on he discovered that if you turn the TV on low, it will not wake your parents up, and you can watch TV in peace for hours with no-one being the wiser. Apparently at one point the Cartoon Network was running Scooby-Doo episodes at 3 am for the benefit of insomniac kindergartners.

This sounds counter-intuitive, but we have always found that a little coffee early in the day makes his circadian rythyms more like most people's. He loves the taste of it, and was always crazy to get some, even when he was very small. We started letting him have a little in milk shortly after the discovery of his nocturnal Scooby-Doo marathons (particularily since he kept falling asleep in class and it was making his first-grade teacher wild) and it made a big difference.


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