*Exchangers-Come and join us for the QOTD & Chat w/us* Part 3-Our New Thread

Have you watched the movie Grease? If so, what is your favorite song?
Your The One That I Want

What is your most favorite candy bar?
Mr. Goodbar

How do you like to have your steak prepared-(medium, well done, ....), and what sides do you like to eat with it?
Medium well, just a little pink on the inside. Baked potato, salad

Have you ever had a situation with your house phone or cell phone? Ex. Dropped it in the toilet....?
I dropped my current phone in the toilet about two months after I have gotten it. Still works good.

If you were to have an item from another state sent to you that is a specialty from a particular state, which state/what item would it be? Ex. Apples from Washington, ....

If you were to put together a shopping list of items you needed, what items would be on that list?
Water, that's about all I need at the moment.

Have you ever won a contest? pixiedust: What was the contest? What did you win?
Never have won a contest but I won a Santa Claus casserole dish at Bunco in December.

What is your hometown/current city known for?
That its a suburb of Dallas and is named for a rock wall that was found under the ground.

If you were to have a concession stand at a sporting event, what type of snacks/foods/drinks would you choose to sell?
Peanuts, candy, bottled water, bottled drinks, easy stuff.

What is your most favorite type(s) of cheese?
Colby, swiss, provolone

Are you a wine, and champagne drinker?
Definitely no to champagne. I'm not a wine drinker but enjoy wine tastings. I haven't found a wine that I like but Red Rose by Landon Winery is tolerable.

Do you have an ice cream truck that comes around your neighborhood?
We don't live in an area that ice cream trucks would find profitable. I loved them as a kid and saved my lunch money to buy a Nutty Buddy or a Popsicle on the way home from school.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

What is your most favorite dish using garlic?
None. I will use when a recipe calls for it but usually cut the amount down. Garlic doesn't agree with me or my husband. My daughter cooked the other night and used lots of garlic, she loves it. Neither Joe or I slept well and we had to open windows the next morning to try and get the smell out of the house.

Do you like the area/town that you live in or would you like to move?
I like where I live. We considered moving to Washington State or down to Austin before we moved here but we live in a good area and we're happy here.

What is your most favorite holiday, and why?

What are some holidays that others may celebrate, that you do not if any?

What is your most favorite holiday, and why?

What are some holidays that others may celebrate, that you do not if any?

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. The lights, decorations, music, movies, plays, food, weather and the Reason for the Season --- are all the reasons I love Christmas. In fact, I start decorating in October - probably a little too early for my DH and DS but since I'm the only one that puts it up and takes it down, I get to decide when its time. It's a good thing we all love Christmas time in my house.

I guess the biggest holiday that most people celebrate that we really don't is Thanksgiving. The only reason we don't celebrate Thanksgiving is because I work it every year. To have off Christmas, I have to work Thanksgiving --- a fair trade in my eyes.
Christmas......family time, decorations and jolly spirit. Love decorating.....but not until Dec. 1 ;)

Also really like Halloween.
Christmas - I love everything about it, but mostly the giving. I love giving gifts to everyone and though I do donate to charity through out the year I ramp it up during Christmas.

I don't celebrate any other holiday like I do Christmas.

What is your most favorite holiday, and why?

What are some holidays that others may celebrate, that you do not if any?

I love Christmas & thanksgiving for opposite reasons. With Christmas I love the decorations, the shopping, wrapping gifts, watching my nephews open them, spending time with family & having great food. I love Thanksgiving because it's just about family time & food, no worries over gifts & the pressures to get the right thing! Thanksgivings also much nicer on the wallet :lmao:!

What is your most favorite holiday, and why?

What are some holidays that others may celebrate, that you do not if any?

I enjoy Thanksgiving more than Christmas! We celebrate both.

We celebrate today, June 1! It's our 46 anniversary today!:goodvibes
I love 4 of July. It's summer and warm and we can just relax with no expectations
My favorite is Christmas :santa:. We will be having the Christmas in July Present Exchange soon.

A holiday that we don't celebrate much.... Labor Day.
Do you wear any jewelry on a daily basis?

No, I'm not a jewelry girl. It has to be a very special occasion for me to put that stuff on. (But I also don't wear makeup except for special occasions). No earrings, necklaces, rings, watches or bracelets.

Now, I do wear anklets and toe rings but only when I go to the beach. I have no idea why I do this but I do. Guess I like my feet......:lmao:
I always wear a watch. Only wear my wedding ring when I leave the house.
Other jewelry depends on my mood.
Yes. Earrings necklaces and engagement ring
Same items everyday. I only change them on special occasions
Only a watch and my wedding ring which I can't wear once the temps get over 80 degrees due to my hands swelling. I wear a bracelet when I dress up.
During the winter months, do you use a heater to keep your house warm? During the hot months, do you use a fan/ac to keep your house cool?


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