Ever create a 'typo' you just can't live down?


Creative Arts!
Sep 24, 1999
Mine is 'momorail'. My daughter frequently reminds me of it. LOL!
So, hence forth, in our house...the monorail is now the momorail.
A typo was created about me that I have had a hard time getting rid of.

My picture was in the paper for a local fund raising event. My name is Jeanie but they typed it as Meanie!:eek: For about a year, people kept calling me Meanie Jeanie! I thought I'd never live it down!
Uh...yeah...darn it...there's one I make all the time.

I keep leaving the *L* off the word public. :eek:

p.s. had to peek quick whether i did it again on this post! :p :eek:
I was one letter off to the left when typing aDDing that took awhile to live down ;)
The timing on this thread couldn't be better. We just got an email from our IT Tech Support guy. Seems like he had to leave early today to go to the doctor becauses he's had a bad COUCH all week.

Some smart alek replied that the Salvation Army would probably be glad to take that bad couch off his hands.

When I was a wee lad, I was extremely proficient at bicycle riding. I once proudly told my mom and dad that I could ride a bike so well because I had "stable-ability". Forty odd years later, my mom still likes to remind me of my "stable" skills.
My first real job out of college was as a publicity assistant for Macmillan Publishing Company in NYC.

One of the books we were working on was called "The President Who Failed". I had to type up a short synopsis of the book for the publicists.

I typed a "S" where the "W" was supposed to be which turned the name of the book to "The President Sho Failed". :earseek:

At any given time of the day anyone could chime up "Sho Failed" and the place would Die in laughter!
Originally posted by Towncrier

Some smart alek replied that the Salvation Army would probably be glad to take that bad couch off his hands.

You can admit it was you, John. You are amongst friends. ;)
Many years ago when I worked at an electric utility company in PA, I worked in a department called the "Fuels Division". One day I typed a memo and gave it to the boss. I could hear him laughing through the whole department.

Seems instead of typing "Fuels", I typed "F***S" division -- SO GLAD he caught it before it went out!!!!:(
I had a secretary once who typed a legal description for a deed and the word "premises" was typed "*****es". The worst part was, when I pointed it out to her she said, "Oh, I can't believe I did that again!"

She was a temp. I wonder whatever happened to her...
I was too confused to know why he was going home early for a bad couch. Much too dense to be the smart alek.

FOJMO - I take it that you didn't type "FOOLS" division? :earseek:
There's one I make all the time in my steno writting. You have to know a little about steno though. In steno, you write section S*EBGS. The BGS in steno is also an X, so if you leave our the * you get sex. Well, sometimes I don't fit in the * and I end up writing sex instead of section.

A friend of mine is a major victim of a typo. The lady that typed up her birth certificate apparently wasn't a very good typist. My friend's name is Michelle, and when you look at her birth certificate it's so obvious that the person who typed it up had her fingers in the wrong spot. her name appears on her original birth certificate as Nucgekke !!!
well, one time in a newsletter, I used the word public and left out the letter "L." It was really bad, because it was part of the title that was at the top of each page.

Luckily, one of my co-workers alerted me before I passed it out to everyone in the organization - so only about a DOZEN people saw it!
When my DH was away at school we IMed each other several times a day. I am not a great typist, and I kept typing "andy" by accident. DH swore I had a boyfriend while he was away, and his name was Andy. :eek: We still joke about Andy. He gets blamed for a lot around here.

My mother's name is Evelyn. We once had a church secretary who couldn't type. She put her name in the bulletin as Eleven among many others. Her weirdest typo was probably the time she changed "All glory, laud and honor" to "All gory, lord and horner". I still laugh when I hear that song. In fact, it's hard for me to sing it correctly.
Just thought of another one. I once typed "guord the fart" instead of "guard the fort". :eek: Not so much a typical typo as just randomly switching letters in my head. My family still laughs at that one.
Yes. It was in chat. Those who know about it *cough* Cathy and Meg* cough cough will know what I mean.
I used to work as a word processing technician and had some embarrassing ones over the years: public without the “l” (glad I’m not the only one to have done that), accounting without the “o,” and candy striper with an extra “p.” These were all made in letters for students who were looking for co-op employment. Good thing we had a proofreader to catch them!
One of the women in our office had the pleasure of hand writting envelopes for holiday cards that we sent to all of the referral sources we worked with. I collected the envelopes from her desk and thumbed through them. She used an abbreviation for the word Association that wasn't Assoc. ROTFLOL! :teeth: I'm so glad I caught it! :eek: LOL!
Back in the day, when we used to have to type payroll checks on the typewriter, I typed one lady's check who was named Louise without the i. I think she thought it was a comment on her character.
I think you should ask Marla this question...;)


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