Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) Support

I can function again! Like I still have my worrisome thoughts but they aren't over powering and sending me into a state of panic. I actually had a very good night last night, no pacing around trying to relax and make the anxiety go away. I'm trying to use as little medicine as possible because I have a limited amount and I don't want to become to dependent.
I can function again! Like I still have my worrisome thoughts but they aren't over powering and sending me into a state of panic. I actually had a very good night last night, no pacing around trying to relax and make the anxiety go away. I'm trying to use as little medicine as possible because I have a limited amount and I don't want to become to dependent.

Good for you!
Proud to report a small victory. We had a potluck at work today and I actually ATE food that other people brought in (salad with GF dressing, mushrooms). This is a small victory because I normally avoid potlucks like the plague. Trying to stay calm. I did take my oregano oil and digestive enzymes... but still, I didn't just eat my food from home. Now I just need to stay calm for the rest of the afternoon. Ready, go.
SDSorority said:
Proud to report a small victory. We had a potluck at work today and I actually ATE food that other people brought in (salad with GF dressing, mushrooms). This is a small victory because I normally avoid potlucks like the plague. Trying to stay calm. I did take my oregano oil and digestive enzymes... but still, I didn't just eat my food from home. Now I just need to stay calm for the rest of the afternoon. Ready, go.

I can eat other people's food, ALONE! I can't eat in public though. Stay strong! You took precautions so you are better prepared then most!
I can eat other people's food, ALONE! I can't eat in public though. Stay strong! You took precautions so you are better prepared then most!

Glad I took the risk- it was good for me mentally. Unfortunately, I got glutened :rotfl: :headache: :sad2:

Didn't make me sick, just REALLY bloated and uncomfortable (which is how I always get when I get glutened). But, it didn't make me panic!!!! It was OK. Tonight I ate out at a restaurant that I normally eat at, but got adventurous and had turkey for the first time in.... over 2 years.... and had part of DH's burger (he's gluten free, too so it was a burger without a bun). This was the first burger I had eaten that wasn't my own cooking in.... 3-4 years?? Making great strides! Not there yet... but proud of the last few days!

Cool- I hope you're still doing well this weekend!!!!
Taking leaps and bounds!!

I was able to ride in a car, get out, see some people, and go in my highschool football stadium! The next day I went to my marching band's last performance competition.!!!

But. It was NOT easy. Nerves killing me waiting to leave, tears in the car, crippling nausea trying to walk to my destination, panic having me run back to the car.. But I eventually did it! And felt great once I pushed through all the panic and anxiety!
taking leaps and bounds!!

I was able to ride in a car, get out, see some people, and go in my highschool football stadium! The next day i went to my marching band's last performance competition.!!!

But. It was not easy. Nerves killing me waiting to leave, tears in the car, crippling nausea trying to walk to my destination, panic having me run back to the car.. But i eventually did it! And felt great once i pushed through all the panic and anxiety!

((hugs)) awesome news!!
My mom was crying because she was so happy. She said she was happy to finally see me being myself again. And I was too! It was definitely really hard to get to those monumental moments.. I had to push through alot and I cried alot and felt horrible.. But at least I did it!
My mom was crying because she was so happy. She said she was happy to finally see me being myself again. And I was too! It was definitely really hard to get to those monumental moments.. I had to push through alot and I cried alot and felt horrible.. But at least I did it!

awww...give your Mom a hug from me!! I know what she is going through. When my oldest dd (the one who has trich) finally got to a therapist who understood her I cried too. With her...she is a perfectionist and all this time I thought she had stopped drawing (she is a great artist) because she was too busy with other teen things....turns out it was her fear of her drawings not being perfect that made her stop drawing...I cried when i found out..I had no idea...

Keep pushing....I understand how hard it is....my dd 12 HAD to get back into a car where her best friend had just vomited. You can do this and the more you do...while the fears may never go away completely...you do not need to let these fears run your life!!

My dd's therapist had her draw a picture of her fear and name it... say she named it *Bob* she needed to tell herself when she felt afraid...Bob..I am not afraid of you...Bob..I will NOT ALLOW you to make me miss Homecoming. That helped both my dd's
..... I missed my homecoming with my boyfriend of 6 (almost 7) months because of this.... ): just a week or so ago </3
YAY for you, Cool!!! :cheer2: We're all cheering you on! I think it's awesome that once you pushed through the anxiety that you actually were able to feel "normal". Way to go!!!!!! Just keep pushing, a little at a time!!
Just had another breakthrough. My co-worker brought in gluten-free brownies for myself and another coworker. Normally I'm very leery of "gluten-free" treats brought to me from a non gluten-free home, but I decided to take the leap (I did this on Friday, too... and got glutened and felt yucky, but mentally it was good for me to test it). So, I just ate a said to be "gluten free brownie"- we'll see how I feel in a few hours! Normally I would take the treat and just throw it in the trash... but this time I ate it (it was really good :rotfl: :rolleyes1). Soooooo, here goes nothing! I've been working really hard on the anxiety front lately, and have been making pretty good progress. I had an INCREDIBLY busy weekend (rehearsals and concert- I'm a musician) and didn't have any "bad feelings" other than typical on-stage excitement/nervousness. This week is a better week for me- just work during the day and home in the evenings, so I'm going to try to get myself moving again, maybe do some yoga or some in-home walking workouts. I need "me" time dag nabbit. :lmao:

Hope everyone else is doing well today! Stay safe in the Sandy craziness!!!
Hey guys,

I'd been able to stay away from here for a while, but noro season is just around the corner and I'm already starting to get panicky about it.

I'm also having these weird issues with my head, the doctor said it could be hormone related since having my daughter (i got all this weird after pregnancy symptoms like random swelling on my face and body, like seriously my lip would swell so bad it touched my nose) but they want me to do an mri of my head with contrast to see if it is a sinus problem or occular migraines (i get temp blindness with them) or to see if they can figure out what is going on. I'm scared for several reasons a) i'm claustrophobic b) i don't like the side effects of the dye c) i'm scared they will find some huge tumor in my head. really I could go on forever about this, and I need answers but I'm terrified of them.

I think I mentioned to yall that I was scared of throwing up in labor, I'm happy to report that my zofran worked great. I had three doses in my IV, one when I first got up to delivery (10 hours of back labor that was every 3-4 minute contractions (umm i thought they were supposed to start slowly and ease into being hard and close-nope! not for me) only will leave anyone nauseated), I had one on the operating room table (after 27 hours of active labor, got fully dilated and ready to push but my DD's heartrate decelerated very badly) because i was terrified i was about to throw up and i was like oh crap my belly is wide open and i'm laying backwards on a table how the heck do i throw up and then another one when that one wore off, the third dose wasn't needed but i wanted it as comfort. I did have a bad stomach ache during transition and they warned me that i might throw up but i made it through that ok, it was pretty painful though, even with the epidural.

My DD spitting up doesn't bother me at all, and that is a positive thing for me. Movies and tv are continuing to not bother me, although I'm usually like hahaha ew gross when I see it.

My MIL is staying with us until November 10 and that drives me nuts because she isn't hand conscious like I am, and I feel like she is just spreading germs all over my house and everything. I want to scream! ugh. And she really doesn't care about washing her hands when returning in from the store and stuff.

I must give a brag though! We are local so we went to MNSSHP last tuesday and i was really scared that I wouldn't be able to handle the crowds and lines, but i did just fine. I even snagged a front row spot for the parade and didn't let it bother me that I was in teh middle of a huge crowd with a lady sitting behind us talking about the horrible bug she'd just gotten over and she had her son with her who looked a bit peakish.

I just hope I can continue to make strides and not let this get the best of me. I have someone else to live for now, and I can't let her end up becoming afraid and getting like I am.
Great job, acejka!!!

I had ANOTHER breakthrough yesterday. I came down with a cold yesterday evening (probably from the brownie yesterday! lol) and overnight had a fever that broke, which caused SO MUCH sweating. Which, caused me to panic and feel icky. I calmed myself down gradually and was fine! :cool1:

Staying home from work today to help nip this cold in the bud.
Leaving in an hour and a half for my appointment in two hours and a half! I'm so nervous. I had dream about the appointment ): and I woke up very sick to my stomach... And shaking... So I am nervous on how ill be. ):
Leaving in an hour and a half for my appointment in two hours and a half! I'm so nervous. I had dream about the appointment ): and I woke up very sick to my stomach... And shaking... So I am nervous on how ill be. ):

I was just thinking about this, remembering that today's the day!! You can do it!!! And please please please report back to let us know how it goes!!!! :cool1: :banana:
My psychiatrist was soooo awesome!!! He shoved off the emetophobia idea but I made it very clear I had a intense fear of vomiting. Ill tell you what he prescribed tomorrow when I can see them.
My psychiatrist was soooo awesome!!! He shoved off the emetophobia idea but I made it very clear I had a intense fear of vomiting. Ill tell you what he prescribed tomorrow when I can see them.

I'm glad he was awesome!!! I was thinking about you yesterday hoping everything was going ok!
Um I'm doing okay.,, not good. I think this medicine gives me a headache that makes me feel sick to my stomach and just sickly in general.


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