Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) Support

I remember when I was younger my pediatrician also had the "feeling good" room and the "feeling sick" room or whatever it was called, but there was always sick kids in both rooms I hated being in there I didn't like touching anything so grosssss.
Here's more of my stupid phobia kicking in.........
It's my birthday today and I picked to go to a Japanese Habachi restaurant for my birthday dinner. I refuse to eat out this time of year. I am afraid of norovirus from one of the employees contaminating my food. Anyway I figure that Habachi is great because the chef cooks the food right in front of you and they dont touch your food with their bare hands :thumbsup2 . I don't drink alcohol due to the fear of being sick from drinking so when it was my turn for "sake" I refused, so he said here "baby sake for kids", so I say ok. He squirted some soda into my mouth from a squeeze bottle and all I could think of was "I hope that soda is fresh and doesn't make me sick :(" I can't even enjoy my freekin birthday without worry. I hate living this way!!!!!!!!!!:sad2:
Oh Glee this week. :( I just watched the DVR'd episode last night and lots of colorful v* in this one. Gag.
Here's more of my stupid phobia kicking in.........
It's my birthday today and I picked to go to a Japanese Habachi restaurant for my birthday dinner. I refuse to eat out this time of year. I am afraid of norovirus from one of the employees contaminating my food. Anyway I figure that Habachi is great because the chef cooks the food right in front of you and they dont touch your food with their bare hands :thumbsup2 . I don't drink alcohol due to the fear of being sick from drinking so when it was my turn for "sake" I refused, so he said here "baby sake for kids", so I say ok. He squirted some soda into my mouth from a squeeze bottle and all I could think of was "I hope that soda is fresh and doesn't make me sick :(" I can't even enjoy my freekin birthday without worry. I hate living this way!!!!!!!!!!:sad2:

I would have been thinking the same thing! I can't take my kids anywhere without constantly thinking "Do they look sick? Did they just put their hands in their mouth? What are they eating that might make them sick later?"

Another vomit alert - if anyone watches old Sopranos reruns - OMG it was sooo graphic & real - when the FBI takes Adrianna in for questioning & she realizes her back's up against the wall & she has to talk or the mob will make her "disappear" she spews all over the table, herself & the people at the table....and it wasn't a quick shot...they kept showing it...ugh...ugh....
I a so glad I am not alone in having Emetophobia. In fact I didn't even know there was a name for my fear. I just thought I was a freak. I have had this fear for a while now and it has gotten worse since my daughter (now 4) was born. My husband came home from a business trip a few years ago with stomach flu and I made him stay at a hotel until he was better for fear my daughter and I would catch it (horrible I know). I can't be near, see or hear anyone throwing up because it causes a near panic attack. My daughter threw up once when I was home alone with her and it was all I could do to clean it up. (Luckily she is not a puker). Just recently both my mom and grandma came down with s stomach bug and I could not go near them. I sent my hubby to help my grandma but I was in constant fear that he would bring it home to me and my daughter. My mom got it next and got sick all over her car. She needs help cleaning her car but I just can't help her and I wont let my husband do it either. Everyday after Pre-K I make my daughter wash her hands to make sure there are no germs from school....I could go on and on.

I HATE living like this and I am fearful I am "ruining" my daughter with my irrational fears. I wish I could get help. I am also a huge germ a phobe. Ugh...
I a so glad I am not alone in having Emetophobia. In fact I didn't even know there was a name for my fear. I just thought I was a freak. I have had this fear for a while now and it has gotten worse since my daughter (now 4) was born. My husband came home from a business trip a few years ago with stomach flu and I made him stay at a hotel until he was better for fear my daughter and I would catch it (horrible I know). I can't be near, see or hear anyone throwing up because it causes a near panic attack. My daughter threw up once when I was home alone with her and it was all I could do to clean it up. (Luckily she is not a puker). Just recently both my mom and grandma came down with s stomach bug and I could not go near them. I sent my hubby to help my grandma but I was in constant fear that he would bring it home to me and my daughter. My mom got it next and got sick all over her car. She needs help cleaning her car but I just can't help her and I wont let my husband do it either. Everyday after Pre-K I make my daughter wash her hands to make sure there are no germs from school....I could go on and on.

I HATE living like this and I am fearful I am "ruining" my daughter with my irrational fears. I wish I could get help. I am also a huge germ a phobe. Ugh...

Welcome and you are not alone. No you are not a freak, if you are then I am. LOL. There are tons of us out there and I have discovered that over the years. Its a pretty common fear. I mean seriously who likes to throw up? Its pretty repulsive, but I think most people do not let the thought of it consume their lives like we tend to. I am a serious germ phobe and have driven my kids nuts about it. Their poor little hands are so chapped from washing them so much. They know the rules in my house, do not touch anything when you walk in the door until you wash your hands. Do not touch your face EVER! Especially put hands in your mouth....eeewwwww. They are pretty good about it. Thankfully but it was so hard when they were babies. I am getting better now that they are older and not as afraid to bring them out in public. I know they will be careful not to touch their face and they will wash their hands. Mine are 7 & 10.
Help! I'm freaking out! I just had a date with DBF and after I got home he texted me that he had a slight fever and an upset stomach. Now I'm freaking out that I'm going to get the stomach flu. Reassuring words would be much appreciated.
Help! I'm freaking out! I just had a date with DBF and after I got home he texted me that he had a slight fever and an upset stomach. Now I'm freaking out that I'm going to get the stomach flu. Reassuring words would be much appreciated.

Don't freak out.....the only way to catch a stomach bug is by fecal oral route. You cannot catch it from saliva unless he vomited then kissed you or shared a drink with you after. Who would do that??? EEwwww It is also not airborne unless he vomited on you and you inhaled the mist from it. Sorry to be graphic but those are the facts.
Hope it brings you comfort.
I've started to see various episodes of vomit at work, both the "after affects" and the "live action". I am doing my CP at Cosmic Ray's in the Magic Kingdom, and I see thousands of people every day. In the back of my mind I always worry that someone is going to get sick. One day I saw a huge pile of vomit outside the bathroom door :scared1:. Omg, it was horrifying. Im just happy I wasn't the poor CM who had to stand there and "guard" it until custodial could clean it up! :scared1:

The next episode happened yesterday. I was standing on the door to the right of the stage, letting people know it was exit only and otherwise just people watching. Well, this family walked by with a little boy. All of a sudden, the boy stops, and vomits all over the pavement. OMG. I could have died....Im sure I had the deer in headlights look going on. I had to look away, but then I glanced back to make sure they weren't making a run to the restaurant so they could get a garbage can or something. They kept going, but the dad and the little boy came back a few minutes later asking for a restroom to clean up. I don't think the boy had an illness, I think it was more of a "it's too hot out here and I ate too much then I went on a spinny ride" sort of thing. I felt quite nauseous for a while after that, but I'm also happy with myself because although it was happening right in front of me (about 20 ft away), I didn't feel the immediate urge to run away like I have before.
Hi gang! I got back on Wednesday from my Girls trip & I'm happy to report we saw no vomit the entire trip! None! That's pretty good for WDW!

Elmo9607 I didn't know you were a CM, we were in CR last week, I would have stopped to see if you were there. I'm headed back on Tuesday - DH has a conference at The Dolphin (he's on his way there now). I'll be there Tuesday - Monday. My kids have never eaten at CR - maybe we will this trip.

Now while I said there were no vomit issues on this last trip, my OCD was still in high gear. I could not stop thinking "if my kids were here in this crowd what would I do if they threw up?" We were packed in like sardines one night for Wishes & it was complete gridlock. Had someone gotten sick it would have been mass hysteria. Of course, I keep thinking this will be my kids next week. I will try & keep them out of packed area for this reason. I have the same thoughts on the monorail & bus when it's standing room only & so full - OMG what if my kids threw up in that situation?? OMG what would I do?!?!
I'm living a nightmare over here...

Less than 48 hour til we leave for Disney & BOTH kids are up puking. OMG I'm so frantic you have no idea. Well, yes, you probably do. I'm freaking out because I work tomorrow and I HAVE to go in, the only other person that could cover for me had foot surgery on Friday & is out for 2 weeks. I can't take any more time off this week, I've already pushed it taking off last week for FL and 7 days for the upcoming trip. DH is already in Fl at his conference & my parents are away in FL too. I can't ask a friend to stay with sick kids! ARGH! They stay alone normally but I hate to leave them when they're sick. OMG!! I only work 3 1/2 hours so that's not too bad I guess. I'm panicked too that now I will get sick on the way there or while we're there if I get this bug. I've Lysol-ed everything twice but it's probably too late, the bug has been in the house.

They're both laying down now, one has a bad headache & is crying. I won't sleep a wink tonight even if they do!
Hi, I think I may have a mild form of this. I can't stand it when people throw up. When a family member has a stomachache, feels sick or even just coughs while in the bathroom I get butterflies in my stomach and feel ill myself. A couple of years ago my mum was so stressed that she was sick almost every morning and when it all came to a head was feeling sick/being sick for two days. Well, I was almost as bad as her! I felt ill, I felt really guilty because I didn't want to be around her in case she was sick. She also was sick a few mornings when we were on holiday in Orlando which made ME feel sick as well. Luckily it was all sorted. It was really weird but before that people being sick didn't affect me as badly, I mean I didn't like it but I could just about stand it. Any thoughts?
Thanks Nina
I'm living a nightmare over here...

Less than 48 hour til we leave for Disney & BOTH kids are up puking. OMG I'm so frantic you have no idea. Well, yes, you probably do. I'm freaking out because I work tomorrow and I HAVE to go in, the only other person that could cover for me had foot surgery on Friday & is out for 2 weeks. I can't take any more time off this week, I've already pushed it taking off last week for FL and 7 days for the upcoming trip. DH is already in Fl at his conference & my parents are away in FL too. I can't ask a friend to stay with sick kids! ARGH! They stay alone normally but I hate to leave them when they're sick. OMG!! I only work 3 1/2 hours so that's not too bad I guess. I'm panicked too that now I will get sick on the way there or while we're there if I get this bug. I've Lysol-ed everything twice but it's probably too late, the bug has been in the house.

They're both laying down now, one has a bad headache & is crying. I won't sleep a wink tonight even if they do!
Tara, that is one of my worst fears, of course, that we will be puking for our Disney trip. I just saw this...what ended up happening?
My son just told me what he thought was a hilarious story...that "Jaylie threw up at school yesterday" and that she was walking the wrong way in the hall, he asked her why, she said she threw up yet later came back to class?!?!? Crap!!!
Tara, that is one of my worst fears, of course, that we will be puking for our Disney trip. I just saw this...what ended up happening?

Of course everything was fine, it was just my OCD in high gear. They woke up fine the next day, I kept them home & went to work. No one got sick on the trip either - WHEW!

We had one night when DS13 wasn't feeling well & I was in a total panic. We went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner at 8pm after being in AK. He didn't want to eat & said he needed some air. RED FLAG! I made him wait outside & hurried everyone up eating, then went in the gift shop & bought something so we'd have a bag for the bus just in case. I had switched totes that morning & forgotten my zip lock bag that I carry everywhere (can you say RITUAL!?!??!) He laid his head on the window on the bus & I watched him like a hawk. My stomach was doing nervous flip flops the whole ride - which of course was an HOUR since it was over an hour after AK closed - they don't run buses to individual resorts at that point, the throw everyone on the same bus & go to every resort. We were the dead last stop, of course!

For those of you anxious about seeing others vomit in WDW - we had 2 instances of that this trip. Once, when getting on Astro Orbiter (NEVER AGAIN) there was a huge pile of vomit right by one of the ride cars - they had just put that sawdust stuff over it - but didn't seem to have any plans to clean it up. GROSS! Another night when walking into DTD by Planet Hollywood there was a young woman letting loose sitting at an outdoor table there - it was so disgusting - we all saw it - we practically waked right into it. It happened so fast we couldn't re-direct. The really gross part was as we wakled out of DTD a few hours later, the pile of vomit was still there, no one had told someone so that it would get cleaned up! I glanced around for a custodial person but didn't see anyone to tell.

DS13 is home from school sick today. I thought it was strep, he's had it a few times in the last year, and he has a 102 fever & very sore throat. I took him to the doctor today & she says it's probably not strep. She gave him a Z-pack & of course he's in the bathroom from it - please please please don't let him throw up!
I'm glad it all worked out okay for your trip. And I had never previously been anxious about seeing people vomiting at Disney...we never saw anything our two trips to Disneyland...but reading here on the DIS sure makes me anxious now. Ugh.
Interesting thread! Haven't gotten through the whole thing yet. I have emetophobia too. I have panic attacks if anyone throws up near me. Shaking, racing heart, running away. I get extremely paranoid or nervous if people are not feeling well, coughing alot etc. Disney in particular scares me because it seems like people are always sick either due to motion sickness, heat, picking up bugs. Last trip we were on the monorail and someone had their head in their hands saying they didnt feel well. You better believe I made us jump off at the next exit and get on a different section. Transportation is the worst because I know there is no immediate exit. I believe my emet stems from my mother having leukemia. I wasn't a fan of throwing up before, but after seeing her go through chemo and a bone marrow transplant I think I started equating throwing up with dying if that makes any sense.
Oh my!! I have no time to read this thread, but wanted to subscribe. My dd11 has this fear. She is in therapy because of it. Sorry..gotta run... I will catch up later....THANKS for this thread!!!

Anyone living in fear of being sick?? If you are a vomit phobe this is the place to be. Share your stories and concerns here.

I'll start.....I am a 38 yr old Mom of 2 and I am phobic of vomiting. I cannot handling someone else doing it or myself. I live in constant fear of catching the stomach bug and try to stay home all winter when it is at its worst. I make my kids wash their hands as soon as they come in my house from anywhere they have been, and have taught them never to put their hands in their mouths EVER! I have also taught them to use caution in public bathrooms and never flush the toilet with their hand. They use their foot and then use a paper towel to touch sink faucets and door handles when leaving the bathroom. :thumbsup2 I rarely let the kids have a playdate at my house in the winter and forgot sleepovers! Anyone else as OCD or worse than me??? There is more to my story..........
I wasn't a fan of throwing up before, but after seeing her go through chemo and a bone marrow transplant I think I started equating throwing up with dying if that makes any sense.

It does make sense to me. Did anyone here watch the series last year called Obsessed or OCD or something like that? Probably A&E or TLC...they took about 6 people with extreme OCD to an inpatient program...well anyway, the one girl was OCD about being clean & her rituals - she felt someone would die if she didn't do her rituals...and it stemmed from watching her fiance die of cancer. Her OCD made her think if she was dirty or didn't do her rituals that someone would die. So I see what you're saying. And sorry you had to go through that with your mom. :hug:
Oh my!! I have no time to read this thread, but wanted to subscribe. My dd11 has this fear. She is in therapy because of it. Sorry..gotta run... I will catch up later....THANKS for this thread!!!

Welcome! Come back & talk to us - maybe you can help us by sharing your DD's story!


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