Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) Support

My emet is rather new and so I haven't had to think about it yet in regards to traveling or theme parks and such but now it's starting to freak me out. :scared1:

I'm terrified one or all of us will be sick on vacation...I'm now scared that other people will yak on a ride/bus/plane. I never worried about that before. My oldest is a total daredevil and is super excited about Mission: Space as he wants to be the first man on Mars when he grows up....now I'm really nervous if "most" people get sick on it. :( I guess I'll have to make DH take him although DH isn't a big fan of spinning. Green side, it shall be. Aw man. This sucks. I won't tell DS6 that there is a more intense side.

Like Sehsun (WELCOME, by the way!) I'm much much much better if I know it is not contagious. MUCH. Probably why I was okay working in the hospital. Unless it's my kid doing it...then it's awful no matter what. Well, I assume it would be. No one has actually thrown up in this house since my emet started. :confused3

I have my next therapy session this afternoon. I am hoping to make some huge progress.

The thing that is hardest for me to get over is the fear of germs...and I'm not talking OCD scrub my hands constantly till they're raw or making my kids change clothes when they get home from school...but regular ol' contact with germs. It's REAL. That's how this is spread. So how am I supposed to get over that "irrational fear"? It's not irrational if it's a real possibility, is it? I don't want to take my 1.5 year old to the store because of shopping cart handles and she still hasn't been "trained" not to put her hands in her mouth. I don't want to let my boys play in the McD's play area because of all the nastiness in there. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
It was a thread on here that freaked me out. Something along the lines of how many people have seen other people get sick at Disney.

I am SO glad I have not seen that thread. Yet. :laughing: We went to Disneyland twice and I didn't see a single person throw up....not that I was looking for it then, though.

And also, thanks Sehsun for mentioning the Wet Ones and the Gold Bond...I've always carried Wet Ones and we use them before eating out but I'll stock the Gold Bond in the car now. I'd like to find those reassuring facts on norovirus. When I picked DS3 up from preschool on Tuesday there was a kid in the office waiting for his grandma to pick him up because he was puking. Great. :sad2:

I meant to ask...does this benzalkonium or benzethonium chloride kill rotavirus too?
My emet is rather new and so I haven't had to think about it yet in regards to traveling or theme parks and such but now it's starting to freak me out. :scared1:

I'm terrified one or all of us will be sick on vacation...I'm now scared that other people will yak on a ride/bus/plane. I never worried about that before. My oldest is a total daredevil and is super excited about Mission: Space as he wants to be the first man on Mars when he grows up....now I'm really nervous if "most" people get sick on it. :( I guess I'll have to make DH take him although DH isn't a big fan of spinning. Green side, it shall be. Aw man. This sucks. I won't tell DS6 that there is a more intense side.

Like Sehsun (WELCOME, by the way!) I'm much much much better if I know it is not contagious. MUCH. Probably why I was okay working in the hospital. Unless it's my kid doing it...then it's awful no matter what. Well, I assume it would be. No one has actually thrown up in this house since my emet started. :confused3

I have my next therapy session this afternoon. I am hoping to make some huge progress.

The thing that is hardest for me to get over is the fear of germs...and I'm not talking OCD scrub my hands constantly till they're raw or making my kids change clothes when they get home from school...but regular ol' contact with germs. It's REAL. That's how this is spread. So how am I supposed to get over that "irrational fear"? It's not irrational if it's a real possibility, is it? I don't want to take my 1.5 year old to the store because of shopping cart handles and she still hasn't been "trained" not to put her hands in her mouth. I don't want to let my boys play in the McD's play area because of all the nastiness in there. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Ya know Kristen....as much as these support boards can be comforting they can also be a bad thing. Other crazy ideas and thoughts being put into our heads that we may have not worried about before. I'm sorry If i added to your anxiety. :sad2: I also never let my kids play at those McD's playgrounds and used to avoid shopping carts with them. They do sell those cute covers for the shopping carts for babies that they did not have when my 2 were babies. That would have been awesome to have. I never let my kids ride in those car shopping carts either.....Yuck! I don't even let my kids have a friend over in the winter in case they bring germs into my house. When kids do come over, they know to wash hands right away before touching anything. They must think I am a freak! :scared1: Oh and I won't let my kids touch the menu at a restaurant or the ketchup bottle.....
Ya know Kristen....as much as these support boards can be comforting they can also be a bad thing. Other crazy ideas and thoughts being put into our heads that we may have not worried about before. I'm sorry If i added to your anxiety. :sad2: /QUOTE]

True 'dat...about "support" threads also being more anxiety-provoking. However, I'm no more anxious than I was before reading your post. It's all good. :thumbsup2

I USED to be a big believer in my kids being exposed to germs to build up their immune systems...I mean, we wouldn't be licking door handles or anything but if my daughter dropped her pacifier I'd put it in my own mouth to "clean" it off and, because she breastfeeds, I'd have those germs to make immunities for. I didn't keep my kid home from school when H1N1 was in the classroom and less than half the class was attending. And now I'm soooooooo the opposite....well, I still don't care about a cold or apparently even the flu LOL but stomach stuff...I'm doing everything we can! I put the boys and myself on probiotics and my husband is all upset because they're so expensive. I do not care. If I could figure out other immunity boosting things I'd be taking those too. ;)
Thank you for the welcome wishes! :)

I tend to do fine on rides that may cause motion sickness. In the past, I have felt a tiny bit queasy on simulator rides - I specifically remember feeling a little queasy on Body Wars at EPCOT when I was younger. But that has not stopped me from going on rides.

After reading some posts about Forbidden Journey (IOA) and the Simpsons Ride (Universal), I decided to try some ginger candy as a precautionary measure right before riding, and I was absolutely fine. But a little part of me worries about the other riders and if they will get sick. I also sometimes take Dramamine when I fly because I remember sometimes feeling queasy on planes when I was younger.

And also, thanks Sehsun for mentioning the Wet Ones and the Gold Bond...I've always carried Wet Ones and we use them before eating out but I'll stock the Gold Bond in the car now. I'd like to find those reassuring facts on norovirus. When I picked DS3 up from preschool on Tuesday there was a kid in the office waiting for his grandma to pick him up because he was puking. Great. :sad2:

I meant to ask...does this benzalkonium or benzethonium chloride kill rotavirus too?

You're welcome, Kristin! The site where I got this info from was here. I also used the search function at this site and tried to find threads about hand sanitizers and what was effective.

According to the link I posted, rotavirus is a form of norovirus - so hopefully those ingredients would be effective against it as well. Again, though, I would consult with a pediatrician about using it with younger kids.

I can relate to you on the fear of germs thing. If I had children, I wouldn't let them play in the ball pit at McDonald's. And I would probably "wear" my babies than let them ride in the shopping cart. But I used to play in the ball pits when I was younger and ride in shopping carts, and I was fine. I guess a rational argument would be that kids have to be exposed to germs to build up their immunity. But it is still a very anxiety-provoking thought.

ETA: I saw that you just posted about building up your children's immunity. The fact that you're breastfeeding is helping a lot, too! :)
Ya know Kristen....as much as these support boards can be comforting they can also be a bad thing. Other crazy ideas and thoughts being put into our heads that we may have not worried about before. I'm sorry If i added to your anxiety. :sad2: /QUOTE]

True 'dat...about "support" threads also being more anxiety-provoking. However, I'm no more anxious than I was before reading your post. It's all good. :thumbsup2

I USED to be a big believer in my kids being exposed to germs to build up their immune systems...I mean, we wouldn't be licking door handles or anything but if my daughter dropped her pacifier I'd put it in my own mouth to "clean" it off and, because she breastfeeds, I'd have those germs to make immunities for. I didn't keep my kid home from school when H1N1 was in the classroom and less than half the class was attending. And now I'm soooooooo the opposite....well, I still don't care about a cold or apparently even the flu LOL but stomach stuff...I'm doing everything we can! I put the boys and myself on probiotics and my husband is all upset because they're so expensive. I do not care. If I could figure out other immunity boosting things I'd be taking those too. ;)

There is another supplement called Immunity Take care....its main ingredient is elderberry. I went to Disney in Jan of 2009. We were at Epcot for the day and ate some lunch at the electric umbrella. During lunch my dh and I shared a drink. Literally after lunch my husband started not feeling good. He looked pale and said he was feeling weak, tired and wanted to go back to hotel. Once we got back he got into bed, had a fever and chills and then the diarrhea started. I FREAKED OUT! I was doomed because we had shared a drink literally 3o mins prior to him feeling sick. I was taking those elderberry supplements already on a daily basis so I doubled the dose immediately. I NEVER GOT SICK! I really think those helped keep me healthy :thumbsup2
Another movie alert! LOL I can't find the other thread. Was watching The Shawshank Redemption last night (one of my favorites!) and Tim Robbins throws up while he's escaping in the sewer pipe.
I thought of some of you today, some of my emet friends who have issues with public restrooms. I was at our District Wrestling Tournament for 10 hours today so obviouslty I had to use the restroom a few times. There were several thousand people there, so there was always a line for the ladies room. One time, I was about 15 people back in the line & a little girl, maybe 5-6 was with her mom about 10 people in front of me. The little girl was crying & holding her stomach saying "it hurts, my tummy hurts." Now I don't have issues with other people being sick around me, but I was thinking OMG some of my emet friends would be running for the hills! I was also totally appalled that the people in front of them in line (only like 5 of them) did NOTHING. I would have said "please go ahead of me" just to avoid her barfing all over the floor!
That would have been me!! I woulda bolted outta there as quick as possible. Truely, that probably would have scared me enough to not have to go to the bathroom anymore!!
It amuses me that this Coping and Compassion section is in "Just for Fun" LOL

Anyway...ACK!!!! My 1.5 year old just found a toothbrush I use when cleaning the bathrooms and put it in her mouth!!!!:scared1:

I am now terrified that she'll be getting some nasty stomach thing from whatever might have been on there. :( Oh no!!!!
I have another question. I know this sounds insane, but it is a part of my whole fear. I have been doing my research and saw the Cool Station at EPCOT has a really nasty drink called Beverly. Do people gag when they drink this? Has anyone gotten sick because of it? I wanna know because I need to know if it is a place I should avoid or not.
I thought of some of you today, some of my emet friends who have issues with public restrooms. I was at our District Wrestling Tournament for 10 hours today so obviouslty I had to use the restroom a few times. There were several thousand people there, so there was always a line for the ladies room. One time, I was about 15 people back in the line & a little girl, maybe 5-6 was with her mom about 10 people in front of me. The little girl was crying & holding her stomach saying "it hurts, my tummy hurts." Now I don't have issues with other people being sick around me, but I was thinking OMG some of my emet friends would be running for the hills! I was also totally appalled that the people in front of them in line (only like 5 of them) did NOTHING. I would have said "please go ahead of me" just to avoid her barfing all over the floor!

I think although i would have become very anxious I would have told myself that she had poo poo cramps or had to pee really really bad.
It amuses me that this Coping and Compassion section is in "Just for Fun" LOL

Anyway...ACK!!!! My 1.5 year old just found a toothbrush I use when cleaning the bathrooms and put it in her mouth!!!!:scared1:

I am now terrified that she'll be getting some nasty stomach thing from whatever might have been on there. :( Oh no!!!!

OMG Kristen....that is horrific!!!!! :eek: Hope nothing happens to her.
I have another question. I know this sounds insane, but it is a part of my whole fear. I have been doing my research and saw the Cool Station at EPCOT has a really nasty drink called Beverly. Do people gag when they drink this? Has anyone gotten sick because of it? I wanna know because I need to know if it is a place I should avoid or not.

It's not insane - totally understandable for people who have emetophobia!

I have been trying to find a specific thread mentioning Beverly @ Club Cool where I read that someone got sick and v* into a trash can. Maybe it was my imagination?

On this thread it shows people's "Beverly" faces after they taste it.

I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. I have heard it is quite bitter. For the few times that I've visited Club Cool, I have not witnessed anyone getting sick from Beverly or heard any gagging sounds.
Warning: Might trigger some aniexty. Graphic post. You have been warned.

Okay my aniexty is at a 10++++ today. I just got back from taking my 5 month old preemie and my 2 year old to the doctors. As we are sitting there a mother walks in with two older kids. Both kids don't look too hot. The mom laughs and says, "Oh I forgot your bucket in the van. You will be alright without it right??" Of course, that sets me off. I call my two year old over to get him away from them. The little girl tells her mom to go out to the van and get it. Mom refuses. Little girl asks if she can sit in the bathroom. Mom refuses. I am in a full blown anxiety attack by then. I ask when my kids are gonna be called back to be seen. They can't tell me a time. They are backed up and extremely busy. I take my two out of the office and start pacing the hallways. I keep checking back to see if we have been called. No one understands why I am freaking out. The office girls start getting a little annoyed by me. Finally, they say we are next on the list. So, we sit and wait. Of course, this is when the little girl lets loose. I run out the door and around the corner. Of course, right then is when they decide to call us back. Someone was nice enough to come outside and grab us. I was heading to my van and heading home. I had enough. That was the last time we had to see that little girl; thank gawd. I guess they did take her back into a room after that. I coulda slapped that mother. Who denies their sick child a bucket or better yet a restroom?!? Why would she let her child just v like that all over a doc's floor with other little children running around?!?! Now I am freaking about my two getting sick esp. the 5 monther. If she gets sick like that, it will probably end in a hospital stay. I am still in a complete panic mode.
OMG Nixie Pixie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That mother has no idea the trauma she has caused us emets! And her DD who was asking for help! I'm sooo the opposite of that mom - to the point that if I take a vomiting kid to the doctor I make them wait in the car or in the restroom until they call us in. I mean seriously! Who takes a kid who's actively vomiting IN the office?!?!? Then denies them a bucket or bag or bathroom?!?!?

You are not alone. I would have been freaking out too. Hugs to you. You got through it!
Oh that is awful, Nixie Pixie!!!! Oh no!!! I'm mad at that mom, mad at the office for KNOWING why the kid is there and not getting her a room to wait in or even a friggin' trash can. Poor little girl. :( And I'm so sorry you had to be around that. You guys didn't touch the vomit, you'll be okay. You'll be okay. And also, I don't like when people bring their kids in for stomach bugs. Granted, I don't know why they were there...perhaps she was having bad abdominal pain like my son but that needs to run its course and I wish they wouldn't subject the rest of us to the germs and SEEING it.

I have to take two of mine to their well-visits tomorrow and I'm already worried about the doctor's office. They separate the waiting room into "Well" and "sick" children but still...my kids LOVE to play with the toys on the well side. I think I'll make them all sit in a chair and watch Netflix on my phone. Then I'll hit them with my new Gold Bond hand sanitizer during numerous parts of our visit. I feel like they often pick up SOMETHING at the doctor. Ack!
I'm sorry you had to go through that! I honestly would have done the same thing you did, try to wait in the hallway/out of the waiting room if possible. I surely would have run out of the office when the girl v* on the floor. That is very unfair that her mom didn't get the bucket and/or let her go to the restroom. :( This situation would have really made my anxiety level go super high. I hope that you are feeling better soon from this ordeal.
OMG!!!!!! I would have freaked out!!! If I were you I would have told the nurse you don't do well with germs and you will wait in your car. They can call your cell phone when they are ready for you. Nobody should have to be subjected to that!!!!!:mad:

PS....as long as you were not near her when she vomited you will be fine!
I am really,really reconsidering our ped. I dearly love her, but they do not have separate waiting rooms for sick and well kids. My well kids probably just picked up something nasty from the sick kids. I don't know if I am gonna be able to handle sitting in that waiting room again after all this. I will probably be "on high alert" in there from now on.

I know I have this huge phobia, but I still am a mom. I still love my kids dearly and feel horrible when they are sick. I don't understand how that mom wouldn't help her child. I would have gotten my child a bucket or, better yet, taken them to the restroom. I can't really hold the bucket or be in the restroom with them because of this stupid phobia, but as their mother I try and do the best I can. I know how scary it can be for kids when they get sick. Why on earth that mother didn't do that for her own child boggles me!

I am slowly winding down. I did forget to take my anxiety meds this morning, that didn't help the situation either. The universe is out to get me I swear. The one day I forget my dose and this happens ROFL.


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