Eliminating alcohol from airports and/or planes

Or, you can get creative, like the ladies on the special birthday trip to Orlando that were at my gate last July. There was a bit of a weather delay, so we were at the gate for awhile, and the SWA terminal at my airport has that "charging bar" seating.

So, I'm walking over to the restroom, and I see this group of women standing around a charging bar chatting and laughing, and they all have big custom-decorated Tervis tumblers with X's Birthday Bash, and the date. The tumblers were at least 32 oz size, and perhaps a bit bigger.

As I walked back past them, I could see two of them seated with their carryons in their lap. pouring powdered margarita mix into bottles of water. Naturally, I had to linger where I could see what happened next. Sure enough, out came the full-sized contact lens solution bottles, which had apparently been emptied and refilled with tequila. They were tending bar; squirting tequila into the bottom of each tumbler and then topping it off with margarita mix from the water bottles. They had ice in the carryon bags as well. By the time we boarded the flight that whole group was bombed out of their minds. They were seated right behind me, and I overheard them discussing buying more tequila at the Orlando duty-free; they were connecting for a flight to the Caribbean from there, and they wanted to make sure they had enough to keep the buzz on. :tilt:
I'm guessing by then they would have been too blotto to remember to be discreet, even if they managed to open a new bottle.

Not that I'm advocating such a ridiculous sideshow, but is it actually illegal to drink saline solution? Would an FA have had reason to confiscate the bottles? AFAIK, the FAs didn't try to take it from the women topping up the drinks on board, but I could tell the FAs were plenty annoyed at how loud they were.

That's kind of the behavior (loud and obnoxious) that the rules are supposed to address. If it's obvious. I could easily smell an alcoholic beverage. I guess it wouldn't quite be like trying to hide liquor in bottles of laundry detergent though, if anyone watched Superbad. However, I can't imagine being able to rinse it out where the smell/taste wouldn't transfer.
DH and I have had a drink in the airport many times, maybe grabbing something to eat, maybe a beer and burger ... and yes on flights as well, maybe a glass of wine with dinner on long haul, it's nice and relaxing...

The thing is that you hear about on the news when someone acts the fool on a flight... they never say well 40,000, 60,000, 80,000 thousand people had a drink at the airports and nothing happened...everyone got on with it... and acted properly... Nope you only hear about this one person who was drunk and acting like a idiot... They make it out like it some kind of pandemic or something... Well stupidity is becoming a pandemic... I wonder if they are going to come up with a vaccine for that as well...

They act like this is something new, people drinking on a plane... I have been flying for long time and I can say maybe once on a flight someone was pretty toasted, and kinda giving the FA a hard time when she refused to serve him, and a few times on the way to Vegas a group, both times it was a bachlorette party maybe 3 or 4 girls laughing and feeling pretty good, but not causing a scene or acting out..... it's just now everything is out there, social media, and camera phones every little thing is posted, and everyone is outraged and this or that...

Since when is a few people actions that make the news, dictate to the rest of us... why are the rest of us being punished for something that we did not do? Is everyone that gets on a plane drunk, and out of control... No, I don't think so... stop the madness... !!!!
I don't see how this somehow limits our freedoms if airlines decide to stop serving alcohol. It is a safety issue when unruly passengers get into a brawl at 30,000 feet in the air. No one can predict ahead of time who will behave that way. Airlines run a private business and people are welcome to travel with some other airline or drive by car if they don't like the rules of that airline. I guess those same people will argue we shouldn't have speed limits on freeways because that somehow inhibits their freedom.

I totally agree with safety concerns (hence why we have Laws and the Regulations that serve those laws), especially on an airplane, however does that mean we should ban alcohol from the 99% of people that act appropriate? We have rules that people should abide too and if they don't they should be punished. Similar to driving on a highway, you break the speed limit and you are subject to tickets and possibly revoking the license to drive, should we stop all people from driving? or tell people when they can or can't drive?
While I agree this doesn't limit our freedoms, I also agree this should be taken on an individual basis instead of limiting everyone. Bars/Restaurants in the airport shouldn't continue to serve alcohol to those under the influence, airlines shouldn't allow them to board and shouldn't serve them more on board.

On another note... if the thought is by denying serving ANYONE alcohol in order to cutdown on the limited (be honest) number of "troublemakers", couldn't you use the same argument at bars/restaurants on the ground? So going back to Prohibition?

I agree with what you said, except, I don't understand your statement"..doesn't limit our freedoms.." . If they ban alcohol from airports and all airplanes flight does this not limit your freedom to enjoy a cocktail at dinner or reading a book, etc?
I agree with what you said, except, I don't understand your statement"..doesn't limit our freedoms.." . If they ban alcohol from airports and all airplanes flight does this not limit your freedom to enjoy a cocktail at dinner or reading a book, etc?
Sorry, I should have said "doesn't limit our rights". You don't have the right to enjoy a cocktail wherever/whenever you want. You can't have alcohol at work (presumably), at a public school, while driving, etc.
DH and I have had a drink in the airport many times, maybe grabbing something to eat, maybe a beer and burger ... and yes on flights as well, maybe a glass of wine with dinner on long haul, it's nice and relaxing...

The thing is that you hear about on the news when someone acts the fool on a flight... they never say well 40,000, 60,000, 80,000 thousand people had a drink at the airports and nothing happened...everyone got on with it... and acted properly... Nope you only hear about this one person who was drunk and acting like a idiot... They make it out like it some kind of pandemic or something... Well stupidity is becoming a pandemic... I wonder if they are going to come up with a vaccine for that as well...

They act like this is something new, people drinking on a plane... I have been flying for long time and I can say maybe once on a flight someone was pretty toasted, and kinda giving the FA a hard time when she refused to serve him, and a few times on the way to Vegas a group, both times it was a bachlorette party maybe 3 or 4 girls laughing and feeling pretty good, but not causing a scene or acting out..... it's just now everything is out there, social media, and camera phones every little thing is posted, and everyone is outraged and this or that...

Since when is a few people actions that make the news, dictate to the rest of us... why are the rest of us being punished for something that we did not do? Is everyone that gets on a plane drunk, and out of control... No, I don't think so... stop the madness... !!!!
Since when is a few people actions that make the news, dictate to the rest of us... why are the rest of us being punished for something that we did not do?

Last I checked, it might have been when TSA decided that we all had to remove our shoes through airport Security because one incompetent would-be terrorist tried (and failed!) to light his shoe heel on fire.

I get why it was suggested, to bring attention to the concerns that the FA Union has. (And the same concerns from the risk-management folks who see the potential liability.) So, maybe we should adapt a system where drinks bought at the airport or on a plane earn you a hand-stamp for each one, and there's a limit? It's kind of like a scarlet letter, so which would be worse ... not letting you have the alcohol, or forcing you to flash your "unit count" at everyone in the airport? (Or I guess we could equip FAs with UV lights, like bouncers?)

Whatever gets decided, you can pretty much bet that the remedy will include some degree of overkill, because flying is like that.
Last I checked, it might have been when TSA decided that we all had to remove our shoes through airport Security because one incompetent would-be terrorist tried (and failed!) to light his shoe heel on fire.

I get why it was suggested, to bring attention to the concerns that the FA Union has. (And the same concerns from the risk-management folks who see the potential liability.) So, maybe we should adapt a system where drinks bought at the airport or on a plane earn you a hand-stamp for each one, and there's a limit? It's kind of like a scarlet letter, so which would be worse ... not letting you have the alcohol, or forcing you to flash your "unit count" at everyone in the airport? (Or I guess we could equip FAs with UV lights, like bouncers?)

Whatever gets decided, you can pretty much bet that the remedy will include some degree of overkill, because flying is like that.

The shoe thing was more or less international. However, many parts of the world have backed off from requiring every passenger to do that.
DH and I have had a drink in the airport many times, maybe grabbing something to eat, maybe a beer and burger ... and yes on flights as well, maybe a glass of wine with dinner on long haul, it's nice and relaxing...

The thing is that you hear about on the news when someone acts the fool on a flight... they never say well 40,000, 60,000, 80,000 thousand people had a drink at the airports and nothing happened...everyone got on with it... and acted properly... Nope you only hear about this one person who was drunk and acting like a idiot... They make it out like it some kind of pandemic or something... Well stupidity is becoming a pandemic... I wonder if they are going to come up with a vaccine for that as well...

They act like this is something new, people drinking on a plane... I have been flying for long time and I can say maybe once on a flight someone was pretty toasted, and kinda giving the FA a hard time when she refused to serve him, and a few times on the way to Vegas a group, both times it was a bachlorette party maybe 3 or 4 girls laughing and feeling pretty good, but not causing a scene or acting out..... it's just now everything is out there, social media, and camera phones every little thing is posted, and everyone is outraged and this or that...

Since when is a few people actions that make the news, dictate to the rest of us... why are the rest of us being punished for something that we did not do? Is everyone that gets on a plane drunk, and out of control... No, I don't think so... stop the madness... !!!!
Some folks don't need a drink to act like an idiot. 😉
Why would anyone want to limit access to the uninhibiting effects of alcohol in a confined plane hurtling hundreds of miles an hour in the air? Flying is so relaxing and everything is always on time with no frustrations so it's a great time to lose inhibitions. The videos of fistfights at the luggage carrousel are so entertaining, and who doesn't like to read a good story about an undercover Marshal trained for terrorists needing to restrain some fool 6 drinks in who doesn't want to be cut off thousands of feet in the air, nevermind all the drunken groping that hits the news and lets not forget all the battered flight attendants, what would we do without it all?
Why would anyone want to limit access to the uninhibiting effects of alcohol in a confined plane hurtling hundreds of miles an hour in the air? Flying is so relaxing and everything is always on time with no frustrations so it's a great time to lose inhibitions. The videos of fistfights at the luggage carrousel are so entertaining, and who doesn't like to read a good story about an undercover Marshal trained for terrorists needing to restrain some fool 6 drinks in who doesn't want to be cut off thousands of feet in the air, nevermind all the drunken groping that hits the news and lets not forget all the battered flight attendants, what would we do without it all?

A bit Snarky....😏 which I can appreciate...

Of course... these people should be dealt with...

My Friend is a FA... and she said this behavior has happened for years and years, it's just now that they put everything on line, people are outraged for a while then the next thing pops up and everyone moves on... and for her she said the problem is that you can't say or do anything, or address it until the person is basically acting out. She said you have no idea how many airline bottles that passenger bring on board that they find in the restroom, seat backs, or just laying about, that they have brought on board... She went on to say that is a FA thinks or has that feeling someone is drunk, that they are not to be served. As well if other passengers see someone, putting what they think is contact solution in there soft drinks, or have a stash of airline bottles that they keep bringing out... they might should say something to the FA... so that they are made aware...

Yet all of the population does not need to be punished for it... The marshal is trained for all type of behavior, and did his job, not sure why you would not want him to... or did something out of the ordinary or out of his job scope... This is what they do...

The thing is people need to be accountable for their actions... Really..... Honestly..... do you think that by taking it off planes or airports is going to stop people from getting it on the planes, and drinking...People can get really determined and very creative when they are challenged.
People need to stop saying its the bartender fault I drank to much, and acted stupid... or if it wasn't in the airports I would not have drank anything... Stop blaming everything and everyone for your behavior... For goodness sake act like the adult your suppose to be... and stop saying I'm Adulting ....no real adult says or thinks " I'm Adulting", they know that they are an adults and go about their daily lives as such.!

As well I was a bartender in while working during the college years... and you can see the signs that someone is drunk or getting there...
There are plenty of things that can be done, first and foremost if someone is intoxicated, when they arrive at the airport... should never make it air-side to begin with... If someone is starting down that path, sitting at an airport bar, or restaurant, it can be stopped right there... the Bartender most likely knows it and should cut them off...
Do people buy those little bottles and take them on? Or do they pay sky high prices on the actual plane?

I haven't seen anyone drunk and acting stupid, but I don't fly often and when I do it's only 2-3 hours.
It seems like a big chunk of the general public has lost their collective minds over the past year, drink or sober, and I'm not sure there is an easy fix for these incidents of what essentially boils down to bullying by entitled adults who have been convinced that inconvenience is the same thing as oppression.

You win the thread. This pretty much sums up 2020-2021.
Not even your two front teeth?
You seem really focused on that (and an odd post of someone else's to use for that purpose in bringing it back up). No one should ever do that to another person and that FA should be getting a lot more praise for her job. On the other hand in terms of issues on a plane I think I personally would be more worried about situations like what just happened on Delta the other day where passengers and FAs worked together to subdue a passenger trying to open the cockpit door and screaming stop the plane. One passenger's thoughts was the man seemed like he may have had a mental break or could possibly been on drugs although that would be pure speculation. Whatever caused that man's behavior I sure hope he can get some help :(
You seem really focused on that (and an odd post of someone else's to use for that purpose in bringing it back up.
You seem really focused on following my posts lol. It's not like I've been on this thread all week, frequently mentioning the attack. It's been several days since I've posted on this thread at all.

This thread is about unruly behavior on flights in relation to alcohol, and the attack is one very prominent example of unruly behavior that recently occurred, and the attack is also what led directly to the proposed alcohol ban that is being discussed here. Nothing wrong with bringing it up. When someone says they don't care what happens onboard as long as their flight reaches its destination, the violence that occasionally occurs on flights is something reasonable to mention in response.

It was a dreadfully violent and disfiguring attack on an innocent worker. Strange that some people think it should be quickly forgotten and unmentioned.
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You seem really focused on following my posts lol. It's not like I've been on this thread all week, frequently mentioning the attack. It's been several days since I've posted on this thread at all.

This thread is about unruly behavior on flights in relation to alcohol, and the attack is one very prominent example of unruly behavior that recently occurred, and the attack is also what led directly to the proposed alcohol ban that is being discussed here. Nothing wrong with bringing it up. When someone says they don't care what happens onboard as long as their flight reaches its destination, the violence that occasionally occurs on flights is something reasonable to mention in response.

It was a dreadfully violent and disfiguring attack on an innocent worker. Strange that some people think it should be quickly forgotten and unmentioned.
TBH I don't really follow your posts whatsoever. I just saw that I had unread posts on this thread from my Watched Threads page and that's when I saw your reply and remembered on this one you talking about banning SWA because of fights.

I just thought it was odd (it be odd for any poster I suppose not just you personally) to use someone's post talking about their dream trip to rehash the incident on SWA by asking "not even your two front teeth" That person's post had nothing to do with it so yeah just strange. Pretty sure no one is asking to get into a physical (or verbal) altercation whenever they fly no matter what. But I'm also equally sure that many of us would like our luggage to arrive with us and for the flight to be on time and I think you read way more seriously into their comment as I don't think they were advocating for any violence to occur. And obviously it's not about being forgotten but what more can we say? I don't think you'll find a person here who says that should have happened. It doesn't mean it needs to be brought into random conversation for the sake of keeping it at the forefront of people's minds.

It was just an odd post, IMO, to use to bring back up the SWA incident especially since that post was from a few days prior. IDK I guess we differ on that opinion. No biggie and no harm no foul.


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