Donald's Defiant Dashers (AKA Triple D's/Duckies/The Ducks) Dashing into 2010


DIS Veteran
Sep 21, 2004
Just wanted to start a thread for anyone on the Triple D team or anyone who wants to join or anyone who just wants to lurk. (adding list of team members - thanks Liz)

Again thanks Liz for updating our list and adding our locations :thumbsup2

Donald's Defiant Dashers 2010

1. TnTsParty (Tricia) Coordinator, Florida
2. adtillma1 (Ann) North Carolina
3. ahoff (Augie) New York
4. airman (Joe) Michigan
5. AUdisneyDad (Tim) Alabama
6. Big Vic (Vic) Florida
7. CALIFLADY (Renee) Alberta, Canada
8. carissanboys (Carissa) Virginia
9. danmoss (Dan) Virginia
10. disneyaway (Shirisha) Texas
11. fairestoneofall (Emily) South Carolina
12. Hey Mickey (Erica) New York
13. hussfat (Sally) East Coast
14. Jusacuz (Jessica) Idaho
15. LadyDooley (Karen) New York
16. Leleluvsdis (Leanne) Virginia
17. liznboys (Liz) North Carolina
18. Maddykins06 (Karin) New Jersey
19. marathonmommy (Laura) East Coast-Delmarva
20. mebbradley (Megan) Maryland
21. ryley26 (Rich) Ohio
22. SamSam (Sharon) Kansas
23. solar (Deb) New Jersey
24. timmac (Tim) New Hampshire
25. udsweetpea (Andrea) Delaware

I know I wasn't the best at keeping up with reporting my miles but it seems this year the teams might take a different approach. I for one like posting to the smaller teams but also interacting with the larger WISH team as a whole. I could not keep up with the large weekly threads that we use to have before going to the different teams. So for any Duck out there that wants to continue as a team regardless if we report and record our miles I say lets continue. We can still come together as a team to talk about our running/walking or life in general and we can still report our miles but maybe not record them :confused3 It did make it more fun to know I could "double" my miles in a race.

So I'll start off the year with our first "team" thread. As for me I have gotten NO running or walking done since I came home from WDW. I am still on :cloud9:from finishing Goofy. I love :love: my medals!! I am ready to get back out for a short 2-3 mile run and hopefully will feel like doing that this weekend some time. I do have a 5k that I am most likely doing - it will be the 3rd year in a row that I have done it. Its on Valentine's Day. After that I don't have any solid plans but I do know I want to try and get to the Wine & Dine half. I wish there was a local half that wasn't so expensive in the next couple of months before it gets miserably hot. Miami and A1A (Ft Lauderdale) are coming up but by now its way too much for me to afford. Also I am planning on going Goofy again next year and again I will be doing it through the charity Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research.

So what is everyone elses plans for the year. Lets go out and make it a GREAT one!! :cheer2:
Donald's Defiant Dashers 2010 Upcoming Races

January 2011
*WDW Marathon Weekend*
5K airman(Joe)
Half ahoff(Augie), airman(Joe), AUdisneyDad(Tim), carissanboys(Carissa), liznboys(Liz)
Full Maddykins06(Karin), udsweetpea(Andrea)
Goofy timmac(Tim), TnTsParty(Tricia)
I am not the official captain (or even co-captain) of the team but I am trying to get us going in the new year. Anyway - I am welcoming you to the team. Glad you enjoyed our December thread.
It sounds like there's enough support to continue to the teams, in some form or another, this year. Lots of decisions to be made, though, so I'm hoping for some more input--specifically from team members:

For more, please see this post to the Teams 2010? thread, of which I've posted an excerpt here:

From what I understand, a (sort of) collective response the teams seems to be

1) People appreciate the smaller, intimate teams, especially as WISH gets bigger, for team members of active threads, and new WISHers who want to get involved.
2) But people are concerned for about the effects of the teams on the WISH team as a whole, both terms of online activities (weekly/monthly thread, talking with other WISHers, getting more feedback outside one's team, the worries about emergent cliques & feelings of outsiderness) and at physical WISH meets.

It sounds as if the teams will continue in one form or another, whether as a challenge or more like a social thread (like the Bots, the Leaners, or any of the event-oriented threads like the Princess). They seem to serve a purpose for many people. But like others, I'd like to see the team aspect enable more interaction between all members of WISH. Best of both worlds.

Teams: To help facilitate this decision-making, I'd like all team members to take that extra step, go that extra mile (sorry, couldn't resist) to address concerns about the teams' effect. Talk amongst themselves, brainstorm, and have your representative make suggestions. Are you willing to be disbanded and reformed as a new group, starting new teams for an entirely new game with new teammates? If not a miles & minutes challenge, then what? People assigned to your roster or a join-at-will? What could you do to reach out to other WISHers? Etc.

Once teams have reached some sort of consensus, or a collection of ideas, could one person post them to this thread?
Thanks Tricia! I looked on the Teams thread and didn't see a captain listed for the Triple D's or I would have sent a pm to them. I'll wait to see if your team is cool with me joining. :)

Edited to add:

Hi Ducks! Here's my intro: I'm Liz, and I'm a 33 yr old stay at home mom to 4 boys. I started posting on the WISH boards about a year ago, when I began the C25K program...when I began my journey as a brand new runner (and consistent exerciser too). I was succesful with that and ran my first race, a 5K, last May, ran another 5K in October and then completed the WDW Half this year which was a dream come true! :) I have had some injuries/issues over the past year...knees, ankle, foot, and the biggest was I tore my Achilles last August ("micro-tear" my Dr. called it). That stopped my running for 6 weeks but I was able to get back into it and do the Half, thankfully.
Welcome Liz! I know you from the Donald thread.

I like the accountability of posting minutes and miles. I'll stick with the teams. That said, I'm back in the saddle....

Jan 1-7
160 minutes
11 miles

Jan 8-14
235 minutes
29.2 miles (races count double miles... sort of like double coupon days!)

I'm planning for the St Louis half April 11 and Chicago half on, I think, September 12. Then I may be back to WDW for the full in January. This is crazy talk!

Tricia, thanks for starting a new thread. I will stick around for another year, I think the weekly reporting is a good incentive. I have also not run since the half, my foot is still bothering me a bit. But I am out biking again, no problems with foot in that regard. I just got an email from about an inaugeral half in NYC this April, I may sign up for that. I will also continue with the duathlons, but the first one is not until April sometime. And will be back for the marathon weekend next year, I might move up to the full this year. I believe we did not start tracking miles until February last year, is that correct? Oh, I am also keeping track of time on the Cabot challange website, though that will be over in a little over a month I think.

And welcome Liz!
I just got an email from about an inaugeral half in NYC this April, I may sign up for that.

Hey, i was just mulling that one over myself!

Oh, and yes, i am just slipping in here as if I didnt totally vanish for the last few months of 2009.:rolleyes1

Welcome Liz!
Thanks song much for starting this thread!! I'm very happy to have Triple D's move forward into 2010.

Welcome Liz, we love new team members.

I'm away from home so can't post my miles/minutes for the past couple of weeks. They're very light anyway, I've been fighting a really rotten cold/cough and haven't been able to work out as much as I would have liked to.

I like the accountability of posting our weekly miles/minutes so I hope we continue with doing it. I'm still in, even if we don't keep track.

Yay Triple D's!!!
Bumping this up for other Triple D's to post - trying to get a roll call for 2010. We always welcome new and old members.

So far on this post I have noted the following members

Tricia - TnTsParty
Liz - liznboys
Ronda - Ronda93
Erica - Hey Mickey

I know there are more of us out there but some may not be on the message board at this time. If you would like to be a member of the Triple D's or are a member please let me know.
Put me in coach. I promise to be a better team member than I was last year.

I'm working on my "Kinder, Gentler" side these days. ;)
Wahoo! Looks like we have a team. :goodvibes
My hours/miles this month are pathetic...between work and a really rotten Winter Cold, I just have not been up to my usual workouts.

Weeks ending:
Jan. 7 105 minutes 5 miles
Jan. 14 115 minutes 3.5 miles
Jan. 21 195 minutes 10 miles
Hello Triple D's. I am sending a few new membes your way. They will be over soon to introduce themselves. So please give a warm welcome to:

Solar (Deb)
jusacuz (Jessica)
fairestoneofall (Emily)

Morning everyone.

My name is Deb (Solar on the board). I live in NJ and am 42. I started running in October - and am working to lose weight in the process as well. As for my Disney fix - I do Disney about 2-3x a year.

I started with the c25k - and am now working with the "Marathoning for Mortals" plan - preparing for my first 1/2 in March (Princess). I also signed up for 2 others this year, and am looking at the full in WDW.

I also belong to a running group (ROTE) - and they've really helped show me how to keep moving and believe in yourself. It's been a big piece of why I think I'm building my consistency - accountability.

I have been keeping a WISH journal for a couple of months now, and it's fun to see how far I've progressed. I look forward to checking in a couple times a week - and am a consistent poster. I've just come off a tailbone injury, and am back in the game and catching up to pace.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone, and thanks to Maura for helping me find a team.

Kindly, Deb (solar)
Hi everyone. I'm a former Buzzie checking in, looking forward to a fresh start with a new team. :goodvibes

I'm 34, married, mother of 4. I really have yet to take training & running seriously, even though I've done 4 half marathons. One of my goals this year is to be more dedicated to training so it won't be such a chore to finish a race.
Hi Triple D's,
I'm Joe from Ypsilanti, MI (cold up here), I'm new to WISH and running. I registered for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon this October and am really looking forward to it, especially after reading blogs and listening to podcasts devoted to the WDW marathon weekend earlier in the month.
Like I said I am new to running, the most I have run at one time is 2.5 miles back in my Air Force days, in my 20's, I'm 44 now. I have been working out a Bally's running on the track. I have been running 2 miles 4 times a week at about a 9:30 per mile pace. I am using a 15 week training schedule from the 2009 WDW half marathon that I downloaded. I am starting on the easy schedule and plan (feet willing) on moving up to the intermediate level by the end of February. I look forward to sharing my progress and hearing from every.
Hey Donalds! Thank you for the welcome!! Welcome to all other new members too! I'm excited to be part of this team! :donald:

My intro. is on the first page, but I will share my future plans: I'm already registered to do the WDW Half again next year. I loved it despite the rough weather this year. My time was 2:54:33 which is slow, but I chose to go slower for the first half of the race and really enjoy myself with my friend. We had a BLAST. After we got to Mile 7 I sped up because I really wanted to finish in under 3 hours. And I did, so I was thrilled with my race as a whole.

But next year I'd like to get a faster time. I'm going to do a 10K this year, probably in May, so I can get a proof of time to get in a higher corral. I'm thinking I'll try to finish the 10K in 65 minutes.

Other than that, there may be other 5K's that I'll do. My 10 yr old started running with me late last year and we did a 5K together at the Charlotte Airport (partly ON the runway) on Halloween-it was cool. So he will join me for some 5K's again. I had wanted to actually do a Half here in Charlotte on April 10th, however it doesn't look like I'll have the time to train. Bummer.

OH! And I'm doing the Virtual Vday 10K that Tricia planned!! :)

As for right now, I have to admit I have not run since the half, 2.5 weeks ago!! We had some big changes occur around here and my time has been limited, and I have to run with my 3 yr old in a jogging stroller. But, I planned to get out there early this week and this week has ended up being super busy. I think tomorrow morning I may be able to finally get out there. I am DYING to RUN!!! I am feeling my body crave it.

SamSam~ Hope you're feeling better!

Deb~ I did the C25K program last year, I love it. It made me a runner!

Jessica~ You and I are close in age and have 4 kids! How old are yours? My 4 boys are 10, 8, 5.5 and 3.5.

Joe~ I spent the first 19 years of my life in Michigan...mostly in the Kalamazoo/Portage area. After that I lived in Maryland for 12 years. And we've been here in North Carolina for 2 years now. I'd like to keep heading south. :)
A big duckie WELCOME!!!!! to all of you.

I haven't always been the most reliable poster or the best duckling, but followign in the footsteps of Big Vic, I am setting my goal to be a better team member this year than last year. This is a great place to come for soem encouragement, advice, a chuckle, or even a random movie quote....


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